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Bear Single Dad's Reverse Harem

(Aspenwood Forbidden Shifters

Secrets Series Book 6) Amelia Wilson
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Aspenwood Forbidden Shifters Secrets Series

Copyright © 2024 by Amelia Wilson
All rights reserved.

In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly
prohibited, and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to
actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Also By Amelia Wilson
Chapter One


As a teacher, a school trip is definitely the thing both students and teachers look forward to because most of the time, it is a lot
of fun. The students don’t try to make any trouble because they don’t want to revoke their privileges and then, you just have a
wonderful time where nobody gets left behind. Being thirty-one years old, I have been on numerous field trips and I have
enjoyed almost every single one of them. Unfortunately, I have dealt with some that I kind of wish to just forget because they
sucked so much, but I don’t have any regrets about them. I kind of laughed when I realized how much kids hate getting in
trouble when they know there is something good on the line. That’s why I continuously ask them if what they are doing in this
moment is really worth it in the long run.
I’d like to think that I am one of the favorite teachers according to my students and what they have told. I would always
wonder what it would be like to have children of my own but I pushed aside that possibility because I have never met someone
that I truly liked and wanted to be with. Some people might call me selfish and whatnot, but it’s just how it is. I don’t like the
people that I have met because no one has fit to my standards of what a relationship should look like. I always ended up getting
my heart broken so there was really no point in even trying.
I know this made a few of my friends mad when they learned that I didn’t have the guts to accept a relationship the way that
I am now but I had to make them understand. It’s not that I didn’t want a relationship, it was more so I couldn’t get one. It
sucked, a lot, but it was just something that I had to deal with because I couldn’t change the fates of anything. I’ll just end up
getting hurt if I allow that to happen. I know it might sound a bit ridiculous but this is the only way I know to keep my heart
If I end up screwing something up, I’d probably live to regret it for the rest of my life. I don’t care what anyone has to say
about it though because they are not the ones who end up having to deal with it. Until they put themselves in my shoes and see
what I see, I don’t want to hear it. Once I explained this though, a lot of my friends became very understanding because they
knew what it was like to be cast aside. I definitely know what it was like and I don’t like living that way. It just makes me sick
to my stomach just thinking about it.
And since I’m a bear-shifter, I’m already seen as a threat. I really didn’t understand that because I have never done anything
to truly warrant being treated like I’m such a suspicious character, but I know there is nothing that I can do to make it any better.
I always end up just shaking my head when someone talks to me like I did something wrong. I know for a fact that I didn’t and I
would hold my ground to that for as long as I live.
I might be a bear-shifter, but that doesn’t automatically mean I’m a bad guy. I don’t understand that reasoning but it’s also
why I have failed at acquiring a mate. I roll my eyes every time that I think about that because there are worse creatures in the
world who actually do treat their mates poorly and I don’t get it. I don’t know how someone could treat their mate like that but
I’m just going to ignore it because I know that I’m not going to get roped into that when I haven’t done anything.
I shake my head as the students rush by me to see anything and everything. We’re at a museum this time, one about Greek
Mythology, and it’s actually pretty interesting. There are a lot of interactive exhibits and you get to play like you are a Greek
Warrior. I try to not think about it too much when I look around and see students bustling around me but then, I see them…
My heart starts to pound in my chest when I see a beautiful woman and a very handsome man walking throughout the exhibit
dressed in Ancient Greek clothing. I’m sure my jaw is on the ground but I don’t even care at this point, just gazing at them like
it’s the end of the world.
The woman is beautiful, smelling like a wolf all the way from over here. Her long, wavy blonde hair is in loose curls,
flowing past her shoulders down to her waist. She’s only about five-five, with fair skin and a curvy body. She has delicate
features, a softness to her that could draw anybody in. She glances over and I see that her eyes are a beautiful blue color that
kind of reminds me of the ocean.
The male on the other hand is very intimidating, even I can see that. His curly black hair is a mess on the top of his head,
and his grey eyes are cold and stormy. He has more angular features, towering over her at least by a foot, with tan skin and a
muscular frame. He wears a tunic, showing off every inch of his muscular body. I would be jealous but we pretty much have the
same physique.
He glances over and our eyes meet as well, the whole world practically going still. I feel it inside before it actually
happens, feeling like I’d just gotten punched in the gut. I didn’t know what was happening right now and I almost couldn’t
believe it. I’ve heard stories about it but I didn’t think it would happen to me. It’s kind of like a dream come true at this point
because I never thought that it would happen to me but I guess there is a miracle for everything. It does worry me a little bit at
the fact that everything could easily come crumbling down if I let it, but I’m just taking it one step at a time.
I just met my soulmates and I have no idea what to do about it…
And it looks like they are heading straight towards me.
Chapter Two


