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Behind the Flying Saucer Mystery II

Flying Saucers Farewell updated 2nd

Edition George Adamski
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(Original Title: Flying Saucers Farewell)
By the author of: INSIDE THE SPACE SHIPS


NEW Chapter: Plus first time Photos & Articles,

this amazing 2016 republication challenges
the curtain of secrecy surrounding the Flying
Saucer Phenomena.

(Original title: Flying Saucers Farewell)

George Adamski


G.A.F. International I Publishers 2016

Retitled for paperback:




Update on past discoveries supported by present day revelations.

What is the aim of the sinister "Silence Group?"

Will "The Brothers from Outer Space" save the universe from

Did flying saucers visit Earth in biblical times?

FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF in the startling pages of this

amazing book that challenges the curtain of secrecy surrounding
the flying saucer mystery.
First Hardcover Printing Abelard-Schuman,
London, New York, 1961.

Second Warner Printing - Paperback: April, 1967

Third & Fourth Warner Printing - Paperback: 1974

Fifth Paperback Printing & Expansion:

G.A.F. International I Adamski Foundation: 2016

New ISBN: 978-0-9964309-0-6

Copyright© 1961 by George Adamski

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 61-12205

Cover Illustration by Ikeda of Japan, limited exclusively for

© GAF International

Printed in the United States of America

I dedicate this book to a better understanding of our place in the

George Adamski


The purpose of this book is to share with my many friends

throughout the world knowledge gained through personal
experiences during the years since Inside the Space Ships was
published in 1955. I wish to express deep appreciation to my
devoted colleagues and friends - from this world and other plan-
ets - who assisted me in preparing the material contained herein.

George Adamski
Table of Contents

• Prologue 2016 - George Adamski Foundation

• Forward-C.A. Honey

1. Why they came
2. Space Activity Within Our Solar System
3. Spaceships and Gravity
4. Recent Developments
5. Changes in Our System
6. The Symbols
7. Answers for the Skeptics
8. Rumors and Rumor Mongers
9. What I Have Learned from Interplanetarians
10. The Bible and the UFO
11. Metaphysics, Psychism, Religion

BOOK TWO - The World Tour
1. America to New Zealand
2. Australia
3. Darwin to England
4. The Royal Audience
5. The Zurich Incident
6. End of the Tour

1. Satan, Man of the Hour
2. Conclusion
We dedicate this republication to our dear friend and coworker
Alan G. Tolman; for his exceptional friendship, scientific acu-
men, extraordinary UFO experiences, and unwavering loyalty
and dedication to this subject and his friend, George Adamski.

G.A.F. International

Prologue 2016

With great enthusiasm, we at the Adamski Foundation have

completed this expanded, revised edition of George Adamski's
third published book, Flying Saucers Farewell (1961), which was
republished under the title, Behind the Flying Saucer Mystery in
the 1970s. This is the title we have adopted to continue.

Some have inquired about the title, speculating or insinuating

that George himself was possibly giving up on the materials and
message he was so privileged to teach. Having lived and worked
with George Adamski during his final years, we can firmly state
that nothing could be further from the truth, for he vigorously
carried on in this field until his last breath in April of 1965.

What George and a few serious others had concluded was

that the next step of progression needed to address that which
was beyond the obvious - the focus towards the functional, edu-
cational, and interactive element of this field. Following numer-
ous famous worldwide UFO sightings from nearly every capitol
or major city worldwide, and the significant studies conducted
over the preceding decades, many countries' archives were filled
with volumes of collected UFO sightings, photographs, motion
picture footage, wreckage, and scientific materials. The Roswell
incident, Military Projects Sign, Saucer, Grudge, Magnet, Visit,

Fang, Ozma, Captain Ruppelt's report for the Military, and the Air
Force Project Blue Book, are but a few of the recognizable names.
These are still but a paltry few released within the public domain.
In addition to recorded, if not openly divulged, space visitor inter-
actions between our citizens, some notable senior governmental
and religious persons, we had far surpassed what, in the words of
our own legal system, can be called 'reasonable doubt' . The excus-
es and stifling, entrenched dogmas, compounded over an era of
diluted denials, still plague many of our ingrained institutions and
decision-makers today. Such eventually must surely dissipate and
dissolve, if for no reason other than natural recourse.

In contrast to this opposition, the facts provided, and still

provide, substantial, if not to say irrefutable, proof as to the exis-
tence of the visitations of intelligently-controlled extraterrestrial
space crafts. A very brief historical analogy reveals a plethora of
information, a fraction of which this chapter has space to include,
but which encompasses many volumes of already well-documented

For example:

Biblical references: The "Wheel within the Wheel," "Flying

Scroll," "Flying Shield," "Flying Chariots," and more (as cited in
Leonard, 1968).

From the Hebrew Book of Light (circa 12th - 13th century) -

"There were men from the sky on earth in these days."

A quote from Father Giordano Bruno (1545 - 1600), who was

burned at the stake by the Roman Catholic Church for his views:
"Innumerable suns exist, innumerable Earths revolve around these
- living beings inhabit theses worlds."

A statement from Lt. Gen. Twining, USAF, Commander AMC

& Chief of Staff, issued in a report, reads: "The phenomena re-
ported is something real and not visionary or fictitious. The spread
of the UFOs in global identity creates indisputable evidence that
their strategic operation center and home base could only be extra-
terrestrial," (as cited in Good, 1996).
Col. Joseph Bryan, CIA official and Former Special Assistant
to the Secretary of the USAF, stated, "The UFOs are interplane-
tary devices systematically observing the Earth, whether manned,
or remotely controlled, or both. Information on UFOs has been
officially withheld, [and] this policy is dangerous," ( 1960).

Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Director of the CIA, revealed

that "UFOs are real, and through official secrecy and ridicule,
many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are
nonsense ... I urge immediate Congressional action to reduce the
dangers from secrecy about UFOs" (as cited in Good, 1996).
In 1969 came another trickle of information. A USAF Acade-
my textbook taught that UFOs may be alien visitors. An Air Force
Academy physics course is teaching its cadets that UFOs are pos-
sibly "alien visitors to our planet". A Rand Corp. document states
"the historical aspects suggest an extraterrestrial explanation for
UFOs" ("Academy Textbook Teaches UFOs," 1969).

In the Milwaukee Journal, an article was published titled "UPI

Release: Restricted Air Force Academy Textbook Instructs about
UFOs" (1970). The article notes that such objects have been re-
ported for almost 50,000 years and says, "the entire phenomenon
could be psychological, but that is quite doubtful, because of the
reliable witnesses that have spotted them" ("UPI Release," 1970).
This too is difficult to accept. It implies the existence of intelligent
life on a majority of planets in our solar system or a surprisingly
strong interest in earth by members of other solar systems. The
textbook says, "The best thing to do is keep an open and skeptical
mind and not take an extreme position" (USAF, n.d.). The sug-
gestion comes from a 500-page notebook which is restricted to
academy use only.

Inclusive to these statements, Space Program specialist and

astronaut observations are also incorporated herein. There are ad-
ditionally other notable publications containing the statements and
experiences of recognizable persons like Henry Ford, Bill Lear,
and U.S. Presidents such as Eisenhower, Kennedy, Carter, Reagan,
and more, which make for parallel reading as well.
Yes, the endless argumentative phase no longer represents a
rational discourse, merely a continued method of play devised to
delay, confuse, distract and redirect - which is exactly what we
have seen, as this subject has stalled over the last 40 years. There-
fore, the next stage of proactive and interactive exchange was to
proceed to addressing the message and purpose behind these con-
tacts; intelligent, progressive cooperation, leading to our global
sociological development and unilateral advancement in natural,
geophysical and space sciences.
New energy sources mean new concepts of transportation, in-
dustry, infrastructure and economic governance. The expansion of
our understanding behind basic biochemistry, the commonality of the
building blocks of life throughout the cosmos, and the advanced
learning into the diversity and function of space (the womb of
creation), awakens us into who and what we have been, and who
we are. The voyaging into our solar system, revelations about our
sun, planets, and space travel, motivates our combined humanity's
comprehension of our rightful sociological and planetary heritage.
George Adamski knew that this was where the future momen-
tum of this field needed to move and focus, and he enlisted all
the help he could summon. In short, this was, and still is, the next
logical step forward for all of us. Perhaps it is the only viable and
practical option still left open to us.

