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Beasts of Both Worlds Paranormal

Dating Agency Book 22 1st Edition Milly

Taiden [Taiden
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Beasts of Both Worlds 1st Edition Milly Taiden Taiden


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Bearfoot and Pregnant BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter

Romance Paranormal Dating Agency Book 10 1st Edition

Dragons' Jewel: Paranormal Dragon Romance (Nightflame

Dragons Book 1) 1st Edition Milly Taiden [Taiden



Beasts Of Both Worlds

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
About the Author
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden



Fighting a lifetime of learned prejudice against shifters, Harlow Quinn left home to escape her family.
Never in her wildest dreams did she expect to find Gerri Wilder of the Paranormal Dating Agency
and two smokin’ hot mates. Just thinking of them made her hormones go up in flames.
Lux Luther, wolf alpha, and his tiger beta, Osian Drive knew they would someday find the
woman to complete their triad. They didn't think she'd be so sassy and sexy. From the first glance,
they had to fight the dirty thoughts about Harlow and her gorgeous lips. But not for long.
Targeted by a heinous group of anti-shifters, this unlikely threesome must place the fate of
their world in their unwavering love and trust in one another or lose more than just their happily ever
after. Some horrors are worse than anything ever imagined, and for Lux, Harlow, and Osian it’s a fight
for their very existence.
This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be
construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Published By
Latin Goddess Press
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Beasts of Both Worlds
Copyright © 2019 by Milly Taiden
Edited by: Tina Winograd
Cover: Willsin Rowe
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except
in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Property of Milly Taiden
July 2019

Created with Vellum

—For everyone looking for love

May the universe send you that special someone or someones to complete you.

H arlow Quinn glanced up quickly when she felt the jolt to the shopping cart she pushed
through the grocery store. “Oh, shit.” Really? This was so not what she needed. “Ma’am,
I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going. Please, excuse me.”
The older woman she’d bumped into gave her with a sweet smile, her eyes an unusual blue that
captivated. “No worries, dear. Are you okay?”
Harlow felt tears gather in her eyes. Great, now she was a sobbing idiot in the middle of the damn
store. She needed to get her life in order. All this pathetic bullshit had to stop.
The woman’s face turned concerned and she said, “Oh, did you hurt yourself when we bumped
into each other?”
Harlow sniffled. She wasn’t going to cry. Nope. That was for sissies and she was a strong
independent woman. She sniffled again. Fuck. “I’m so embarrassed, sorry. I don’t mean to be such a
The woman smiled sympathetically and patted her arm. “My name is Gerri. There’s a coffee shop
next door. Why don’t you come with me and tell me what’s bothering you? I have time and I might be
able to help.” Gerri wrapped her arm around her shoulders and gently tugged her down the shopping
“That’s very sweet of you, ma’am,” she said with a wobbly voice, “but I don’t want to impose.
And honestly, I’m embarrassed. I don’t usually cry this easily. It’s just been one of those days.”
Harlow glanced up as Gerri opened a glass door and the smell of coffee hit her. The aroma
immediately soothing some of her stress.
“I’m always looking for a reason to enjoy a cup of coffee with a new friend and if I can get a nice
coffee cake out of it, even better. Now, sit anywhere.”
Harlow scanned the room and headed toward a table in the corner. If she was going to bawl like a
freaking baby, she wanted as much privacy as possible.
“Hello, Mavis. Would you bring my usual and whatever my new friend here wants, please?”
Harlow glanced over her shoulder at the woman standing behind the counter and smiled. “Black
coffee, please. Some cream on the side.”
She took a seat and watched as Gerri stopped and chatted with the other patrons as she moved
through the shop.
“Are you a local celebrity or something?” Harlow felt her cheeks heat after she asked. It was
probably rude, but Gerri seemed to know everyone.
“You could say I’m infamous in some circles.” Gerri sat and smiled at her. She had a smile that
made her look really young, but the white hair had to mean she was a grandmother. Harlow didn’t
know anyone with hair that white. “Now, tell me what your name is and what’s upsetting you.”
“Oh! I’m sorry. I can’t believe I didn’t introduce myself yet. My name is Harlow Quinn. It’s a
pleasure to meet you, Gerri.” Harlow realized she never got the lady’s last name and it seemed
impolite to use her first without permission. She bit her lip and glanced around to see if anyone was
listening to their conversation.
“I apologize, ma’am. Should I call you Gerri or use your surname? It seems rude to just say Gerri
without asking.” Harlow glanced up to the counter to see if their coffee was ready. She wanted
something to do with her hands. She didn’t know why but she was nervous.
Gerri waved away her worry. “No worries! Please, call me Gerri. I don’t stand for the formality.
My name is Gerri Wilder. As for my usual coffee order...I’m assuming that is why you asked if I was
a local celebrity, right?” Gerri paused and Harlow nodded. Sure, that excuse would work.
“I run a dating agency and like to come here occasionally to meet with clients. Plus, I’m a dessert
snob and love anything sweet. They make the best stuff here. Pastries are the second way I like to
suck on some cream.”
Harlow gaped at Gerri. Did she… Was she being dirty? This elder woman didn’t seem the type
but those had been the words out of her mouth.
“I’m sorry,” Harlow cleared her throat.
“Don’t be,” Gerri grinned wide, her eyes bright with humor. “You shouldn’t take life so seriously.
It’s not like you’re going to get out of it alive.”
She nodded absently. Harlow wasn’t sure what was happening. Why was she sitting in a coffee
shop with a dating guru? The barista walked over and delivered their coffees and an assortment of
pastries. She glanced up to thank her and was startled to see the woman staring at her with a quizzical
“Is something wrong?” Harlow glanced at Gerri to see if she knew what was going on.
“I’m sorry, ma’am. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I was trying to guess who Gerri,
here, would set you up with.” The barista laughed and walked back behind the counter.
Harlow gaped at the woman then turned to Gerri. “She’s kidding, right? I mean you don’t even
know me. Hell, I’m not even sure how I got here or why I’m still sitting here, honestly.”
Gerri chuckled and picked up her tea. “Have a scone, dear. They’re delicious. Make sure you put
a generous amount of that clotted cream. They make it fresh and the jam too.” Gerri took another sip
of tea and sat back. “You looked like you needed a friend and I had the time to be that friend.
Sometimes talking to strangers is easier than a close friend. So, what happened to make you cry
Harlow sighed and closed her eyes a second. Maybe she was right. Sometimes an impartial point
of view could put things in perspective. “Okay, I woke up this morning to a certified letter from my
boss laying me off without notice. Then my mom left a voicemail while I was in the shower, berating
me on life in general.
“I’m not making the family proud. But at least my brother is helping her. I had a crappy dream
about an ex-boyfriend and his new glamorous girlfriend. Usual stuff but combined with the letter…”
she cleared her throat and added a little cream and sugar to her coffee. “I’ve been busting my ass at
that job. Working all hours and going above and beyond. Do you think they cared?” She sniffled but
refused to start crying again. “At the end of the day, I’m just another number on a spreadsheet and all
my efforts were in vain.” She paused and took a fortifying sip of her coffee and a huge bite of scone
slathered with cream and jam. She moaned as a hint of vanilla and strawberries touched her tongue.
“Holy shit, this is amazing.”
Gerri chuckled and nodded. “They are and that doesn’t explain why the breakdown in the grocery
store.” Harlow wiped her hands on a napkin and glanced up at Gerri then back to the table in front of
“I was feeling low after everything but decided to just move on. I wasn’t happy at work and had
been thinking about a new job anyway. And Ma... Well, nothing will change there so I went grocery
shopping.” She paused a second and recalled the email she received a short time ago.
“This year is also my ten-year high school reunion.” Her shoulders slumped. “Can you believe it?
I thought I’d have my life together by now. A great job. A wonderful man. One or two kids. You know,
the white picket fence and all that.” She sighed. “Instead, I’m unemployed, single, with a family from
hell and zero prospects in any direction.”
“Tell me more about this reunion,” Gerri said.
“I was planning to skip it but got an email from the head of the planning committee and my
personal nemesis. She stated she was sure I hadn’t changed at all since school, so she was giving my
‘plus one’ status to someone else who needed an extra ticket.” Harlow slid a bit lower in her chair
and avoided Gerri’s eyes. Gerri didn’t say anything but listened intently, sipping on her drink.
“In high school, I was a wallflower. I didn’t have any friends. I was too shy, too quiet, just too
different to fit in. I was just not the social butterfly other women are. Anyway, the head cheerleader,
prom queen—you know the type, the clique popular girl—for some reason made it her mission to hate
me. She belittled me all the time.
“I don’t know why, honestly. I guess it made her feel better and that was all that was important.
So, I didn’t date at all, and actually, I haven’t dated really since then. My family isn’t one you would
take someone home to.”
“I see. You lost your job, your mom made you feel like shit, and then the clique mean girl dropped
back into your life. I could see how that would take a toll. You need a few orgasms to make life look
a bit brighter.” Gerri calmly took a bite of a scone she picked up and winked at Harlow.