I’m staring at the handsome man from across the room, feeling like my heart is pounding out of my chest at this point. I totally
thought that Declan would be my only mate, my jaw almost on the ground at this point because we are both wolf-shifters and I
see that our new mate is a bear-shifter. He’s huge, maybe even bigger than Declan, with short brown hair and light grey eyes, a
bit lighter than Declan’s. His arms are folded across his chest as he watches the kids run by, making me wonder for a moment if
any of them are his kids or if he is a teacher or something. Declan noticed the bond snapping into place but he didn’t look
happy at all.
“Why this?” He grumbles, making me look up at him, raising an eyebrow, “we were just fine without another mate in our
life. Why did the Goddess have to do this to us? I didn’t want another mate.”
“You and I have talked numerous times about bringing a partner into our relationship.” I disagree with him, raising an
eyebrow because I have no idea what his problem is at this point, “if you changed your mind about it, that’s fine, but don’t sit
there and lie to me about it when I know that’s what you did. Hell, you were the one insisting about it because you wanted to
know what it would be like.”
He huffs, rolling his eyes, “yeah, you’re right. I do hate to admit that but you’ve driven me crazy enough. I’m sorry that me
changing my mind about a situation is such a bad thing. I didn’t think the Goddess would be crazy enough to pair us with a
“He looks cute.” I murmur, letting my eyes look him up and down, seeing how he glances away shyly, “and I think that he
has noticed us himself. Wouldn’t it be a shame to just let this opportunity run away from us when we just have a hold of him? I
don’t know about you but I’m actually a little bit eager to see where things go between us.”
“I’m not eager but whatever floats your boat, Sophia.” Declan grumbles, looking really annoyed at this point, “I guess we
should go and introduce ourselves to him. I guess worst case scenario is that he actually is taken and we make a fool of
ourselves. I wouldn’t get your hopes up until he is actually in our arms, okay?”
I nod slowly because I’m not dumb, “I know! I’m not going to get too excited or crazy until he fully accepts us. I just think it
is a little crazy that we actually have him. It’s like the Goddess was answering our wishes or something. He’s really cute as
well so I think that we scored.”
I didn’t think I was releasing my pheromones so quickly but Declan wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me close, “I
know you’re excited but keep your pheromones under control. I don’t need to be explaining anything to anyone about why in the
world you’re releasing off those kind of pheromones that make you look like you’re in heat.”
I just glared at him because he should know that I couldn’t help myself, “sorry, I didn’t even realize that I was doing it. You
do know how that happens right? I don’t know why I need to even explain that to you.”
“Maybe because my MATE is lusting after someone who isn’t me!” He grumbles at me, looking away, “like I’m not good
enough for her.”
My stomach sinks at this point because I had no idea that he felt that way, “I’m so sorry, Declan. I wasn’t even taking your
feelings into consideration. I was just really excited at the idea of having another mate that I didn’t even think about how you
might be feeling in this situation. Can you forgive me?”
I wouldn’t have blamed him if he said no because he deserved to be able to voice his opinions, but he just slowly nods,
“yes, I can forgive you because I let you think this way. I guess I didn’t actually think that we would meet someone else. It’s
kind of like a punch to the gut honestly because I hate that you didn’t just tell me the truth about how you were feeling.”
He shrugs as if it didn’t matter, “yeah, I know, but I doubt you would have changed your mind even if I did tell you that I
wasn’t comfortable with a situation. We both know this as well.”
Maybe I am being a bad mate, “well, do you want to go over there and talk to him? Maybe it won’t be so bad if we just talk
to him.”
Declan doesn’t look too sure about that but he ends up nodding his head anyways. I’m pleased by this and I slip my hand
into his as I lead him across the floor straight for our mate. I noticed our mate stiffen up ever so slightly, as if he didn’t expect
us to approach him. I’m definitely not one to just walk away from a fight, that much I can prove to anyone, but I want to see
where things go. I don’t want to live with any regrets. I’m sure anyone in my shoes would understand that. There’s no way of
going against the bond either that pushes us together so there would be absolutely no point in running away from our destiny.
I hate the mere idea of running away from our new mate and not giving the situation a chance. If I do that, I’m probably
going to end up regretting it for the rest of my life and that’s not what I want at this point. If I end up regretting it, I don’t know
what I would do because the only person I would be able to blame is myself. I wouldn’t even be able to blame Declan because
he is allowed to have feelings about the entire situation. I can’t just make all of the decisions for him even if I wanted to. I
laugh at the idea of that even happening because I already know what could be going through his head the minute that it would
happen. He would think that my relationship with him is something to be laughed at when he’s the only person I have ever been
with in six years.
We met in high school but didn’t know we were mates until the both of us were eighteen. It’s some unspoken thing in the
shifting process that you won’t learn who your mate is until your eighteenth birthday but you both have to be eighteen. I had a
feeling that Declan was my mate but I wasn’t a hundred percent sure about it. I always wondered what it would be like to be
with him but I kind of thought that my feelings were childish and I would end up regretting being with him.
I didn’t want to regret a thing and when I learned that we were soulmates, everything just clicked into place. We mated and
marked each other THAT night and promised that we would never choose anyone besides ourselves. As time would progress
though, something felt like it was missing. I wasn’t sure what it was, nor did I want to hurt Declan’s feelings if I admitted to
him that I felt like a piece of our relationship was missing. I didn’t want him to think that I mean it about him. I would never
think that way, that much I could promise him, but I did keep trying to tell him that one way or another, we were going to have
to figure all of this out. I didn’t want to regret anything; I didn’t want to lose him either. I just knew that if I ended up allowing
the situation to happen, I would regret it for the rest of my life.
“Hi.” I whisper a little huskily as we get closer to our new mate, “I wasn’t expecting this at all. What’s your name?”
His eyes move between us, looking a bit unsure, “my name is Craig.”
What a cute name.
“My name is Sophia and this is Declan.” I introduce us because Declan is glaring at Craig like he had done something
wrong, “excuse him because he’s slowly learning manners. I never expected that we would actually have another mate but here
you are. I really like this a lot though because I kind of feel like we always had a piece missing… And here you are.”
His lips curve into a small smile but it fades slightly when he looks at Declan, “I understand that you might feel that way
but he doesn’t seem thrilled to see me at all.”
I look over and notice almost immediately that Declan is flat out glaring at Craig. He has a possessive arm wrapped around
my waist, keeping me close. I didn’t realize that Declan was doing this because I’m just so used to him, but he’s obviously
seeing Craig as a threat right now. I just want to pop him in the head because there is no way that Craig is going to be so
considerate when Declan keeps looking at him like he is a threat.
“I’m sorry about him, he’s just possessive.” I explain to Craig, seeing how he doesn’t look too sure about this situation, “I
know you’re probably not too keen on the idea of sharing but…”
“I don’t mind sharing.” He disagrees, startling me and maybe Declan too because he flinches back, “if the Goddess paired
us together for a reason, I don’t have any choice but to just accept it. She fated me to the both of you and I can understand why
he might be a little upset at the entire situation because he didn’t realize he would have to share you… I’m not keen on being
pushed away from the one I am fated to though.”
Craig is staring Declan down, showing Declan that he isn’t afraid of him. Honestly, it was really hot to see them looking at
one another, daring the other with their eyes to do something. I know that Declan can hold his own but I have a feeling that
Craig wouldn’t have any problem in destroying Declan as well. I don’t like the idea of them fighting over me, but they are
going to have to learn one way or another.
I pull out my phone and hand it to Craig, “can I have your number? Maybe we need to get together and talk sometime?”
He hesitates for a split second before putting his number into my phone. My heart flutters as I watch him do so, feeling like
everything is just falling into place at this point. I kind of worried that he would push us away because of how Declan was
treating him but I’m happy to see that it isn’t the case. I guess when it comes to being mates, it’s not so easy to push the other
aside… I guess we will have to figure it out one way or another.
Chapter Three


