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Pair up with a classmate and help each other perform the following tasks.

Goal: Your goal is to give a speech to a group of students.

Role: You will take the role of the guidance counselor.
Audience: A group of Senior High students
Situation: You need to outline your speech as if you were giving them an orientation
as the new guidance counselor of the school.
Standard: Your speech or talk should contain your role and function as the school
guidance counselor.


Directions. Write legibly in 2-3 paragraphs a personal reflection on the importance of

counselors in the school setting. Please consider the rubrics below on how you will be

Criteria 1 3 5
The output does
The output is organized The output is highly
not subscribe to
Organization but not logically organized and
the organization
sequenced logically sequenced
The content is The content is very
The content is substantial
Substance neither substantial substantial and
and partly relevant
nor relevant relevant
Observation is
Observation is Observation is inconsistent presented in a clear
missing with real life situation and rational
Viewpoints do not No fact presented but All points are
Evidences make any sense viewpoints is strong supported with facts

Guide Questions:

1. What were your considerations in composing your personal reflection?

2. How important is the role of a counselor in school setting?

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