H arlow choked on the sip of coffee she had just taken and glanced around quickly to see if
anyone else heard her bold statement.
“Did you say I need orgasms?” Harlow was sure she was blushing, so she buried her
face in her hands. “I can’t be having this conversation with a stranger who is old enough to be my
mother. No offense, ma’am.” Harlow groaned and shook her head. Trust her to find the one crazy
person that looked sane and decide to have coffee with the woman.
“Psshh, none taken. If it’s done right, we never outgrow the need or desire for a good orgasm. But
I will revise my earlier statement. You need orgasms and love. Companionship to keep you occupied
in and out of bed, to be there when you need a shoulder or two. Let me help you with that, darling. It
is my specialty as you heard.”
She frowned, shaking her head. “I don’t understand. Why you would do that for me though? You
don’t know me, and I can’t afford to pay right now. I need to save everything I can until I get a new
“I like to help people and I have a good sense of who is deserving and you, my dear, are very
deserving. I might also be able to help you with a job, but we will come back to that in a few minutes.
Now, tell me when your reunion is and how would you feel about the hottest date you could ever
imagine escorting you.”
“It’s next week. I didn’t RSVP though, so not sure there’s enough time for me to do it.” Harlow’s
stomach turned at the thought of being around Mindy again. Why was it high school could have such a
hold on you so many years later? Based on her behavior today, you would never know she normally
felt confident and happy. But the thought of high school brought up her insecurities. It’s like that part
of her only showed up when evil spawn from hell cheerleader came into her life.
“Respond to the email right now,” Gerri said.
Harlow pulled out her phone and brought up a reply screen.
“Say you will be in attendance and will be bringing guests. Say, since she was willing to offer
extra spots to others, she would do you the same courtesy. Then do not reply or open another email
from her. Let her guess how many people you are bringing. She will be eaten up with jealously
thinking you have more than one date.”
Harlow typed a return email as fast as Gerri talked but she did pause over the word guests, as in
plural, but Gerri’s explanation soothed her nerves. She could only handle one stranger on a date, but
the idea of two or more…yeah, that sounded really good to her libido. Not to mention imagining
Mindy’s ugly scowl while reading she might have more than one date. That was priceless.
“What do you need from me to find a date?” Harlow got goose bumps across her arms when she
thought of the possibility of going on a real date with a hot guy like Gerri promised.
She glanced up to see Gerri smiling at her with a slightly manic grin. “Give me the details of the
party. Where it is, what time, and the date. Your studs will meet you outside the doors and escort you
in. Trust me, and dress to impress, my dear. By the time the night is over, you just might get the O’s
you are craving.” Gerri laughed and pushed her chair back. “Here’s my business card. Text me or call
if you need anything. In the meantime, relax.”
Harlow watched Gerri walk to the counter and speak to the barista who glanced at her with a
smile and a wave. Then Gerri left and the woman came over to her. “Gerri paid for everything, so you
are good. Do me a favor, though. Come back in after your date and let me know what you get set up
with, please. I live vicariously through Gerri’s matches.”
Harlow was laughing then stopped. “Wait, you mean who I get set up with, right?”
The barista sat in the chair across from her. “No, I meant what. You do know she is a shifter,
right? She runs the Paranormal Dating Agency and sets up humans with shifters.”
Harlow stood up so fast, her chair hit the ground behind her. “I have to go.” She ran from the shop
with her stomach turning and tears pouring down her face again.

