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PYQs related to Buddha and Buddhism

Solutions/ Explanations of PYQs

Listing of all important topics related to

Listing of Topics Buddhism relevant to UPSC Prelims/

Subdivision-1 Buddha

Subdivision-II Buddhism

PYQs Delhi UPSC Secrets Delhi UPSC Secrets

Note: The questions are not arranged sequence-wise.

Answers are given as per q. no with which the question
is marked.

Question no. Answer

01 B


Fourth Council convened in Kashmir under the patronage of


It resulted into division of all the Buddhists into two major sects

Sarvastivadins (popular in Kashmir and Mathura regions) and

Mahasanghikas together forming the Mahayanists (followers of
the Greater Vehicle)

Sthaviravadins and others forming the Hinayanists (followers of

the Lesser Vehicle);

Thus, Sthaviravadins is not part of Mahayana.

So, #1 wrong.

• The Mahasanghikas gave rise to the following sects:

1. Ekavyaharikas
2. Lokottaravadins
3. Kukkutikas
4. Bahusrutiyas
5. Prajnapativadins
6. Chaitya-sailas
7. Apara-sailas
8. Uttara-sailas.

So, #2 is right, hence answer "b".

Question no. Answer

02 C


Bodhisattva are part of the Mahayana/Vajrayana Tradition. They

are mentioned in the Mahayana literature called the Vaipulya
Sutra- written in Sanskrit

Inside the Vaipulya Sutra- Prajna Paramita is mentioned. Delhi UPSC Secrets Delhi UPSC Secrets

Question no. Answer

03 D Question no. Answer

Explanation 08 C

The Mahayana followers believe in idol or image worship of Explanation

Buddha. So 1 and 3 are correct.
Buddha was born in Lumbini, in the Kosala kingdom.Buddh died
The concept of Bodhisattva is the result of Mahayana Buddhism. in Kusinara, in Magadha kingdom.
So 2 is also correct. Avanti lay outside the area visited by buddha and was converted
to his teaching by his disciple Mahakaccana.
Gandhara is the western part of Pakistan & Afghanistan and
Question no. Answer Buddha never went to Pakistan.

04 C
Question no. Answer
09 C
Maitreya is the future Buddha, whose coming was said to have
been prophesied by the historical Buddha and who in years to Explanation
come, would purify the world with his teachings.
Tabo monastery and temple complex is in Spiti Valley and Alchi
Avalokitesvara (watchful lord), also called Padmapani (lotus- temple complex is in Ladakh.
bearer), whose attribute is compassion, which reaches down Lhotsava Lhakhang, Nako is in Himachal Pradesh. Zanskar Valley
even to Avichi, the lowest Buddhist purgatory. is in Jammu and Kashmir.

Loksesvara is also used as a synonym for Avalokitesvara.

Question no. Answer

Question no. Answer 11 A

06 A Explanation

Explanation The concept of Nirvana was originally explained by Lord Buddha

(566-486 BC). The word 'Nirvana' comes from the root meaning
This extraordinary mural painting survives 'to blow out' and refers to the extinguishing of the fires of greed,
from early medieval India, preserved in the hatred, and delusion.
interior of the rock-cut Buddhist monastery
of Ajanta. When these emotional and psychological defilements are
destroyed by wisdom, the mind becomes free, radiant, and joyful
The crowns depicted are the antecedents and he who has realized the Truth (Nirvana) is the happiest being
of those used in Buddhist ritual today by in the world. He is free from all complexes and obsessions. He
the Vajracharya priests in Nepal. does not repent of the past nor does he brood over the future.
He lives fully in present. He appreciates and enjoys things in life
in the purest sense without self projections. He is free from the
Question no. Answer thirst of becoming and the illusion of self.

07 B Buddhism explains Nirvana as a state of bliss or peace.

Question no. Answer
Sautrantikas and Sammtiyas as Buddhism sects. So the first
statement is wrong. 12 B
Sarvastivadin sect of Buddhism believes that all things exist, and
exist continuously, in the past and the future as well as in the
present. So the second statement is right.
Chaityas refer to the halls enclosing the stupas. Chaityas were
probably constructed to hold large numbers of devotees for
Viharas on the other hand are constructions built in ancient India
in order to provide resting places for the wandering Buddhist
monks. Delhi UPSC Secrets Delhi UPSC Secrets

Question no. Answer

Question no. Answer

13 B

21 D

The earth witness Buddha is one of the most common iconic Explanation
images of Buddhism. It depicts the
Buddha sitting in meditation with his left hand, palm upright, in Vasumitra and Ashavaghosh together presided over the fourth
his lap; and his right hand touching council.
the earth. This represents the moment of the Buddha's In this council, Buddhists were divided into Mahayanists and
enlightenment. Hinayanists.

