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June 2022

This Detailed guide is prepared to help students in securing admissions

for fully funded PhD studies in Italian Universities

This guide is for PhD. Follow the following guide for BS and MS. The process is different

Why Italy:

§ A huge number of scholarships: Italian universities offer over 18,000 fully funded PhD
positions every year. International students are eligible for 99% of them. PhD positions
related to defence industries and supported by city governments are reserved for
European citizens.

§ PhD Program in English: Most PhD programs are offered in English (90%). Many
programs even offer Italian do hire international students. But they require you to learn
the Italian language during your studies.

§ Top-ranked universities: The majority of the universities in Italy are among the top 600
universities in the World. Even smaller or less known universities are among the top 1000
Universities in the World.

§ There is no need to contact the professor for acceptance: There is no requirement to

contact the professors for an acceptance letter. Earlier communication with professors
might be useful but not required.

§ Possibility to work on your own project: Students are encouraged to work on their own
area of interest, but if you prefer, you can join an existing project (depending on the

§ Simplest documents needed: only 07 documents are needed to apply for PhD positions in
Italy. Furthermore, once prepared, documents can be used to apply to all universities in
Italy. So no need to change documents every time.
§ Low CGPA: Students with low CGPA can get admission as well.

§ No Publication: Students with no publications and no research in Masters can also get the

§ Study Gap: The study gap is no problem in Italy.

§ Change of Field: You can easily change research direction and department in Italy.
Multidisciplinary research is encouraged in Italy.

§ On-time PhD completion: Most of the students in Italy complete their PhD within the
allocated time. On-time completion is very rare in the US, Australia, Germany etc.

§ No IELTS/GRE: 99% of the universities do not require IELTS and GRE

§ Application Fee: Many universities still do not require any application fee.

§ Exchange Opportunity: During PhD in Italy, students are required/encouraged to have a

study exchange abroad (Funded by your Italian University).

§ 100% visa success: Visa for PhD students in Italy is almost guaranteed. No rejection

List of Documents

q Research proposal (Most important document)

Italian professors are interested in innovative and future-looking research proposals.

Officially up to 40% weightage is given to your research proposal, but in my experience,
75% is your research proposal, and 25% are other documents. Sometimes universities
provide you the format (strictly follow it) if not provided, 5-6 page proposal is enough.

your research proposal should have

● Abstract
● Introduction and literature review
● Problem statement/research question
● Methodology
● Expected results
● Possible publication
● Gantt chart
● References

Follow this post to identify a good research topic if you still dont have one

q CV in Europa format

Create the CV in EUROPA format using the following link. You can download the CV in
PDF format at the end

q Motivation letter

- Should not be longer than 500 words in any case

- Use Times New Roman with 12pts font and justified alignment with 1.5 line

- Ideally, four paragraphs 1. Introduction 2, Background 3. Relevance 4. Closing

This session by Dr Ammar Tufail discuss the Ins and outs of a good motivation letter

q Educational Documents

- Properly scanned documents from both sides (some universities need backside
also) in JPG and PDF format. Please Please do not use a mobile scanner. Instead,
use a proper scanner.

q Identity document (Passport)

- Properly scanned 1st and signature page of the passport. Also, you will be asked to
show your passport before the start of the interview. So keep it with you during
the interviews as well.
q English proficiency certificate (IELTS will be good but not compulsory)

q Two recommendation letters (Obtain a generic one and use the same in all

- Do not plagiarize your recommendation letters

- Make letters personalized by aiding details instead of writing generic ones.

here we had some discussion about a good recommendation letter

q Copy of publications (Optional)

- Some universities may ask you to submit only abstracts and some full. Also, the
abstract of your masters' thesis is required by some universities.

Important Pro Tip:

How to rename your documents. It is very useful and good idea to name your documents
properly so it helps reader understand what these documents are.

How to send messages to someone for help. Please read this before sending messages to seniors for help
How to find and apply for Italian PhD Positions

Step 1

Join Pakistan Scholarships League Facebook group and follow the posts related to Italian PhD
opportunities. You can follow Faisal Rasool’s post for universities and admission calls opening.
Search the posts using #phditaly

Join Scholarship Network Facebook group and follow the posts related to Italian PhD
opportunities. Follow Waqar Baig’s posts with the name of Italian Rainfall Scholarship.

