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The problem of overcrowding in the large city poses many threats, stemming from

the overpopulation and the limited resources. The dense population creates the
limitation on infrastructure, particularly on the trasportation system. When it is at
the rush hours, traffic jam is happened. Housing affordability is also a pressing
issue. Because there are too many people in the city, absolutely there are not
enough houses for all. Some people have to live in the slum where living
conditions are substandard. Even worse, some people don’t have space to live, they
are homeless. They live on the street or under the bridge. With the low-quality
living condition, many problems regarding health, safety, crime rate increase.
Moreover, the strain on recretional activities and entertainment is occurred. As
there are too many people live in the city, parks or recreational areas are always
overcrowded. Therefore, many people cannot go out and participate in outdoor
activities. In conclusion, the problem of overcrowding exactly puts the large city at
risk of overpopulation. Hence, many issues followed by happen and makes the city
become worse if there are no intervention from the Government and local

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