Towards these ends, George increased, not decreased his

activities. In addition to his four books, he collaborated with his
extraterrestrial friends to produce works like Telepathy: The
Universal Language; Cosmic Philosophy; and The Science ofLife
study course, all designed to further those goals towards greater un-
derstanding. The original manuscript and only copy of Adamski 's
fourth book Is a Space War Inevitable? - completed just before
his death - remains unpublished, withheld and secured by precise

In addition to numerous television and radio shows in the

United States dating back to the 1930s, George conducted a world
tour in 1959, followed by another European tour of select countries
in 1963. He met with ever-increasing numbers of people and nota-
ble figures, including Queen Juliana of the Netherlands, the Maori
King of New Zealand, Dr. Maitra in Calcutta, India, and many
others. On his second visit to Italy in 1963, he received a Papal
golden medal for personally delivering a sealed message from his
space contacts to Pope John XXIII.

With George drawing crowds sometimes in the thousands, far

beyond anyone's capabilities, both then or since, he engaged ac-
ademics, scientists, military, and government officials - some of
whom came to his support and aid. However, nervously for some,
such attention and success was not to go unnoticed !

Newspaper reports of UFOs followed him from country to

country. In the U.K. , he was sponsored by Air Chief Marshal Lord
Dowding, supreme commander over the Battle of Britain, and Sir
Desmond Leslie. In a Reuter's release in August of 1954, Dowd-
ing said "Of course Flying Saucers are real - and they are inter-
planetary" (as cited in Good, 1996). Lord Mountbatten, former
Viceroy of India and uncle to Prince Charles, attended their lun-
cheon and discussion. As Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Mountbatten
had witnessed UFOs in the Pacific during WWII, and there were
reports that one had landed in 1955 on his estate near Romsey in
Hampshire (Good, 1996).

Adamski later successfully debated renowned astronomer

Patrick Moore in London, and apart from the media hype, they
concluded with great respect for one another. This program can be
found on YouTube. The wave of positive reception and potential
for change was truly exhilarating and exemplified the thirst that
existed towards this subject, which George actively engaged. He
hoped the barriers, walls of ignorance, and the resistance, would
crumble. With minds growing open, we were on the cusp of amaz-
ing times; the Space Age and the New Frontier beckoned.

During his East Coast stay with us over the winter of 1964-65,
in January, Mr. Adamski briefly departed to Washington D.C., for
an appointment in New York City, where he had a meeting with
U.N. Secretary General U. Thant. Although a private interaction,
Thant would later go on record as harboring a substantial interest
in UFOs and having concerns regarding the effects on our
establishment's reactions (Pearson & Anderson, 1967).
During their conversation, Thant offered Adamski a seat on
the U.N., which Adamski politely declined, indicating that any
such official position could lead to compromising restrictions, and
he was not willing to forfeit his ability to support his principles,
or the truth. Coincidentally, several years prior, George was the
focus of an interview and article by Bob Grant, entitled, "George
Adamski: The first Ambassador to Outer Space?" (1967), which
nearly turned out to literally be the case.
Returning to D.C. just one month later, in February, at the
Rodeffer home in Silver Springs Maryland, Adamski was to film
one of the best UFO close-up motion picture films in civilian
hands. This is quite a statement, for from our observations, we
can say he carried nearly a dozen such UFO films, taken in vari-
ous locations, proximities, weather, and lighting conditions, in his
briefcase. Most still survive in our vaults under careful storage
Shortly afterwards, on March 9, 1965, the late Fred Steckling,
organized for George an International Press Conference at the
Mayflower Hotel to showcase these films. Ingrid Steckling, had
earlier accompanied Adamski coworker the late Mrs. Madeleine
Rodeffer who testified before the Senate Space committee, and to
Philadelphia to appear on the Mike Douglas show. Both worked
to send out an extensive list of invitations to members of the D.C.
press and Diplomatic Core, a number of whom attended. Many
later departed the event astounded by the quality and authenticity
of the Adamski films.
Of what has since been published concerning the Silver
Springs film, unfortunately little is true or accurate, having in
time been misconstrued and mishandled. As for the facts, we have
gone on record with these corrections since the very beginning,
and since we were there, they transpired like this: We were sum-
moned by George within an hour after the film being taken, and
after painstaking deliberation between Adamski and my father,
it was decided to risk development using the new automat-
ic machine processing being offered at Dynacolor, in nearby
Rockville, Maryland, versus the previously utilized method of
laboratory hand development, which historically had resulted in
many UFO films having been confiscated by certain agencies over
the previous decades.

Twenty-four hours later, my father picked up the film, and

we gathered in Madeleine's living room, where we six excitedly
viewed it, complete and entirely intact as filmed, with no substi-
tutions, no missing pieces and no fabrications. Shortly thereafter,
while Adamski was in Boston, due to the sensitive nature of the
clear frame sequences showing the Space craft's undercarriage
and detailed pro-gravitic mechanisms, those sensitive sections of
film were removed by request and returned to its E.T. authors. One
collective set of first generation copies of these Adamski UFO
films were made and distributed to specific coworkers - Madeleine
Rodeffer (D.C.), Maj. Hans Petersen (Denmark), Ronald Caswell
(U.K.), May Morlet (Belgium), Dora Bauer (Germany), Maria C.
Rueda (Mexico), Alice Wells, and Fred Steckling. Along with the
originals from all but the Silver Springs film, we have the only two
surviving full length copies in our vaults.

The analysis of the Silver Springs Adamski film by William

Sherwood, optical physicist and former senior project develop-
ment engineer for Eastman Kodak, stated "The camera is a Bell
& Howell animation auto-load standard 8, model 315, with a F 1. 8
lens, 9 - 29 mm, used in the 9 mm position. The image on the film
is about 2. 7rnrn maximum so for a 90ft distant object, the diameter
would be about 27 feet" (as cited in Good, 1996). Mr. Sherwood's
professional expertise attested to the films authenticity, and he is
by no means the only person who was, and is, convinced the film
is authentic (Good, 1996).

After inviting my father, Fred Steckling, to the Pentagon

to review the Adamski films on September 20th, 1967, Lt. Col.
George Freeman, Jr., USAF, Pentagon spokesman for Project Blue
Book, and a well-known figure in the military UFO investigations
was to say, "This is one of the best films I have seen yet," and
"I've never seen anything like this before."

Another positive reception was experienced earlier that same

year, on February 27th, 1967, when upon invitation by Dr.
Lowman, a panel of 22 scientists at NASA Goddard Space Flight
Center analyzed the many Adamski films, including independent
footage taken by my father. A thorough discussion concerning
these crafts' propulsion, planets of origin, the nature of their
"human" occupants, and other significant matters were openly
discussed. Documents from these events reside in our archives.

Remember, by this time, astronomers and a number of Mercury,

Gemini, and later Apollo astronauts were revealing their UFO
sightings and encounters, including some photos going public,
printed in Life, Look, Popular Mechanics, and other publications.

From 1869 through 1871, 40 members of England's prestigious

Royal Astronomical Society reported observing on the moon var-
ious geometric-shaped light patterns. In the following years came
confirmed sightings of a moving, 50-mile-wide, opaque object,
of great domes and a long, bridge-like structure on the plane of
Mare Crissum. In 1958, U.S. and Russian scientists saw a huge,
glowing oval shaped form (Gebart & Wagner, 1968).

"Intelligent beings abound in the universe and most of them

are far older than we are," said Dr. W. Howard, Harvard Univer-

Astronaut Gordon Cooper stated, "Intelligent beings from

other planets regularly visit our world in the effort to enter into
contact with us. I have encountered various ships during my space
voyages. NASA and the American government know this and
possess a great deal of evidence. Nevertheless, they remain
silent in order to not alarm the people" (Griffin & Cooper, 1978).
On the Merv Griffin show, when asked what the UFO occupants
looked like, Cooper went on to add, "Right, apparently from
everyone who has had contact with UFOs, they seem to agree that

the occupants are really not that different from you and I (Griffin
& Cooper, 1978).

Astronaut Scott Carpenter reported, "At no time when the

astronauts were in space, were they alone; there was a constant
surveillance by UFOs" (Carpenter, 1993).

