You are on page 1of 49

Year Month Model Game Army Type

2024 February Lady Olynder AoS Nighthaunt Monster

Myrmourn Banshees AoS Nighthaunt Infantry
Dreadscythe Harridens AoS Nighthaunt Infantry
March Dreadscythe Harridens AoS Nighthaunt Infantry

Lady Olynder AoS Nighthaunt Monster

Reikenor the Grimhailer AoS Nighthaunt Monster

Lord of Pain AoS Hedonites Infantry

Daemonettes AoS Hedonites Infantry
Hellstriders AoS Hedonites Calvary
Seeker Chariot AoS Hedonites Vehicle

Rhino 40k Alpha Legion Vehicle

Rhino 40k Alpha Legion Vehicle
Whirlwhind 40k Alpha Legion Vehicle
Whirlwhind 40k Alpha Legion Vehicle
Sicaran 40k Alpha Legion Vehicle
Sicarian 40k Alpha Legion Vehicle

Nightwing Interceptor AI Aeldari

Phoenix Bombers AI Aeldari
Valkyrie Carriers AI Imperial Guard
Lightning (Strike) Fighters AI Imperial Navy
Barracuda AI T’au
Tiger Shark AI T’au
Fighta Bommerz AI Orks
Dakkajets AI Orks

Knight Armigers 40k Knights Vehicle


No. of Quantity Individual Value Points thus far
Unit Points
Models Assembled Painted Assembly Painting Assembled Painted
270 1 1 0 270 270 270 0
90 4 4 4 22.5 22.5 90 90
300 20 20 0 15 15 300
300 20 20 0 15 15 300
0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
270 1 0 0 270 270
160 1 0 0 160 160
0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
140 1 0 0 140 140
110 10 0 0 11 11
320 10 0 0 32 32
100 1 0 0 100 100
0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
75 1 0 0 75 75
75 1 0 0 75 75
180 1 0 0 180 180
180 1 0 0 180 180
2570 1
220 1


Running Sub Total Total Challenge
Unit Total
Assembled Painted Completed Completion
270 270 0 270 #REF!
90 360 90 360 #REF!
150 660 510 #REF!
150 960 660 #REF!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #REF!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #REF!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #REF!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #REF!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #REF!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #REF!
#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #REF!
Hobby Emphasis Weight
Painting 0.5
Assembly / Conversion 0.5
(Change this if you want one or the other to count
more towards the subtotal.)

Lone Pilgrim Painting Progress Values

Value Value
Infantry (25/30mm Base) 1
Large Infantry (40mm Base) 2
Cavalry 3
Bike 3
Monster / Dreadnought (50/60mm Base) 5
Vehicle 10
Superheavy 20
Terrain/Display Board 10
Gaming Table/Board 20
(These are really just guidelines. )

Conversion Complexity
Complexity Level
No Assembly 0
Simple Assembly 1
Complicated Assembly / Minor Conversion 2
Significant Conversion 3
Scratch-build 4
You should seek therapy 5
(Again, just guidelines. )
Year Month Model Game Army Type
2011 July Assault Squad Infantry
Dreadnought Monster
Command Squad Infantry
Vindicator Vehicle
Sternguard Infantry
2011 August Tactical Squad Infantry
Death Company Infantry
Chaplain Infantry
2011 September Razorback Vehicle
Death Company Infantry
2011 October Sternguard Infantry
Sanguinary Priest Infantry
Librarian Infantry
2011 November Razorback Vehicle
Drop Pod Vehicle
Assault Squad Infantry
2011 December Baal Predator Vehicle
2012 January Sanguinary Priest Infantry
Chaplain Infantry
Vindicator Vehicle
2012 February Storm Raven Vehicle
Unit Point
No. of Quantity Individual Value
Army Side Board Models Assembled Painted Assembly Painting
220 10 10 10 22 22
105 1 1 1 105 105
170 5 5 5 34 34
150 1 1 1 150 150
158 5 5 5 31.6 31.6
215 10 10 10 21.5 21.5
120 4 4 4 30 30
130 1 1 1 130 130
55 1 1 1 55 55
120 5 5 5 24 24
157 5 5 5 31.4 31.4
80 1 1 1 80 80
100 1 1 1 100 100
55 1 1 1 55 55
35 1 1 1 35 35
140 5 5 5 28 28
145 1 1 1 145 145
50 1 1 1 50 50
100 1 1 1 100 100
150 1 1 1 150 150
200 1 1 1 200 200
1850 805
Army Side Board
Points thus far Running Sub Total Total Challenge
Unit Total
Assembled Painted Assembled Painted Completed Completion
220 220 220 220 220 220 8.29%
105 105 105 325 325 325 12.24%
170 170 170 495 495 495 18.64%
150 150 150 645 645 645 24.29%
158 158 158 803 803 803 30.24%
215 215 215 1018 1018 1018 38.34%
120 120 120 1138 1138 1138 42.86%
130 130 130 1268 1268 1268 47.76%
55 55 55 1323 1323 1323 49.83%
120 120 120 1443 1443 1443 54.35%
157 157 157 1600 1600 1600 60.26%
80 80 80 1680 1680 1680 63.28%
100 100 100 1780 1780 1780 67.04%
55 55 55 1835 1835 1835 69.11%
35 35 35 1870 1870 1870 70.43%
140 140 140 2010 2010 2010 75.71%
145 145 145 2155 2155 2155 81.17%
50 50 50 2205 2205 2205 83.05%
100 100 100 2305 2305 2305 86.82%
150 150 150 2455 2455 2455 92.47%
200 200 200 2505 2505 2655 100.00%
Hobby Emphasis Weight
Painting 0.5
Assembly / Conversion 0.5
(Change this if you want one or the other to count
more towards the subtotal.)

