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06/12/2023, 13:00 The Tempest - Act I


The Tempest - Act I
30 Questions

1. Where was Ariel when the spirit was discovered by Prospero?

A Held within the bark of tree. B Imprisoned within an orb.

C Floating amongst the clouds of a storm. D Stuck in a cage.

2. Who did Prospero leave in charge of Milan while he was still the Duke?

A Prospero's daughter, Miranda. B Prospero's wife, the Queen.

C Prospero's cousin, Sebastien. D Prospero's brother, Antonio.

3. According to Act I of The Tempest, why does Ariel willingly serve Prospero and carry out his commands?

because Prospero uses magic to steal his because Prospero rescued him from imprisonment
willpower and force his obedience and could trap him again

because he mistakenly believes Prospero is his because he knows Prospero’s history and pities
father him

4. According to Act I of The Tempest, why have Prospero and Miranda turned against Caliban?

A because Caliban attacked Miranda B because Caliban tried to retake the island

C because Caliban is the child of a sorceress D because Caliban is malformed

5. According to Act I of The Tempest, which of the following events does Prospero bring about or plan to bring
about? Choose three options.

A to free Ariel permanently from his service B to achieve revenge against his brother Antonio

to repay Caliban for taking the island away from to drown Antonio, Sebastian, and the other
him passengers

to arrange a marriage between Ferdinand and

Miranda 1/6
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6. Aristocrats and commoners mix freely in Act I of The Tempest, both on the island and on board ship. Which
best describes the relations between the high-ranking aristocrats and the lower-ranking commoners?

Commoners speak their minds freely to aristocrats Aristocrats express only contempt and scorn for
as if equals. commoners.

Aristocrats and commoners avoid contact with one Commoners address aristocrats politely and
another. respectfully.

7. Which best explains why Caliban obeys Prospero’s orders in Act I of The Tempest?

because Caliban and Ariel have a secret plot because Caliban still hopes to win Miranda’s love
against Prospero

because Caliban wants Prospero to leave the because Caliban knows that Prospero can use
island magic to force obedience

8. Which of the following best characterizes Miranda as Shakespeare presents her in Act I of The Tempest?

A frivolous and silly B kind and compassionate

C deceitful and sly D studious and bookish

9. In The Tempest, Act I, what does Caliban most likely mean when he tells Miranda, “You taught me language,
and my profit on’t / Is, I know how to curse”?

He means that Miranda did not teach him to read He means that Miranda has taught him to despise
A or write, so being able to speak is of no use to him. B himself because he comes from a questionable

He means that Miranda has taught him useless He means that Miranda was a poor and unskilled
C skills, except that he can now insult his teachers. D teacher because he could not learn to speak

10. What trait usually marks a Shakespearean comedy?

A There is a clown other comic-relief character. B It ends with a marriage.

There are many puns and jokes. Characters confront the darkness of human
nature, but overcome it.

11. How does Caliban feel about being on the island?He longs for his escape from the deserted island.

A He is content with a land that is his own. B He longs for his escape from the deserted island.

He feels tortured by the loniless and lack of He feels happy that others have come to the
people. island.

12. How did Prospero and Miranda survive the journey to the island?

Pure good luck had brought the boat drifting safely The spirit Ariel turned into a gentle breeze and
to the island. blew the boat to land.

Prospero used his magic to sail their small boat to Gonzalo had kindly provided the boat with clothes,
safety. food, water, and supplies. 2/6
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13. How does Prospero feel about his treatment of Caliban?

He doesn't care about how Caliban feels. He feels saddened that Caliban does not respect

He feels justified in how he treats him. He feels happy that he has power over someone
as strong and powerful as Caliban.

14. When Prospero says ithat he has more commands for Ariel, Ariel protests:
Remember, I have done thee worthy service,
Told thee no lies, made thee no mistakings, served
Without or grudge or grumblings. Thou didst promise
To bate me a full year.

What does Ariel’s speech imply about the relationship between him and Prospero?

Prospero tolerates Ariel’s mischief and enjoys his Ariel believes he can rely on Prospero’s sense of
company. justice.

Prospero hopes to adopt Ariel into his family as his Ariel knows that he can turn to Prospero for
heir. comfort.

15. Why does Prospero bring Miranda to Caliban immediately before seeking out Ferdinand?

He wants to remind Caliban of what he can't have He wants to remind Caliban to do his chores.

He wants to give Miranda choices for her future. He wants Miranda to see what a "good" man looks

16. According to Act I of The Tempest, which of the following events does Prospero bring about or plan to bring
about? Choose three.

to turn over his rule of the island to Ferdinand to arrange a marriage between Ferdinand and

C to free Ariel permanently from his service D to achieve revenge against his brother Antonio

to repay Caliban for taking the island away from


17. A Shakespearean romance typically features an unrealistic plot. Which of the following aspects of the plot
that unfolds in Act I of The Tempest can best be described as unrealistic?

Ariel pleads with Prospero to give him his freedom. Prospero brings up Miranda on his own with love
and care.

Antonio betrays Prospero and drives him out of Ferdinand suggests marriage the moment he sees
Milan. Miranda.

18. Which character is annoyed with the royal family in the first scene of Act 1?

A The first mate B Gonzalo

C The boatswain D The master 3/6
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19. How is Prospero connected to the storm?

A He found out about the storm from his daughter B He created the storm to shipwreck his enemies

C He made the storm to impress his daughter D He was on the ship that was destroyed

20. All of the following is true about Prospero EXCEPT

A He is a father and brother B He is a former duke

C He is a magician D He is a close friend of the King of Naples

21. Miranda finds out from her father about all of the following EXCEPT

A Her father's former position in Milan B Her uncle's betrayal of her father

C Her mother's death D How Miranda and Prospero arrived at the Island

22. Which best shows the relationship between Prospero and Caliban?

Caliban thinks Prospero stole his place on the Caliban is his faithful servant

C Prospero's magic has no power over Caliban D Prospero hopes Miranda will marry Caliban

23. Prospero most often describes Gonzalo as:

A wicked B honest

C arrogant D smart

24. Who is Sycorax? More than one right answer.

A Prospero's daughter who lives on the island B A witch

C Caliban's mother D Someone who cursed Ariel's spirit into a tree

25. Ferdinand initially falls in love with Miranda due to:

A her beauty B Ariel's spell

C her intelligence D pressure from Prospero

26. At the beginning of scene ii, Miranda is upset with her father because:

A she is afraid of Caliban B she is afraid the mariners might be hurt on the ship

C she doesn't want to marry Ferdinand D she can't remember her past 4/6
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27. Prospero describes the loss of his dukedom to:

A his passion B his ignorance about politics

C his interest in reading and learning D his power

28. 12 years ago, Prospero and Miranda survive on the ship because _________ gave them supplies:

A Alonso B Gonzalo

C Antonio D Sebastian

29. Why does Caliban follow Prospero's orders?

A He likes Prospero B He threatens to kill him

C Prospero makes Caliban ill by using physical pain D He doesn't do what he wants

30. True or False: Prospero does not want Ferdinand and Miranda to marry.

A True B False 5/6
06/12/2023, 13:00 The Tempest - Act I

Answer Key

1. a 2. d 3. b 4. a

5. e, a, b 6. a 7. d 8. b

9. c 10. b 11. a 12. d

13. c 14. b 15. d 16. c, d, b

17. d 18. c 19. b 20. d

21. c 22. a 23. b 24. b, c, d

25. b 26. b 27. c 28. b

29. c, b 30. b 6/6

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