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British literature

RPSC AP Paper 2021

1. Was an early English comedy written by a schoolmaster to be performed by his

students, which illustrates the early Renaissance belief in the educational advantages of actiong.
Ralph Roister Doister
Gammer gurtton's Needle
The Old Wives' Tale
The Shoemaker's Holiday
RPSC AP Paper 2021

2. Who said, "The hero of Shakespeare's great classical trilogy is Rome”?

Wilson knight
L.C. knights
Dover Wilson
Edward Dowden
Match the following prose writes with their work :
ⅰ. Bishop John Fisher
ⅱ. Roger Ascham
ⅲ. Thomas More
ⅵ. Richard Hooker
Of the law of Ecclesiatical Polity
|Froissart's Chronicles
History of Richard Ⅲ
ⅰ ⅱ ⅲ ⅳ
(1) b c d a
(2) b a d c
(3) c b d a
(4) d c b a
RPSC AP Paper 2021

4. the poets of the early 16th century, such as Sir thomas Sir thomas Wyatt, Henry Howard, Sir
Walter Ralegh
Philip Sidney, Mary Sidney, Michael Drayton, and Sir Johm Davies, have in the recent
time been called ------
RPSC AP Paper 2021

5. Match the sonnet sequences with their auther:

ⅱ. Samuel Daniel
ⅲ. Michael Drayton
ⅳHenry Constable
ⅰ ⅱ ⅲ ⅳ
(1) b a d c
(2) b c d a
(3) b d a c
(4) c a d b
RPSC AP Paper 2021

6. Which of the following is a feature of the Renausance ?

Interest in History
Ptolemaic Astronomy

All of these
a and b
a,c and d
a,b and d
RPSC AP Paper 2021

7. The phrase "God's anointed" in Absalom and Achitoohel endorses

The politics of the Whigs
The politics of the Tory
divine Right Theory of kings
the ideology of Protestantism
RPSC AP Paper 2021

8. Who is called "the greatest man of a little age" ?

John Milton
John Dryden
Charles Ⅱ
None of these
RPSC AP Paper 2021

9. Was the year of the Ppish Plot.

RPSC AP Paper 2021

10. Was the patron of John Locke.

Earl of shaftesbury
Duke of Monmounth
Duke of Buckingham
None of these
RPSC AP Paper 2021

11. In The Conquest of Granda, who conquers Granada ?

The English
The French
The Spaniards
The Portuguese
RPSC AP Paper 2021

12. The 18th century Gothic novel the Old English Baron was written by
Fanny Burney
Clara Reeve
Anne Radcliffe
Maria Edgeworth
RPSC AP Paper 2021

13. Which of Laurence Sterrne's novels was incomplete at the time of his death ?
A Sentimental Journey
Tristram Shandy
Both of these
Neither of these
RPSC AP Paper 2021

14. Who wrote the poem "Jerusalem" Which was termed "a perfectly mad poem" by Robert
Southey ?
John Keats
Walter Scott
Samuel Johnson
William Blake
RPSC AP Paper 2021

15. Who is considered to be the 'Dickens of the Elizabethan stage' for his intimate knowledge of
the common man ?
Thomes Dekker
Chriatopher Marlowe
William Shakespeare
Ben Jonson
RPSC AP Paper 2021

16. Who of the following wrote a mock-elegy on the death of Horace Walpole's cat ?
(1) Charles Lamb
(2) Lewis Carroll
(3) Thomas Gray
RPSC AP Paper 2021

17. Wordsworth states that central aim of the poem in the Lyrical ballads is to "choose
incidents and situations from
RPSC AP Paper 2021

18. What according to Coleridge is " the living power prime Agenda of all Human
perception" ?
(1) Fancy
(2) Primary imagination
(3) Secondary imagination
(4) None of these
RPSC AP Paper 2021

19. There is a strange union of change and stasis in "To Autumn" which Keats himself termed
(1) Stationing
(2) Freezing
(3) Flux
(4) Repose
RPSC AP Paper 2021