Arriving home, I try to not let my rage get the best of me.
I know I shouldn’t be mad so much at my mate to be eager at the idea of having another mate. I know that she might feel that
way towards me and I don’t know if it is because she doesn’t want to just be with me anymore or if she just wants another. I
don’t like him either, glaring at him because I have this feeling that he’s going to bring us nothing but trouble. I don’t even want
to think about what’s going through his head at this point, fiddling with my fingers as she just giddily makes her way into the
“I’m so excited about this mate, Declan.” She tells me honestly, making my heart sink in my chest because I really don’t
want to share her with anybody else, “I know that I shouldn’t get too excited about it because he hasn’t fully accepted us and
everything but I think that he will. He seems to really be a gentleman and even though I know it’s going to be a bit of a change
of scenery for the both of us, I just know that we’re going to win him over.”
“I don’t know why you think that, I have to disagree.” I tell her honestly at this point, folding my arms across my chest as I
watch her strip, revealing inch after inch of her beautiful body, “you might be excited about the idea of having another mate but
we don’t know what his true purpose is yet. He could be a complete asshole for all we know or he might try to drive us apart
to have you just to himself. He didn’t seem very happy to see me…”
“I don’t think he was happy to see you because you kept glaring at him like you wanted to rip his head off.” She disagrees
with me, raising an eyebrow at me because she knows that I’m not going to be able to deny that so easily, “I kind of wish that
you would give him a break and show him that we’re the good guys. It might not process through your mind very well because
you’re always worrying about how he’s going to react and such, but do you honestly think he’s going to want to even try when
you treat him like dirt?”
I hate that she’s saying this to me because I don’t want to even think about that, “what if I told you that I don’t want to add
another mate to our relationship? Would you choose me or would you end up leaving me behind?”
I know that I’m being a bit irrational but my heart is hurting. I’m just staring at her like my life depends on it, like
everything is going to be alright. She’s gazing right back at me, and I can see the hurt on her face when she looks at me. I know
that I have pushed every single button, probably testing her patience time and time again. I didn’t care at this point because I
just wanted to know exactly how she feels about me and this situation.
I didn’t want to honestly think that she would turn her back on me and make me feel like a complete douche. Losing her
would destroy me, that much I do know. I didn’t want to even think about it that way but I know I can’t keep pushing it to the
back of my mind. I would definitely lose my sanity and that’s not what I want to do at this point.
I just hope that she can make the right decision.
She moves closer to me, “Declan…”
She places her hand on my chest as she moves close to me, peering up at me, “you’re my first love and that’s never going to
change. No one is EVER going to be able to replace you because you are my everything. You’re the person that I want to grow
old with and have a family with eventually… If he had been just some random person, I would have chosen you in the blink of
an eye. Don’t you ever doubt that. But he’s not a random person.”
She’s watching me cautiously, judging my reaction, “you can get pissed off at me all you want but you and I both know that
he’s our fated mate. There’s nothing that can honestly keep us apart unless we BOTH reject him. But do you honestly want to do
that to him? Breaking a bond like that… It destroys someone. We would be the reason he is messed up… Can you forgive
yourself if that were to happen?”
I clench my jaw in frustration because she’s right of course, “I know… I just don’t want to lose you.”
She cups my face in her hands, purring softly, drawing in my own wolf, “you will never lose me. If anything, it’s just
another person who’s going to love the both of us… Please? For me?”
I gaze down at her, hesitating. Sophia has never asked me for much, even though I know this. I want to scream and shout,
tell her that she’s making a mistake by letting him weasel his way into our life. I should have known better at this point. I should
have told her that I don’t want him around and that we need to reject him but the words dry in my throat long before I can even
think to say them…
“Okay.” I whisper to her hoarsely, running my fingers through my hair, “I guess I can try. That’s the least that I can do.”
A big smile spreads across her face, “thank you! I promise that you will NOT regret it, Declan.”
She leans up on her tippy toes and kisses me with a passion that I have been craving for so long. I let my hands dive into
her hair, moaning softly at the feel of her soft body pressing against mine. Her nipples are hard, brushing against my shirt. Soft,
whimpering moans escape her lips as she presses herself against me, grinding against my leg that I didn’t even realize I had
slipped between hers. Her juices practically soak my pants, telling me how much this entire situation has driven me crazy. I
want to just dive into her and make her take me. I want to make her scream beneath me in pleasure. I want to watch her eyes
roll into the back of her head as I claim her, as I mark her insides with my seed. She’s perfection, she’s everything to me.
I lean closer, letting my teeth scrape against the sensitive skin of her neck. She trembles at the sudden feeling of it, making
me groan softly as she trembles beneath me in desire. I’m not sure what’s going through her head at this point but I do know that
I want to drive her a little wild. I need her. I want her. I want her more than I have ever wanted something in my entire life and
that’s saying something. I let my hands roam over her soft body, squeezing her sensitive areas, knowing it’s going to make her
crave more.
She lets out a breathy noise, making my breath hitch slightly because it’s kind of between a sigh and a moan. It has me
craving more, letting my hands move lower to free myself from the restrictive confinements of my jeans. I’m already hard,
springing forth and showing her all of my glory. She wraps her hand around me, making me groan softly at the feel of her hand
around me. It makes me crave more of her, ache for more. I need her more than I have ever needed someone in my entire life. If
it were up to me, I would have driven myself crazy during the entire time.
“Present yourself to me.” I tell her huskily.
She’s a good girl, doing as I commanded. She moves over to the bed, kneeling down on the bed and glancing over her
shoulder to look at me with those darkened eyes. She spreads her legs just a little bit, enough to give me a beautiful sight of her
glistening slit and tight hole. She’s bare down there, having gotten waxed any time it would grow long enough. I told her I never
minded her being hairy in her nether regions because it is normal, but she didn’t seem to care one bit.
So instead, I just ignored her and let it be. I roll my eyes at the thought of losing her just because of something so stupid,
moving behind her, placing my hand on her waist to hold her still. She trembles slightly as I rub against her slit, letting her feel
all of me but not letting myself inside of her yet. I won’t give her the satisfaction of taking me, of making her feel all of me. I
push the tip between her lower lips, pressing right up against her sensitive hole. She trembles in pleasure, looking up at me
with widened eyes over her shoulder. I can already tell what’s going through her mind, knowing that I can have her at any
second if I want to.
I know the smartest thing to do is just push her away and do for myself but I couldn’t do it. I didn’t WANT to do it. I just
wanted her to be happy, that much is clear, and if I can make her happy like that then so be it. I’m not sure what’s even going
through her mind at this point but I can’t bring myself to care. All I know is that I want her to be happy and I’m going to show
her every reason as to why she doesn’t need another mate.
That I’m good enough.
“Hurry up and make love to me.” She whispers hoarsely.
I should have teased her for longer, to make her beg even more so. That’s what I should have done but the next thing I know,
I’m completely buried inside of her, making her rear her head back at the sudden intrusion. I wrap my hand in her hair, yanking
her head back a little bit, making her arch her back. Her lips parted in surprise, a strangled noise escaping her. Her walls are
already spasming around me, making me smirk as I’m loving every second of it. I’m not sure what’s going through her head at
this point but I’m not going to stop even if she begs me to. All I know at this point is that I need her screaming beneath me,
whether it is from ecstasy or not.
“Be a good girl and take your mate’s cock!” I suddenly growl, my wolf trying to rise to the surface and take over, “such a
good girl taking my dick!”
With every word at this point, I start to thrust inside of her, showing her everything that she’s making me feel. I’m enjoying
every piece of her, craving more at this point. My teeth feel itchy, knowing I want to sink them into the mark that I had made on
the back of her neck. It wouldn’t be a smart idea to do that because I know I could upset her if I make just the wrong move but I
don’t care. I need her at this point.
I need to know that NOTHING is changing between us. Only then will I be okay.
I slam inside of her as hard and as fast as I can, taking encouragement in her moans and gasps. It’s a good thing our room is
soundproof because the entire world would have heard us by now. She’s shaking her ass, trying to match my thrusts even though
I’m going too quick for her to keep up. I press her chest into the ground, putting my foot up on the bed so I can get inside of her
at a deeper angle. She’s loving it by how tightly she’s squeezing around me, as if she is trying to milk me for everything that I
have. I kind of worried over the fact of spilling inside of her and making her have my pups already, not wanting that bastard to
get the first chance to.
It doesn’t happen often but I delve inside of her as deep as I can go, my knot bursting out, locking us together as I dump my
seed inside of her straight into her womb. She practically screams as she cums, my knot having swelled right against her g-
spot. She tried to claw away from me, having taken all of it but I’m not going to let her go so easily. I hold her in place, not
daring to even let my cock free as the tip of my cock feels like it is on fire. I had no idea that knotting could be this intense but it
could be for the fact that I am worried about the man who is about to become a part of our life. I know it might sound ridiculous
and crazy but I’m worried about letting him into our life…
I guess in the worst-case scenario, I will have to figure something out.
But for right now, all I can think about is impregnating my beautiful mate…
Chapter Four