Astronaut and physicist Dr. Brian O'Leary is quoted as saying,

"Contacts between extraterrestrials seem to have been going on
for decades but we still don't want to admit it" ("Former Princeton
Physics Professor and NASA," 2012).

Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell added his support by

saying, "I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the
fact that we've been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenom-
ena is real" ("Apollo 14 Astronaut Claims," 2008).

Apollo Commander Eugene Ceman, "I've been asked about

UFOs, and I've said publicly I thought they were somebody else,
some other civilization" (as cited in Eisen, 1999).

Maurice Chatelain, holder of 7 patents in space electronic

navigation, radar, and telecommunications systems, and designer
and builder of NASA's Apollo communications and data-process-
ing system, stated in his book, Our Ancestors Came from Outer
Space (1978), "It seems that all Apollo and Gemini flights were
followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by
space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin - flying saucers - or UFOs
if you want to call them by that name. Every time it occurred, the
astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute

In 1965, A. M. Chop, Deputy PR Director for NASA said, "I

am convinced for a long time that the flying saucers are interplan-
etary. We are being watched by beings from outer space" (as cited
by McCormack, 1965).

Such was the reality and seriousness of manner and tone in

which these materials and this subject were received in those
earlier years, and such remains a far cry from how this field has
digressed in more recent times. In fact, as of late that earlier
history has come under the duress of increased assaults and threats
of distortion, attacks aimed at trivializing and obscuring the hard
testimonial between what has truly transpired and the discrepan-
cies which are now being claimed since the 1970s. In reality, this
tally of original history still remains a substantial source of truth to
this day. Beyond a doubt, one thing is for certain: a defined, alter-
native and aggressive plan of distortion is being pursued, and has
saturated this subject - initially from without, and now even more
concentrated from those within the UFO arena.

In 1957, astronomers estimated that space contained at least

100 million planets with life ("Life on One Hundred Million
Planets," 1957). By 2013 that estimation had advanced to 9 Bil-
lion, with 200 Billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy and still
counting (Borentstein, 2013). As the shear mathematical numeric
probability out paces our fragile and entrenched resistance, sooner
or later we will be faced with ever widening cracks in the halls
of silence. In fact, a report from April 2015 stated, "by 2025, we
will be ready to announce contact." Apparently, someone appears
to be taking their selective time deciding this; let us also hope we
eventually have the wisdom to finally embrace ET life as friend
rather than foe.

So what made Adamski so different, so controversial, and such

an incessant target for the relentless attacks against him from the
evolving UFO field over the decades since? Simply this: with his
contribution, and representation, there was no one like him, either
in demeanor, substance of character, or authority of information.
Besides official or academic circles, he took himself directly to the
people - in the crossfire, front and center - and unlike others, he
did not conveniently preach down from some obscure or isolated
location. George's expertise extended beyond the ET and UFO
phenomenon, extending also into the human form, genetics, the
effects of stress in relation to cancer and disease, our dependency
on nature, the commonality of creation, and science. His over 50
hours of reel to reel recordings divulge an ever more humbling
plethora of details and knowledge.

None of the subsequent UFO personalities over the decades,
either singularly or collectively, has even come close to the expo-
sure, connections, quality and quantity of George's work, much to
their envy and annoyance. Some have tried to copy him, and
even impersonate him. Others continue to depict him negatively
to this day. Others attack his character, slanderously placing words in
his mouth he never spoke. Some desperately try to negate or ignore
anything and everything associated with him. Sadly, substantial
energies continue to be exhausted upon a man considered, in the
minds of some, as safely dead long ago, and one definitely no
longer capable of defending himself. Reminds one of the old say-
ing about those who "protest too much," does it not? Fortunately,
balance is an immutable force of life, and truth remains un-con-
tainable. One thing is for certain: Adamski was, and continues to
be, totally unique and a one-of-a-kind.

The information Adamski provided encompassed an exam-

ination of past, present, and future events and revelations. Not in
a mystical or prophetic way, but by simple examination of nat-
ural science and the principles of cause and effect. George was
long vested in the concept of universal life from a very young
age. Some of his earliest writings dealt with both the philosophical
aspects and biological probabilities of life throughout the cosmos,
including the historical impact of ancient records pertaining to
UFO sightings and extraterrestrial contacts. His earlier, exclusive
exposures in the Far East, and youthful travels and experiences
thereafter, were a source of his accumulation of knowledge, and
not any misleadingly claimed fraternal association between the
likes of H. Blavatsky or N. Peale. Adamski's school and classes,
The Royal Order of Tibet, were dedicated to these unique teach-
ings and concepts in Laguna Beach, California, in the 1930s.

In addition to philosophy, Adamski studied natural sciences,

space phenomena, chemistry, samples of writings from Biblical
records, ancient records from China, some like the Ramayana and
Maha Bharata from India, Egyptian, old Sanskrit, and Tibetan
texts such as the Royal Pedigrees of Tibetan Kings. Within these
texts are extraordinary records that challenge our anthropologi-

cal pre-conclusions, present time-lines, and historical perceptions,
with reports of flying crafts and extraterrestrial visitation going
back over 4,000 years. Some UFO descriptions of the present par-
allel the past, such as the aforementioned Wheel within the Wheel,
the Flying Scroll, Flying Roll, Fly like a Cloud, Flying Shield,
Pillar of fire, Flying Chariots, Vimanas, Nagas, a ship hanging
among the stars, etc.

For present day readers and investigators, several notewor-

thy resources dedicated to such historical parallels can be found
in these publications: Flying Saucers Have Landed (Leslie &
Adamski, 1953); Flying Saucers, Ancient Writings, and the Bible
(Leonard, 1960); The Bible and Flying Saucers (Downing, 1968);
We Are Not the First (Tomas, 1971); and In Search of Ancient
Mysteries (Landsburg & Landsburg, 1974). These are but a few.

Motivated to share his earlier experiences and studies, during

the 1930's George conducted radio shows in the greater Los
Angeles and Long Beach area on KMPC and KFOX. In 1936,
one of George's students Mrs. D. Lolita Johnson, owner of the
Laguna school property where he taught, gifted him a six-inch
telescope after which, for Adamski and his students, the exam-
ination of our skies, moon and stars became another focal point.
With the caption, Long Range Telescope Added to Laguna Project,
George with his telescope were featured in April of 1938 in
the Los Angeles Times ("Ready for Public Studies: Long Range
Telescope," 1938).

In fact, in one of his correspondences from 1940, George in-

dicated that through the use of his new telescope, he had taken
several photographs of what he considered UFOs already then,
submitting them to the government for identification, but he re-
ceived no response or definitive explanation.
An interesting caveat to the telescopic gift given to Adamski
earlier was that Mrs. Johnson's son, Dr. Joseph Johnson, was
an instructor at Cal Tech Pasadena. With his 18-inch Schmidt
telescope, Dr. Johnson was responsible for the sky charting and
mapping for the location for the 200 Hale Palomar observatory

in 1949, constructed after Adamski had moved to the base of that
mountain in 1946 (photo in Illustrations). George's later com-
ments that he had friends and spent many evenings at Palomar
Gardens where he lived, and enjoyed lengthy discussions with Dr.
Johnson, and other associated astronomers and scientists involved
with the Palomar project... was once again irrefutable.

Some years past, while we were conducting an interview for

the Orange County Register, the reporter who was composing an
expose on Adamski later supplied us with this noteworthy tidbit:
At Mount Palomar, he had interviewed Ronald Florence, Palo-
mar Historian and author who stated, "Here is a gem of trivia I'll
share with you: when the big mirror for the Palomar telescope was
brought up in 1947, it was set on a concrete platform that still sits
by the observatory today (on the west side). In a playful mood,
Astronomer Olin Wilson placed a carefully lettered sign on the
platform that read, "This Flying Saucer, drawn here by the light
gathering power of the two-hundred-inch telescope, has brought
visitors from other worlds, who are currently guests of the govern-
ment." The sign was removed when tourists complained about it.
So much for a gratuitous Earth welcome!
Within a short time, another example of ET interactions re-
sulted from the now famous Adamski contact in Desert Center, in
November of 1952 (Adamski, 1953). During this interaction with
multiple witnesses that was also sighted by military aircraft on
maneuvers and later recorded in Project Blue book, Adamski gave
his newly acquired space friend one of the blank photographic
glass plates used by his early camera from his pocket by the space
visitor's request.