20. who said, "Poetry redeems from decay the visitations of the divine in the man" ?
(1) William Godwin
(2) P.B. Shelley
(3) Matthew Arnold
(4) Leigh Hunt
RPSC AP Paper 2021

21. Who authored the long essay commenting on the 'Porter Scene' in Macbeth ?
(1) Richard Steele
(2) Thomas de Quincey
(3) Oliver Goldsmith
(4) Dover ilson
RPSC AP Paper 2021

22. Harld Skim[pole in Bleak House is a caricature of

(1) Leigh Hunt
(2) William Hazlitt
(3) Charles Lamb
(4) Thomas de Quincey
RPSC AP Paper 2021

23. The New Pvgmalion is a work by

(1) G.B. Shaw
(2) William Hazlitt
(3) G.K Chesterton
(4) J.B. Priestley
RPSC AP Paper 2021

24. which poet illustrated empathy in these lines, "If a sparrow comes before my window, I
take part in its existence and
pick about the gravel" ?
(1) Tennyson
(2) Keats
(3) Wordsworth
(4) Shelley
RPSC AP Paper 2021

25. marry shelley's Frankenstein was published in

(1) 1790
(2) 1806
(3) 1818
(4) 1827
RPSC AP Paper 2021

26. Arrange the following chronologically

1. "Ode to Nightngale"
2. "Ode to Indolence"
3. "To Autumn"
4. "Ode to Grecian Urn"
5. "Ode to Psyche"
6. "Ode to Melncholy"
RPSC AP Paper 2021

27. In which society does Aronold place himsalf in Clture and Anarchy ?
(1) Barbarians
(2) Philistines
(3) Populace
(4) A fourth class that is yet to emerge
RPSC AP Paper 2021

28. News from Nowhere, which combines Utopian socialism with science fiction, was written
(1) Wilkie Collins
(2) Charles Kingsley
(3) William Morris
(4) Charles Reade
RPSC AP Paper 2021

29. who wrote the "Parliamentary Novels"?

(1) Arnold Bennett
(2) Bulwer vLytton
(3) benjamin Disraeli
(4) Anthony Trollope
RPSC AP Paper 2021

30. Life of Chalotte Bronte, one of the best biographies in Engkish, was written by
(1) George Eliot
(2) Charles
(3) Mrs. Gaskell
(4) Anthony Troll
RPSC AP Paper 2021

31. Arrange the following novels chronologically:

ⅰ David Copperfield
ⅱ Pickwick Papers
ⅲ Nicholas Niockleby
ⅳ Great Expectation
(1) ⅱ,ⅲ,ⅰ,ⅳ
(2) ⅱ,ⅵ,ⅲ,ⅰ
(3) ⅲ,ⅱ,ⅵ,ⅰ
RPSC AP Paper 2021

32. Which of the following poems by Alfred Tennyson begins with the words "I hate" ?
(1) "to Virgil"
(2) "Maud"
(3) "The Idylls of the king"
(4) Enoch Arden"
RPSC AP Paper 2021

33. Who of the following had an elliptical style ?

(1) Robert Browning
(2) Alfred Tennyson
(3) Alexeander Pope
(4) John Dryden
RPSC AP Paper 2021

34.Which of the following novels has a "Chinese-box" structure ?

(1) Middlemarch
(2) Jane Eyre
(3) Mansfield Park
(4) Wuthering Heigts
RPSC AP Paper 2021

35. in Jude the Obscure, Jude Dreams of going to the university at

(1) Westminster
(2) Christminster
(3) Oxford
(4) Cambridge
RPSC AP Paper 2021

36. Thackeray's Vanity Fair is a

(1) bildungsroman
(2) romance
(3) social satire
(4) historical fiction
RPSC AP Paper 2021

37. "Mr. Bennett and mrs. Brown" is a satirical sseay whicj is one of the seceral account of
Virgina Woolf about the state
(1) contemporary England
(2) women's Education
(3) women's Writing
(4) modern fiction
RPSC AP Paper 2021

38. is an imaginative biography of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's cocker spaniel,

written by Virginia
(1) Flush
(2) Orlando
(3) Melvmbrosia
(4) Night and day
RPSC AP Paper 2021

