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Name: Toledo, Breviana Jessel S.

Year&Course: BTVTED-GFD 2B1

ASSESSMENT TASKS/OUTPUTS 2. How can you help achieve the VMGO of our
1. State in your own words, the VMGO and Quality
Policy of Bicol University and be able to relate them - to  As a dedicated member of this university
your personal goals, and to your local and global community, I aspire to be a driving force in
community. fulfilling our shared vision. Through tireless
dedication to productive scholarship, I will delve
Bicol University isn't just a place I attend
into research and discovery, seeking solutions
classes; it's a crucible where I forge my future. The
that enrich not just my own knowledge, but also
university's vision of "A University for Humanity
the lives of those around me. My leadership will
Characterized by Productive Scholarship,
not be one of titles, but of unwavering integrity
Transformative Leadership, Collaborative Service, and
and empathy, inspiring others to embrace
Distinctive Character for Sustainable Societies,"
responsibility and become agents of positive
resonates deeply with me. It's not just a statement on a
change. Finally, I will actively seek out
wall; it's a blueprint for my own personal growth.
opportunities to collaborate and serve, bridging
The pursuit of productive scholarship isn't just the gap between academic pursuits and real-
about grades or accolades. It's about asking questions, world needs. Every action, every interaction,
diving deeper, and using knowledge to solve real-world will be guided by a deep commitment to
problems. Whether it's participating in research building a sustainable future where the well-
projects, volunteering my skills, or simply pushing being of our community thrives. In short, I am
myself to understand more, I strive to contribute to a not just a student within these walls; I am a
collective pool of knowledge that benefits everyone. partner in progress, eager to contribute my all
to the achievement of our university's VMGO.
Transformative leadership isn't about titles or
positions. It's about leading by example, inspiring others
to be their best selves, and advocating for positive
change. In every interaction, I strive to cultivate
empathy, integrity, and a sense of shared responsibility.
Whether it's leading a student group, mentoring a
junior, or simply speaking up for what's right, I aim to be
a catalyst for positive transformation.

Bicol University's call for collaborative service

resonates with my core values. I believe that serving
others isn't just a duty; it's a privilege. Whether it's
volunteering in the community, collaborating with
fellow students on social initiatives, or simply reaching
out to someone in need, I aim to build bridges, share
my skills, and contribute to a more compassionate

Distinctive character isn't just about good

manners or following rules. It's about cultivating critical
thinking, environmental consciousness, and a
commitment to ethical behavior. Every decision I make,
every action I take, is a reflection of the values I hold
dear. By striving for sustainability in my own life, I hope
to inspire others to do the same, contributing to a
future where everyone can thrive.

Being a BTVTED-GFD student at Bicol University

isn't just about earning a degree; it's about being part of
a legacy. By wholeheartedly adhering to university
rules, actively realizing our collective goals, and
exemplifying the values outlined in the VMGO, I aim to
not only excel in my academics but also become a
beacon of positive change within the BU community
and beyond. This commitment to embodying the
university's vision isn't just a personal ambition; it's a
promise to shape a better future for myself, my
community, and the world.

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