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Understanding Culture, Society and Politics 11

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Grade/Section: ___________________________________ Test #: 2

Directions: Read and understand each question carefully. Then, choose the letter of the correct answer.

__________1. He states that culture is an organized body of conventional understanding manifested in arts and artifacts which
persisting through tradition.
A. Allan G. Johnson B. Franz Boas C. Robert Redfield D. Auguste Comte
__________2. According to him, culture is the sum of symbols, ideas, forms of expressions and material products associated with
social system.
A. Karl Max B. Allan G. Johnson C. Franz Boas D. Robert Redfield
__________3. The term culture was first used by the English/ American Anthropologist ______________in his book, Primitive
A. Edward Tylor B. James G. Frazer C. Emile Durkheim D. Max Weber
__________4. It is a branch of anthropology that study the people with their variations and progress in terms of culture.
A. Cultural Anthropology C. Archeology
B. B. Linguistic Anthropology D. Biological Anthropology
__________5. It refers to a person who studies human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and analysis of
artifacts and other physical remains.
A. Archeology B. Anthropologist C. Evolutionist D. Archeologist
__________6. It refers to a human-made object or tool from a past culture or period, often historical or archeological interest.
A. Bones B. Artifacts C. Physical Remain D. Arts

__________7. Culture comes from Latin word cultura, which means?

A. Cultural B. Culmination C. Communication D. Cultivation

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics 11

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Grade/Section: ___________________________________ Test #: 2

Directions: Read and understand each question carefully. Then, choose the letter of the correct answer.

__________1. He states that culture is an organized body of conventional understanding manifested in arts and artifacts which
persisting through tradition.
A. Allan G. Johnson B. Franz Boas C. Robert Redfield D. Auguste Comte
__________2. According to him, culture is the sum of symbols, ideas, forms of expressions and material products associated with
social system.
A. Karl Max B. Allan G. Johnson C. Franz Boas D. Robert Redfield
__________3. The term culture was first used by the English/ American Anthropologist ______________in his book, Primitive
A. Edward Tylor B. James G. Frazer C. Emile Durkheim D. Max Weber
__________4. It is a branch of anthropology that study the people with their variations and progress in terms of culture.
A. Cultural Anthropology C. Archeology
B. Linguistic Anthropology D. Biological Anthropology
__________5. It refers to a person who studies human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and analysis of
artifacts and other physical remains.
A. Archeology B. Anthropologist C. Evolutionist D. Archeologist
__________6. It refers to a human-made object or tool from a past culture or period, often historical or archeological interest.
A. Bones B. Artifacts C. Physical Remain D. Arts

__________7. Culture comes from Latin word cultura, which means?

A. Cultural B. Culmination C. Communication D. Cultivation

__________8. It is a branch of anthropology that deals with the study of communication’s origins, history, and contemporary
A. Applied Anthropology C. Linguistic Anthropology
B. Cultural Anthropology D. Biological Anthropology
__________9. He is considered as the Father of American Anthropology.
A. Edward Tylor B. Franz Boas C. Emile Durkheim D. Max Weber
__________10. It refers to the dynamic medium through which societies create a collective way of life reflected in such a thing
such as beliefs, values, music, literature, art, dance, science, religion, ritual, technology and others.
A. Society B. Culture C. Anthropology D. Politics
__________11. According to Edward B. Taylor, Culture is a ____________ whole encompasses beliefs, practices, values,
attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, symbols knowledge, and everything that a person learns and share as member of society.
A. Dynamic B. Consistent C. Changeable D. Complex
__________12. He considered the anxiety caused by the rationally uncontrolled happenings as the basic motivation for the
emergence of religious faith.
A. Bronislaw Malinowski B. Emile Durkheim C. Karl Max D. Edward Burnett
___________13. It refers to the study of past human cultures through the material remains.
A. Anthropology B. Applied Anthropology C. Archeology D. Linguistic Anthropology
___________14. It deals with the study humans as a biological organism, including their evolution and contemporary variations.
A. Cultural Anthropology C. Linguistic Anthropology
B. Applied Anthropology D. Biological Anthropology
___________15. A branch of anthropology that analyze a social, political and economic problems and develop solutions to
respond to present problems.
A. Archeology C. Linguistic Anthropology
B. Applied Anthropology D. Cultural Anthropology
II. Essay (5 pts)
With the current trends and popular culture today, how do you see a Filipino? Give specific examples.

__________8. It is a branch of anthropology that deals with the study of communication’s origins, history, and contemporary
A. Applied Anthropology C. Linguistic Anthropology
B. Cultural Anthropology D. Biological Anthropology
__________9. He is considered as the Father of American Anthropology.
A. Edward Tylor B. Franz Boas C. Emile Durkheim D. Max Weber
__________10. It refers to the dynamic medium through which societies create a collective way of life reflected in such a thing
such as beliefs, values, music, literature, art, dance, science, religion, ritual, technology and others.
A. Society B. Culture C. Anthropology D. Politics
__________11. According to Edward B. Taylor, Culture is a ____________ whole encompasses beliefs, practices, values,
attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, symbols knowledge, and everything that a person learns and share as member of society.
A. Dynamic B. Consistent C. Changeable D. Complex
__________12. He considered the anxiety caused by the rationally uncontrolled happenings as the basic motivation for the
emergence of religious faith.
A. Bronislaw Malinowski B. Emile Durkheim C. Karl Max D. Edward Burnett
___________13. It refers to the study of past human cultures through the material remains.
A. Anthropology B. Applied Anthropology C. Archeology D. Linguistic Anthropology
___________14. It deals with the study humans as a biological organism, including their evolution and contemporary variations.
A. Cultural Anthropology C. Linguistic Anthropology
B. Applied Anthropology D. Biological Anthropology
___________15. A branch of anthropology that analyze a social, political and economic problems and develop solutions to
respond to present problems.
A. Archeology C. Linguistic Anthropology
B. Applied Anthropology D. Cultural Anthropology
II. Essay (5 pts)
With the current trends and popular culture today, how do you see a Filipino? Give specific examples.

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