“O sian, I just got the weirdest email.” Lux Luther glanced up from his cell phone to see his beta
staring out the front window. “What are you doing? Are you even listening to me?” Osian grunted. Lux
assumed it was supposed to be some kind of acknowledgment to his questions.
“Anyway, I’ve decided to step down as pack alpha and make you the next leader. I’m going to join
a monastery.” Lux tried not to laugh, but Osian was obviously not listening to a word he said. “Dude,
are you hearing me?”
Lux picked up a book lying on the end table next to him and chucked it at Osian’s back. Osian
jumped and spun around. “You know for a tiger, you’re awfully unaware of your surroundings.” Lux
laughed at the startled look on his best friend’s face.
“I’m in the pack alpha’s house. You of all people have my back. I can let my awareness go if
needed for a few minutes. What did I miss?” Osian glanced around the room then back at him.
“I said I got a strange email and wanted to share it with you.”
Osian frowned and walked over to the couch.
“What do you mean strange?”
Lux bit his lip and glanced down to his phone. “I guess it’s more who it’s from that’s weird.” Lux
knew he was being an ass, but he was going to draw it out just to mess with his beta.
“Dammit, Lux, just tell me already.”
Lux laughed. “So impatient! Gerri Wilder.”
Osian jumped up and headed back to the window. “Dude, how did she get your email? And what
does she want?” Osian glanced around outside again and then glanced at Lux over his shoulder.
“Osian Drive, what is wrong with you today? She sent you the email, too, by the way. I’m sure
you can imagine why she is reaching out to us. She found our third.” Lux got off the couch and stood
next to Osian. He really wanted to know what he was looking at outside, or what he was looking for.
“Lux, how did she get our emails? She’s freaky scary! How does she know she found our mate? I
told you she was odd. All those stories about her and how she finds anyone’s true mate. Man, that’s
some crazy shit. Now, we’re on her radar!”
Lux laughed and clasped Os on the shoulder. “Everyone knows the Paranormal Dating Agency
matchmaker. I’m sure my mom had something to do with this. She’s been telling me for ages to go
meet her friend Gerri and let her set us up. She must have taken matters into her own hands. Don’t
worry so much about Gerri, she’s harmless.”
Osian shook his head before Lux had finished talking. “Shhh, somehow she will hear us talking
about her. I don’t want that woman to be aware we know she’s just a bit odd. Okay, a lot odd, but
really, she’s scary!”
Lux could barely stop laughing to respond to Os’s long-winded rant. Thankfully he was saved by
his phone ringing. He turned, then Osian stopped him with a hand on his arm. “I’m telling you, that’s
her calling now. Do not pick it up! This otherworld knowing shit is crazy! Hell, maybe she’s a witchy
shifter. Fuck, I don’t know, but she scares me.”
Lux stared at his best friend like he had turned into a pod person. What happened to his staid,
reserved beta? This was unusual, but he couldn’t ignore Gerri Wilder. He would have to find out later
what was really going on with Os.
“Hello, this is Lux.”
“Hello, Lux. It’s Gerri Wilder. I assume you got my email.”
Lux stared at Osian, his eyes wide and nodded. Osian whispered quietly, “I told you it would be
her! See, scary as hell!” Osian slashed his hands through the air and paced. Lux didn’t know what he
expected, but he wasn’t stupid enough to hang up the phone.
“Yes.” He paused to clear his throat. “Sorry, we did get your email. It was quite unexpected.” Lux
put the phone on speaker so Osian could listen in. “Ms. Wilder, Osian is here with me and I have you
on speaker.”
“Hello, Osian. I appreciate you taking my call today. I know you are probably pacing and worried
about why I called. I promise, I’m only trying to help you. Nothing more.”
Osian glanced at Lux with shock on his face. “Um, hello, ma’am. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Gerri barked a laugh over the phone. “Come now. I know you are apprehensive about me, but I
found your mate. One would think that if a tiger and a wolf can put away their normal reticence to live
together and become best of friends, then you can ignore any feelings you have about me.”
Lux chuckled softly. “Very true, ma’am. Can we ask how you know this woman? And we assume
it’s a woman as we have no tendencies to the other way. Also, how do you know she is our mate?
You’ve never met us before.” Osian stood in front him, nodding vigorously.
“Osian, you’re going to give yourself a neck ache. Just relax a moment. I’m sure you both have
heard about where I’m from, correct?” Osian nodded and Lux rolled his eyes at his friend.
“Osian has gone mute apparently, but yes, we know you’re from somewhere else.” On the other
end of the phone, Gerri chuckled.
“Well, Osian is right about me. Well, kind of. I’m not your typical shifter even for an alien shifter.
When I meet someone, I just know. Shifters, whether everyone wants to admit, are family, and I know
what is best for my family. So, I’m sending you another email. This one has the name of your date,
where to meet her, and what information you need to know about her. Any questions?”
Lux stared into space for a moment, imagining what their mate looked like, what she sounded like.
Would she accept having two mates, and them being two different shifter species? Osian’s voice
brought him out of his head.
“Yes, ma’am, we understand and thank you for thinking of us.” Osian quickly said goodbye and
leaned over, hitting the end button on the phone.
“Os, man, I had questions for her.”
Osian rolled his eyes. “Send her an email. I wasn’t staying on the phone with the witchy shifter
any longer. She is spooky!”
Lux’s phone beeped in his hand. He glanced down to see the email came in already. Osian heard it
too and jumped to sit on the couch next to him. “Dude, you do not need to be that close. Read the
email on your own phone. You’re breathing heavy in my ear. And that better be your phone in your
Osian quietly scooted away and picked up his cell phone off the coffee table. “Sorry, man, but our
mate! I got a little excited thinking of the possibilities.”
Lux didn’t want to even think about sex so soon after Osian breathing in his ear. They were close
but not that close! He shook his head and opened the email from Gerri Wilder.
Lux, Osian,
Thank you for taking my call. I understand this is unusual. I normally am acquainted with my
clients, but I just knew when I met Harlow Quinn, she was someone special.
It only took a moment for your names to pop into my head as her mates. Harlow is attending
her ten-year high school reunion and she’s not happy about it, honestly. She was a loner and the
head bitch gave her a hard time, so she needs to show up looking amazing with two of the hottest
dates they have ever seen.
Yes, I expect both of you to be there and be ready to knock her socks off.
I’m including the information here for you. I trust you will be on time and won’t make me
regret reaching out to you boys. —Yes, Osian, that was for you— Now, the girl is lonely, so I expect
you to show her a “good time.”
Always in love,
Gerri Wilder
Lux stared at the information including date and time, taking in what he read. “Um, was Gerri
implying we have sex with our mate right away? I mean, I know the pull is usually overpowering at
first, but shouldn’t we give her some time to adjust to two of us? Hell, did Gerri even say if she was a
shifter or human?” Osian started scrolling up the email again looking for the answer.
Lux didn’t need to look. He’d memorized all the information already. “No, she didn’t specify.
Does it matter to you?” He didn’t care as long as he could call her theirs.
“Nah, not at all. I thought knowing if she was human or shifter, though, would give us an idea of
how to approach the whole mate situation. Most humans have either never met one of us or don’t
believe we are real.” Osian spoke the truth and it was one Lux hadn’t thought of beforehand.
“I guess we need to be careful and take it step by step until we know more.” Lux sat back against
the seat with a smile on his face.
“Harlow.” Osian said her name and glanced at him.
“Yeah, Harlow.”
Both men smiled and relaxed into the couch.