I have no idea why Sophia and Declan have been up my butt the past few days but I did finally agree to come to their house and
talk. I had been avoiding the situation as much as I could because I was trying to process in my mind what I wanted. It’s
obvious that Declan doesn’t want anything to do with me but I couldn’t answer that as to a reason why because he doesn’t
know me. He doesn’t know what kind of person I am. That’s the only logical reason I can come up with for why he
continuously wants to treat me like dirt.
The only other thing I can think of is that she’s eager for another mate and he’s feeling jealous of me because that means he
won’t be her only mate. I know it is possible to have more than one mate but I had no idea as to what’s happening. I don’t know
if they both want me or if I’m going to end up getting my heart broken. I am afraid to let her in or him either because I could end
up losing everything that I have ever wanted. I don’t want to just give myself over and lose myself to them if I’m going to get
left behind.
Maybe it’s time that we talk though.
The both of them are sitting across from me in the living room and the silence is deafening. I’m not so sure what’s going
through ANY of their minds at this point but I know it can’t be anything good. My heart is racing at this point, watching them
cautiously in case he tries to attack me because I honestly think he does. I would love to have my arms around her and have him
protecting her as well but I have a feeling that these feelings are not mutual. In the long run, I honestly feel like they are going to
just hurt me and I hate thinking like that because I don’t want it to become true.
If I get hurt or rejected, sometimes, it can kill a shifter or they won’t have much will to do anything. I don’t like thinking
like that because I would end up losing my mind and I hated that feeling as well. Everything that I have done it’s because I
wanted to do it and not because of everything that I have gone through to this point. I might lose everything that I have ever
wished for but I’m not going to back down so easily if that’s what they are thinking.
I let out a breath I didn’t even realize I had been holding as I finally speak up, “so, what did you want to talk about?”
Sophia smiles softly at me, a beautiful look that makes my heart almost skip a beat, “so, Declan and I have been talking and
we want to try… I know you might be skeptical about the entire situation but I can PROMISE you that we have no intention of
ever hurting you and I know that with time, Declan will get used to the situation as well.”
“I have no problem with sharing my mate because that just means there is another person to protect her.” I explain, meeting
his gaze head on to show him that I am honestly not afraid of him, “and I can most definitely understand why you would be
wary of me, that much is clear, but we need to come to some kind of consensus that you can’t be treating me like dirt just
because you’re jealous. I don’t have time for that and I don’t think Sophia wants to deal with it either.”
His expression grows icy as he looks at me, “and what do you know, bear?”
“I know more than you might think.” I murmur calmly, running my fingers through my hair, “once upon a time, I was with
someone for a short while who I thought I would spend forever with. She obviously wasn’t my fated mate but I couldn’t bring
myself to care since it is so rare. Meeting the person, you are destined for… It’s just a crazy idea to even think about. But then
she did meet the person she was fated to and I was left behind with a broken heart. I loved her. I loved her more than I can ever
admit… And now that I have found my fated mates, I have no intention of just walking away… But I won’t be treated like dirt
“Declan can control himself.” Sophia promises but by the look on his face, I know it’s not going to be an easy thing to
actually declare, “I know it might not seem like it now but he’s a good person. We just never thought that we would be in the
predicament of sharing. I’m sure you can understand why he might be a little upset right now.”
I do understand that but that doesn’t mean I’m going to put up with it. I watch Declan at this point because I know he’s going
to give something away sooner or later. He avoids my gaze at this point though, his jaw clenching with visible frustration as he
doesn’t want to be here either. It’s not like I want to be in this predicament at all but I don’t really have much of a choice. They
are both my mates and I’m going to have to do whatever it takes to make the both of them happy. If I can’t do that then I am at
risk or losing everything that I have built.
Can I really trust them?
“I will try.” I tell the both of them, hoping that I’m making the right decision, “but I will say this NOW. I want you all to try
as well because I’m not going to lose everything just because you want to treat me like dirt. I will walk away the minute that it
happens, I’m not even going to fight with either one of you on it. We either make it work or I leave.”
Sophia rises to her feet, confusing me momentarily because I have no idea what she’s doing, “okay! I can live with that.
What do you say, Declan?”
Declan doesn’t look so sure but nods his head, “okay, I can live with that.”
Her eyes glimmer mischievously as she approaches me, making my eyes widen in surprise when she makes herself
comfortable on my lap. My breath hitches ever so slightly, feeling momentarily startled at the sudden feeling of her on top of
me. I can see Declan watching us, his expression becoming a little dark and dangerous for my liking. I can’t help but already be
hard though, feeling her grinding down on me, feeling everything about me.
“Wow, you’re already so big.” She groans softly, peeking up at me with a glimmer in her eyes, “I just know I’m going to
love every second of this.”
She reaches down and unbuckles my pants swiftly, leaving me shocked and confused because I had no idea this was
already happening so quickly. My heart is racing in my chest, wondering for a moment if she is going to just spring me free or
what’s going to happen next. I can’t even bring myself to ask at this point because I just know that I would end up regretting it. I
really like the fact of how she has been treating me though like I’m the only person in the world for her. She’s wearing a tiny
skirt as well but she lifts it up, I almost immediately notice that she’s wearing nothing beneath. If I wasn’t already hard, that
would have made me burst already to full mast and I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.
She slowly lifts herself up, guiding me straight to her entrance. I thought momentarily about a condom but she breaks my
thoughts as her lips suddenly meet mine, startling me. I let out a noise that I don’t even recognize myself as she is kissing me but
the next thing I know, she’s lowering herself on my cock. I groan softly against her lips as her wet, tight walls wrap around me.
It feels so good it could have been considered sinful. I’m loving every second of this, wondering if I’m in my right mind as I’m
fully seated inside of her right in front of her jealous other mate. I kind of want to fuck up into her, show him that I’m not
backing down at this point, but I have a feeling that would do more harm than it is worth.
But my eyes suddenly fly open when I feel his presence. He’s standing behind her, his eyes dark and unreadable, but he
presses a hand on the middle of her back, pushing her forward. I would have snarled at him to be careful with what he was
doing until I realized what he had planned. My eyes widen in shock when he lifts up her skirt, reaching down and gathering up
some of her juices to slather onto his length. I thought that he would use her other hole because he wouldn’t want to be
anywhere near me, but the next thing I know, I feel the tip brushing right against my own length, seeking her entrance.
“I don’t know if two can fit.” I warn him, watching his eyes flash, “it might…”
“She’s a good girl, she can take both.” He grumbles before pressing straight in.
I wince almost immediately at how much tighter it gets, feeling like my cock is going to fall off if it gets even more tighter.
Declan doesn’t seem to mind though, pushing in until he’s all the way inside as well. Sophia is shaking between us, her walls
spasming around us from the sudden intrusion. It seems to me to be a lot for her to handle but I’m not going to complain,
especially when she peeks up at me with those beautiful eyes.
“You two feel so good.” She groans softly, her lips seeking mine again, “please, love me more.”
Something inside of me just snaps and the next thing I know, I’m thrusting inside of her like my life depends on it. At this
point, it probably does but I’m not going to question it too much. I’m reaching depths inside of her that I have never been to
before, not even caring that another man’s cock is pressed against mine. Our eyes meet almost instantly as if we were both
thinking the same way. I don’t even care at this point if he hates me because nothing that I have done has warranted him to. I’m
willing to fight him for her because I don’t want to back down so easily.
Even when I’m spilling my seed inside of Sophia, I hold his gaze…
I’m not afraid of you.
Chapter Five