Question no. Answer Question no. Answer

14 B 23 D

Explanation Explanation

Both Buddhism and Jainism denied the authority of the Vedas The Noble Eightfold Path is one of the principal teachings of the
and the efficacy of Rituals. Buddha, who described it as the way leading to the cessation of
suffering (Dukkha) and attainment of self-awakening. In
Buddhist symbolism, the Noble Eightfold Path is often
Question no. Answer represented by means of the Dharma wheel (Dharmachakra),
whose eight spokes represent the eight elements of the path.
17 B
The eightfold path includes right understanding, right speech,
Explanation right livelihood; right mindfulness, right thought, right action,
right effort, and right concentration.
Statement 1 is incorrect as most of the inscriptions of the Andhra
Ikshvaku period record either the construction of the Buddhist
viharas or the gifts made to them which shows that the Ikshvaku Question no. Answer
rulers of Southern India were supporters of Buddhism.
24 C

Question no. Answer Explanation

19 C Avalokiteévar a is a bodhisattva who embodies the compassion

of all Buddhas.
Explanation He is one of the more widely revered bodhisattvas in
mainstream Mahayana Buddhism. In Sanskrit, Avalokitesvara is
Vardhaman Mahavira's mother, Trishala was the sister (not the also referred to as Padmapäni ("Holder of the Lotus") or
daughter) of Lichchhavi chief Chetak. Lokesvara ("Lord of the World").

Question no. Answer Question no. Answer

20 B 25 B

Explanation Explanation

Pavarana is a Buddh ist holiday celebrated on the full moon of Both denied the authority of the Vedas and the necessity of
the eleventh lunar month. It marks the end of the month of performing sacrifices and rituals. Both of them were opposed to
Vassa, sometimes called "Buddhist Lent." animal sacrifices.

This day marks the end of the rainy season in some Asian
countries like Thailand, where Theravada Buddhism is practiced. Question no. Answer

On this day, each monk (Pali: bhikkhu) must come before the 28 D
community of monks (Sangha) and atone for an offense he may
have committed during the Vassa. Explanation

The Noble Eightfold Path is one of the principal teachings of the

Buddha Delhi UPSC Secrets

List of Important topics based on PYQ Delhi UPSC Secrets

Sects of Buddhism The site of his nativity is marked by the celebrated
Texts of Buddhism Rummindei Pillar of Asoka. As Maya died in child-
Mahayana Buddhism birth, Siddhartha was brought up by his aunt and
Buddhist Paintings and Art/ Important Locations stepmother, Prajapati Gautami.
Mahavira vs Buddha
Life of Buddha His other relatives were Suddhodhana (father),
Concept of Nirvana Yasodhara (wife), Rahula (son) and Devadatta
Buddhist Architecture (cousin).
Symbolization in Buddhism
Policies of contemporary rulers towards Buddhism The sight of an old man, a sick man, a dead body and
Buddhist Festivals an ascetic intensified Siddhartha’s deep hatred for
Buddhist Councils the world and made him realise the hollowness of
Eightfold path/ Basic doctrine worldly pleasures.
Confusion between Jainism and Buddhism - Similar
doctrines vs Differences. After the birth of his son, he left home at the age of
twenty nine in search of the Truth. This departure is
Notes known as the ‘Great Renunciation’

For six continuous years he lived as a homeless

Basic Advanced ascetic, seeking instruction under two Brahmin
religious teachers (the first was Alara Kalama who
taught him the technique of meditation at Vaisali,
and the second was Uddaka or Ramaputta who
taught him at Rajagriha) and visiting many places.
Life of Buddha Buddhism
Finding no satisfaction there he practised the
Life of Buddha severest penances, the most rigid austerities and
made fruitless efforts to find the Truth.
According to Jain tradition, Mahavira was born in 527 BC;
the Buddha was younger than Mahavira as he was born in He then gave up penances, took a bath in river
563 BC. Niranjana (modern Lilajan) and sat under a pipal tree
at modem Bodh Gaya.