H arlow raced home from the grocery store, tears still streaming down her face. Now she was
more stressed out than before. Shit! She needed to contact Gerri and tell her to call it off.
There was no way she could date shifters. God. Real shapeshifters? Yeah, that would be her
luck. Her family would kill her and that wasn’t a figure of speech.
They hated shifters and made it their life’s work to eradicate them from the planet. Luckily, her
family hadn’t done so well so far, but they were a menace and mean. They targeted other humans who
worked with shifters, dated them, or even those who were friendly with them. They weren’t
completely stupid. They knew they couldn’t overpower any shifter, so they went after those
Harlow would be one of those vulnerable people. Her family didn’t care about her. They only
wanted her to lure shifters in so they could trap them, and she refused. So, she left home as soon as
she graduated and moved the next town away. It wasn’t far but enough that no one would come
looking for her if she became friendly with a shifter.
Harlow pulled out the business card Gerri had given her and stared at it. Paranormal Dating
Agency, Owner Gerri Wilder. It had been in front of her and she hadn’t once glanced down to read the
card. Hell, she should have just asked more questions instead of just going blindly along.
Seriously, how was Gerri going to find her a date when she didn’t ask one thing about who or
what qualities she was looking for in a date?
Determined, Harlow pulled her phone out of her purse and walked into her bedroom, plopping
down on the bed, then started typing.
Hello, Gerri.
It’s Harlow. Thank you for your compassion today. It was unexpected and much welcome. But I
can’t allow you to set me up on a date. You don’t understand and I’m embarrassed to tell you why.
Just suffice it to say I found out you run a dating agency for shifters, and I can’t be on a date with
one. I’m very sorry to waste your time.
She dropped back onto her bed with a groan after hitting send. Shit! She already told Mindy she
was coming to the reunion with guests. She couldn’t show up alone or skip it now. That would make
her look pathetic and like she lied.
She couldn’t allow that woman to think that about her. Even if she never saw her again, it would
bother her the twat thought she was better and chased her away from the reunion. Or worse, caused
her to lie about having multiple dates. Dammit. She had to find one person to go with her at least.
She quickly started typing on her phone again.
Gerri! I need a human date to meet me at the reunion. I can’t skip and pretend like I was saving
face in my email. I need to be there with a hot HUMAN guy. Can you help me just this once,
please? I know you do shifters normally, but I don’t have anyone else to help me.
Harlow hit send and reread what she had written.
She groaned out loud. She couldn’t believe she said, “she knew Gerri did shifters,” then again,
the old lady might laugh and not get embarrassed at all. She definitely wasn’t the average grandma.
Harlow was still giggling when her phone beeped indicating a new text message.
You are right, my dear. I do shifters. Trust me to send you exactly what you need and all will be
well. I took the liberty of making you an appointment at a little boutique down the street. And a
friend of mine will be coming over the afternoon of the reunion around four p.m. to do your hair
and makeup. Just consider me your fairy godmother. Later we can talk about naming a child after
me as a thank you.
Hugs, Gerri
Harlow sighed and her shoulders dropped a little. She could feel the tension draining away. She
wasn’t going to stress about it. Gerri said to trust her, and for some reason, Harlow did. Her phone
pinged again, and Harlow glanced down once more.
Be at A Lady’s Mystique tomorrow at three p.m. Ask for Natalia.
She really was her fairy godmother in disguise! Harlow got up to search the internet for a new
job. She forgot to ask Gerri about the job she mentioned. She could do that later. She’d already done
so much for her; she didn’t want to push for more.