Alternatively follow the below procedure.

Go to the following link (Use Google Chrome for best results)

1. If the page does not automatically translate into English, click on the Google symbol. If it
does not work, right-click anywhere on the page and select "Translate to English" (Below
image). If, for some reason, this does not work also. Install google translate plugin for
chrome (Shown in the circle in the image above)

2. Select "Open" or "Aperti" from the "Situation" tab on this page to see all open PhD Positions
in Italy (shown in the above image).

Tip: almost 98% of the PhD positions available in Italy are advertised here. So this is a
good database for Italian PhD Opportunities
Step 2

Scroll on the page and review open calls from universities. Some universities post just one link
for all open positions, and others post separate links for individual departments.

Tip1: You can select the most recently posted or the earliest deadline call from the link.
(Highlighted in below image)

Tip2: Though you can select field wise calls but would not recommend it as many calls are
not properly inserted, and there is a possibility of missing relevant opportunities
(Highlighted in the above image "Area Disciplinare.").

Step 3

Click on the relevant call and read the details.

Tip1: Some universities provide a direct link to call others general website of the university.
If a general website, look for the research section and in that PhD section and from there
you can find relevant calls.

Tip2: Some PhD positions, especially related to the defense industry, are only available to
European nationals. Please make sure to check this is not the case for your desired
program (less than 1% of available positions)

Tip3: There are also some PhD positions only for children of government employees or
company employees or to the residents of a city. Make sure you are not applying for that
program (less than 1% of available positions). Highlighted section in the below picture.
Others mean all countries are eligible.

Step 4

1. Go to the call page, read the call page, and understand the deadlines and process of
application submission.

2. Read the call in full detail and read if additional certificates and annexes needs to be filled.


4. All answers related to the selection criteria and when and where the results will be announced
will be mentioned in the call.
5. Check if the fee needs to be paid for the application. If the fee is required, it should be paid.
There is no exception for this.

6. Some universities or departments require students to appear in person for the interview/test.
Check the details before paying the fee. There is no exemption for this if mentioned in the
call, and you will waste your money and time.

Tip1: In most cases, universities don't email you the results; instead, the results are posted
on the university website. Make sure you read the call when and where the results will be
posted. Make a list of the universities you apply to and input reminders on your mobile or
laptop. So you don't miss the opportunities. There are no exceptions in Italy if you miss the
date, it is your problem.

Tip2: Some universities exempt international students from paying the application fee.
Take advantage of these universities. Details are always available in the call.

Tip3: If the call is in Italian, use Google Translate to translate the whole PDF document
into English. (Below image)

Step 5
Apply as per instructions of the university.

Tip: Do not wait until the last date. In many cases, the systems are overloaded on last dates, and
students cannot submit applications on the last date.

Watch the following video where I applied to one university live and explained different processes of the

Step 6
Appear in an interview.

Tip1: Make sure you have good internet and lighting for the interview.

Tip2: You need to have your passport or ID card with you. The university will ask you to show your
identification document before starting the interview.
Tip3: Usually, all students are asked to come online simultaneously when time is announced.
(Interview will happen from (9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, you are expected to be online for the whole
duration and committee can call you at any point during this time for interview)

Watch the following video to understand the basic questions that Italian professors ask during the
interview. The focus is on your research proposal.

FAQs About Italian PhD

1. How much is funding?

1200 Euro per month (after social security contribution). Some universities provide additional
funding/benefits such as free food, free accommodation, and additional cash. Call have this

2. How much are monthly expenses in Italy?

The most expensive item in Italy is accommodation. The accommodation is expensive in bigger
cities like Rome, Milan or Florence. A single room in a shared apartment at a reasonable location
will be around 350-500 euros per month. Accommodation in smaller cities like Palermo,
Messina or Caserta is cheaper 150-350 euro per month. If you are tight on budget, you can live in
shared rooms (multiple people in one room). You can find one in Rome for as low as 130 euros
per month.

The groceries in general in Europe are cheaper. If you prepare meals in the home, the maximum
will be 150 euro per month (eating meat every day). Eating out is very expensive. Other
expenses may be 50 euros depending on your lifestyle.

Please note that cost of living is rising globally and Italy is facing an 8% inflation rate. This will
definitely lead to higher cost of living. We have to wait to know the exact cost until the dust

3. Can I send money home from the bursary I receive?

Yes, you can. Wise, Western Union and ACE are some of the most reliable apps for sending
money home.