Lone Pilgrim Painting Progress Values

Value Value
Infantry (25/30mm Base) 1
Large Infantry (40mm Base) 2
Cavalry 3
Bike 3
Monster / Dreadnought (50/60mm Base) 5
Vehicle 10
Superheavy 20
Terrain/Display Board 10
Gaming Table/Board 20
(These are really just guidelines. )

Conversion Complexity
Complexity Level
No Assembly 0
Simple Assembly 1
Complicated Assembly / Minor Conversion 2
Significant Conversion 3
Scratch-build 4
You should seek therapy 5
(Again, just guidelines. )
Date System Army Opponent Opponent's Army
1/8/2011 Mal Guild - Lady Justice Archanist - Rasputina
1/8/2011 Mal Guild - Lady Justice Res - McMourning
1/8/2011 Mal Guild - Lady Justice Outcast - Leveticus
2/14/2011 Mal Guild - Lady Justice Ed Archanist - Rasputina
2/14/2011 Mal Guild - Lady Justice Hutchie Outcast - Somer
4/3/2011 Mal Guild - Lady Justice Guild - Lady J
4/3/2011 Mal Guild - Lady Justice Roy Outcast - Vickies
4/3/2011 Mal Guild - Lady Justice Winter Guild - Lady J
4/25/2011 Mal Res - McMourning Ed Neverborn - Dreamer
4/25/2011 Mal Res - McMourning Ed Neverborn - Dreamer
5/15/2011 Mal Res - McMourning Zoran Ressurectionist - Kirai
5/15/2011 Mal Res - McMourning Steve Archanists - Collette
5/15/2011 Mal Res - McMourning Eric Neverborn - Dreamer
6/12/2011 Mal Res - McMourning Andre Neverborn - Lilith
Points W/L/D Type Flat Date Sort Key
25 D Tournament #NAME? 201101
25 W Tournament #NAME? 201101
25 W Tournament #NAME? 201101
35 W Friendly #NAME? 201102
25 L Friendly #NAME? 201102
25 W Tournament #NAME? 201104
30 L Tournament #NAME? 201104
35 L Tournament #NAME? 201104
35 W Friendly #NAME? 201104
35 L Friendly #NAME? 201104
35 L Tournament #NAME? 201105
35 W Tournament #NAME? 201105
35 D Tournament #NAME? 201105
35 L Friendly #NAME? 201106
Charting Name
Mal - Guild - Lady Justice
Mal - Guild - Lady Justice
Mal - Guild - Lady Justice
Mal - Guild - Lady Justice
Mal - Guild - Lady Justice
Mal - Guild - Lady Justice
Mal - Guild - Lady Justice
Mal - Guild - Lady Justice
Mal - Res - McMourning
Mal - Res - McMourning
Mal - Res - McMourning
Mal - Res - McMourning
Mal - Res - McMourning
Mal - Res - McMourning
Sorry that these charts don't automagically work; I'm pretty sure that, if this was Excel, I could throw in maximal range and
looking funny. I've included notes about how to update them.