H arlow paced the sidewalk outside A Lady’s Mystique Boutique. The clothes in the window
were nicer than anything she had ever owned. She wasn’t sure she was in the right place.
She couldn’t afford anything in there, especially without a job.
A bell tinkled and a light and airy voice called out. “Gerri said you might be shy, and I should
drag you inside if I saw you outside dawdling.” Harlow spun around and gasped. The woman who
called out to her… well, she was stunning. She was a couple inches taller than her own five-foot-five
inches, but she was much slimmer.
The woman had just enough curves to make her hourglass figure stand out and her green eyes and
fire-red hair were made for a model. Harlow felt dowdy and plain compared to her. Would they even
have anything in the store for a shorter, chunkier girl like her?
She had curves, too, but they were just more padded than the statuesque woman who waited for
her response. “I’m sorry. You startled me! Yes, I was looking at the stunning clothes in your window.
I’m not sure I am in the right place. The clothes don’t look like they would fit me at all. Plus, I can’t
afford anything this gorgeous.”
“Are you Harlow?”
She nodded and took a step closer to the woman holding the door. “My name is Natalia, and you
are in the right place.” The woman gestured for Harlow to step inside and she smiled, waiting.
Harlow gripped her purse strap in both hands and took a deep breath before walking into the store.
She paused just inside and glanced around.
“Gerri gave me an idea of your size, so I picked out some dresses for you to try on. If you will,
follow me to the back and the private dressing room I have set up for you.” Natalia lightly rubbed her
hand across Harlow’s shoulder then walked off.
Harlow followed behind and realized she was acting like she was sixteen and that insecure girl
she once was. It was time to show these women the confident and happy woman she had become.
“Natalia, I’m sorry for my hesitancy. This reunion has thrown me in a tailspin, and I find myself
reverting to my younger years. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me on short notice. I look
forward to seeing what you have for me.”
Natalia gave her a genuine smile and opened the first dressing room door. “Trust me to find the
perfect dress for you. I took the liberty of placing undergarments in the dressing room in a couple
different sizes. When you feel sexy, it shows, and the right set of lingerie does that for a woman.”
Harlow stepped into the room and let the door fall shut behind her. Hanging on the hook was the
sexiest, sheerest, bra and panties set she had ever seen. Two different sizes and three different colors.
Red, black, and beige were her choices, but she didn’t know which to pick until she saw the dresses
she was to try on. “Natalia, does it matter which set I choose, color wise?”
Tinkling laughter came through the door and Harlow groaned. Of course, the stunning woman
would laugh like a fairy. “No, put one on for now and then you can decide which set matches the
dress you pick. Or better yet, take all three home with you.” Natalia knocked on the door and opened
it slightly to give her two dresses to start with. “Try them on and come out here.”
Harlow took the dresses and hung them on the back of the door. The first one was a red
handkerchief-style dress. It looked fun and flirty, probably would hang nicely off her figure and hide
anything she didn’t want seen.
The second was a black cocktail dress, a little flashier than she wanted for this event, but one she
would keep in mind for future events. Her mind made up, she undressed and reached for the red bra
set and slipped them on. The silk slid up her legs and she shivered at the cool touch. The bra was the
perfect fit. It cupped her breasts and made them look ten years younger.
“Well, hello, ladies. I had forgotten you could stand so proud.” She chuckled at herself, but it was
amazing what a good bra with support could do for a woman’s breasts. Harlow reached out to slide
the red dress off the hanger and eagerly pulled it on. She let it slide down her body and slowly raised
her eyes to the mirror in front of her. She gasped and twirled in the dressing room, watching herself in
the mirror.
“Harlow, come out, please. I would like to see which you chose to try on first and how it fits.”
Harlow slowly opened the door and stepped out in front of Natalia. “Turn around, please. I want
to see it from all sides.” Natalia stared at her and inspected every inch of her body. She could feel her
gaze as she turned. When she finally faced her again, Natalia had a huge smile on her face.
“I knew this dress would be perfect on you. It shows off your lovely breasts, dips low enough for
just the swell to show. The spaghetti straps allow your gorgeous shoulders and arms to shine. The
dress accentuates your body without hiding anything. Perfect, if I do say so myself, and red is your
color. You are positively glowing.” Natalia beamed at her and ushered her to the couch. “Now, how
do you feel about shoes with heels?”
Harlow laughed. She felt like she was caught up in a whirlwind, but she was excited to see what
shoes Natalia brought out for her to try on. “I don’t usually wear high heels, but maybe something with
a slight heel so I can be a bit taller. Nothing too big, though. I want to be able to walk without falling
on my face.”
Natalia smiled and walked away. It only took a moment for her to come back. In her hands, she
held black-strapped open-toed shoes. They had a slight heel and the strap that went around her ankle
wore red gems.
They matched the dress perfectly and Harlow was eager to see the combination.
“Allow me to help you slip them on.” Natalia knelt at her feet, and within moments, she was up
and waiting for Harlow to look in the mirror.
“Oh, Natalia, you are amazing. I couldn’t have found this outfit myself. It’s stunning.” She turned
and hugged the other woman. Left to her own devices, she would have shown up in pants and a nice
shirt. Fashion escaped her for some reason.
“I admit you look even better than I expected. Now, go change and I will get everything ready for
you.” Harlow had trouble pulling herself away from the mirror. She couldn’t wait to see what she
looked like when her hair and makeup were done, too.
“Leave the underwear on and just hand me the dress,” Natalia called and Harlow opened the
door, sliding the hangered dress out and then pulling the door closed.
She quickly changed, stuffing her original undergarments in her purse and walked out to find
Natalia waiting at the counter with bags in front of her. “Gerri took care of everything. I included a
few other items in the bag for you. I hope you don’t mind.” The woman winked at her.
Harlow was speechless. “Thank you. I keep saying that to you, but I really mean it.”
Natalia waved her words away. “Just stop in after your event and let me see pictures of you and
your date.”
Harlow smiled and picked up her bag. “That’s a deal.”

