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Nature 0f questions.

One sided questions Two sided Stand point questions Unique questions
1. Explain 1. Rise and 1. Assess; 1. Questions
2. Account for downfall The impacts/ ending with
3. Why 2. Causes and achievements/Role “inevitable”.
4. How did consequences 2. Examine the Discuss
5. How was 3. Why and impacts 2. Explain the
6. Examine how 3. To what extent significance
7. Describe 4. Compare 4. How successful
8. Discuss 5. How far
6. Examine the role
7. Examine the

1. Compare the the salient features of centralized and Decentralized societies.

2. Describe the organization of the following societies.

(a) Bunyoro, Buganda, Zulu, Ndebele, Dahomey, Asante, Mandika, Benin

(b) Nyamwezi, Kikuyu, Ibo, Nandi,Iteso, Chagga.

(c) How was law and order maintained in any one pre colonial African society.

3. Discuss the factors for the survival and maintenance of pre colonial states.

4. To what extent did the survival and maintenance of pre colonial states depend on the military.

5. Account for the Disintegration of the following states:

i. Zulu kingdom
ii. Ndebele state

6. Discuss the causes and consequences of the Mfecane revolution in south Africa.

7. Explain the causes and consequences of the 19th century west African Jihads.

8. Long Distance Trade;

i. Account for the growth and development of the long distance trade in east Africa.
ii. Examine the organization of the long distance trade.
iii. Assess the impact of the long distance trade on the people of east and central Africa.
iv. Account for the decline of the long distance trade.

9. Examine the causes and Consequences of the following;

i. First Anglo Boer war (1880-1881)

ii. Jameson Raid 1895
iii. Second Anglo Boer war (1899-1902)
iv. Nandi Resistance (1895-1906)
v. War of Guns (1879-1881)
vi. Anlo-Zulu war 1879
vii. Maji Maji Rebellion (1905-1907)

10. Missionaries in Africa.

i. Explain the challenges faced by missionaries in Africa.

ii. Discuss the impacts of missionary activities.
iii. Account for the formation of African independent churches in Africa.


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