Several weeks later in December, a bell-shaped saucer, also

photographed at a low level over his property near Palomar Moun-
tain, hovered at treetop level and dropped a carefully wrapped
package. Upon examination, the package contained the same glass
plate, except now covered with intricate diagrams and symbols.
There is much more to this event, including nearly ten years later,
the discovery of multiple symbols, some approximately 80% iden-
tical, carved in rock, deep in the northeast Amazonian jungle at a
location known as the "Pedra Pintada" by archaeologist Professor
Marcel Hornet (Hornet & Spearman, 1963). (See Illustrations.)

Speaking in 1962, shortly before the release of his book in

January, 1963, Professor Hornet determined through the process
of geophysical weathering that this form of dating indicated these
symbols to be "at least 10,000 years old," however, based upon
Hornet's experience in the field, this estimation could actually be
as old as 20,000 to 30,000 years (Hornet & Spearman, 1963). As
mentioned previously, such discoveries have profound im-
plications regarding our professed historical and evolutionary
timelines, and expose the entrenched academic resistance toward
the cycles of ancient civilizations and their levels of sophistica-
tion. Professor Hornet stated, "Although I shall be destroying a
great deal of theories about the world of antiquity, I have never
found Adamski to be untruthful" (as cited in Malthaner, 1962).
The same year of Hornet's release, South African Basil Van
Den Berg announced that through deciphering the Hornet and
Adamski symbols, in conjunction with the Adamski contact foot-
print symbols from 1952, he was able to reproduce a model
propelled by magnets powering a free energy motor. Van den Berg
stated, "It is so simple that the scientists will wonder why a
child of seven has not thought of it before" (Van den Berg, 1962).
Contrary to warnings from Adamski to be cautious and vigilant
of the methods of our opposing forces, he scheduled to submit
his blue prints openly to the press in 18 countries, and was invit-
ed directly to several countries, including Mexico. Van den Berg
boarded a plane to Europe, with a stopover connection in Switzer-
land. During the plane transfer, he disappeared, never to be seen
or heard from again.

Most certainly, Adamski's telescopic UFO photographs, and later,

his exceptional motion picture footage, provided the technical and
visual proof substantiating his claims. These were often criti-
cized, but not by professional laboratories, or optical film experts,
for these materials have successfully passed those exam-
inations. In fact, Adamski openly offered a $2,000 reward to
prove his photos fake and there has never been any successful or
even serious takers. Instead what transpired were trivial attacks
of personal innuendo, accusations, and opinions, repeated in
crescendo, directed at drowning out any rational thought or dis-
course - ironically by individuals lacking the very credentials or
expertise they themselves accused Adamski of not having. There
have been amateurs who loudly proclaim opinions of double
exposure, film spicing, overlays, models, etc., all issues which
multiple experts relative to the time and technology of the 1950s
and '60s, when the Adamski photos and films were taken, have
gone on record as them being completely untampered with. So
other than producing volumes of copious, opinionated hot air,
these perpetrators continue to be insignificant and ineffectual in
producing one single shred of substantiated scientific evidence
against George's photos and films.

Some have said the Adamski photos and films are too old,
somehow comparing age to irrelevance, when instead, it is their
very age that remains one of their rock solid strengths. The sim-
plicity of the early technological and photographic era from the
40s, 50s, and 60s, long precludes modem computers, sophisticat-
ed manipulation programs, and the methods of the Science
Fiction film industry of the last 30 years' ability to perform. Today,
our computer technology allows the ability to thoroughly fake just
about anything ... and often does.
After complaints of being too old, the Adamski photos were
then criticized for being too clear, then not clear enough, then their
motion too fast, then too erratic, or too slow - plainly the prac-
ticed art of skepticism and dissatisfaction intentionally aimed at
distracting the genuinely serious, or just innocently curious from
any further rational or objective analysis.
Whether acts of incompetence or deception, the wild accusa-
tions that Adamski's photos were chicken-feeders, water-coolers,
flying hot dogs, swamp gas, weather inversions, models, and late-
ly a piece of a Coleman camping lantern, shows just how desper-
ate the hallucinations of these critics are. What these same people
hope you don't know, and don't think about, is these SAME Bel/-
shaped E. T spacecrafts have been photographed as early as 1918,
in various locations and conditions, by numerous individuals all
over the world (Brunswick, 1999) (Stevens, 1975). Also chased by
multiple military interceptor jets, witnessed by airline pilots and
tracked by radar traveling at thousands of mph (Good, 1996).
Therefore, the actual facts speak for themselves.

The affidavit in the illustrations section attests to the film lab-

oratory's handling and development of the Adamski negatives in
their original state and in untampered conditions. Also recall that
the old 16 & 8 mm motion picture cameras from that era required
manufactured film canisters within a sealed cartridge, afterwards
to be sent exclusively to photographic laboratories for develop-
ment. Tampering threatened film by ruining exposure; one could
not manipulate the film within the cartridge, nor home develop the
film in the bathroom sink. So much for those naive tampering
accusations. Both the Adamski and the Steckling cameras from
that time period are in our archives.

For all the negative statements and ridicule directed at George

Adamski, his exceptional photos, and his remarks, the passing of
time has actually proven a powerful aid, allowing ever greater
opportunity for additional affirmative revelations and rebuttals,
many of which continue to be purposely ignored. Yet, such still
exist, and can be found on our website

Below is a mere sample of the factual statements and evidence

rendered by professionals in their field concerning Adamski:

Pev Marley, Cecil B. De Mille's top trick photographer stated

that if Adamski 's photos were fakes, they were the best he had
ever seen.

John Ford, the famous Hollywood Director, was given some

of the Adamski enlargements, and stated that, in his opinion, the
saucers were large objects, shot through a telephoto lens of about
six inches in focal length - which they were.

Joseph Mansour, Chief of Jetex Model Aircraft, whose job it

was to photograph models attempting to make them look real,
stated that, in his opinion, Adamski's photos were NOT models,
but large objects of about 30 feet in diameter. British Engineer
Leonard Cramp conducted orthographic projections of sever-
al saucer photos, and both he and Adamski stated that the actual
smaller crafts were approximately 33 feet in diameter (Cramp &
Laurie, 1954).

From England, fourteen experts from the J. Arthur Rank Com-

pany concluded that the objects photographed by Adamski were
either real or had to be a full scale model, meaning a life-sized
replica suspended by cranes, heavy equipment, and more. Fur-
ther examination of the Adamski property and the numerous film
sights in the Southern California area at large made this a technical
and :financial impossibility.

MGM Studios Special Effects laboratory's study of the

Adamski pictures showed that although models could be built and
posed, there was one thing they could never duplicate accurately:
the distance effect, or the graying effect indicative of photographs
taken through a telescope (Stevens, 1975).

Sir Desmond Leslie, a distinguished WWII fighter pilot,

author, and UFO witness, stated, "A factor known as atmospheric
softening is due to moisture and dust in the atmosphere, and it is
impossible to match up foreground with distant background. The
effect through a telephoto lens is to produce a certain graying and
flattening which is practically impossible to reproduce artificially.
Telephotography (through a telescope) also slightly alters the
perspective, hence the flattening and graying effects clearly
noticeable in the Adamski photos" (as cited in Stevens, 1975).

Leonard Cramp, M.I.S.A., Aeronautical Engineer, commented

"In the light of these facts, there seem to be no room for further
doubt. We are forced to admit that in the Coniston sightings (the
Darbishire 1954 photos) and others, there is adequate proof that
Adamski is telling the truth when he says he photographed a space
ship from another world" (Cramp & Laurie, 1954).

In 1973, NASA Scientist Dr. James McCambell stated, "With
the exception of a single instance ... all encounters were preceded
by an incident in the California Desert. On November 20th, 1952,
a witness met a strange man face-to-face in broad daylight that was
described as completely 'human'. In other words, the composite
picture of normal sized UFO pilots seen on at least 83 occasions
between 1952 and 1968 confirms the image of this class described
by George Adamski. As the witness, George Adamski thoroughly
anticipated numerous unrelated events around the world. For two
decades, he has either accurately described personal observation,
or he was one of the best prophets of modern times. Other portions
of his writings deserve to be scrutinized for information about
UFOs" (McCambell, 1976).