4. How much funding for research?

In the majority of the universities, students are allowed to use up to 1500 euros per year for
research expenses like conference fees and travel. Additional money is made available when

5. When the admission session will start?

Every university announces its admission process on its own timeline. Generally, the universities
announce admissions starting from February until September. Generally, the session for PhD in
Italy starts on 1st November. However, some universities do start the session in September.

6. How many intakes per year in Italy for PhD?

There is only one intake in Italy called cycle. In 2022 XXVIII Cycle will be inducted. But some
universities do announce additional PhD positions starting from September (that they could not
fill in earlier call or received additional funding) that start from January and, in some cases, till
April. But the name of the cycle will remain the same.

7. How many universities in Italy offer fully funded PhD opportunities?

The number of universities offering fully funded PhD opportunities is close to 100.

8. Do I need to apply separately for the scholarship, or my application will be considered


In most cases, you have to select the box that you want for scholarship as well during the
application process. If there is no box to tick during the application, you will be automatically
considered for a scholarship. There is no separate form to fill out for a scholarship.
9. I am from ABC or XYZ field. Are there opportunities for me?

PhD opportunities are available in every field in Italy. Focus on research instead of department
name. For example, instead of trying to find the department of Space Engineering, focus on
departments that might be interested in your research (Mechanical, Telecommunication, IT etc.)

10. I have done a master's in the ABC field, but I want to PhD in the XYZ field. Is it

Yes, the previous degree title is not important in Italy. You have to write a good proposal and
convince the selection committee that you are a good fit for this research and possess all the
necessary skills needed to carry out research in the new department.

11. I have X number of years gap. Can I apply? I am XX years old. Can I apply

Yes, you can apply. In Italy, the gap is no problem. In many cases, experience is valued. There is
also no upper or lower age limit in Italy for admission in PhD.

12. I am waiting for the results. Can I apply?

Every university has criteria for when you should complete your degree. For the majority of
universities, it is 31st October. But some universities have an earlier deadline. The details are
available in the call. You need to upload your hope certificate or whichever document your
university issues for this purpose.

13. My Master's degree was by coursework, and I did not do any research. Can I apply?

Yes, you can. Write a good research proposal

14. I don't have any publications. Can I apply?

Yes, you can. Write a good research proposal. Publications are not as valuable as a research
proposal in Italian universities.
15. I have a low CGPA. Can I apply?

Yes, you can. CGPA is not a very important factor in selection in Italian Universities.

16. Do I need to get an acceptance letter from a professor?

No, the acceptance letter is not required. But it is always a good idea to keep in touch with the
professors and discuss your research.

17. I have no work experience. Am I eligible?

There is no requirement for work experience in Italy for PhD Studies.

18. Do I need IELTS/GRE?

The majority of the universities in Italy do not require IELTS or GRE, but having these will add
value to your application.

19. The deadline for the application was XXX date, but I missed the deadline. Will the
university still accept my application?

No, Italian universities are very strict about rules, and there is no flexibility in announced
deadlines unless announced by the university. Often, the university system is overloaded on the
last date, and students cannot upload documents. Therefore, please apply well in advance.

20. There is an application fee of XXX amount. Can it be waived?

No, Italian universities don't change rules for one student. You have to pay the fee.

21. How to pay the application fee?

You need to pay the fee using a debit/credit card. Often Pakistani banks require you to open
online banking sessions before online shopping. Follow bank instructions on doing that (App or
call centre). You can also use your friends or family member card if you don't have your own
card. Some universities require you to transfer the fee as well. Again, check with your bank on
how to do that.

22. My friend lives in Italy. Can he submit my application in-person to the university?

Almost no university requires you to send physical documents. You just need to upload these

23. The application process need me to upload DOV. What is DOV, and how to get it?

"Dichiarazione di Valore" or "Declaration of value" is a document certifying your qualification is

equivalent to an Italian qualification. For getting admission to PhD a minimum of 17 years of
education is required. DOV is not required from students with the last degree from the EU. The
DOV is issued by the Italian Embassies Abroad. For Pakistan, it is issued by the embassy along
with the Visa. if they are asking at application stage, then simply prepare a word file and write
down that you will provide it after securing admission and upload it.