H arlow woke on the day of the reunion and her stomach fluttered. Her nerves were going nuts
and she both dreaded the evening to come and couldn’t wait for it to be time. Her phone on
the nightstand next to her bed dinged indicating a text.
Good morning, sunshine. Just wanted to remind you everything will go great tonight. Take a
breath, relax, and go with the flow! Trust me!
Love, Gerri
Harlow couldn’t help but laugh. Gerri was exactly what she needed just then. Her phone pinged
again and she glanced down to see another text from Gerri.
Don’t wash your hair. The stylist has instructions to pamper you today.
She laughed out loud. That woman thought of everything. She quickly typed out a reply.
You have done more than I ever expected. I won’t ever be able to repay you. We can talk about
the child naming in the future, for sure.
She decided to pamper herself today, too, so she went into the kitchen and grabbed her biggest
mug and filled it with coffee. She grabbed her favorite romance novel off her bookshelf and took both
into her bathroom. Today was a day to soak in the tub with lots of bubbles, fulfill her coffee
addiction, and get lost in someone else’s romance for a while.
Harlow closed her book with a contented sigh. Her water had gotten cold a few times and she
emptied and refilled the tub. She enjoyed having a day of just relaxing. There would be enough time
tomorrow to worry about a job and her family. Today was for her.
When she climbed out of the tub and wrapped a towel around her body, she glanced at the clock in
the living room and was shocked to realize it was lunch time already.
She wandered into the kitchen and made a quick sandwich. She still had time before the stylist
showed up, so she lay back and her eyes closed.
The strange sound of crickets registered in her consciousness. Strange because those critters
didn’t live in the middle of town. They grew louder as if surrounding her bedroom. Wondering why
she heard insects, she got out of bed and opened the door. Instead of seeing her apartment, she saw
her childhood home. The dark hallway in the trailer was vacant and quiet.
That was odd. Her brother always had his damn TV on in his room. She stepped into the dimly lit
hall and put her ear to the door next to hers. Huh, maybe Jasper was out with friends. Sheesh, what
friends? He had as many as she did which was zero.
She remembered when lots of people used to visit and brought their children. They’d run around
and played hide and seek in the woods. When the adults were gone, they would make s’mores and
catch fireflies to put into glass mason jars. You had to poke a hole in the top or the little bugs would
die. Jasper always won by capturing the most. But he didn’t put a hole in his lid.
But after her father died, the others stopped coming around. Plus, the trailer was too small to hold
everyone. The house that burned down, her grandparents’, was much bigger and nicer. She never
knew her grandparents. By the time she was born, both had been dead for many years. Her mom
refused to speak about them.
She wondered if her brother was in their mother’s bedroom. The door stood closed, resembling a
monster with its jaw wide open, waiting for the next prey to get too close. She took a step toward it
and stopped.
Images of bodies lying on top of each other and a room with prison bars flashed in her mind. Her
heart pounded, hurting her chest. She didn’t want to get closer to the door, but her legs stepped
More visuals spun in her brain. Big furry dogs chained to the wall. Red liquid flowing along the
edge of a flat stone. She rubbed her wrists; they burned. Her hands were sticky with blood.
She didn’t want to be here anymore. It was scary and the adults were mean. Her fingers were
numb, and she shivered in the moist coolness. She wanted to hide, to not let them find her doing
anything wrong. No. She was a good girl.
The door flew open. Her heart stopped. There stood a monster dog with his teeth bared, ears
flattened against its lowered head. It was going to kill her. Just like her mother said. Shifters killed
humans. Shifters ate children. No!
She raced to her room and opened the door. She stepped through and fell into the air. Falling.
Falling. Her feet hit and she rolled down a grass slope with lots of rocks. She plopped into the creek
at the bottom and glanced up at the hidden hole in the side of the rock wall.
She laid back in the water, arms straight out, and let the current carry her far away from where she
was. She never wanted to go back. Never wanted—
Harlow opened her eyes. She was on her bed, covered by a thin sheet, shivering in the breeze the
air conditioner blew around the room. Her dream faded quickly from her mind. She had the feeling
she knew where the dream was taking place but couldn’t recall where or when she’d been there.
The doorbell rang.

