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1. Who is Tagpi?

a. the pet dog of Bam

b. the brother of Bam

c. the classmate of Bam

2. Where did Bam first look for Tagpi?

a. in the room

b. in the kitchen

c. in the garden

3. Why did Bam look for Tagpi?

a. He wants to feed Tagpi.

b. He wants to play with Tagpi.

c. He wants to give Tagpi a bath.

4. Where did Bam find Tagpi?

a. in the hut

b. in the garden

c. under the bed

5. What did Bam feel when he found Tagpi?

a. sad

b. mad

c. glad


1. Why did Dan and Pepe need their caps?

a. The sun is hot.

b. They will play with their caps.

c. They will give the caps to the kittens.

2. What did Mama want them to look at?

a. the bag

b. the bed

c. the kittens

3. Who is Mik-mik?

a. the pet cat

b. the fat kitten

c. the big dog

4. What did the kittens use the caps for?

a. for playing

b. for sleeping on

c. for keeping them free from the hot sun

5. What did the boys feel when they saw the kittens?

a. sad

b. mad

c. happy

6. What do you think will the boys do after?

a. The boys will send the kittens away.

b. The boys will take the caps from the kittens.

c. The boys will let the kittens sleep on their caps.



1. Where did the cat and the mouse live?

a. in a big hole

b. in an old house

c. under the dining table

2. Why did the mouse get out of its hole?

a. to find a mate

b. to look for food

c. to play with the cat

3. Why did the cat wake up?

a. It smelled the food.

b. The mouse asked it to play.

c. It heard the noise made by the fork.

4. In order to catch the mouse, what could the cat do next time?

a. run faster

b. sleep later

c. stay alert for loud sounds

5. Which happened last in the story?

a. The mouse smelled the food on the table.

b. The cat woke up and chased the mouse.

c. The mouse ran to its hole.

6. Why was the mouse thankful at the end of the story?

a. It was able to get away from the cat.

b. It ate bread and cheese.

c. It saw the cat.



1. Which sentence says something about Atalanta?

a. She did not want to get married.

b. She was an obedient daughter.

c. She was a great runner.

d. She loved Hippomenes.

2. What kind of man would she marry?

a. a kind prince

b. a clever ruler

c. a great runner

d. a handsome man

3. Hippomenes became Atalanta’s __________________.

a. friend

b. enemy

c. adviser

d. husband
4. Many tried their luck. When one tries his luck, he ___________

a. always wins.

b. is sure to win.

c. really wants to win.

d. attempts to win.

5. Hippomenes heeded Aphrodite’s advice. The synonym of heeded is

a. followed

b. disobeyed

c. laughed at

d. disregarded

6. Who was Aphrodite?

a. the godmother of Hippomenes

b. the mother of Atalanta

c. the goddess of love

d. the great teacher

7. How did the golden apples help Hippomenes win?

a. They had magic powers.

b. They made Atalanta sleepy.

c. They delayed Atalanta during the race.

d. They gave Hippomenes strength in running.



1. In which of these places WON’T you find beetles?

a. in the mountain

b. in the plains

c. in the sea

d. in the hill

2. In the sentence Beetles can adapt to any kind of environment, which is

a synonym of adapt?

a. get used to

b. change

c. crawl

d. eat
3. What pair of words describe the beetles’ front wings?

a. transparent and thick

b. tough and colorful

c. wide and thick

d. silky and soft

4. What is the use of the beetles’ hind wings?

a. for protecting the front wings

b. for covering the body

c. for finding food

d. for flying

5. Which of the following states the main idea of this selection?

a. reasons why beetles can survive anywhere

b. places where one can find beetles

c. the compact body of the beetles

d. the food that beetles eat

6. What action of the beetle means making a hole in the ground?

a. burrowing

b. swimming

c. crawling

d. flying

7. The front wings of most beetles ______________.

a. are transparent

b. hide the beetles

c. protect the hind wings

d. maybe used for swimming

8. If someone says, “You eat like a beetle” it means that _____________.

a. You are a picky eater.

b. You can eat anything.

c. You don’t have appetite.

d. You eat very little amount of food.

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