After many rounds of sex, I watch as Craig carries Sophia to the bed and lays her down. He’s gentle and sweet as he cleans her
up, touching her tenderly. I don’t like him touching what is mine, kind of pissing me off a little bit because I don’t need him
touching what is mine. Sophia and I had talked about it and I had conceded to trying to let him into our lives but it is clear to me
that he doesn’t truly want to share. No man wants to share his woman so easily, especially to a stranger.
Once Sophia is cleaned up and tucked into bed, I motion him to follow me. I kind of thought that he would protest and not
do what I’m trying to get him to do but he actually just follows me. I’m not sure what’s going through his head at this point but I
do have to guess that he knows something is up. I don’t know how to even explain that I have every intention of just hurting him
because I don’t need him in our lives. I honestly feel like he’s going to be more of a murder rather than a good thing. I know
Sophia will be mad at me but I’m sure she will forgive me at a later time.
“So, what did you want to talk about?” Craig asks me, making me look up at him.
“What do you mean?” I growl, wondering how he knew something was up, “can’t I just want to talk?”
“I doubt you’re going to do much talking so just get it over with.” He grumbles, already pissing me off more than I already
was because why does he have to talk to me like this, “if you’re going to tell me to stay away from Sophia, then you do have
another thing coming. I don’t like the fact of you continuously treating me like dirt, like I’m shit on the bottom of your shoe.
Nothing else pissing me off more than that and I’m going to make it CLEAR to you now that I’m not going to be putting up with
it either. You can get mad at me as much as you want but I can promise you now that Sophia won’t forgive you if you push me
“She will get over you.” I correct him, startling him because I’m sure he’s questioning why I came to that conclusion, “of
course she will be hurt but she doesn’t need you in her life. We have been happy without you and we will continue to be happy
without you because if you don’t walk away and leave us alone… Well, you won’t like what happens next.”
“Are you threatening me?” He growls at me, really pissed off at this point, “listen, I don’t know what your problem is but
“YOU are my problem!” I snap at him, watching him flinch back, “I hate you more than I have ever hated someone in my
entire life. I DESPISE you; I would be happy if you just DIED. I don’t need you around MY mate. You’re just the burden who
walked through the door thinking that he owned the place.”
I can practically see the gears turning in his head as he is processing everything that I’m telling him right now. I have no
problem kicking him to the curb even if that means pissing Sophia off. I know what’s best for us right now and I don’t need
some ‘child’ rushing in and ruining everything that I have worked so hard for. I know she will forgive me because she loves me
and I’ll make her see reason when I explain to her that this bastard is no good. He would just end up hurting her, ruining our
relationship, and there would be NO turning back from there. I can see why she might be a little upset after that but I’m doing it
for her sanity as well as my own. I honestly don’t think that bringing another man into our relationship would be the best thing
because I know we both would end up regretting every possible second of it.
I just hope that she understands this when I explain it to her later.
“Listen, we can figure something out.” He tries to reason with me, honestly just pissing me off even more than I already
was, “I have been longing to meet my fated mate and I don’t want to lose her like that. I’m sure you don’t want to lose her
either if she were to find out what you did… Is that a risk you’re willing to take?”
I’m not sure what happened but something inside of me snaps. I rush across the room towards him, grabbing him by the
collar of his shirt. I yank him closer, watching his eyes widen in shock when he looks at me. I’m more than just a little pissed at
this point. I want to kill him. I want to rip his head off and be done with it. I want him to know what MY wrath feels like
because I could promise him this, he won’t like it if I officially went off on him.
“You’re going to leave and never contact us again.” I tell him, seeing how his eyes narrow at the challenge, “because if you
so much as come near her again, I will make your life a living hell. I come from a very influential family, I could have you
‘disappear’ and nobody would ever find you again. I’m sure you have people who would miss you if you did.”
I know I am risking it when I am standing here threatening him. I might be a wolf-shifter but a bear-shifter can be a
formidable foe who can hold his group. I could always tell by the sheer size of him that I needed to watch my back. I didn’t
want to die by his hands, especially if he decided that he wanted to turn against me and make it so he would only have Sophia
to himself. I didn’t want to believe it, scared out of my wits that she would pick him over me. It’s selfish, I know, but wolves
are very possessive and territorial creatures. It doesn’t help that he isn’t a wolf as well.
If he were to get her pregnant, I don’t know what kind of cubs they would end up creating. I don’t even want to imagine it.
Would they be wolves or bears, or something in between? Would we risk being thrown out of our pack because we are also
fated to someone who could be considered a loner? Bears are solitary creatures, that much I can say, and they don’t run around
in groups like we do. They don’t like settling down and staying in one place. I have another fear that he’s going to end up
breaking her heart if he decides that this life isn’t for him.
“I don’t know what is going through your head but I have no intention of just walking away.” Craig murmurs coldly, staring
me down, “and you’re going to be sorely mistaken if you think I’ll do so easily.”
“I don’t care what you have to say, you just need to walk away from her.” I tell him coldly, letting him go, “don’t drag her
down and away from her pack just because you’re okay with being a loner. You’ll just end up leaving and I will be stuck
having to pick up the pieces.”
He’s staring at me like I had grown two heads, like I didn’t know what I was talking about. I did know exactly what I was
talking about because I have met bear-shifters before. I know what they are like and I don’t trust them one bit. I would rather
have her mated to a lion, at least they are loyal when it comes to their Queen. A bear… They change their minds so quickly.
I thought that I would have to fight him more about it but he walks away from me, grabbing his things on the way out. I’m
quite surprised that he walked away from me so quickly, angering me a little bit because that just proved to me that he didn’t
care so much about Sophia to fight for her. I’m tempted to hurt him and run after him, but I just stand there, watching him leave.
If that’s how he wants to be, fine.
We don’t need him anyways.
Chapter Six