H arlow jumped out of bed and raced across her apartment before she realized she was naked.
“Just a second!” She ran back to her room, grabbed a robe, and then raced through the living
room. She paused for a second to catch her breath and opened the door.
“Oh my, child, I would have waited for you to walk to the door. Did you hurt yourself?” Harlow
glanced up into the eyes of a woman who had to be at least six foot two. “No, ma’am. I’m fine. I’m
sorry I kept you waiting. I fell asleep and just woke.”
“No more of that ma’am shit. My name is Charity and I’m here to…well, I was going to say make
you beautiful, but you don’t need my help with that. So, I’ll simply say to do your hair and makeup.”
Charity stepped into the apartment and shut the door behind her. “Now, where can I set up?”
Harlow was a bit shocked but didn’t want to be rude. “Um, the kitchen table or the bathroom.
Whatever you prefer is fine with me.” This was not how she expected her day to go but more power
to Charity for doing what she loved.
“All right, sugar, be prepared to be pampered. Hope you aren’t a prude, because I’m about to get
all up in your business. Don’t worry, dear, I bat for the same team as you, so you are safe from me.”
Harlow blushed but moved into the room and waited patiently for Charity to tell her where to start.
A few hours later, Harlow turned around and glanced into the mirror. “Oh, Charity, I don’t even
look like myself.”
Charity stood next to her, fluffing up a curl. “I never understood why women say that. I can’t
change your looks. All I do is enhance what you already have. This is you and you are stunning. That
dress was made for your body. Now turn around and let’s send a picture to Gerri. She made me
Harlow laughed and spun around in delight. “Tell her thank you for today! You are one of a kind.”
Charity mumbled under her breath, “You don’t know the half of it.” She grabbed her phone off the
kitchen table and snapped a picture. “I’m sending to Gerri now. It’s about time for you to go. I’ll grab
my stuff and head out. Enjoy your evening and it was a pleasure, sugar.” Harlow hugged her goodbye
and walked her out.
She leaned against the door and sighed. “All right, Harlow, you look amazing. Time to meet your
date.” She laughed softly to herself and grabbed her purse and car keys off the kitchen counter.
During the drive to the high school, her hands shook. For once not from nerves but excitement. She
couldn’t wait to see who Gerri picked out for her. If her date was anywhere near as good as her
clothes, or stylist, she was in for a huge night.
She pulled in and drove around to the side of the building. She wanted time to get out of the car
and smooth her dress down before anyone saw her. She took the first spot she saw and shut her car
off. With one final glance in the rearview mirror, she climbed out and started toward the building.
Around the corner came the last person she wanted to see. The woman’s eyes widened, and her
harsh mouth opened. “I can’t believe you have the nerve to show up.”
Harlow froze in place and hoped the voice wasn’t actually speaking to her. No such luck. Mindy
stopped in front of her. “When I got the message I was to give you extra tickets, I laughed. There was
no way you would find a date. And look at this, I’m right. You are alone. Just like I expected. You are
trash. Always have been and always will be.”
Harlow stared at the other woman, trying to see why she felt better belittling her. She wore a
black skin-tight dress that left very little to the imagination. Her blonde hair was the exact bottle
shade it had been when they were in school. Her makeup was flawless, so why did she feel the need
to make others miserable? “Where’s your family tonight, hmm? Big brother’s not around to fight your
battles for once.”
She’d had enough. “I’m meeting my date at the front door, not that it’s any of your business. Now,
if you’ll excuse me, I have better things to do tonight.” She took one step to go around Mindy then two
tall men came around the corner.
She could only gawk as the hottest specimen of man meat walked right up to her and turned to
stand in front of her. Not that she was complaining. His ass was perfect in his dress pants. They were
snug enough she could see every inch of his lickable butt cheeks.
Her attention was drawn away when she heard the other man speaking to Mindy. “Excuse me, but
I think you are needed inside. I heard someone yell for the crazy bitch who thinks she’s a gift. I
assume that is you, right?”
Harlow was shocked anyone would speak to Mindy that way, especially on her behalf. She leaned
up on her tiptoes and tapped the man in front of her on the shoulder. Before she could say anything, he
spoke. “Harlow, I assume?” She nodded and glanced at him, confused for a moment. How did he
know her name?
He turned back around and called out to the other man. “Lux, this she-bitch was screaming at
Harlow. Our date for the evening.” Lux’s head swung around to look at them. “She’s behind me at the
moment. Why don’t you escort the she-bitch inside and we will be right behind you?” Harlow pushed
on his broad back and tried to get him to move aside. She didn’t need them protecting her, but he
wouldn’t budge. A moment later he swung around to face her.
And oh my frickin’ god.

