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Assignment No. 3
Submission date:02.03.2024
B.Tech. VI Sem B.Tech. EP-306
t.What is directional coupler? Define coupling factor and directivity of a
directional coupler.
2. what are the $-parameters? Derive the S- matrix of a directional coupler.
3.Differentiate between E-plane tee and H-plane tee junctions.
4..what is the difference between Dielectric Phase shifter and squeeze type phase
S. Explain the properties of S- matrix and describe the working of a 2 - hole
directional coupler.
6.I)erive the scattering matrix of E-plane tee and H-plane tee.
7. What are fenites and mention their properties? why are these useful in
8. Define Faraday rotation in ferrites. Explain the action of gyrator using ferrites
and write its scattering matrix .
9.What is circulator? explain using schematic diagram.
10.Expalin the properties of S-matrix and describe the working of a single-hole
ILWhat is Isolator? Explain using schematic diagram.

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