I was confused when I realized Craig had left sometime after I had fallen asleep. I thought that we would wake up together and
I would make us breakfast, but Declan had grumbled something about Craig leaving last night after cleaning me up. It didn’t
make much sense to me as to why he would just leave like that and Declan wasn’t answering me so well either. I have a feeling
that he is partially the reason as to why Craig left last night but I didn’t want to believe it at all. I was baffled more than
anything because I had no idea what could be going through his head right now. If he honestly thought that Craig would just up
and leave, then he should have woken me up and maybe I would have been able to stop him.
I glare coldly at Declan because I do have a feeling, he is the reason why Craig left last night. I don’t have any proof,
obviously, but something inside of me is screaming the fact that Declan has been avoiding my gaze. He ALWAYS does that
when he has something to hide, making me purse my lips in frustration because I honestly have no idea what’s going through his
head right now. It’s driving me just a little wild because I just don’t know what can be going through his head to make him like
I just need to ask him flat out, I think.
“Declan, do you have anything to do with why he left last night?” I ask him softly, seeing how he is avoiding my gaze once
more, “just tell me the truth and I won’t get so mad at you. I can understand that things happen but you need to be honest with
me about what YOU did. Okay?”
He folds his arms across his chest, being stubborn, “what does it matter? He’s the one who walked away, Sophia. You need
to just realize that he isn’t as good as you thought he was and maybe it’s time to move on. He’s a bear-shifter and I doubt he
would have stayed for very long anyways.”
I’m staring at him at this point because it is VERY clear to me now that he has something to do with why Craig left last
night. I hate accusing somebody of something without any proof but when I stare at him, I just know it in my heart that there is
no way that he just did all of this without some gain.
“You chased him away, didn’t you?” I demand to know, folding my arms across my chest, “are you kidding me? After
everything I told you yesterday?”
He flinches back, his jaw clenching with frustration, “what does it matter, Sophia? You don’t need two mates to make you
happy. I…”
“It’s not even that!” I’m yelling at this point, making him look at me clearly, “are you so blinded by jealousy that you don’t
even notice?”
He flinches once again, pursing his lips, “I’m not jealous. I just…”
“What?” I yell at him, getting really upset at this point because I don’t know what’s going to remotely make me feel better at
this point, “there’s nothing that you’re going to say to me right now that’s going to make any of this better. He might not even
talk to either one of us because of what YOU did and that’s the only logical explanation that I can come up with. YOU did
something to piss him off and now I’m the one who’s going to have to live with the repercussions of it. Do you not realize how
messed up this is? I’m never going to forgive you if he doesn’t want to see me again.”
I know that I might be exaggerating a little bit because there’s no way I could leave Declan on the backburner like that, but I
want him to think it like I would. He’s never going to learn unless I make it clear that I’m not going to put up with his childish
games anymore. I know that he just wants to protect me because he loves me, but sometimes enough is enough. I can’t keep
continuously doing this, especially when I’m the one who’s going to get hurt in the long run.
“I…” He tried to speak but I cut him off.
“You better make it right with him, Declan.” I warn him softly, holding his gaze, “or I promise you will regret it.”
I let that simmer down as I turn on my heel and storm away from him. I just don’t understand him sometimes because there’s
no reason that Declan should have done something so stupid. It’s clear to me that he’s just being an idiot at this point but that’s
fine. I’ll take it one stop at a time and go from there.
I just hope that Craig might actually stand there and listen to what we have to say. I do hope that none of it happened in
Chapter Seven


