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Science or Evidence?

Science or Evidence?
David Callejo, an anaesthesiologist, spends his free time
making videos on social networks to explain to his
followers the most common doubts about everyday
health problems.

Today you are becoming him. But how?

These are the instructions:

1 First, you're going to write on a piece of paper in

around five lines a health problem that you have. It can
be realted to sports, nutrition, illnesses, health in
general, lifestyle, etc.
2 You're going to throw it into the 'ask me a question
box'. After that, you will pick up a paper from a
classmate. You will have then to answer that classmate
through an informal email.

3 Finally, you will record your one minute answer on an

IG story and will upload it to the platform.

Write your issue

signature greeting

closing paragraph main idea 2

farewell opening paragraph

main idea 1

Dear Al,
I am sorry to hear that you have stress and anxiety. I know that you are very busy and
you're usually with a lot to do for school. As a result, you are always blocked
because you are quite overwhelmed and nervous.

Regarding your situation, I agree that it's difficult not to prioritize your duties or 3
use technological devices to complete your tasks. But you shouldn't spend too many
hours under that pressure because that causes you some psychological damage.

For this reason, you have to make a plan: you have to buy a daily planner and write on
it only the urgent weekly goals. There is a difference between urgent and important. 4
You mustn't have an unlimited working schedule, as you should enjoy some 'me time'
like for example, reading your fav book or have a bubble bath. You can also cook a
healthy dish such as a homemade lasagna. Hopefully, you'll soon feel less anxious.

I really hope to hear from you soon. 5

Take care,6
Dr. David C.
Look at the email below. Write the numbers next to the labels.
Informal Email Writing

Informal Email Writing
Greetings (Saludo)
Hi (name), Hola (nombre),
Hello (name), Hola (nombre),
Dear (name), Querido (nombre),


It’s nice / great / good to hear from you. Me alegro de tener noticias suyas.
It’s nice / great / good to read your email. Me alegro de leer tu correo electrónico.
I’m glad to hear your news. Me alegro de oír tus noticias.
I’m excited about… (your news.) Estoy emocionado por... (tus noticias.)
It’s great to hear that… Es estupendo oír que...
I’m sorry to hear that… Lamento oír que...
I’m really sorry to read your news. Siento mucho leer tus noticias.
Thanks a lot for writing! Muchas gracias por escribir.
It was good to receive your email. Me ha alegrado recibir tu correo electrónico.
Thank you very much for your email. Muchas gracias por su correo electrónico.

Also, it’s a good idea to ask your friend or relative how they are feeling, which you can do like
Hope you are doing well. Espero que te vaya bien.
How’s it going? ¿Qué tal?
How are you (doing)? ¿Cómo te (va)?
How are things (going)? ¿Cómo (van) las cosas?

MAIN PARAGRAPHS (párrafos principales)

As for/ Regarding... (En relación a...)
Moreover/ Besides / Plus, (además)
However (sin embargo)
But (pero) and (y)
Once you (una vez que tú...)
We can't forget that...(no podemos olvidar que...)
Because of this (por esto) / For this reason (por esta razón)
Last...(la pasada...) __ago (hace...), Next__(la próxima...)
As you (ya que tú)
Like for example (como por ejemplo), such as (tales como)
I agree that (estoy de acuerdo en que) / I don't agree with (no estoy de acuerdo con)
Hopefully / Luckily / Fortunately (con suerte)
Unfortunately / Unlikely (por desgracia) @itsenglishtome
Informal Email Writing
Well, it’s time to say goodbye. Bueno, es hora de decir adiós.
Anyway, I have to go now. De todos modos, me tengo que despedir.
Well, it’s time to go. Bueno, es hora de irse.
Anyway, gotta go. De todos modos, tengo que despedirme
I really hope to hear from you soon. Realmente, espero saber de ti pronto.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Espero tener noticias tuyas.
I hope you write back soon. Espero que me escribas pronto.
Make sure you write back soon. Asegúrate de responder pronto.

Best wishes, Mis mejores deseos,
Best, Lo mejor,
Sincerely, Sinceramente,
Take care, Cuidate,
All my love, Con todo mi amor,
Love, Con amor,
Lots of love, Mucho amor,
See you soon, Hasta pronto,
Regards, Saludos,



Subraya aquellos conectores que te gusten más e intenta usar en varios emails los mismos. Así los
aprenderás mejor.

Recuerda, en los emails informales sí se pueden escribir contracciones (I'm, you're, can't...)
Asegúrate de tener estas pàrtes:
Párrafo introductorio
Primer párrafo del cuerpo
Segundo párrafo del cuerpo
Párrafo de cierre
Firma @itsenglishtome

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