24. I did XYZ technical degree. Am I eligible for Italian PhD studies?

The rule of thumb is that if HEC will provide you with an equivalence certificate for MS, the
Italian embassy will also issue you DOV. But if HEC does not recognize your qualification
equals to MS, you are not eligible.

25. Do all students require DOV? When do you need it?

In the majority of the cases, DOV is required at the time of enrollment (at the time of arrival in
Italy). However, some universities do waive this requirement. But for issuance of Visa from
Pakistan. An official letter from the university is required that clearly mention the university
waives that requirement.

26. Is there any alternative document of DOV?

You can obtain a certificate of compatibility from CIEMA if your university accepts it. So check
with your university before applying for this document if they will accept this document. This is
also the best option for the students who will apply for Visa from Pakistan but completed their
masters abroad.

27. How to get DOV?

Get attested all your educational documents (from metric till MS) attested from MOFA and then
get them translated from an approved translator. The list of approved translators with phone
numbers is available on the Italian embassy website. Then submit these translated documents
along with your visa documents and original educational documents with your visa application.

A current list can be accessed here:

28. What documents do I need to attest and translate while applying to Italian universities?

You do not need to attest or translate any documents at the application stage if your degree is in
English. However, if any university requires you to translate documents in Italian, you can
translate using google translate at this stage. You will be required to attest and translate
documents during the visa process after you secure the admission.

29. The application wants me to upload the XYZ annex, self-certification, or XXZ form?
What is it, and where to get it?

The required forms are always given in the application package or on the university website.
Download them and fill them.

30. Do I need to print the documents and sign them, or I can sign them digitally?

The digital signatures are not accepted. In theory, you must print, sign and scan your documents
before uploading. But there are many ways you can paste your signature on the document that
looks like you followed the procedure.
31. My professor is refusing to give me recommendation letters. Can I apply without a
recommendation letter?

No, You must upload the recommendation letters. The majority of universities require two
recommendation letters, but some require three.

32. From whom should I get recommendation letters?

The ideal situation would be to get recommendation letters from the Dean, Head of Department
or full professors. But if you can not, then recommendation letters from Assistant professors or
lecturers will also work. If you are required to upload two letters, both must be academic, but if
you are required to upload three, one can be professional.

33. University has provided its own format for proposal, CV and motivation letter. But can
I still use my own format?

No, when provided, always use the given format. There is a reason it is given.

34. The call mentions the maximum word limit of 1500. But my proposal is 4000 words. Is
it OK?

No, it is not OK. Whenever a limit is given, always follow it ± 10% of the given limit. But it's
always ideal to stay under the given limit.

35. Can I apply for a master leading to PhD Position in Italy? Or For a PhD directly after a
bachelors degree?

No. In Italy, you need to have a masters degree (MS) to be eligible to apply for a PhD position.

36. are there any dual degree programs available in Italy?

Some universities do offer dual degree programs in some specific departments. Unfortunately, it
is not available in all universities and also not every year. But students can easily opt for mobility
and Erasmus schemes.
37. I have my own scholarship from another donor or want to study self-finance. What is
the process for me, and what is the fee?

The process for applying will remain the same, but you will select the option of other funding
available during the application. The competition for self-funded positions is very low, so there
are higher chances of selection. The fee in Italy ranges from 0 to 1200 euros per year for PhD

38. I already have a PhD from XXX country. Can I apply for 2nd PhD?

Yes, you can apply for 2nd PhD. But your second PhD won't be funded by the Italian university.
i.e. you will need to study on self-financed or your own scholarship.

39. In how many universities I can apply to in one year?

You can apply to as many universities as you want. You have to apply individually to each

40. I want to apply to three departments in the same university. Can I do that?

Every university has its own rule on this matter. Some universities allow you to apply in 2 or
even three departments with one fee. Some require you to pay for every department. Some don't
allow you to apply in more than one department. Read the call, and It should have all the details
about it.

41. Can I apply with one proposal in all universities? Can I apply with the same proposal in
multiple departments of the same university?

Yes, you can use the same proposal in all applications. Different members examine the
application in every department, so there is no problem.

42. Once I am selected by the university, what are the next steps?
You must apply for DoV and Visa in the Italian Embassy in Islamabad (Punjab, KPK, AZK and
FATA residents) or the consulate of Italy in Karachi (Sindh and Baluchistan residents). The list
of documents varies every year, but you can check the embassy website for the updated list. The
process keeps on changing every year, so you must check with embassy or consulte to
understand the current process.

