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A pleasant afternoon to one and all!

It gives us immense pleasure to welcome you all to

the completion ceremony.

This is a much-awaited event in every pupils’ lives. As it gives the returns to the efforts
put in by the pupils throughout their academic endeavor.

Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to Ipil Elementary School Graduation Ceremony 2023
with the theme "Gradweyt ng K to 12: Hinubog ng Matatag ng Edukasyon." Today, we
gather here to commemorate the remarkable achievements and resilience of our
graduating class. We are honored to have you all join us on this momentous occasion.

I – Processional

To formally commence our program, everybody is requested to stand for the

Processional March.

[Processional March plays]

Let us all welcome, the Candidates for Graduation/Completion, with their parents…..

Let us welcome the stakeholders in education – PTA officials, Barangay, and Municipal
Officials and the DepEd Officials.

Let us give a glad hand to the pillars of this institution, the faculty and staff of Ipil
Elementary school, together with the honored guest.

(isa2x ung tawag ng mga names sa teachers and their designation)

Host: We request everyone to please remain in your respective places

to maintain the formality of this undertaking. Thank you

Host: Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give a round of applause to our

distinguished guests and visitors and to our faculty and staff of Ipil
Elementary School

II – Philippine National Anthem

III – Prayer

At this point, we would like to invite Kate Nathalie Marin, Grade 6, to lead us a prayer.

Thank you, Kate Nathalie Marin.

You May now be seated.

IV – Welcome Remarks

To extend a warm welcome to all our distinguished guests, friends, and families, it is
with great pleasure that we introduce our accomplished with honors, [Name]. Please
join me in welcoming Jewel Faye Sorilla as they deliver the Welcome Remarks.

[Welcome Remarks by Jewel]

Thank you, [JEWEL].

V - Message

Now, let us proceed with the message of our beloved Barangay Captain Eufracio
Romero Sr.

Thank you very much Capt.

VI - Message

Next, is the message of our very own School Head Ma’am Ethel Teresa Dela Cruz.

Thank you Ma’am Ethel.

VII – Introduction of the guest speaker

To introduce to us our guest speaker, may we call Ma’am Wyleen Acot.

VIII - (Speech of Guest Speaker)

Thank you, [Dr. Mayumi Tansiongco], for your insightful words

IX – Presentation of Candidates for Graduation

And now the most significant moment in every graduation ceremony has come. May we
call on Ma’am Ethel Teresa Dela Cruz, our School Head to join us on stage for the
presentation of candidates for graduation.
[Presentation of Candidates for Graduation by School Head]

Thank you Ma’am Ethel.

X – Confirmation of the Graduates & Message of the schools Divisions


To confirm the graduates and share a special message, we are privileged to have
Ma’am Sarah Jane M. Avanzado, the Public Schools District Supervisor, join us today
on behalf of our School Division Superintendent Roger F. Capa, CESO VI.

[Confirmation of the Graduates & Message of the Schools Division Superintendent by

SDS or Representative]

Thank you, Ma’am Sarah Jane.

XI – Distribution of Certificate

Today marks another milestone in our graduates’/completers’

academic journey. At this juncture, the graduates will receive their
certificates of completion/graduation.

With this, may we invite Dr. Mayumi Tansiongco to present the diplomas
and to be assisted by Ma’am Ethel Teresa Dela Cruz.

XII – Awarding of Certificates & Medals to the Awardees

Now, it is time to recognize the hard work and dedication of our graduates. We will
proceed with the Awarding of Honors and Special Awards. May we request Ma’am
Cynthia Alino to assist us in this meaningful task.

[Distribution of Certificates and Awarding of Honors and Special Awards]

Congratulations to all the recipients!

XIII – Words of Gratitude

Now, let us turn our attention to the heartening Words of Gratitude from our with
Honors, [ Ferlyn Joy Valdez].

Please welcome [Ferlyn Joy Valdez] to the stage.

[Words of Gratitude by with Honor pupil]

Thank you, [Ferlyn].

XIV – Pledge of Loyalty

Next, may we request the with Honor pupil, [Jash Leanne R. Romio], to lead us in
reciting the Pledge of Loyalty.

[Pledge of Loyalty by with honor pupil]

Thank you, [Jash Leanne].

XV – Graduation Song

In every memorable moment of one’s life, there are always

songs that will embody inferred emotions. With a round of applause,
let us welcome the completers for their completion song.

[Graduation Song by Graduates]

Thank you all graduates for that touching performance.

XVI - Acknowledgement

Now may I request Ma’am Jenet R. Moral for Acknowledgement.

Before we conclude our ceremony, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to all
individuals and organizations who have contributed to the success of this event. Please
join me in acknowledging their support.


Thank you, everyone, for your unwavering support and presence today. We hope you
have found inspiration and joy in this celebration of achievements.

XVII – Closing Remarks

To formally close our graduation ceremony, may I request Ma’am Nemia R. Rance for
our closing remaks.

Everyone to stand and remain standing until the recessional is


Thank you, everyone. Congratulations once again to our remarkable graduates! May
you continue to thrive and make a positive impact on the world. Have a wonderful day

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