“L ux, man, hurry up. I don’t want to be late to the reunion. I can’t wait to see her for the first time.”
Osian shook his head. Leave it to the wolf to take forever grooming. Osian knew he was being pushy,
but his tiger had been pacing all day, eager to finally meet their mate. It’d been hard enough not
tracking her down the last three days and saying screw the reunion.
“Osian, how do I look? I’ve never been to one of these things and I don’t want to embarrass
Osian inspected his best friend and nodded. “You’ll do. Now what about me? Will she be happy
with me?”
Lux clapped his hand on Os’s shoulder. “We have nothing to worry about. She’s our mate. She
will love us, human or not. The attraction will be there. We just have to build on that and love her.”
Osian nodded and they walked out of Lux’s house. “You have the directions to the high school,
Lux sighed. “I told you, GPS. We will get there a few minutes early so we can watch for her. We
don’t want her going inside without us.”
Osian nodded and stared out the window. He’d dreamed of the day he found his mate, but he
wished his parents could meet her. His biological parents at least. Lux’s family took him in when he
was seven, after his family had been killed. They found him wandering through the woods. He didn’t
speak for the first year.
Lux never left his side and his family became Osian’s family. The pack accepted him as one of
theirs and never made him feel he was different. If anything, they doted on him as he grew up. They
were his fiercest defenders.
He just never expected to be gifted with a mate. Lux swore they were a triad, and one day they
would find the one that belonged to them.
Lux shut the car off and Osian realized they hadn’t arrived all that early. He wiped his hands on
his pants and ran his fingers through his hair. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lux laughing at him.
“Stop, my tiger is antsy and it’s making me nervous. How the hell are you so calm right now?”
Osian was barely keeping his tiger at bay. He wanted out to find their mate now. He was tired of
waiting and so was Osian.
“I’m not calm, but as alpha, you know it was drilled into me how to appear cool at all times. My
wolf is pacing, too, and my nerves are shot. I want to look in each car that comes in the parking lot
until we find her. But that would look nuts and probably scare her away.” Lux laughed softly. “I’m
considering it anyway.”
“Let’s go up to the door and wait for her. We can check out the other guests to see if anyone is a
potential threat at the same time.” Lux opened his door and glanced back in. “It’s a good idea, so why
are you still sitting in the car?”
Osian glared at his alpha. “You are a dick.” He opened his door and climbed out, glancing around
the parking lot to see if he could sense her yet. He didn’t wait for Lux to come around the SUV, just
headed to the front doors, constantly scanning his surroundings.
Lux caught up to him and they were just a few feet from the building when a high-pitched voice
caught their attention.
“I can’t believe you have the nerve to show up.”
Osian glanced at Lux to see he was fuming. “Let’s go see what poor schmuck is getting railed on.
And make sure he doesn’t decide to reply to her with his fists.” Lux didn’t wait and charged forward,
Osian behind him. He nearly froze when they got to the corner of the building and saw the women.
The bitchy one was the typical stereotype: tall, blonde, lithe body and dressed to kill. The other
woman, though, was the one that captured his attention. His tiger screamed mate and he couldn’t stop
himself from walking up to her.
Her shocked eyes stared at him as he approached her, and then he spun around to block her from
the shrew’s view. Lux apparently had his sights set on the bleached-blonde bimbo and hadn’t yet
noticed their mate was standing there.
“Excuse me,” Lux said. Another of his best friend’s one-liners came out. He choked on a laugh
—crazy bitch—but tried to suppress it. He felt a small hand tap his back, and he glanced over his
shoulder. What a beautiful sight. And to think she belonged to him.
Osian waited until Lux and the woman were around the counter before he swung around to
Harlow. “I apologize for blocking you. We didn’t realize you were our date, at first. We couldn’t
stand by and let any woman be treated like that.” He stuck his hand out. “My name is Osian. It’s a
pleasure to meet you.” Osian was sure his tiger was panting in eagerness, waiting to feel her soft skin
against his.
“My name is Harlow, and did you say you both are my dates? There has to be some confusion.”
Harlow’s nose scrunched up as she glanced around in dismay.
“Gerri Wilder of the Paranormal Dating Agency contacted Lux and me about meeting you tonight.
I assure you, there is no mistake.”
Harlow had a puzzled look on her face for a moment and then she laughed softly. “She did say to
RSVP for guests. I thought she was just screwing with Mindy. Well, this will go down as a night she
will never forget.”
Osian moved a step closer and inhaled her scent. His head swam with lust. “Come on, let’s find
Lux and introduce you two. He’s been very anxious to meet you.” They turned and started walking to
the door. Osian placed his hand on her lower back and lightly guided her. Lux walked out just as they
reached the entryway and he froze in his tracks, getting his first look at their mate.
Osian smirked at him. “Lux, meet Harlow. Harlow, this is Lux, your other date.” Lux’s eyes
glowed, and Osian smirked at him again. He loved watching his friend fight to maintain control.
Behind him, he heard some snickers and spun around.
Two men stood by a pickup truck, making lewd gestures toward Harlow. Osian glanced over his
shoulder to Lux. “I’m going to teach these boys a lesson about how to treat a woman. Watch our
woman and I will meet you both inside.”
Lux nodded but didn’t respond. He wrapped his arm around Harlow’s back and escorted her
inside, staring at her the whole time.
Osian waited until they were out of sight and walked to the truck. “Hey, guys, pretty lady I was
walking with, wasn’t she?”
The first guy in jeans and a T-shirt that read I’m here for the ladies smirked at his buddy and took
a sip of beer he pulled from the cooler in the back of the truck. “Yeah, man, she’s hot. I wouldn’t mind
taking her for a test drive if you get my drift.”
Osian laughed and glanced at the other man, who had at least worn a solid color shirt with his
jeans. “Yeah, she had just enough padding to make the pounding I would give her comfortable.”
Osian let his tiger come to the surface. He knew what they would see. His eyes were golden, and
fur pushed through his face and neck. His nails elongated as he started to shift.
“I’m going to say this once. If I ever hear you talk about a woman, any woman, like that again, I
will tear you from limb to limb. Do you understand me?” The T-shirt-wearing slob stuttered a
response and the other glanced down at his legs.
Osian stepped back and laughed. “You peed yourself? Get out of here before you embarrass
yourselves anymore. Both of you.”
Osian turned and walked into the reunion. Stupidity had taken him away from his mate long
enough. He was eager to be next to her and take her in his arms for a dance.

her arms.
ith such drop-dead gorgeous men, Harlow couldn’t wait until everyone inside got a good
look at her dates. Who cared if they were shocked she brought two men? On the surface,
they would act all scandalized, but they would all be jealous she had the hottest men on

“Lux, where did Osian go?” Harlow just realized he had walked away from them before they
entered the gymnasium doors.
“Don’t worry about him. He will be right back. I’m sorry for the way that harpy spoke to you
outside. You look amazing.”
Harlow felt her cheeks getting hot and knew she must be blushing. “Thank you. I admit, I am
shocked Gerri sent two of you to be my dates. I wasn’t expecting that. Not that I’m complaining at all,
Lux chuckled and she felt the vibration from his body against hers. He hadn’t moved his arm and
she didn’t want him to. They walked to an empty table and sat. Harlow glanced around at the
decorations. “This is kinda stupid, you know. I’m not sure why I came, but thank you for meeting me
Lux sat so close to her, his knees were on either side of her body. “There isn’t another place on
this earth Osian and I would rather be.” He leaned in and Harlow’s heart skipped a beat. This man
was deadly on her nerves.
“You smell amazing. Are you wearing perfume?” Before she could reply, she felt another body
take up the seat on the other side of her and snuggle in close. His chest was against her back “You’re
right, Lux. She smell’s divine.”
Harlow recognized Osian’s voice and she glanced over her shoulder at him. Thoughts of a
Harlow sandwich flitted through her mind. What would it be like to be loved by both men?
Lux took a deep breath and growled. “Can I have the first dance, please? I want to hold you in my
arms and make sure everyone knows you belong to us.” Against her back, Osian rumbled and she felt
her thighs slicken with her juices.
If they kept this up, she was going to have to run to the bathroom and clean up. “I would love to
dance with you. Is that okay with you, Osian?” Osian chuckled and turned to face the dance floor.
“Yes, I love to watch. It will be my turn next.” Lux stood and held his hand out to her. He had a smirk
on his face as he glanced over her shoulder at Osian.
OH! Did he mean he loved to in more than dancing? Her cheeks grew warm again and
couldn’t make eye contact. She wasn’t a prude by any means, but they were more than she expected to
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