43. Do I need to show a large bank statement for Visa Application?

If you are selected under a fully funded scheme for the PhD, you are not required to present a
large bank statement. However, you still need to submit a bank statement as the formality
document. You can apply with just 200K-300K PKR in your bank account (even less).

44. How long does it take to get Visa after submitting documents?

Usually, it takes 4-8 weeks to issue a Visa after receiving the documents. Most time taken is
needed to prepare DoV. If you do not require DoV. Most likely, you will get the Visa within four

45. What are my Visa chances if I obtain a PhD scholarship

100% visa success rate for PhD students.

46. Duration of PhD?

Normally 03 years, some specialized PhDs are completed in years 04 years (The information is
provided in the call on the duration of the program).

47. Can I extend my PhD?

Generally, only the extension of 06 months is granted to PhD students (unpaid. But you can
request an unemployment benefit from the government for up to 12 months). More than 06
months extension requires a committee decision and are often not approved.
48. What are the requirements to graduate with PhD degree?

Generally, only a quality dissertation is expected from a PhD Student. But increasingly, advisors
are demanding publications from the students. But it is not mandatory. So students can graduate
without publication. Making it easier to graduate on time.

49. Can I bring my family with me to Italy?

Your dependents husband/wife and up to 2 kids can join you later on a family visa.
Unfortunately, they cant travel with you. Since the covid started, the process has become very
slow and takes up to 18 months to bring your family to Italy. The process is slow in bigger cities
and relatively quicker in smaller cities. It is best to consult a lawyer once you are in Italy to
evaluate your options.

You can invite your parents if they are 65+ of age. You will also be required to prove why you
are the only one who can take care of them and why your other siblings cannot take care of them.

50. Will education be free for my Kids in Italy?

The Italian government provides education to its all residents. But this education is in the Italian
language. Kids have to learn Italian before they can join public schools. The English medium
private schools are very expensive.

51. Is their additional support for family and kids?

Unfortunately, there is no additional support for the family members in Italy. Therefore, the
amount you receive is final and includes everything (Except research expenses).

52. Can I work part-time in Italy during my studies?

Legally you are allowed to work 20 hours per week in Italy. But unlike the UK or Scandinavian
countries, this rule is not enforced strictly in Italy.

53. Is it easy to find a part-time job in Italy? What type of Jobs are available in Italy?
It is not very easy to find jobs in Italy without language proficiency. There are also some jobs
available inside universities as well, but the competition for them is very high. For example,
most Pakistani students work as delivery riders on electric bicycles outside the university. The
students usually make 500 plus euros per month from these delivery jobs.

54. Do I need to be in the lab/university every day?

It will depend on your area of research and supervisor. Students work from home or, in some
cases, are required to provide attendance.

55. Can I visit Pakistan during the PhD? Will my tickets be reimbursed?

Yes, you can visit Pakistan or any other country (depending on your workload and style). You
have to bear all those expenses yourself.

56. Is it safe to live in Italy for a single female student or family?

Italy is one of the safest place in the World. The crime rate is very low. But scams with tourists
and pickpocketing is very common. So it is always good to act smart. The level of racism is also
very low.

57. Can I find Halal Food in Italy?

Halal food is no issue in bigger cities. However, Halal products are increasingly available in
smaller cities, thanks to many Arab immigrants.

58. What are the job opportunities after completing PhD in Italy?

The language is a significant barrier in Italy for finding a job. But many postdocs and research
positions are available in Italy. In addition, if you become proficient in Italian, you can also find
industry jobs in Italy.

59. Will I be given time to search job after completing my degree?

One year job search visa is granted to students after graduation. You can search for jobs within
Italy or inside the EU on this Visa.

60. What is the immigration policy of Italy?

If you maintain a residence in Italy for five years (continuously), you are eligible to request a PR.
If you maintain residence in Italy for ten years, you are eligible for requesting an Italian passport.
There are other conditions for this as well. Make sure to consult an immigration lawyer if this is
your goal.

