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Name Roll N

1. A 27-year-old man is brought to the emergency room after he woke up with paralysis of his
right arm. The patient reports that the day before, he had gotten into a verbal altercation with
his mother over her intrusiveness in his life. The patient notes that he has always had mixed
feelings about his mother, but that people should always respect their mothers above all else.
Which of the following diagnoses best fits this patient’s clinical picture?

a. Major depression
b. Histrionic personality disorder
c. Conversion disorder
d. Fugue state
e. Adjustment disorder

2. Criterion A for dissociative identity disorder requires presence of two or more distinct
personality states or an experience of possession. Which of the following additional
symptoms must be present to fulfill diagnostic criteria of DID?

a. The identities that arise during possession are not a normal part of a broadly accepted cultural
or religious practice
b. An anxiety episode
c. The symptoms are time consuming
d. Major depressive episode
e. The individual has performed repetitive behaviors or mental acts

3. What is the essential diagnosis feature for factitious disorder?

a. Somatic symptoms
b. External gain associated with illness
c. Conscious misrepresentation and deception
d. Absence of another medical disorder that may cause the symptoms

4. Symptom migration and preoccupation with a new symptom is not uncommon in somatic
symptom disorder

a. True
b. False

5. Please provide difference between somatic symptom disorder and illness anxiety disorder?
Someone with somatic symptom disorder may obsess and worry about their health —
just like someone with illness anxiety disorder. A person with somatic symptom disorder
has true physical symptoms.

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