Here at the age of 35, he attained unto supreme

knowledge and insight. Revelation came to him that
the Great Peace was within his own heart and he
must seek it there.

This is known as the Enlightenment (nirvana) and

since then he became known as the Buddha (the
Enlightened One) or tathagat (one who attained the

Then he proceeded to the deer park near Sarnath in

Gautama or Siddhartha, founder of Buddhism, was born in the vicinity of Banaras where he gave his first
563 BC in Lumbini (now in Nepal) in the Sakya Kshatriya religious discourse (dharmachakrapravartana) as a
clan of Kapilavastu. His mother was Maya, a princess of result of which five disciples joined him.
the neighbouring clan of the Koliyas.
After preaching for the next 45 years, he passed
away in 483 BC under a sal tree at Kusinagar in UP. Delhi UPSC Secrets

Shortly before his death Buddha lived in Pavapuri in the Delhi UPSC Secrets
hut of a poor smith named Chanda (Kanda), where he ate
bad mushrooms and pork, which allegedly caused his Vedas Rejected by Buddha
Animal sacrifice
Meaningless rituals
Buddha’s last teaching was heard by Subhadra, a Condemned
Caste system
wandering ascetic, and Ananda, his favourite disciple. Priestly supremacy

Personal beliefs Agnostic

The most renowned among the early converts to his
teaching were Sariputta and Moggallana, ascetics of
Rajagriha, who were converted by Assaji, one of the five
original disciples.

More famous among his followers were Ananda (his

cousin and chief disciple), Kassapa or Kasyapa (his most
learned disciple), Upali (the barber), and the rich youth

Kings like Prasenjit of Kosala and Bimbisara and Ajatasatru

of Magadha accepted his doctrines and became his

Channa (the charioteer), Kanthaka (his horse), Alara

Kalama and Sujata (the farmer’s daughter who gave him
rice milk at Bodh Gaya) were the other important ones.

Avoidance of two extremes of
practical life, namely, indulgence in
Madhyam Path
sensual pleasures on the one hand
and severe asceticism on the other

Salvation Not dependent upon social

Buddhism was more a social than

Overall religious revolution at time of

Nirvana Extinction of desire

Condition of man depends upon

Law of Karma
their own deeds

Re-birth Because of karma

Soul Did not believe in soul

'Pratitya Sam-utpada' doctrine
Further from this section, notes are mostly in Tabular Why? Says nothing can exist individually in
format in order to shorten them. Please read left to right itself (Dependent Origin)
and try to form the sentences in mind. They are expected 3 Fold All things are 'Composite'
to shorten the time it needs for revision. character of All things are hence 'Transient'
world All things are hence 'Soul-less'

Final truth Dukhamayi + Anitya + Anatman

Different from 'Nirvana' (Because

moksha relates to Soul) Delhi UPSC Secrets

Avoidance of two extremes of practical Delhi UPSC Secrets

life, namely, indulgence in sensual
Madhyam Path
pleasures on the one hand and severe Evolution of Buddhism
asceticism on the other

Buddha did not God, Nature of Soul, Philosophical Enlightenment of Budhha (528 BC)
discuss questions First two councils

Anatta State of Soullessness Spread Spread of Buddhism in eastern India

Soul in Composite of 5 Anitya (Khanda/ Conversion of Asoka to Buddhism

Buddhism Skanda) Third Buddhist council
Sending of Missionaries
Theory of dependent origin Royal patronage lost in east India
Support obtained from Merchant class
Karma Similar to Hinduism Donation to Barhut, Sanchi, Karle caves
Form and matter (rupa) Sunga Development of Gandhara art
Sensations or feelings (vedana) Kanva Spread in North-west and south India
5 Skandas Perceptions or understanding (sanna) period Adoption by Satavahanas
Psychic disposition or will (samkhara) Buddhist centres of Amaravati and
Consciousness (vinnana) Nagarjun konda
18 Sects of Buddhism