Painting Points by Army

Calculations Increase C for additional armies (C1 becomes C2, etc)

Hobby: Army x Month

AxM Crosswalk Increase second letter & number (A1:B2 becomes A1:C2 for another month or A1:B3
for another army)
Performance by Army
Calculations Increase N for additional armies (N1 becomes N2, etc)
hrow in maximal range and everything would work out fine. With Google Spreadsheet, though, the charts come out

Hobby Points by Month

Calculations Increase I for additional months (I1 becomes I2, etc)

Games by Army
Calculations No changes should be needed! Yay!
Army Assembly Painting Total Month Assembly Painting
Arcanists 19 14 33 2011 January 15 19
Deathwing 14 16 30 2011 February 11 12
Game Tokens 9 9 18 2011 March 15 18
Guild 25 36 61 2011 April 34 23
Neverborn 28 14 42 2011 May 11 12
Outcast 1 1 2 2011 June 34 13
Resurrectionists 31 23 54 2011 July 9 15
Terrain 2 0 2 2011 August 0 1
0 0
Count %
34 Army W L D Total W L D
23 Mal - Guild - Lady Justice 4 3 1 8 50% 38% 13%
33 Mal - Res - McMourning 2 3 1 6 33% 50% 17%

Overall Count %
Games by Army Games Month W L D Total W
Mal - Guild - Lady Justice 8 2011 January 2 1 3 67%
Mal - Res - McMourning 6 2011 February 1 1 2 50%
2011 April 2 3 5 40%
2011 May 1 1 1 3 33%
2011 June 1 1 0%
0% 33%
50% 0%
60% 0%
33% 33%
100% 0%
2011 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April
Arcanists 0 0 24 2
Deathwing 24 6 0 0
Game Tokens 0 0 0 10
Guild 10 17 6 0
Neverborn 0 0 0 0
Outcast 0 0 0 2
Resurrectionists 0 0 2 42
Terrain 0 0 1 1
2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August #VALUE!
0 0 7 0 #VALUE!
0 0 0 0 #VALUE!
4 4 0 0 #VALUE!
0 10 17 1 #VALUE!
11 31 0 0 #VALUE!
0 0 0 0 #VALUE!
8 2 0 0 #VALUE!
0 0 0 0 #VALUE!
Over the course of 2010, I used a Google Spreadsheet to track both my hobby and gaming accomplishments... initially as
It the take
didn't Lonelong
Pilgrim Painting
for me Progress
to identify other,scheme to evaluate
more nuanced ways what I'd actually
to track what I'd*done*.
done. This
This quickly then expanded
Spreadsheet represents into
I'd played
Also, sinceand
it's how
been I'd
sodone. Not soformuch
successful me, as
I a W/L/D
figure I ratio
might astowell
brag about
share it (I'd have nothing to brag about), but because it's
If you end up getting some use out of this, or if you have any questions, stop by my blog, Warpstone Pile
easy thing to track.
As a note, there are several regions and letsucker
in this me know. I'll be
that are happy to help
calculated. In thewith what I of
interests can and
not will be stuff,
breaking even orhappier
parse someone
some longelseformulae:
out. try to leave any cell that's colored in grey alone. Those are the calculated fields. I've hidde
where they only provide data for charting, but there are some spots where they provide human-useful information. Anyway
alone, 'kay?

(Leave these cells alone, dude!)

I've left my Dec. 2010 accomplishments in here, as an example of how to fill out the spreadsheet. If you want, you can che
I'm using this spreadsheet to track
my hobby data.

Tab Listing
- Introduction
- Hobby
- Gaming

- Charts
- Calculations
- AxM Crosswalk

Happy hobbying!
Warpstone Pile

(You won't hurt my feelings-- much-- if you decide to delete this tab.)
e course of 2010, I used a Google Spreadsheet to track both my hobby and gaming accomplishments... initially as an attempt to
take Pilgrim Painting
for me Progress
to identify other,scheme to evaluate
more nuanced ways what I'd actually
to track what I'd*done*.
done. This
This quickly then expanded
Spreadsheet represents into
attempt games
at that.
it's how
been I'd
sodone. Not soformuch
successful me, as
I a W/L/D
figure I ratio
might astowell
brag about
share it (I'd have nothing to brag about), but because it's an easy,
nd up getting some use out of this, or if you have any questions, stop by my blog, Warpstone Pile
ng to track.,
te, there are several regions and letsucker
in this me know. I'll be
that are happy to help
calculated. In thewith what I of
interests can and
not will be stuff,
breaking even orhappier
know that this isto
to have
ut some long elseformulae:
out. try to leave any cell that's colored in grey alone. Those are the calculated fields. I've hidden them
hey only provide data for charting, but there are some spots where they provide human-useful information. Anyway: leave them

(Leave these cells alone, dude!)

my Dec. 2010 accomplishments in here, as an example of how to fill out the spreadsheet. If you want, you can check out how
g this spreadsheet to track
by data.

You're lookin' at it!

For tracking assembly and conversion progress.
For tracking games, opponents, and outcome.
The interesting part of the sheet. Here, your hobby status is displayed in chart form, for easy posting to your blog
or whatever.
We run some numbers here to drive the charts. You probably should leave this tab alone.
Maps army progress against months. You probably should leave this tab alone.

y hobbying!
one Pile

(You won't hurt my feelings-- much-- if you decide to delete this tab.)

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