More to current date, an article from October of 2014 was

released on Exopolitics, titled "Two Cigar-Shaped UFOs Appear
near the International Space Station." The latest video incident
follows a string of UFOs captured by the ISS live stream with the
cigar-shaped objects being estimated to be aircraft carrier size (Salla,
2014). The article goes on tomentionAdamskiandhis "famous pho-
tographs" oflarge cigar shaped crafts near our moon (Salla, 2014).

After the first edition of this book was published in 1961,

George conducted a second European lecture tour. On May 31st,
1963, George had an appointment in Rome, at the Vatican with
Pope John XXIII. George had been given a sealed message from
his space contacts to deliver to the Holy Father, who already had
been informed and was expecting it. George had arrived the day
before his appointment, with May Morlet (Flitcroft), his Belgian
coworker, and L. Zinstag from Switzerland.
From the testimony of the two witnesses, the three of them ar-
rived early the next day at Saint Peters for an 11 a.m. appointment,
where George was met by a young, uniformed man and escorted
inside via a wooden door and private entrance to the left of the St.
Peter's dome. George returned about an hour later from having
been received by the Pope where he described as being received
not in the official Papal Apartment above Saint Peter's square, but

rather in a separately appointed private bedroom where the Pope
was recovering from his illness. George described being helped
to don a type of cloak or cape over his suit and upon entering the
room, the Pope, who was bedridden, gave him a big smile and
said, "I have been expecting you". Upon receiving the message, he
stated, "This is what I have been waiting for." For nearly an hour
they quietly conversed and before leaving, the Pope put his hand
on Adamski 's head as in blessing. Thereafter, George was escorted
back through the antechamber, for there was someone else with an
appointment waiting directly after Adamski.
Shortly after returning to their hotel, a Vatican emissary
arrived stating that in recognition of George's services, the Pope
had sent him to present Adamski with a small lilac container,
covered in engravings, which contained a Papal Golden Ecumen-
ical Medallion (pictured in the illustrations section). As collabo-
rating evidence, when interviewed years thereafter, the manager
of the Albergo Auriga Hotel still remembered the incident with
the two ladies, the white haired gentleman, and the Vatican official
who met Adamski in his hotel's lobby on the afternoon of May
31 st - this is from the files and affidavit of eyewitness May Morlet
Later, George publicly, openly showed the small golden me-
dallion to his friends . It depicts the Pope's profile on the front, and
a dove with wings spread wide on the reverse side (see Illustra-
tions). George received the new ecumenical coin just days prior
to the Pope's unexpected passing on June 3rct. The medallion/
coin weighs 8 grams, is 23 mm in diameter, was designed by
R. Signorini and is listed on the Vatican's itinerary of Papal medal-
lions. It resides in the Adamski Foundation's vault.
Over the years, some individuals engrossed in personal
crusades, engaged in denying or slandering anything Adamski
said, including attempts to refute his meeting with the Pope, or the
medallions validity, etc., and remain seemingly unembarrassed by
their unsavory disconnect from facts. Their insinuations that the
meeting could not happen as described, while themselves having
no experience at the Vatican, nor proof to the contrary, and despite
the facts behind the testimony of witnesses who accompanied
Adamski to the Vatican, plus those having seen the medallion
thereafter, and the testimony of the hotel staff. The facts do not
seem to discourage their zeal. Added to this group's list of addi-
tional accusations was the notion that the medallion was a cheap
imitation constructed of copper rather than the gold that it clearly
is. Then came the implication that Adamski, or one of his mystical
cohorts, had purchased the medallion either before or after the
Pope's death, citing whichever argument supplied their momen-
tary needs.

Despite the fact that these critics are guilty of having absolute-
ly no firsthand information or experiences to any of these events,
they wildly throw accusations and invent constructs desperately
hoping that something, anything, may stick. Accusations through
innuendo, the art of, and impact of destruction, compounded by
a subsequent barrage of ever more ludicrous misrepresentations.
Fred Steckling had a term for this form of manifest confusion
- he called it "children tripping over their own feet." Who hasn't
observed the equivalent irrelevance of these type of transparent
behaviors before? Surely, these are the weakest of tactics.

Fortunately, we here at the Foundation have spent decades ac-

tively involved in representing and showing such tangible effects
such as the medallion, original negatives, films, affidavits and a
plethora of additional original materials still in our archives. We
remain privileged in reminding and directing all interested people
to the relevance behind benevolent, progressive factors of space
visitations. There is an enormous potential as well as profound
implications in what we can learn from their advancements,
enlightened travels, and the acquired and ongoing understanding
of life they continue to so graciously and freely share with those
who are willing to listen.

Over the decades, some have tried to emulate George or repli-

cate his experiences, but remain unsuccessful, because they could
not legitimately claim the same direct access or contacts he had.
The well of their imaginations eventually ran dry, unraveling their

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:

Heidät komennetaan riveihin leiripihalle. Joukossa on haavoittuneita,

ontuvia, sideotsaisia. Muutamia punaisen ristin miehiäkin. Yleensä
edistyneemmän näköistä väkeä, joka kuitenkin näyttää uupuneelta ja
raihnaiselta. Pitkät päivämarssit ja niukka lepo. Ei se ihmettä ole…

Heiltä on riistetty punaiset olkalaput sinelleistä ja univormuista ja

lakit ovat vailla kokardia.

— Ja tuonne meidänkö entiseen telttaan heidät sijoitetaan?

Onhan mahdotonta, että sinne voi mahtua tuollaiset joukot.

— Kyllä sinne mahtuu. Lääkäri on sen tarkastanut ja antanut

myönteisen vastauksen.

Sinne heidät sullotaan, komppania komppanian jälkeen. Jos tulee

pysäys, ärjäsee upseeri ja heiluttaa ruoskaansa ja taas alkaa
vankivirta liikkua sisään. Samalla alkaa siellä surina, kuin
mehiläispesässä, mutta voimakkaampi ja valtavampi, jonka silloin
tällöin katkasee vain upseerien ärjyntä.
Olisi mielenkiintoista vilkaista teltan ovesta. Mutta sitä vapautta
emme uskalla ottaa. Varmaan saisi siellä nähdä näyn, joka ei yöunta
lisäisi. Liiaksi ei siellä mahda löytyä tilaa. Miten, poloiset, ollenkaan
voivat nukkua. Meissä herää sääli heitä kohtaan.

Jo ensi päivänä komennetaan heistä parikymmentä miestä teltan

sivuun, suuren perunakasan ympärille, kuorimaan perunia.
Kyykyllään he siinä ovat, hienon sateen vihmotessa ja tekevät
työtään. Mutta vähänväliä tulee siihen luutnantti, katselee heitä
kotvan tarkasti, heiluttaa pamppuaan jonkun pään päällä ja ärjäsee
jotakin, jota heidän on mahdoton ymmärtää.

Joukossa olevat saksankielentaitoiset aliupseerit erotetaan eri

joukoksi. He asetetaan riviin ja luutnantti jakelee heille
määräyksiään, joita heidän on vuorostaan jaettava tovereilleen.
Heistä tulee »tulkitsevia» aliupseereita.

Vielä samana iltana annetaan vangeille keitosta. Vuoron perään

saavat he käydä puolivalmiissa keittiössä noutamassa ravintoaan
kenttäleileihinsä. Jos he eivät tule teltasta kylliksi nopeasti ulos, vaan
syntyy pieni välimatka vitkastelun tähden, hyökkää luutnantti jo
ovelle ja ärjäsee:

— Kom ein! Kom ein!

Petomaisen ilmeen ja eleen johdosta sotamies hämmästyy.

Upseeri juoksee telttaan, tarttuu miesraukkaan ja iskee häntä

pampullaan selkään niin että vanki on iskusta lyyhistyä.

— Kyllä minä tottelemaan opetan!

Näin tapahtuu vähän väliä. Ja iskuja voi saada kaikista


Vankiparoilta on kielletty oikeastaan kaikki. Päivisin määrätään

heidät marssimaan suurissa kaarissa telttojen takana olevilla kentillä,
liikuntoa ja raitista ilmaa saadakseen. Ainoastaan pieni osa on
jossain työssä.