39. Which poem by T.S. Eliot presents the thoughts of " an old man in a dry month " ?
(1) "Ash Wednesday"
(2) "Conversation Galante"
(3) "Gerontion"
(4) "Sweeney Among the Nightingales"
RPSC AP Paper 2021

40. The truth about an Author is a playful " literary autobiography" of

(1) Arnold bennett
(2) P.G. Wodehouse
(3) G.K. Chesterton
(4) Somerset Maugham
RPSC AP Paper 2021

41. Which of the following is Conrad's novel not set against the backdrop of seafaring ?
(1) Lord Jim
(2) Typhoon
(3) The Rover
(4) Under Western Eyes
RPSC AP Paper 2021

42. Who of the following authors greatly appreciated French culture and submitted too
willingly to the influences of French realism?
(1) Arnold Bennett (3) E.M. Forster

(2) Joseph Conrad (4) John Galsworthy

RPSC AP Paper 2021

43. Which of the following works is not by Somerset Maugham?

Corridors of Power
Liza of Lambeth
c. The Razor's Edge
d. An Appointment as Sor

(1) All of these are by Maugham

(2) d and e
(3) c alone
(4) a alone
RPSC AP Paper 2021

44. Edward Thomas, W.H. Davies and John Drinkwater were major writers of the ___ period.
(1) Edwardian
(2) Georgian
(3) I World War
(4) II World War RPSC AP Paper 2021

45. The Dog Beneath the skin, or Where is Francis ? is a play by

(1) A. A. Milne
(2) Elmer Rice
(3) Auden and Isherwood
(4) John Masefield
RPSC AP Paper 2021

46. Which of the following is in the correct chronological order?

1. The Importance of Being Earnest
2. The Riders to the Sea
3. Back to Methuselah
4. Murder in the Cathedral

(1) The Riders to the Sea, The Importance of Being Earnest, Back to Methuselah, Murder
in the Cathedral.
(2) Back to Methuselah, The Importance of Being Earnest, The Riders to the Sea, Murder
in the Cathedral.
(3) The Importance of Being Earnest, The Riders to the Sea, Back to Methuselah, Murder
in the Cathedral.
(4) Murder in the Cathedral, The Importance of Being Earnest, The Riders to the Sea,
Back to Methuselah.
RPSC AP Paper 2021

47. Who is the narrator in Melville's Moby Dick?

(1) Captain Ahab
(2) Elijah
(3) Ishmael
(4) Gabrial
RPSC AP Paper 2021

48. Who is the representative figure

of the "Jazz Age"?
(1) Sherwood Anderson
(2) F. Scott Fitzgerald
(3) Saul Bellow
(4) Wallace Stevens
RPSC AP Paper 2021

49. American Civil War was fought in

(1) 1815-1820
(2) 1830-1840
(3) 1861-1865
(4) 1825-1833
RPSC AP Paper 2021

50. Who coined the phrase "Lost Generation"?

(1) Hemingway
(2) Gertude Stein
(3) F. Scott Fitzgerald
(4) Sherwood Anderson
RPSC AP Paper 2021

51. Who says the "Earth is the right place for love"?
(1) Silvia Plath
(2) Langston Hughes
(3) Wallace Stevens
(4) Robert Frost
RPSC AP Paper 2021

52. In Saul Bellow's novel Herzog (1964), Moses Herzog is a

(1) Christian (3) Jew
(2) Hindu (4) Afro-American
RPSC AP Paper 2021

53. When did Hemingway receive the Nobel Prize for Literature?
(1) 1952
(2) 1954
(3) 1956
(4) 1958
RPSC AP Paper 2021

54. What was the original title of Hemingway's novel The Old Man and the Sea?
(1) Fiesta
(2) The Assistant
(3) The Sea in Being
(4) Farewell to Arms
RPSC AP Paper 2021

55. Who is the central character in Hemingway's novel The Old Man and the Sea?
(1) Santiago
(2) Marlin
(3) Mandolin
(4) None of these
RPSC AP Paper 2021

