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Lal Kitab astrology and

Remedies Day 3 English

Summary Notes
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In the realm of spiritual

understanding, karma is a

fundamental concept that

manifests in three distinct

forms: Mansik, Vaachik, and


● Mansik Karma refers to the

thoughts and intentions that

arise within our minds. It

underscores the importance

of mindfulness and the

power of thought in shaping

our reality.

● Vaachik Karma pertains to

the words we choose to

express. It serves as a

reminder that our speech

can have profound impacts

on ourselves and those

around us.
● Karmik Karma involves the

actions we undertake in the

physical world. This aspect

emphasizes the tangible

consequences of our

behavior and deeds.


The Moon plays a pivotal role

in governing a person's mind,

emotions, and intuition. It is

closely associated with

aspects of our existence such

as emotions, maternal

relationships, water bodies,

glands, and the fluid elements

within our bodies.

Our physical existence is

composed of five elemental

forces, known as Tattvas, with

the Soul being a central


The Sun is considered the ruler

of the soul, signifying its

importance in immunity,

health, paternal connections,

leadership, vitality, and the

innate ability to recover.

Both the Sun and Moon are

described as luminaries,

highlighting their influence on

our sensory perceptions and

overall well-being. Rahu Dev

and Ketu Dev, often referred

to as the shadow planets,

represent the North Node and

South Node, respectively. Their

presence is a testament to the

intricate dance of celestial

bodies - the Earth, Sun, and

Moon. These entities are never

analyzed independently in

horoscopes; instead, they

maintain a fixed axis, always

separated by seven houses,

symbolizing their unchanging

Rahu Dev and Ketu Dev

embody various aspects of


1. Rahu Dev is synonymous

with the future, while Ketu

Dev represents the past.

2. Rahu Dev encourages

innovation, whereas Ketu

Dev is linked to discovery.

3. The out-of-the-box

thinking is attributed to

Rahu Dev, and introspection

is the domain of Ketu Dev.

4. Rahu Dev is associated

with illusion; Ketu Dev

underscores the ability to

see beyond the present.

5. Rahu Dev possesses

foresight, and Ketu Dev

offers insight into the past.

6. Rahu Dev is connected to

the karmas of past lives,

and Ketu Dev is known as

the Moksh Karak, indicating

its relation to the future

karmas and spiritual

Note:-Rahu Dev is a bearer

of Prarabdha Karma, guiding

individuals towards their

destiny, while Ketu Dev, as

the carrier of Sanchit Karma,

reveals potential future

pathways, including those

that transcend the current


Mercury is often heralded as

the planet of intellect and

communication. It governs a

person's ability to think,

understand, and articulate

their thoughts effectively.

Mercury's influence extends to

wisdom, adaptability, and

technological affinity, making

it a key determinant in how

individuals interact with the

world and the people around

them. Additionally, it holds

sway over familial

relationships, notably with

siblings, highlighting its role in

the dynamics of brotherly and

sisterly bonds.

Jupiter, the planet of growth

and expansion, is synonymous

with knowledge and wisdom.

It represents the depth of

one's understanding and the

breadth of their skills. Jupiter's

connection with grandparents

underscores its role in the

transmission of legacy and

wisdom across generations. It

is also associated with Pran

Vayu, the vital breath,

emphasizing its importance in

life and spiritual energy.

Jupiter is a symbol of

expansion, not just in physical

terms but also in the

intellectual and spiritual

domains, enhancing a person's

capacity for wisdom and


Venus, often associated with

the divine Sanjivni Vidhya, is

the beacon of creativity and

the essence of creation itself.

It influences one’s artistic

expressions, the pursuit of

beauty, and the ability to find

joy in life. Venus governs the

realms of love, marital bliss,

and comfort, making it a

crucial factor in relationships

and the pursuit of luxury. Its

domain extends to deep and

hidden knowledge, suggesting

a connection to the mysteries

that lie beyond the surface of

everyday life. Venus’s

influence on an individual’s life

can be seen in their quest for

harmony, pleasure, and a

deeper understanding of the

world around them.

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