After everything that Sophia had told me, I quickly began to realize that maybe I had made a mistake. No, I don’t like the idea
of sharing Sophia with someone, but I also don’t like the idea of losing her either. That’s my biggest fear at this point and I will
continue to live by that because I just know that if I let my jealousy get the best of me, I’m never going to be okay after that. I
just stared at him from across the room, having spotted him in a library. I don’t know what he’s doing out here like this but he
doesn’t even seem affected by the idea that he might never see either one of us again.
I’m sure he doesn’t care if he sees me or not, but I did think that he would have fought for Sophia. No, I hate the idea of
sharing her with someone who isn’t me, but I can’t let that get to me. I can’t let someone else win because of my jealousy. I
need to figure out how I’m going to do this before I lose the best thing that ever happened to me. Sophia… I have to make this
He lifts his head as if he can hear what I’m thinking and I see the pissed expression on his face. The people around him
must have noticed the sudden tension in the air because they immediately rise to their feet, gathering up their things and running
away almost. I purse my lips, knowing that I’m going to deserve everything that is coming my way at this point. I would love to
make excuses and say that I didn’t do anything to deserve this but I did. I’m going to end up regretting all of this and I don’t
even know what to make of it.
I just hope that Sophia forgives me for whatever I decide.
Rising to my feet, I walk towards him in the library. You can almost hear a pin drop by how quiet it is, seeing how people
are giving us a wide berth. I don’t even care so much at this point because nothing I do is going to change the fact about
anything. I know how he feels about me at this point, I can see it on his face. Drawing in a deep breath, I sit across from him at
the table, seeing how it looks like the pencil he is holding could break at any moment.
“Craig.” I greet him softly, trying to keep my voice down, “I have been looking for you. I…”
“What are you doing here, Declan?” He growls at me, “I thought you made it perfectly clear that you didn’t want me around
you or Sophia? I did exactly what you asked for but you keep showing up here UNIVITED like you own the place. I thought you
wanted me to stay away.”
“I did.” I agree with him, trying to lessen the blow as much as possible, “and I… I made a mistake, Craig, and I hope that
you can forgive me. I was so hyped up by the fact that Sophia had been my mate for so many years that I didn’t want to even
think about the possibility of having another mate. I didn’t want one. I didn’t want to share one bit. I know it might sound selfish
of me right now but I honestly thought that I was doing the right thing. I…”
“Doing the right thing?” He spits at me, his hands balling into fists, “do you honestly think that you’re doing the right thing
when you continuously treat me like shit? I have done NOTHING to you, Declan, and you automatically made me the enemy.
How do you think that makes me feel?”
His guard is up and I don’t blame him for that either.
“I made a mistake.” I admit to him, running my fingers through my hair as I really do hate apologizing, “and you can be mad
at me all you want but nothing is going to change the fact that I’m right. I’ve done everything that I can to make sure that Sophia
is happy and if that means that I need to keep you by her side to do so, then I will do it. I’m sure you can understand that.”
His jaw jerks up as his eyes narrow coldly, “I don’t care at this point. You two can have each other and leave me out of it
because it’s only going to cause me nothing but heartache that I don’t want to deal with. I’m sure you can understand my
I’m shocked at the fact that he’s just letting her walk away like that and not fighting for her, “are you serious? You’re the
one who went apeshit on me about not backing down and walking away, but you’re doing exactly that!”
I don’t even care that I am yelling in the middle of a library because I am so pissed at this point.
“If you want to be mad at someone, stay mad at ME!” I snap at him, feeling like my nerves are about to explode, “I am the
one who pissed you off and who you should remain mad at. I know that I royally screwed up and I’m going to have to live with
that for the rest of my life but I don’t want to see Sophia get hurt because of us. If you don’t want to do it for me, then do it for
her. Give us another chance to win your heart over. At least try.”
He’s just staring at me at this point and I honestly feel like I’m not winning this at all. I know the only person I can blame is
myself, but I do feel like he is giving up so easily. I don’t know why he can just do that because there is no reason to. If he
continues to give up like that, I just have this bad feeling that he’s going to regret it. Is he really okay with losing Sophia like
that? Does he honestly not care if they are never together again? Just the idea of losing her like that is enough to make me sick
to my stomach. I wouldn’t even be able to imagine losing her like that. I would rather die honestly.
“Just think about what I said, Craig.” I whisper to him, hoping that I am getting through to him, “Sophia is already bonded to
you. Me… Well, I’m not there yet but I’m willing to try if you are. I know it might be a little late to be asking this but can you
please forgive me and give us both a second chance? I promise that you will not regret it.”
I’m begging at this point because I do have this bad feeling that Sophia would end up pushing me away if I didn’t come
home with Craig. I thought that I was ready to face the repercussions of my actions but at this point, I’m honestly scared. I’m
really afraid of losing her and that’s not what I want to happen. If I allow him to walk away, then I think that Sophia wouldn’t
forgive me like I thought that she would.
He lets out a sigh, shaking his head. I’m not sure what that meant but he rises to his feet, gathering up his things. My jaw
drops ever so slightly because to me, it is like he is giving up. But when his eyes finally meet mine, I relax a little bit at what I
see there.
“You better not make me regret this.” He warns me, “I will not give you another chance.”
I wouldn’t have respected him if he did.
Chapter Eight