56. Who is the narrator in F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby (1925)?
(1) Gatsby
(2) Nick
(3) Buchannan
(4) None of these
RPSC AP Paper 2021

57. Which one is a great patriotic poem by Frost ?

(1) "Mending Wall"
(2) "Birches"
(3) The Gift Outright"
(4) "Directive"
RPSC AP Paper 2021

58. Who is the central figure in O'

Neill's The Hairy Ape?
(1) Mildred
(2) Yank
(3) The Secretary of I.W.W.
(4) None of these
RPSC AP Paper 2021

59. Absalom. Absalom is a novel written by

(1) Steinbeck
(2) Faulkner
(3) Hemingway
(4) Fitzgerald
RPSC AP Paper 2021

60. The poem 'Chicago' is written by

(1) Ezra Pound
(2) E.E. Cummings
(3) Carl Sandburg
(4) Carlos William
RPSC AP Paper 2021

British literature
assistant professor exam date 2016

RPSC AP 2016

61. The legend of King Arthur and Knights of the Round Table is celebrated in Morte D'Arthur
(1) Reginal Peacock
(2) William Tyndale

(3) Sir Thomas Malory

(4) Thomas Moore
RPSC AP 2016

62. The book Euphues is generally called the precursor of the English novel Who is the author
of this book?
(1) George Gascoigne
(2)John Lyly
(3) Thomas Nashe
(4) Thomas Delany
RPSC AP 2016

63. Thomas Moore's Utopia is set in

(1) "Extropia" (3) "The New Atlantis"
(2) "The Neverland" (4) The New World"
RPSC AP 2016

64. Identify the play by Christopher Marlowe in which these lines occur - "Was this the face
that launch'd a thousand ships..."?
(1) The Jew of Malta
(2) Edward
(3) The Massacre of Paris
(4) Doctor Faustus
RPSC AP 2016

65. Identify the dramatist who does NOT belong to the group of dramatists known as
"University Wits",
(1) Thomas Nashe
(2) R oben Green
(3) Thomas Kyd
(4) Cyril Tourneur
RPSC AP 2016

66. Who among the following is called the "poet's poet"?

(1) Geoffrey Chaucer
(2) William Shakespeare
(3) Edmund Spenser
(4) John Milton
RPSC AP 2016

67. The Redcross Knight in The Faerie Queene represents

(1) Truth
(2) Holiness
(3) Temperance
RPSC AP 2016

68. Which poem pronounces the poet's aim as, "Fierce Warres and faithful loves shall moralize
my song" ?
(1)The Faene Queene
(2) "A Hymn to God the Father"
(3) "A Parting"
(4) "Christ's Victory and Triumph"
RPSC AP 2016

69.Who is the author of the book The Spanish Tragedy?

(1)John Fletcher
(2)Ben Jonson
(3)Thomas Kyd
(4) Christopher Marlowe
RPSC AP 2016

70. Who wrote The Praise of Folly?

(1) Phillip Massinger
(2) Francis Beaumont
(3) Desiderius Erasmus
(4) James Shirley
RPSC AP 2016

71.Of what does Bacon say that it does, "offend the law....putheth the law out of office"?
(1) Truth
(2) Revenge
(3) Envy
(4) Simulation
RPSC AP 2016

72. Ben Jonson's The Alchemist presents tricksters and gulls of whom………… the most
(1) Sir Epicure Mammon
(2) Morose
(3) Subtle
(4) Dapper
RPSC AP 2016

73.Who were called the "Tribe of Ben"?

(1) poets who followed Ben Jonson
(2) dramatists who followed Ben Jonson
(3) courtiers who followed Ben Jonson
(4) admirers of Ben Jonson
RPSC AP 2016

74. "I am a man more sinned against than sinning", is an excerpt from the play…………………
(1) King Lear
(2) Romeo and Juliet
(3) Julius Caesar
(4) Othello
RPSC AP 2016

75. The character Bottom appears in the following Shakespearean comedy:

(1) As You Like It
(2) Twelfth Night
(3) A Midsummer Night's Dream
(4) A Comedy of Errors
RPSC AP 2016