Sangha 4th council

Spread in China and central Asia via silk
Kanishka route
Bhikshus Disciple monks
Mahayana Buddhism development
Upasika Lay worshippers Practice of Idolism began
Sangha Congregation of Monks only Individual patronage continued
Gupta Royal patronage ended
Objective Spreading Buddhism
period Fahien shared his experiences
Open to all, healthy, of age >15 Kumargupta 1 and Nalanda period
No caste restrictions
Royal patronage regained
Membership Debtors, King's servants, Robbers etc
Decline of Buddhism
were refused admission Harsha
Huien Tsang testified ruins of Buddhist
Women (requested by Ananda)
Ashadha End of rainy season (Full moon day)
Huna invasions
Vasa Habitation of Monks during rainy season Brief revival under Palas (800-900 AD)
Decline Vikramshila university (Dharmapala)
They stayed in Monk caves or Villages
phase Complete decline after Turkish invasions
Confession ceremony of monks after Destruction of Buddhist centres by
their stay period during rains (If they Bakhtiyar Khalji (1198 AD)
committed any offenses)

Leadership Democratic Buddhist Centres

Presidents of
Sanghathera or sanghaparinayaka

Dhamma leader
Other leaders
Vinaya leader

Jnapati Formal moving of resolutions

Salaka Ballot voting by wooden sticks

Oaths administrated by President

Admission in
Apprentice under another Monk
Formal proposal by senior monk

Not enforced in seating order etc

Seniority in
New monks and women were not
permitted to vote Delhi UPSC Secrets Delhi UPSC Secrets

Use space for notes: Delhi UPSC Secrets

Buddhist Councils Delhi UPSC Secrets

Period Location Presided by Outcomes

Purpose was to maintain purity of Buddha's teachings

Sattapani Composition of Sutta Pitaka (Budda's sayings) by Ananda
483 BC Caves Vinaya Pitaka (Monastic code) by Upali
(Under Kalasoka)
(Rajgriha) Pitaka means Basket (Original texts composed on palm leaves and
kept in Baskets)

Controversy solution between Vajji monks and Orthodox

Failure to reach agreement
383 BC Vaishali (Under
Division into Sthavira-din (Theravids) and New Mahasanghika
(Mahayanas later)

Maintain purity of Sangha

Expulsion of Heretics
Mogaliputta Tissa
Authority of Theravid buddhism established
250 BC Pataliputra (Upagupta)
Final edition of Tri-pitakas (Sutra, Vinaya + Abhi-dhamma Pitaka)
(Under Asoka)
Abhidhamma pitaka = Philosophy of Sutra and Vinaya Pitaka
Missionaries were sent to various parts after this council

Asvaghosa wrote Buddha-Charitra

Solution between 18 sects of Buddhism
Vasumitra & Division of major sects in final 2 sects (Theravid and Mahayana)
100 AD Ashvaghosa Codification of Sarva-stivadin doctrines as Maha-vibhasha (Copper
(Under Kanishka) plate inscriptions)
Change of language from Pali to Sanskrit
Spread of Buddhism to central Asia and China

Sects Main Points

Kashmir Second Council First division (Sthaviravadins and
(Vaishali) Mahasanghikas)

Fourth Council
Mahayan and Theravid/ Hinayana

Vajrayanis (Vehicle of
Pataliputra 800 AD
Vaishali After the death of the Buddha new subdivisions
Rajgriha gradually came into being, as many as eighteen sects
appeared out of the original two groups
RVPK (Sthaviravadins and Mahasanghikas) by the time of
the Third Council.

Vasumitra’s book on ‘Eighteen Sects’ indicates the

emergence of the different sects.

Mahasanghika Sects

Ekavyaharikas Chaitya-sailas

Lokottaravadins Apara-sailas

Kukkutikas Uttara-sailas

Bahusrutiyas Prajnapativadins Delhi UPSC Secrets

Sthavira-vadins Sects Delhi UPSC Secrets
Sautrantikas or Sammatiyas
Sankrantivadins Haimavatas Sect Name Mahasanghikas
Sarvastivadins Shannagarikas Buddha seen as Superhuman
Vatsiputriyas Mahisasakas Important figures Bodhisattvas
Dharmottariyas Dharmaguptikas Considered of less importance
Bhadrayanikas Kasyapiyas or Suvarshakas Arhats than Bodhisattvas
Subject to retrogression
Pali sources mention six other sects—the Haimavatikas,
Bodhisattvas Also known as 'Stropannas'
Rajagirikas, Siddhatthikas, Pubbaseliyas, Aparaseliyas, and
Vajiriyas. Name given to Mahasanghika
Andhrakas followers settled in Eastern
Most important Sects to read in brief ghats