I have this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that Craig is never going to be able to forgive Declan. Honestly, I wouldn’t
have even been able to blame him because of Declan’s actions and how he is being such an asshole right now. I don’t know
what’s going through his head when he keeps treating Craig like crap but I do know it has to be jealousy or something. That
much I can say at this point because why on Earth would Declan be acting like this? We had talked numerous times about
adding another person but I didn’t think he would get so butt hurt because of it.
I settle myself on the couch, feeling like a weight is on my shoulders trying to keep me down. I’m not sure what’s going
through Declan’s had but I don’t want to lose either one of them. It’s strange but I already feel connected to Craig, a strange
sensation inside of me is screaming to the fact that I could very well lose Craig if I make the wrong mistake. Or, I could also
push Declan away in the process and not mean to. I don’t want to lose either one of them but I don’t want to just pick one. I
shouldn’t’ have to be told to do that.
I bury my face into my hands. Declan has been gone for a few hours and I honestly don’t know what to think. I don’t even
know where he is at and that’s worrying me the most. He could be out there doing who knows what or getting into a fight with
someone that he doesn’t want to be fighting. I don’t even want to think that far because I would honestly end up driving myself
crazy in the process. I do kind of hope that Craig could forgive Declan that way we would all be able to be together.
All of a sudden, the doorbell goes off.
I look up, slightly frowning because I have no idea what is happening at this point. I rise to my feet and walk to the front
door. I slowly open it, slightly stunned when I see Declan standing there with Craig. I’m shocked because it looks like they
were busted and bruised, probably having fought along the way. My heart is pounding hard, feeling like I might go a little crazy.
I look between them as if they are going to give me an answer.
“I want to try.” Declan suddenly speaks up, making my eyes widen in surprise, “and Craig has agreed as well.”
I look at Craig for confirmation.
He nods slowly, “yeah… He’s agreed that I can beat his ass again if need be.”
That makes me smile, moving closer straight into the cradle of his arms. I feel Declan’s arms envelope me as well, holding
me just between two males. I really like this feeling, making me feel a little squished but content…
I guess only time will tell what’ll happen next.

HELLO, everybody. Thank you so much for reading Sophia, Declan, and Craig’s story. Declan can be a bit of a butthole but
he will get used to it. But for Eleanor, she wants to become a lion’s Queen… Others will try and stand in her way. Read her
story, “Lion’s Forbidden Instalove” by clicking HERE.
Also By Amelia Wilson

Dragon Dad’s Love Chronicles

Dragon Dad’s Mate

Dragon Dad’s Mistress
Dragon Dad’s Baby
Dragon Dad’s Nanny
Dragon Dad’s Forbidden Bride

Paranormal True Mate Dating Agency

Bodyguard Wolf's Baby

Ranch-hand Wolf's Affair
Assassin Wolf's Betrayal
Sheriff Wolf's Surrogate
Lawyer Wolf's Nanny

A Rizer Pack Shifter Series

Love Beyond the wall

Sight of Love
Claimed by Love
In Love with the Enemy
Love for you Alone
A Rizer Wolfpack Series BOX SET

Rune Series

Rune Sword
Rune Master
Rune Hunter
Rune King's Daughter
Rune Romance Complete Series BOX SET


Aeon Captive
Aeon Fugitive
Aeon War
Aeon Ending
Sensual Abduction Series Box Set

Unbearable Romance Series: Bearly Deniable

Hunting for Love

The Soul of a Bear
UnBearable Romance Series


The Adna Planet Series Box Set

The Blue Falls Series: Rival Love

Strong Love
Magic Love
The Blue Falls Series


Prisoner of Avrox
Champion of Avrox
Secrets of Avrox
The Avroxee Mates Series BOX SET

The Galaxy Smugglers Series: Forbidden Delivery

Forbidden Reunion
Forbidden Territory
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