Monen ikävän tapahtuman todistajaksi joutuu leirillä. Kerrottakoon

tässä muutamia.

Vankien on kielletty jyrkästi polttamasta. Samoin on meidän

kielletty antamasta kenellekään tupakkaa tai tulitikkuja.

Sattuu usein, että joku venäläinen, nähdessään meidän polttavan,

tulee luoksemme ja rukoilemalla rukoilee joko tupakkaa tai tulta.
Mutta me emme voi täyttää heidän toivomuksiaan asettamatta omaa
rauhaamme vaaraan ja meidän on kieltäydyttävä.

Parakkimme edustalla kaivavat venäläiset syvennystä vesiputkea

varten. Seison syvennyksen partaalla ja poltan kitkerästä
tupakastamme kierrettyä savuketta.

Eräs kaivavista venäläisistä tarkastaa minua ahnaasti, mutta

mieleenikään ei johdu hänen katseensa tarkotus. Kun hän vielä
kääntää selkänsä poispäin, kiintyy huomioni muualle.

Poltettuani savuketta puolimatkaan, heitän sen kuoppaan ja

polkasen santaa sen päälle. Aikomukseni on palata takaisin
parakkihuoneeseemme. Mutta samalla kun käännyn poispäin ja
astun askeleen, näen venäläisen ryntäävän poisheittämääni
savukkeeseen, joka vielä savuaa, tunkevan sen pieneen piippuunsa
ja kyyristyneenä kuopan pohjalle imevän ahnaasti savuja. Samalla
vilkuu hän arasti ympärilleen, välttääkseen vahtien katseen.

Mutta vahti ei ole nukkunut. Hän keksii sotamiehen puuhat.

Repäsee piipun hänen kädestään ja ilmoittaa tapahtuman

Seuraus on, että vankiparan selkä paljastetaan ja teltan takana

saa hän nahkapampusta muutamia kimmahtavia iskuja.

Hän kirkasee hampaittensa välistä jokaisen iskun sattuessa. Se on

tuskallinen kirkaisu. Ja hänen selkäänsä kohoavat ruoskan jäljet
paksuina, punaisina, melkein vertatihkuvina.

Samana päivänä ruoskitaan vielä toinenkin. Mistä syystä, sitä en

onnistunut saamaan tietooni. Muistaakseni joku sanoi, että hän oli
varastanut leipäviipaleen.


Myöskin seuraavan tapahtuman todistajiksi jouduimme kaikki:

Eräänä aamupäivänä ovat venäläiset saksankieltä taitavat vangit

komennettu riviin leirin pihalle.

Eräs aliupseeri tulee kantaen pajuraippoja kokonaisen sylillisen.

Ne ovat kuorittuja ja näyttävät vielä tuoreilta.

Luutnantti seisoo venäläisten edessä. Ärjyvällä äänellään hän

puhuu heille. Me emme jaksa erottaa sanoja selvästi, ainoastaan
jonkun sieltä täältä. Hän puhuu kurinpidosta ja kysyy aina vähän
— Ymmärrättekö?!

Sitten jakaa hän raipat. Yhden kullekin.

— Oman selkänahkanne uhalla, sanoo hän sitten, on teidän

lyötävä, jos huomaatte epäjärjestystä, ymmärrättekö. Lyötävä niin,
että tuntuu! Ymmärrättekö!

Vangit katsovat heille annettuja raippoja. Tämä määräys tuntuu

monesta katkeralta. Lyödäkö veljiään, omia heimolaisiaan.

Harvoin näkee kuitenkaan näitä raippoja käytännössä.

Useimmiten paukkuu luutnantin pamppu.


Tätä tapausta muistellessani, herää mieleeni väkisinkin kysymys:

— Saavatkohan vangit koskaan tarpeeksi ruokaa?

Parakkiamme rakennettiin silloin parhaillaan. Venäläinen, jonka

kanssa jouduin kosketuksiin, auttaa muurareita, jotka laittavat

On päivällisaika. Laitan parhaillaan voileipiä keittiömestarin


Vanki tarkastelee touhuamme pitkän aikaa ääneti. Hän näkee

suuret ruislimppumme, nisuleipämme, voimme ja makkaramme.

Vihdoin tulee hän luoksemme. Osoittaa suurta ruislimppua ja

tarjoo viittäkymmentä kopekkaa.
Oivallan heti mikä seuraus siitä olisi ollut, jos antaisin hänelle
kokonaisen ruislimpun. Sitä olisi ollut mahdotonta piilottaa niin ettei
sitä olisi keksitty.

Pudistan kieltävästi päätäni ja ojennan hänelle sensijaan paksun

leipäviipaleen. Hän tarjoo rahaa.

— Niet, niet, kiellän minä.

Tulen melkein liikutetuksi katsoessani miten suurella ruokahalulla

hän leivän syö. Hänellä on nälkä, sanomaton nälkä, sen voi helposti


Mutta kohta tulee aika, jolloin heillä ei enää ole tilaisuus

rahallakaan saada mitään, joskin sellaiset mahdollisuudet
aikaisemminkin olivat sangen niukkoja.

Eräänä kauniina päivänä ilmoitetaan heille, että heidän on

luovutettava kaikki rahansa päällystölle, kuten aikaisemmin tulleitten
venäläisten ja englantilaisten oli ollut pakko tehdä. Selitetään kyllä,
että ne saadaan takaisin sodan loputtua ja että ne otetaan säilöön
siksi, jotta eivät katoa tai muulla tavalla häviä omistajiltaan.

— Mutta, vakuuttaa meidän asiantuntijamme, syy ei kuitenkaan

ole se. Tällä tavalla on vangeilta luultu riistettävän viimeinenkin
karkausmahdollisuus lahjoa sotamiehiä.

Kaikkien on vuoron perään vietävä roponsa. Heidän nimensä

kirjoitetaan luetteloon, merkitään summa viereen. Rahat pannaan
läpinäkyvään paperipussiin, jotka myös varustetaan nimellä ja
rahasumman arvo numerolla. Toisilla on ruplia runsaasti, tukuttain,
toisilla vähemmän, muutamilla vain joitakuita halpoja kopekkoja.
Kaikki on annettava, jok'ainoa kopekka.

Surumielisesti asettavat he rahansa pöydälle. Saavat jonkinlaisen

kuitin tai pussin numeron.

— Mars, eteenpäin. Seuraava.


Me suomalaiset elämme alituisessa toivossa ja odotamme jokaisen

päivän olevan viimeisen vankilapäivämme. Mutta päivät kuluvat ja
asema ei sanottavasti valkene. Sähkösanoman lähettänyt
osatoverimme saa kyllä pari sähkösanomaa, joista toinen vahvistaa
tiedon, että hänen veljellään on sen niminen veli. Toisessa
sähkösanomassa lähettää veli terveisiä. Olemme vakuutettuja, että
ainakin hän tulee pääsemään vapaaksi ja niin uskoo hän itsekin.

— Se on sangen todennäköistä, sanoo hän; mutta älkää luulko,

että teitä unohdan, jos niin käy. Ei, niin suuri raukka en sentään ole.

— Hyvä on, kun setä on ministerinä, nauraa eräs joukosta, johon

vakava puhe ei ole tehnyt sanottavaa vaikutusta.

Vapautusjulistusta ei vaan kuulu.


Vankilan yli-insinööri on käynyt Danzigissa. Jo mennessään lupasi

hän vaikuttaa hyväksemme Danzigissa. Hän kertoo, että
sotilaspiireissä ollaan yleensä myötätuntoisella kannalla meihin.
Meidän tulee vaan lähettää uusi kirjelmä sinne.
Nyt ei se kuitenkaan ole enää helppoa. Posti- ja
sähkölennätinhallitukselta on tullut uusia määräyksiä, jotka kokonaan
ovat sulkeneet meidät muun maailman yhteydestä. Sähkölennätin ja
postilaitos eivät nim. saa ottaa lähetettäväksi minkäänlaisia
tiedonantoja vangeilta.

Mitä nyt tehdään?

Täytyy kuitenkin yrittää. Ryhdytään puuhaamaan uutta kirjelmää.

