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Difference between Antarctica and Arctic

Many people often confuse the South Pole with Antarctica or the Arctic, right? Both are located
at the very edge of the planet, but they are different. Not only do they differ in location, the
characteristics of the natural environment of these two oceans also differ from each other.

Antarctica is also called the South Pole, derived from the word antartikos, which means the
opposite of north. Antarctica is a land area surrounded by oceans. It is known that Antarctica
is the 5th largest continent in the world. Almost all areas on the Antarctic Continent are
covered with a layer of ice that is more than 1,600 meters thick.

Because it is covered with a thick layer of ice, the Antarctic region is known as the coldest
continent in the world. The temperature of Antarctica in winter can reach -73 degrees Celsius.
The coldest temperature on record was recorded on July 21, 1983 by Russia's Vostok Station on
the continent, at -89.2 degrees Celsius. About 70 percent of the planet's fresh water is found in
the ice sheet that covers Antarctica.

Many people think that with the cold temperatures of the water in the Antarctic oceans, it
would be difficult for animals to survive in them. But in fact, there is a wide variety of Antarctic
wildlife living healthily in, out of and around its cold ocean waters. In Antarctic waters, there
are many species of krill, which are small crustaceans that are food for whales and penguins. In
addition, the most common penguins found in Antarctica are the emperor and Adelie penguin

However, because the Antarctic continent is surrounded by the ocean, it is the most stormy area
on the planet. In addition, Antarctica is not included in the territory of any country, according
to the Antarctic Treaty signed by 12 countries in 1959.

If Antarctica is the South Pole, then the Arctic is the North Pole. The North Pole is called the
Arctic, derived from the Greek arktikos, which means north. The Arctic or North Pole region is
an ocean surrounded by land. The ocean is covered by ice, and surrounded by permafrost.
Permafrost is a thick layer of frozen soil.

Despite being called the smallest ocean in the world, the Arctic Ocean is noticed by many
scientists from various countries. Scientists and researchers are racing to research why the
Arctic Ocean is warming faster than the rest of the Earth. Despite being covered in snow and
ice, around four million people live in the Arctic region. These four million people are an
indigenous group that has thrived for thousands of years. Most of the inhabitants there, utilize
crops from the waters to meet their needs. Of the many countries, there are the United States,
Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and Russia whose territory reaches the Arctic Ocean.

While in its dark and sunless waters, scientists have a hard time knowing what life exists there.
This is because in Arctic waters, the ice covering the ocean is so thick that sunlight cannot
penetrate. However, polar bears and walruses are occasionally seen swimming in Arctic waters,
albeit rarely.

Well, that's the difference between what's in Antarctica and the Arctic.

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