Sect Name Sthavira-vadin

Literature language Pali Arhats Vs Bodhisattvas

Theravid or Sthaviravadins Arhats Bodhisattvas

Other names Vibhajjavada ("Doctrine of
Arhats are enlightened Bodhisattvas are beings
Founded by Maha-Kachhayana beings who have who seek enlightenment
Origin place Avanti attained nirvana, or for the benefit of all
liberation from sentient beings and vow
Buddha described as God of gods (Devatideva) suffering, by following to remain in the cycle of
Human being with human the Noble Eightfold rebirth until all beings
Another description Path. are liberated.

Anatman, Anitya, Dukha Arhats focus on their Bodhisattvas actively

Philosophy of the sect
Only present is real own liberation and do engage in
not engage in activities compassionate actions
to help others attain to help others attain
enlightenment. enlightenment.

Sect Name Sarvasti-vadins

Arhats do not take a Bodhisattvas take a vow
Closely related to Sthavira-vadins vow to help others to help others achieve
achieve enlightenment. enlightenment.
Culminated into Mahayana sect

Vaibashika, from Bodhisattvas work

Other names Mahavibasa Shastra, towards the attainment
Arhats do not work
"Textbook of Explanation" of Buddhahood, the
towards the attainment
highest state of
Central idea Sabbam Atthi (All exist) of Buddhahood.
awakening, in order to
Root Samyuktta Nikaaya help all sentient beings.
Nature Realist
Bodhisattvas are seen
All things exist continuously Arhats are seen as as having achieved a
in past, present and future having achieved a more altruistic goal of
Spread by Vasubandhu personal goal of helping all sentient
liberation from beings achieve
Book name Abhi-dharma-Kosha suffering. liberation from
Patronised under Kanishka suffering.

Region Kashmir and Gandhara

Another name of this

school Delhi UPSC Secrets

Later development in Hinayana & Mahayana: Delhi UPSC Secrets

Hinayan/ Theravid followers believed in the original
teachings of the Buddha, and sought individual salvation
through self-discipline and meditation. Unlike the
Mahayanists, they did not believe in idol worship.
However they did worship the symbols. It was
popularized in Ceylon, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, and

Mahayana Buddhism:

Origin period 100-200 AD

Objective Salvation for All

Heavenly Buddha
Introduced Bodhisattvas
Final doctrines of Buddhism Doctrine of 3 bodies in Mahayana Buddhism:

7th Buddha
Theory 'Trikaya'
Gautama Earlier ones:
Buddha (1) Vipasyi, (2) Sikhi, (3) Visvabhu, Meaning Three bodies of Buddha
considered to be (4) Krakuchchhanda, (5)
Body of Essence
Kanakamuni, and (6) Kasyapa
Dharmakaya Ultimate Buddha
Nigali Sagar edict of Asoka referring Also identified with 'Nirvana'
to enlargement of a stupa erected in
Body of Bliss
Evidences honour of Kanakamuni Sambhogakaya
Which makes the Nirmanakaya
5 Buddhas represented in Barhut
(Except Sikhi) Body of Magic Transformation
Nirmanakaya This body lived as Siddhartha
Maitreya Future Buddha
Gautama as per Mahayana belief

Major Bodhisattvas of Mahayana Buddhism: Subschools of Mahayana Buddhism:

Means: Boundless Light Doctrine of Middle path/

Guardian of the west Emptiness
Established a pure land 'Sukhavati' Founded by Nagarjuna
Has a consort named 'Pandara' Madhyamika Taught that world is illusionary
School/ and in fact there is only emptiness
Means: Watchful lord
Shunyavad Followers are also known as
Also called Padmapani (Lotus bearer)
Quality: Compassion
Founding text is 'Madhyamika
Avalokitesvara Established heaven: Akanishta
Consort: Tara
He has a female form in Japan and Doctrine of Consciousness/ Yoga
China Founded by 'Maitreyanatha'
According to it the whole universe
Means: Charming
exists only in the mind of the
Represents Wisdom aspect
Manju-shri Vigyanavad/ perceiver
keeps a naked sword
Yogachara/ Many famous followers were:
Destroys error and falsehood
Asanga (Wrote Sutralankara in
Means: Illuminated 400-500 AD), Vasubandhu
Represents: Dharmakaya aspect (Younger brother of Asanga),
Guardian of the centre Dignaga, Dharmakirti
Consort: Marichi