Siihen liitetään korkeita suosittelijoitakin. M.m. eräs prinsessa,
upseereita, professoreita, jollaisia tuttavuuksia joillakuilla
joukostamme on.

Kerrotaan huolistamme upseereille. Se auttaa. He lupaavat

lähettää kirjelmän virkateitse. Jos siihen ei saada kolmen päivän
kuluessa vastausta, lupaavat he vielä tiedustella sähköteitse asian

Toivomme virkoaa taas, samoin elämänhalummekin. Ehkäpä

sittenkin on pian koittava vapautushetkemme. Tai saadaan ainakin
varmuus siitä onko tänne jäätävä tai ei.

Huvittavaa on tehdä huomioita saksalaisten sota-innosta. Hurjalla

riemulla puhuvat he yhtenäisistä voitoista Ranskassa. He luottavat
täydellisesti lopulliseen voittoonsa. Heissä elää ehdoton vakaumus
siitä, että Saksalla on siveellinen oikeus puolellaan. Muut ovat
hyökänneet heidän kimppuunsa, sanovat he. Heidän on
puolustettava maitaan ja maansa etuja. He ylpeilevät
sotakuntoisuudestaan ja tykeistään ja urhoollisista maansa pojista,
jotka panevat henkensä alttiiksi jalon asian tähden. Näyttää siltä kuin
heillä ei olisi pienintäkään aavistusta siitä, että, juuri Saksa itse alotti
sodan Venäjää ja Ranskaa vastaan. Tuntuupa melkein kuin se olisi
kokonaan salattu heiltä. Miten muuten oli tämä tietämättömyys

Itä-Preussin asiat heitä vähän huolettavat. Venäjän eteneminen

siellä. Mutta odottakaapas, uhmaavat he taas, kun saamme sinne
järeät tykkimme ja apuväkeä, niin sitten on meidän vuoro.

Innostus on tarttunut pikkupoikiinkin. Vähän väliä saa nähdä

jonkun sotaisen koulupoikajoukkueen marssivan leirimme ohi. Huilut
soivat. Etunenässä kulkee pikkumies kohotettu johtajansauva
kädessä. He soittavat kansallishymniä. Kun johtaja nostaa sauvansa
alkavat huilut soida ja rumpunappulat päristä. Kun sauva lasketaan
alas vaikenee soitto.

Samoin kulkevat silloin tällöin pienet koulutytöt, hyvin järjestetyissä

riveissä ohitsemme. Heillä on opettajat mukanaan ja he laulavat
heikoilla, kirkkailla äänillään. Se on innostus, sotainen innostus, joka
heistä tulvahtaa, viaton innostus, jolla ei ole aavistustakaan sodan
hirvittävästä merkityksestä ja raakuudesta. He näkevät siinä
ainoastaan uljuutta ja sankarillisuutta. Heille on sanottu, että Saksaa
on loukattu ja sen häväistys on kostettava. Saksalaiset pojat
kostavat isänmaansa loukkaukset. Viattomina ja tietämättöminä
kantavat he näin uhrinsa isänmaansa alttarille.

Pitkät ajat olin minä säästynyt ruuankannosta keittiöstä. Mutta

vihdoin on minunkin alistuttava kohtalooni.

Eräänä päivällisenä pannaan ämpäri käteeni ja sanotaan:

— Mene, mene!

Ja minä menen, mikäs auttaa.

Keittiössä ei ole vielä seiniä. Mutta on muuri ja tulisijat ja kolme

suurta, ainakin viisikymmentä litraa vetävää pataa.

Padassa poreilee parhaallaan keitos, tahmea ja paksu kuin puuro.

Venäläiset kokit liikuttelivat sitä suurilla veistämillään puuliikuttimilla.
Paksuja kuplia syntyy keitoksen pinnalle ja hajoavat heti kun liikutin
lähestyy niitä kierroksellaan padan ympäri. Kevyt savu nousee
keitoksesta ja haju, joka on kaikkea voimaperäisyyttä vailla.

Patojen ääressä seisoo komentava ylikokki, pullearintainen ja

pohkeinen matami. Hänellä on käsissään talinpala ja veitsi. Pieniä
talinpalasia hän vuoleskelee ja heittää niitä keitokseen höysteeksi.
Kuuman ruuan pinnalla sulaa niitten ympärille pyöreä kehä, joka
suurenee suurenemistaan. Keskelle jää musta pilkku, nähtävästi
talissa oleva lika, joka kokoontuu ydinkohtaan.

Minulle syntyy samanlainen tunne kuin sille, jolle työnnetään

väkisin talia suuhun. Rupean tuntemaan pahoinvointia. Tahmea
talinmaku kutittaa kitalaessa. Muistan kaikissa entisissä ruu'issa
talinmaun ja minulle selviää nyt ruokien äitelyyden syy.

Tartun äkkiä ämpäriini. Pyydän saada pian ruuan ja kiirehdän

ruokaa odottavien tovereitteni luo. Ahneesti ammennetaan
ämpäreistä kuppeihin. Toiset syövät entiseen tapaansa. Näön vuoksi
otan vähän kuppiini, mutta jok'ainoa lusikka, jonka yritän viedä
huulilleni tekee vastarintaa.

Sinä päivänä ei keitoksen syönnistäni tule mitään, mutta voileivät

tekevät sensijaan kahta paremmin kauppansa.


Vielä uudessakin asunnossamme tapaa leirin muonamestari

käydä usein meitä tervehtimässä.

Aina pitää hän hyvää huolta syömisestämme ja kehoittaa vaan

ottamaan enemmän, kyllä riittää, kyllä riittää!

Mutta kaikista kehotuksistaan huolimatta on hän tehnyt sen

huomion, että suomalaiset syövät vähän, eivät nuuskaa ollenkaan,
vaan polttavat sensijaan paljon. Kummallista väkeä!

Eräänä päivänä lueteltuaan koko huolenpitosanastonsa, hän

kysyy kummeksien:

— Miksi suomalaiset syövät niin vähän? Onko ruoka huonoa?

— Ei, vastataan.

— No, mikä siihen sitten on syynä?

— He ovat yleensä vähäruokaisia..

Selitys tyydyttää häntä. Ja vielä tänä päivänä hän kai uskoo tähän
suomalaisilla löytymättömään hyveeseen.


Sen erän perästä, jolloin kaupungilta tuodut pihvit ja perunat olivat

huvenneet yhdeksäntoista nälkäisen miehen kitaan ja loppuneet
kesken vasta alkuun päästyä, ei leirille enää tuotu kaupungilta muita
kuin voileipätarpeita. Matkustajat, joilla oli yllinkyllin kultaa ja saivat
sitä vaihdettua Saksan rahaksi, pitivät viimeaikoina
kaupungillakäynnin kokonaan omana huvinaan. Söivät siellä ja
vähän joivatkin palan paineeksi. Kaikkialla otettiin heidät mitä
suurimmalla kohteliaisuudella vastaan ja mukana oleva aliupseeri
salli heille erikoisvapauksia saadessaan itse olla mukana kesteissä.

Eräänä päivänä aterioivat he leiriylänteelle nousevan kadun

varrella olevassa pienessä, vanhassa ja soman näköisessä
viinituvassa, jonka ulkonäöstä jo olen maininnut. Isäntä taritsee heitä
oivallisella ruualla ja juomalla ja käyttää koko
kohteliaisuusvarastonsa heitä tyydyttääkseen.

Lopuksi kun he pyytävät saada maksaa tiedustelee isäntä, eivätkö

he haluaisi suorittaa laskuaan Suomen rahassa. Hän ottaisi erittäin
mielellään heiltä vastaan Suomen rahaa muistoksi itselleen,
lapsilleen ja vielä lastenlapsilleen tästä tilaisuudesta, jollaisia ei joka
päivä Bütow'issa satu.
Lasku maksetaan Suomen rahassa ja ukko on tyytyväinen,
saattelee vieraitaan vielä ovelle ja tekee monta syvää kumarrusta
heidän poistuessaan.

Kapteeni Stenbockin ja Danzigiin jääneen väestöosan kohtalosta ei

meillä ollut vähintäkään aavistusta. Luulimme että he olivat päässeet
vapaalle jalalle ja palanneet kotiin.

