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selome, [May 1, 2023 at 10:14 AM]

As I approach the next phase in my educational journey, I reflect on my commitments

and the impact I hope to have on society. For me, education is more than just an
opportunity to gain knowledge or acquire new skills; it is a means to empower
myself and others. Throughout my high school tenure, I have prioritized my academic
growth while concurrently investing my energy and time into leadership roles,
volunteer work, and other pertinent activities. Through my experiences, I have
learned the importance of being committed, consistent, and well-rounded in all
aspects of life. As a girls' empowerment group co-founder, I have witnessed how
education can change perceptions, increase ambition, and inspire resilience. Our
group aims to instruct our peers about the significance of self-worth and
perseverance and how crucial it is to beat limitations imposed on women. I have
also had the honor of holding leadership positions where my fiduciary duties
included organizing meetings, creating lesson plans, and facilitating activities,
which have honed my organizational, communicative, and interpersonal abilities.
Moreover, participating as a Sunday school instructor has also challenged me to be
responsible, adaptable, patient, and understanding with my pupils. This role
brought countless opportunities to inspire children's faith and foster them toward
more significant aspirations. In addition to these leadership roles, I have
dedicated my free time to volunteering at a child development center and orphanage.
My duties ranged from playing with toddlers and newborns, assisting early childhood
educators, and working with underprivileged children on their homework. I sought to
make a substantial difference in each child's life. My commitment to my education
is not only about personal growth but rather leveraging my learning, talents, and
experience to serve my community. As an Article Writer for my counseling team, I
have used my writing skills to help demystify mental health communication, reducing
the stigma surrounding it and increasing awareness of the urgent challenges
resulting in poor mental health.
Regarding community service, I have learned that even the little things, such as
exploring practical ways to initiate change in our society, can make a tremendous
difference with ongoing work. By participating in extracurricular activities, I
have demonstrated the willpower to better myself academically and enhance my impact
on my community. Through these opportunities, I have honed skills that include
problem-solving, critical thinking, efficient communication, multitasking,
creativity, and different levels of responsibility. As I apply to college, I am
eager to continue my personal development journey and utilize my skills to
contribute as much as possible to my community. As our society continues to face
various challenges, from climate change to systemic inequality, individuals like me
must take part in finding solutions. Despite the challenges and obstacles, I am
dedicated to pursuing these interests further. This is just the beginning of the
many ways I can continue learning, growing, and positively influencing those around
My commitment to education and contributions to my community is unwavering. I
intend to take this dedication to college – a place I believe will provide
unlimited opportunities to learn, grow, and serve. With all my acquired skills and
experience, I believe I will make the best use of my education.

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