61. What is Codice Fiscale/Tax code/Fiscal code and how to get this number.

Codice fiscale or fiscal code sometimes also called tax code serves as the national number in
Itlay. Just like the NIC number in Pakistan, it is needed at almost all your documents throughout
you stay in Italy. It is generated by using your personal information. You can generate a
temporary Fiscal Code using the following link. An official document will be issued after your
arrival in Italy (The number will be the same as the one you generate now).

62. What are the different names of degrees in Italy.

Generally in EU degrees are reported as following

1st cycle: Bachelors

2nd Cycle: Masters

3rd Cycle: PhD

Single Cycle: Combined bachelor's and master's degree courses. This is usually referred to as
MBBS degree as the degree is completed in 5 years. The Italian names for the degrees are

Laurea or Laurea Triennale (Bachelors Degree- In Italy, it is 3 years degree)

Laurea Magistrale (Masters's degree-2 years)

Dottorato (PhD usually 3 years but some programs are 4 years).

63. What is the judgment filed in my previous degree and what to put in the answer?

The judgment here means your results of the concerned degree. You have to answer by inputting
your CGPA

64. What is the difference between graduated and graduating?

Graduated means you have already finished your MS and mention your degree completion date.
Graduating means you have not yet finished your MS and will be completed in the next few
months, You have to insert a tentative date for your graduation. It cannot be the latter than the
start date of the program. Make sure to check the rules about applying on a hope certificate in the

65. What is “document proving mobility abroad” or “document proving study or research
periods abroad”?

If you have any exchange program abroad other than from where you did your master or
bachelor degree, then you should upload the certificate you got from that university/country. For
example, if you went for one semester into another country to do research then you should
provide that certificate. Otherwise leave it empty.

66. What is the standard length of Bachelor and master degree mentioned in application

As it is quite clear in the question too and we know that the standard length of bachelor degree in
pakistan is 4 years while for Mphil/MS, it is 2 years.

67. How can I pay the application fee for Italian universities?

After filling the form, the university will ask you to pay the application fee (if there is any fee).
On the portal, there will be an option of pay with pogopay, open that portal, sign in with your
email address (not with SPID ID), give your debit/credit/mastercard and pay the fee. Activate
international transactions by calling your bank helpline.
If there is an error even after activating the international transaction, then try to use some other
card or use any other laptop and try to pay.

68. What is the highest possible mark, Minimum pass mark, weightage Average Mark
in online Application form?
If your university has a CGPA system and it’s based on 4 then obviously it will be 4 and if
it’s percentage then it will be 100%. Minimum passing marks depends on your university. It
can be 2 or 2.5 whatever is written on your transcript. weightage Average Mark will be your
obtained marks/gpa

69. How can I create a SPID ID?

SPID id is for those who already have italian identity card which residents in pakistan(people
who are living in pakistan) can not get now so there is no way you can get SPID ID now. So
don't use the SPID option at application stages.

70. What is a request for recognition/request for equivalence in the admission portal?
You should select that yes, I need it. As Pakistani degrees are not officially equivalent to
Italian degrees so you will get equivalence from the Italian embassy only after securing

71. It is mandatory to pay the admission fee by ur own card or u can do it from your
parents cards as well?

It's not mandatory. You can pay from anyone’s card.

72. Every university has its own projects ? So is this mandatory to prepare separate
research proposals for separate universities?

Its not always the case. As in most cases, a research proposal is an evaluation document so
the most relevant research proposal to that advisor's work will definitely increase your
chances. You can prepare one generic research proposal and that will be enough to apply
everywhere. If you see there are specific topics given for specific universities, then prepare
another one to increase your chances.

73. Can I take my spouse and children with me?

They can not apply for a visa at the same time when you are applying. First, you will have to
come here in Italy, do some documents processing and then they can apply for a family
reunion visa in pakistan. In case both husband and wife get a scholarship and they want to
bring their kids with them, process is still the same. Both of them have to come here first and
do some document processing and after that can apply for a family reunion visa.

74. Do universities send you email for interview schedules?

Some universities do not send you an email for an interview or ranking list. They just upload
the lists on their website. You have to keep a record by yourself about the expected dates of

75. What does it mean by a self certification certificate?

You have to self certify the document by inserting your signature at the end of document.

76. PHD in italy is research based or we have to do coursework too?

PhD in Italy is coursework+research work based. You have to complete some courses in a 3
years span. There is no restriction that you have to complete courses in your first year.
Research work and courses go along with each other.

