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Sour by Olivia Rodrigo

To whom it may concern,

A summertime phenomenon by Olivia Rodrigo took the whole world by a storm and it

definitely did not leave me just standing there on my own and it took me with it. The album

called Sour has been on my mind since and I believe that it is the best collection of songs

ever. More people should get the chance to listen to it and enjoy the lyrics and her catchy


Olivia puts a lot of time into her heart-breaking lyrics, which makes her more lovable

and relatable to the eye of her fans. They are also the reason that I became so obsessed with

her music. Sour is filled with memorable lyrics that stay in your head and they make you want

to play the songs over and over again. My personal favorite verses include “It is brutal out

here!”, where she is complaining, how hard it is to be a teenager these days, and “Good for

you, you look happy and healthy. Not me!” in this verse Olivia is mentioning her depressed

emotions after her painful breakup. She also pokes fun at her driving skills by singing: “I

cannot even parallel park.”, which makes her imperfect like the rest of us. A lot of celebrities

act like the most beautiful, amazing, and talented people on the planet, but not Olivia. This

caught my eye right away and it made me fall in love with her even more.

Olivia Rodrigo is not only a good lyricist but an amazing musician as well. By this,

she became really big on social media, especially Tik Tok. Thanks to this, she got around to

more people and changed our lives forever. In her songs, she goes from slow and moody to

quick and lively in just seconds, which makes her a favorite for a broader variety of listeners.

Sour is not just an album of one genre, but it consists of pop, rock, punk, and alternative

music. This makes it so much better because some days I feel like singing from the bottom of

my heart and other days I just want to wrap myself in a blanket and listen to slow and
soothing music after a long and exhausting day. She fills her songs with so many emotions

ranging from happiness and lust to jealousy and anger. Not only does this pull you in more,

but it also makes you feel these emotions with her. Her music is very easy to listen to, which

she has accomplished by having simple tunes and rhythm. For me, she just hit the perfect spot

between plain and complex. I will never stop loving her music.

On one hand, she made a radio masterpiece, but on the other hand, I am not expecting

her to make another amazing album. Sour has been recorded after her brutal breakup and

nothing can beat the agonizing feeling and the excellent thought behind it unless she goes

through a second breakup and nobody wants that. I think that it will be better like this. At

least I can forever say that Sour is her best album and it will eternally be my favorite.

Thank you for your time and the consideration of my album being “the one.”


František (Fanda) Majer

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