Kuudennentoista päivän iltapuolella tulee asiasta puhe. Että

kapteeni on jättänyt meidät tänne ja lähtenyt Suomeen, sitä pitävät
eräät synkkämielisimmät suorastaan rikoksena. Hänen
velvollisuutensa olisi ollut koettaa panna kaikki voimansa alttiiksi,
hankkiakseen meille vapautemme… Arvostelut kapteenin
otaksutusta menettelystä ovat suorastaan murhaavia.

Mutta sattuu usein niin, että se, josta puhutaan pahaa, on aivan
saapuvilla. Ja niin tapahtuu nytkin.

Silloin kun juuri häpeällisimmät syytökset tehdään, kuuluu

automobiilin surinaa maan tieltä. Eräs uteliaimmista ryntää
akkunaan. Automobiili suhahtaa ohi, menee kaupunkiin.

— Oli aivan kuin kapteenin kasvot olisivat katsoneet akkunasta,

hän sanoo.
Kaikki hätkähtävät. Joku lausuu epäilyksensä. Asiasta ei enempää

Mutta tuskin on puoli tuntia äskeisestä näystä kulunut, kun sama

automobiili ajaa leirille. Akkunassa näkyy todellakin kapteenin pää ja
kun ovi avautuu, astuu kapteeni omassa persoonassaan vaunusta.
Hän on samanlainen kuin ennen. Tukeva, hartiakas. Ikä on
hopeoinut tukan, paksut silmäripset ja lyhyen, pyöreäksileikatun
parran. Silmissä on syvä, terävä ja ystävällinen katse. Säännöllisillä,
vähän kapeahkoilla kasvoilla miellyttävä, ylevä ilme. Hän on puettu,
harmaaseen yksinkertaiseen pukuun ja pehmeään hattuun, tukeutuu
vahvaan sauvaansa.

Nähdessään meidät, hän nostaa hattuaan ja nyökkää päätään.

Hän ei ole yksin. Automobiilistä astuu esiin myös pitkään mustaan

takkiin ja knalliin puettu ijäkkäämpi herra. Hän on Ruotsin konsuli
Danzigissa. Ja vielä kolmaskin pitkä, tumma herrasmies, jonka
tunnemme siksi venäläiseksi konsuliksi, joka oli Uleåborgilla
matkustajana ja jäi muitten mukana Danzigiin.

Kapteeni vaihtaa muutaman sanan luutnantin kanssa. Sitten tulee

hän seuralaisineen luoksemme ja kättely aikaa.

On huvittavaa katsoa miten häpeissään ja noloina ne ovat, jotka

kapteenista pahaa puhuivat. He eivät tohdi katsoa edes hänen
rehellisiin ja avoimiin silmiinsä.

Meillä on paljon kerrottavaa ja tiedusteltavaa.

— Miten on Danzigiin jääneitten käynyt?

— Vuorokauden saivat he olla vankilassa ja päästettiin senjälkeen
vapaaksi. He matkustivat sitten suoraan Danzigista eräällä
norjalaisella höyrylaivalla Karlskronaan ja ovat kai jo olleet kotvan
aikaa kotonakin.

Ja itsestään kertoo kapteeni:

— Olisin minäkin päässyt, mutta en silloin lähtenyt. Tahdoin jäädä

Saksaan, saadakseni viranomaisilta hankituksi teille vapauden. Nyt
on minun mahdoton enää lähteä. Saatuansa tietää, että minä olen
aikoinaan, kuulunut Venäjän laivastoon, pidättivät he minut
sotavankina. Kuitenkin on minulle annettu oikeus liikkua vapaana
kunniasanaani vastaan. Tämän jälkeen en kuitenkaan saa poistua
Bütowista. Hauskaa ei suinkaan ole jäädä tänne ties kuinka kauaksi,
saamatta edes kirjoittaa perheelleen. Hyvä kuitenkin, ettei ole
rahoista puutetta. Veljeltäni Ruotsissa saan miten paljon vain

— Niin, ja teidän vapauttamisenne. Olen melkein vakuutettu siitä,

että pääsette vapaiksi. Mutta miten pian se tapahtuu sitä en osaa
vielä sanoa.

Ruotsin konsuli puuttuu puheeseen:

— Olen vakuutettu, hän sanoo, että voin hankkia teille vapautenne

kahdeksan — neljäntoista päivän kuluessa.

Me olemme iloisia. Me ihan hehkumme ilosta. Mutta kuitenkin

tunnemme pientä pettymystä, sillä totta tosiaan odotimme
saavamme jo ennen toivotut hyvät uutiset. Mutta hyvä näinkin.
Senjälkeen kysyy kapteeni, jos me tarvitsemme jotakin.
Alusvaatteemme ovat ehkä kaikki lopussa ja ehkä puuttuu muutakin.

Hän lupaa toimittaa meille seuraavaksi päiväksi alusvaatteita ja

sukkia ja käskee sen, joka muuta tarvitsee, ostamaan vain hänen

Hän jättää meille hyvästit ja lupaa käydä katsomassa seuraavana


Ruotsin konsuli ja hän astuvat senjälkeen automobiiliin. Kone

pannaan käyntiin ja kiitää tomupilven seuraamana kaupunkiin.


Uudelle vieraallemme on laitettava makuukarsinaamme vuode

lisää. Tällaiseen asuntoon ei hän näytä olevan oikein tyytyväinen,
mutta hän alistuu kohtaloonsa. Leirin ruokaan ei hän koske. Hänellä
on itsellään mukana leikkeleitä, mehua ja leipää. Se on hänen
ruokansa. Muitten kanssa ei hän paljoa puhele. Kuljeskelee vain
yksin avarassa ulsterissaan vaikenevana, surumielinen ilme pyöreillä

Seuraavana päivänä saamme kuulla hänestä enemmän. Kapteeni

tietää kertoa. Hän oli esiintynyt vähän epäilyttävästi. Jo
Augsburgissa kysyttäessä hänen ikäänsä ei hän ollut sitä heti
muistanut ja pitkän ajattelun jälkeen oli vastannut olevansa yli
viidenkymmenen vuoden, jota hän ei ulkonaisista merkeistä päättäen
ollut. Epäiltiin hänen sanoneen ikänsä suuremmaksi vain siksi, että
oli hämärästi muistanut, ettei yli sotilasijän olevia pidetä vankeina.
Jotakin siihen suuntaan oli myös puhuttu, ettei hän olisikaan mikään
Ruotsin konsuli, vaan joku miinainsinööri. Itse hän ei puhunut
mitään, paitsi muutamia sanoja ikävöivästä perheestään kotona.

Tämä päivä on muuten täynnä pikkutapahtumia. Aamulla lääkärin

tarkastuksen jälkeen jaetaan meille vankinumerot: lankaan kiinnitetty
ruskea pahvinpalanen, jolle on painettu järjestysnumeromme…
Vanki n:o 105. Se on nyt minun arvoni ja asemani vankileirillä.

Päivemmällä saapuvat alusvaatteet ja sukat. Melkein jokainen

tarvitsee yhden parin kumpaakin lajia.

Sitten tulee naismainen hento ja tanssiva valokuvaaja,

hyvinhoidettuine viiksineen ja silkin hienoine hipiöineen ja ikuistuttaa
meidät sekä huoneessamme että ulkona.

Päivällisen jälkeen palaa kapteeni erään upseerin seurassa leirille.

Hänellä on oiva ajatus mielessään.

Leirille on rakennettava suomalainen sauna.

Hän onkin jo saanut siihen leirin päällystön suostumuksen. Nyt on

vain valittava paikka. Sen täytyy olla mäenrinne. Niitä ei ole aivan
lähellä. Keksitään kuitenkin sellainen parakeista etelään, noin
satakunnan metrin päässä.

Saunaa täällä kaivataan. Koko Bütowissa ei ole kuin yksi sauna ja

sekin perin kehno. Ja me kuvittelemme jo mielessämme miten
kiukaat kihisevät kun niille viskaamme vettä ja löyly nousee kosteana
ja kuumana ja kihelmöi selkänahassa. Löylyä sitä oikein
tarvittaisiinkin, sillä monet eivät ole olleet kuukausimääriin lauteilla

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