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1. non amine vitamins vitamin a, d, e, c, k

2. deficiency causes beriberi Thiamine (B1)

3. deficiency causes wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome Thiamine (B1)

4. coenzyme, for neurologic fnxs Thiamine (B1)

5. riboflavin

6. niacin/nicotinic acid B3

7. deficiency causes pellagra nicotinic acid (B3)

8. deficiency causes hartnup's disease niacin/nicotinic

acid (B3)

9. causes direct peripheral vasodilation B3

10. pantothenic acid/chick antidermatitis factor B5

11. deficiency causes paresthesia pantothenic acid


12. precursor of CoA B5

13. for diabetic neuropathy, arthritis, gray jair, stress B5

related diseases

14. pyridoxine B6

15. excess of this vitamin causes ataxia b6

16. atherosclerosis, tx for congenital metabolic function b6

17. aka vit H and beauty vitamin b7

18. deficiency causes erythroderma desquamativa (Lein- b7

er's disease)

19. deficiency causes alopecia

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20. carboxyl-carrying cofactor biotin (b7)

21. aka folacin, pteroylglutamic acid folic acid (b9)

22. inositol B8

23. deficiency causes megaloblastic & macrocytic ane- b9


24. PABA & glutamic acid conjugate b9

25. deficiency: pernicious anemia b12

26. growth, hematopoiesis, myelin & nucleoprotein b12


27. aka vitamin b12 Cyanocobalamin

28. ascorbic acid/ascorbate vitamin c

29. adverse reaction: hypokalemia b12

30. least stable of all vitamins vitamin c

31. formation of collagen, antioxidant, prevents scurvy, vitamin c

wound healing, urinary acidifier in high doses

32. aka retinol vitamin A

33. deficiency causes xerophthalmia vitamin a

34. deficiency causes hyperkeratosis of skin vitamin a

35. deficiency causes decreased macroglobulin count vitamin a

36. ergocalciferol D2

37. choleca D3

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38. vitamin D deficiency in children causes what? rickets

39. vitamin D deficiency in adults causes what? osteomalacia

40. aids in utilization of calcium & phosphate, mainte- vitamin D

of strong bones and teeth

41. aka sunshine vitamin vitamin D

42. antiarthritic vitamin vitamin D

43. treatment for acute, latent, & chronic postoperative dihydrotachysterol

idiopathic tetany, hypoparathyroidism

44. used in management of metabolic bone disorders calcifediol & cal-


45. alpha-tocopherol vitamin E

46. deficiency of this vitamin causes muscular dystrophy vitamin E

47. deficiency of this vitamin causes sterility vitamin E

48. antioxidant, beneficial in cancer, fibrocystic breast vitamin E

sickle-cell disease, lung toxicity

49. vitamin E is stored in what tissue?

50. vitamin K parent structure is? 2--


51. phytonadione/phylloquinone K1

52. treatment for hypoprothrombinemia K1

53. this vitamin is not used in medicine K2

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54. possesses prothrombogenic properties k3

55. menaquinone k2

56. menadione k3

57. menadiol k4

58. for hypoprothrombinemia k4

59. precursor of folic acid PABA

60. what are the water soluble vitamins? B&C

61. lipid soluble vitamins re? ADEK

62. increase salicylate serum levels PABA

63. vitamin B8 inositol

64. phospholipid component of membranes & lipopro- inositol


65. laetrile b17

66. B-hydroxy methyl trimethyl ammonium hydroxide choline

67. lipotropic agent in liver cirrhosis choline


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