Means: Instantly Auspicious

Samanta Called: Chakrapani
Bhadra Appears in 'Gandha-Vyuha sutra' as
Altruistic monk who taught Sudhana Delhi UPSC Secrets

Hinayana Vs Mahayana: Delhi UPSC Secrets

Hinayana Mahayana
Buddhist Texts:
Firm to Buddha's Followed the essence of Pali-Canonical-Texts:
teachings teachings
Language Pali
Sangha was the
Individual as a centrepoint
centrepoint Canonical (Religious, Principle
Main language was Pali Sanskrit used mainly
Period 350-90 BC
Scriptures were 'Tri-
'Sutras' as Scriptures
Pitakas' Collection Tri-Pitakas

Salvation via individual 350 BC

Salvation via Faith
works Buddhist Canonical Law
Vinaya Pitaka Law of Monastic discipline
Centered around
Centered around life and Contains 'Mahavagga' and
Symbolism of life and
acts of Gautama buddha 'Chullavagga' sections
personality of Buddha
300 BC
Righteous action and law Compassion and law of
Consists 5 Nikayas
of Karma as pillars Karuna as pillars
Sutta Pitaka Deals with Universe, Rebirth,
Arhat as main ideal Bodhisattva as main ideal Ascetism and various philosophical
Vajrayana Buddhism Main points:
Same subjects as Sutta Pitaka
Origin 5th century AD Famous book: Dhamma-sangani
Katthavatthu (Vinnanapada)
Meaning Vehicle of Thunderbolt Pitaka
written by Mogaliputta Tissa (3rd
Magico-religious rites to attain coucil president)
The 5 Nikayas of Sutta Pitaka:
Also known as Tantrika-Buddhism
Dealing with topics such as the
Reported by Hiuen Tsang in 7th century origin of the universe, rebirth,
Branches Dakshinchakra and Vamachakra asceticism, miracles, nirvana,
Digha Nikaya heresy, condemnation of caste, and
Right hand branch an account of Buddha’s last
Dakshinachakra Famous in China and Japan speeches and his death and the
Masculine divinity funeral ceremonies
Left hand branch Dealing with the relation of Buddha
Vamachakra Initial branch of Vajrayana to the Jainas and other religious
Feminine branch systems of the day, various forms of
Guhyasamaja and the Manjusri asceticism, and a long enumeration
Texts Mulakalpa of criminal and oral offences such
Saraha’s Dohakosa as theft, robbery, adultery and the
consequent punishments for them
Salvation could be best attained by
Main belief acquiring magical power, which they Discusses Buddhist doctrine, and
called vajra (thunderbolt or diamond) Samyutta- includes riddles and aphorisms,
nikaya ballads in mixed prose and verse
Bengal, Bihar, Eastern India and many sayings of Buddha
Popular in Spread to Tibet under patronage of
'Pala' kings Anguttara- Collection of sermons arranged in
nikaya (or ascending numerical order,
Ekottara- enumerating doctrines and
nikaya) principles

Anthology of smaller pieces,

Khuddaka- comprising fifteen books of
nikaya miscellanea which are essential for
an understanding of Buddhism Delhi UPSC Secrets

Pali Non-Canonical-Texts: Delhi UPSC Secrets

Bactrian Greek, Kushana

Period Causes for Popularity and Decline
Devoted to Mahayana Buddhism
of Buddhism:
Questions of Milinda (Menander) to
Buddha Non-indulgence in metaphysical discussions.
How the sage Nagasena converts the
(130 BC)
Bactrian Greek king Menander It did not attach any importance to the existing varna
(Milinda) to Buddhism system.
'Great Subject'
Presents some Hinayana doctrines Admission of women to the Sangha also swelled its
along with additional metaphysics of ranks (Gautami, the widowed step-mother of
(75 BC)
the Mahasanghika (proto-Mahayana) Buddha, was the first Buddhist nun).

