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up the problems. Then find the products. a TCAD eee 68 x 19 = 394 x 22 = 589 x 37 = UNIT 5 Review Divide. Check. + b % — a 1 085 2 0600 3069 8 ese or 81 m4 61,234 9 24,176 6 36,450 Set up the problems. Then find the quotients. a ’ 10. 511 + 36 = —____ 614 + 28 = Write too large, too small, or correct for each trial quotient. im b 5. i. 6 6 5,041 34195 Estimate the quotients by rounding each number until a b © 4,863 +7 567 + 74 qd Lo¢ 12, 637 + 8 vd you can use a basic fact. 705,615 82,464 7 94,938 4,368 = 81 = d 1,786 + 89 t L UNIT 5 Review axe a table t0 Solve each problem, J, pil sold 28 large T-shirts, 42 mediums and 17 smalls. A large T-shirt costs $18 Medium Tshirts are $16 each, ana Tshirts are $12 each. How much mor id Bill make for all the TT. hirts he sold Answer 4 and complete a pattern to solve each problem [Afrog's heart beats 1,800 times per hour. About how many times does a frog’s heart beat per minute? (I hour = 60 minutes) Answer In 1999, the London Tower in England got ‘about 49,000 visitors each week. About how many people visited each day? M4. 4 ne bought 13 packs of plates, 25 packs of cups, and 8 packs of napkins. There are 80 plates in each pack, 40 cups in each pack, and 100 napkins in each pack. Which item does she have the most of? Answer 17. The telethon collected $6,400 yesterday in $80 pledges. How many people pledged $80 each? } Answer

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