77. Is there any age limit?

Mostly, No. there is no age limit. Some universities may ask for a certain age but they will
tell you about the age limit in their admission call.

78. I have a BSc of 2 years and an MSc of 2 years and then Mphil 2 years. What should
i upload in 1st cycle and 2nd cycle degree.

Combine Msc and BSc degree together and upload it in 1st cycle degree. Mphil degree will
be uploaded in 2nd cycle degree. MSc degree’s marks will be in 1st cycle degree.

79. What does 15,00 euro mean in the application fee form?
It means 15 euros not 1500 euros as in italy and most of the EU comma , is treated as .
decimal .
80. In the application form, how to fill the research fellowship tenure and scholarship
As you are applying for scholarship/fellowship now, it means that you currently have no
scholarship/fellowship. It means that you are not a recipient of any fellowship or scholarship
or any other financial support.

81. What should I upload in translation documents in Italian or in english?

IF your documents are already in english, then just upload these documents and there is no
need for translation.

82. How to provide a recommendation/reference letter?

First, read the admission call as they provide you with all the information about the process.
If there is a section to upload the reference letter then simply upload it in that section.. If the
university portal is asking for referee details then simply give the details about your referee
and they will receive the email with instructions about reference letter uploading. If your
professor can upload the document on a given link then good other you can ask your
professor to simply forward that email to you and you can upload it by yourself on that

83. While filling the education section of italian universities application form for PhD,
Do we have to fill both laurea, laurea magistrate, laurea specialist magistrate and
estereo (Foreign title)? or only foreign title/qualification degrees need to be filled? And
what should I upload in it?

If your degree is from italy, then you have to put your master degree details in laurea
magistrate. If your degree is not from Italy, then fill out the foreign title and provide master
degree details. You should upload your degree in that section.

84. What is the “Diploma nation” or “Diploma country ” while filling out the
application form?

You have to write the name of the country from where you got your degree.

85. What is a research project,research activities and what we have to upload in that
section while filling the application form?
Your research proposal is your research project. Upload your research proposal in that
section. Research activities will be your previous research in the form of your thesis or
published/submitted research papers.

86. International students/qualifications are exempted from paying application fees. What
does it mean?
It means that you are not an italian citizen or have an italian degree so you will be considered having
foreign qualification or foreign student and exempted from paying application fee.
87. Will the university send me admission confirmation through email ?
Sometimes they don't send emails and you have to track it by yourself as they upload it on the
admission website. Some universities will send you an email and upload the list at their website too.
So most of the time, you have to keep track by yourself.

88. What does it mean by “Municipality” in application form?

Write down the name of the university city. For example, for UET Lahore, the municipality name
will be Lahore.
89. What should I write in the Embassy or consulate city name?
Write down the name of the Embassy/consulate city name. For example, for Pakistan, the Embassy is
located in Islamabad and the consulate is located in Karachi.
90. I have only one name. What should I write in first name and last name?
If you have only first name and no surname for example, Akhtar then
Write down your first name in both sections like Akhtar akhtar.

91. What is civic number in residential details?

Its house number.

92. What is ISA in Bologna University and why are they asking for a proposal?

ISA is an institute that select phd students from unibo and offers them free residence. The
seats are limited so the competition is tough but if u get through u get free residence for your
PhD tenure. The main theme of this exercise is to make phd students from different
disciplines work together on a combined project and enhance their team work and
interdisciplinary skills.
You would provide 2 motivation letter 2 and a proposal.

1. attach motivational letter and proposal... related to ur phd program( normal u make for ur
2. motivational letter for ISA ( stating your ability to work in a team and with people who are
not exactly from ur discipline, leadership skills and how u respect people from other cultures
and have no issue in doing a joint project) and project for ISA ( a small project that is based
on any SDG goals... and can be done by people from different disciplines i.e Arts and science
an example of this year project is " impact on education due to covid in different countries"

it is not compulsory to apply for this position but if u get selected u would have free
accommodation for ur phd tenure.
There is no separate application form for applying for this seat... The application form u
would fill for ur phd program would have a clause regarding if u want to apply for free
accommodation by ISA. If you want to apply, check that box and attach the motivation letter
and proposal ( specifically prepared for ISA) with your application.

instead of valid residence permit international students will attach passports

93. Do I need to have a bank statement while applying for admission in Italian
No. you don't need any bank statement while you are applying for admission.

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