Anonymous biography of Buddha The use of Pali, the language of the people.
written in the Gatha (Sanskritized
Prakrit) form of language Its adoption by the monarchies of Magadha, Kosala,
Kausambi and several republican states in the initial
Island Chronicle’, of unknown
Dipavamsa authorship, which speaks of
period, and by Asoka, the Indo-Greeks, Kushanas,
(350 AD) introduction of Buddhism into Ceylon by Harsha and Palas in the later period.
Asoka’s son Mahinda
Composed by the monk Mahanama Reform of Brahmanism and the rise of Bhagavatism.
Mahavamsa and based on a lost work, which tells the
(550 AD) same story in greater details giving the
Giving up the use of Pali and taking up the use of
island’s history up to 350 AD
Sanskrit by the Buddhists from the first century AD.
Sanskrit Texts:
Practising idol-worship and receiving offerings and
Period 2-6th century AD huge donations, leading to deterioration in moral
Nature Translations of Mahayana texts

Nagarjuna 100 AD, Founder of Madhyamika school Attacks by the Hunas (fifth and sixth centuries AD)
100 AD, Author of Buddhacharitra and and Turkish invaders (12 th century AD).

Asanga + Art and Architecture:

500 AD, Founders of Yogachara school
Vasubandhu Buddhist architecture developed essentially in three
Pranja- Collection of sutras dealing with forms, viz.
Paramita 'Shunyavada' (i) Stupa (a domical structure in which the relics
of the Buddha or some prominent Buddhist
‘The Lotus of the Good Law’, also called
Saddharma- the Lotus Sutra, has been described as monk are preserved; hence some kind of a
puhdarika (250 the Bible of half-Asia. It is of unknown tomb),
AD) authorship and is the most important of (ii) Chaitya (a temple or a shrine with a prayer
all the sutras. hall), and
Main doctrine taught in this sutra is that
(iii) Vihara (a monastery or residence of monks).
of ‘interpenetration’; everything in the
world being interpenetrated by Some example are: (i) first human statues to be
everything else worshipped; (ii) stone-pillars depicting the life of the
Buddha at Gaya, Sanchi and Bharhut; (iii) Gandhara
Gandha-Vyuha A part of the Avatamsaka Sutra
art and the beautiful images of the Buddha; (iv) cave
architecture in the Barabar hills at Gaya and in
western India around Nasik; (v) art pieces of
Amaravati and Nagarjuna Konda; and numerous
other works and sites. Delhi UPSC Secrets Delhi UPSC Secrets

Policies of various dynasties: Important Mudras in Buddhism:

Policy towards Mudra Name Description
Palms joined together at the heart
Maurya Empire (321-185 BCE) Support Anjali Mudra center, representing respect and
Gupta Empire (320-550 CE) Support
It is a gesture of meditation and is
Kushan Empire (30-375 CE) Support Dhyana Mudra commonly used in statues of
Huna Kingdom (c. 6th century CE) Oppose
It symbolizes discussion, teaching,
Maukhari Dynasty (c. 6th-7th century Vitarka Mudra
Oppose and transmission of knowledge.
It represents fearlessness,
Gurjara-Pratihara Empire (c. 6th-11th Abhaya Mudra
Mixed protection, and peace.
century CE)
It represents the moment when
Rajputs (c. 7th-12th century CE) Mixed Bhumisparsha
Buddha attained enlightenment and
called upon the earth to witness it.
Palas of Bengal (c. 750-1162 CE) Support
It represents charity, compassion,
Varada Mudra
Satavahanas (c. 230 BCE-220 CE) Support and generosity.

Pallavas (c. 275-897 CE) Support It represents dispelling of negativity

and warding off evil spirits. It is
Karana Mudra
Cholas (c. 300 BCE-1279 CE) Mixed often used in Buddhist rituals and
Kadambas of Banavasi (c. 345-525

Chalukyas (c. 543-753 CE) Mixed

Rashtrakutas (c. 753-982 CE) Mixed

Pala Empire (c. 750-1162 CE) Support

Kalinga Dynasty (c. 3rd century BCE-

4th century CE)

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