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Dispositor Theory in Nadi Astrology: A Line-by-Line


This passage explains Dispositor Theory, a concept used in Nadi Astrology, a branch of
Vedic Astrology. Here's a breakdown of the key points:

1. Planetary Influence:

 A planet placed in a sign (rasi) affects the lord of that sign.

 Example: Saturn in Cancer impacts the Moon (lord of Cancer) wherever it resides in
the chart. Here, it suggests a materialistic influence on the Moon's natural emotional

2. Double Influence:

 A planet in a sign not only affects its own lord but also the lord of the second sign
ruled by that lord.
 Example: Mercury in Aries affects Mars (lord of Aries) and Scorpio (second sign
ruled by Mars). This creates a connection between Mercury and Mars.

3. Analyzing Connections:

 To understand the effect of one planet on another, consider the planets between them.
 Example: Debilitated Mercury in Pisces with Jupiter in Sagittarius. Jupiter's (enemy
of Mercury) influence on Mercury, obstructed by intervening planets, can create
educational hurdles.
o Malefics like Rahu/Ketu intensify these hurdles, while benefics like Moon
might cause change in educational location.
o Mars between them might indicate education with breaks.

4. Linked Planets and House Effects:

 Planets in specific trines (1-5-9, 4-7-10) are considered linked.

 Example: Jupiter in Sagittarius and Mercury in Aries (trine aspect) are linked. If
Moon is in Virgo (Mercury's house), both Jupiter and Mercury can influence Moon
(though not directly linked).
o This combination, along with other factors, might indicate losses in property
and educational changes.

5. Nadi Rules for Specific Houses:

 Planets in houses 1, 5, 9, 2, 12, and 7 are considered linked.

 Planets in 1, 5, and 9 are associated with "Rinanubandhana" (debts from past lives)
and have karmic responsibilities.
 Planet in the 12th house signifies background, while the one in the 2nd house
indicates a past life incident.

6. Bandhana Yoga (Bondage Yoga):

 This yoga indicates restrictions or challenges faced by a planet.

 We need to see which planet binds another.
 Example: Rahu in Aquarius creates a bandha (bond) on the planet in Taurus because
Taurus falls between the trines formed by Rahu and Ketu (opposite sign of Rahu).
o If Sun is in Taurus, the father might face hardships in life due to this bandha.
o Jupiter in Virgo (trine to Taurus) can offer relief from these hardships.

7. Bandhana Yoga and Transits:

 Bandhana yoga can manifest during planetary transits.

 Example: Mars in Gemini, Jupiter in Cancer, and Rahu in Leo put Jupiter
(Jeevakaraka, significator of longevity) in Bandhana with Rahu, potentially indicating
o Venus (Mritasanjeevani, significator of survival) in Scorpio offers a chance to
overcome this.

8. Importance of House Rulerships:

 The house where a saving planet resides plays a role in the outcome.
 Example: Venus in Capricorn (ruled by Saturn, a friend of Jupiter) suggests support
from someone the native previously helped. This could lead to financial assistance
and survival.
 However, Venus in Aquarius (ruled by Rahu) conjunct Ketu suggests death due to the
strength of the binding yoga.


 This is a simplified explanation. Nadi Astrology is a complex system with many

layers of interpretation.
 Consulting a qualified Nadi astrologer is recommended for a complete and accurate
analysis of your birth chart.

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