76. Which of the following translated Homer's "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey"?
(1) Ben Jonson
(2) George Chapman
(3) Edmund Spenser
(4) Philip Sidney
RPSC AP 2016

77. The formal structure of a typical Shakespearean Sonnet is:

(1) An octave and a sestet
(2) Three quatrains and a couplet
(3) An octave, a quatrain and a couplet
(4) A couplet followed by three quatrains
RPSC AP 2016

78. the line "stone walls do not aprison make, not iron bar's, are from?
(1) philip Sidney's "Astrophel and Stella"
(2) Edmund Spenser's "Epithamion"
(3) Richard Lovelace's "To Althea from Prison"
(4) Ben Jonson's Everyman in his Humour
RPSC AP 2016

79. Which of Andrew Marvell's poems deal with the theme of "Carpe Dirm" (seize the day) ?
(1) "Thoughts in a Garden"
(2) "To his Coy Mistress"
(3) "An Horatian Ode Upen Cromwell's Return From Ireland"
(4) Upon Appleton House"
RPSC AP 2016

80. Who says of Donne : "He affects the metaphysics" ?

(1) Dr Samuel Johnson
(2) T.S. Eliot
(3) John Dryden

(4) H.J.C. Grierson

RPSC AP 2016

81. Philip Sidney's Arcadia is ………..

(1) an epic poem
(2) a verse drama
(3) a prose romance
(4) a ballad
RPSC AP 2016

82. which of the following plays resulted in the closure of all theaters ?
(1) All fools
(2) the lsle of dogs
(3) The White Devil
(4) Poetaster
RPSC AP 2016

83. Shakespeare incorporates Livy's account's lust in a narrative work called

(1) Cymbeline
(2) "Venus and Adonis"
(3) "The Rape of lucrece"
(4) Titus Andronicus
RPSC AP 2016

84. The work The Anatomy of Melancholy was written by

(1) Francis Bacon
(2) Thomas Lodge
(3) Richard Booker
(4)Robert Burton
RPSC AP 2016

85. Bacon describes his essays as:

(1) random thoughts
(2) dispersed meditations
(3) set treatises
(4) focussed descriptions
RPSC AP 2016

86. Which of the following plays is NOT written by Thomas Middleton ?

(1)The Spanish Gipsy
(2) The Merry Wives of Windsor
(3) The Changeling
(4) Women Beware Women
RPSC AP 2016

87. The White Devil by John Webster depicts Italian society as

(1) highly progressive
(2) religious and refined
(3) corrupt and evil
(4)honest and ethical
RPSC AP 2016

88. John Milton's 'L'Allegro' invokes which grace with whom he means to live?
(1) Mirth
(2) Joy
(3) Happiness
(4) Love
RPSC AP 2016

89. In which of the following lines does Manoah report the end of the protagonist in Milton's
Samson Agonistes?
(1) "Our cure, to be no cure, sad cure"
(2) "This horror will grow mild, this darkness light"
(3) "Calm of mind, all passion spent
(4) "Above the smoke and stir of this dim spot which men call earth"
RPSC AP 2016

90. In which of his tracts does Milton say "He who destroys a good book, kills reason itself,
kills the image of as it werein
the eye"
(2) Areopagitica
(3) Colastenon
(4) De Doctrina Christiana
RPSC AP 2016

91. Which of the following poems was written by John Dryden in praise of the Restoration and
Monarchy ?
(1) "The Hind and the Panther"
(2) "Religio Laici"
(3) "Astraca Redux
(4) "Mac Flecknoe"
RPSC AP 2016

92. Pope in his "Letter to Arabella", in "The Rape of the Lock", states that he borrowed his
machinery from-
(1) the Kabbals
(2) the Rosicrucians
(3) Temple Orientis
(4) Thelemicism

RPSC AP 2016

93. In Jonathan Swift's The Battle of the Books

(1) both sweetness and light are associated with the Ancients.
(2) both sweetness and light are associated with the Modems
(3) sweetness is associated with the Ancients and light with the Moderns
(4) light is associated with the Ancients and sweetness with the Modems
RPSC AP 2016

94. The surface narrative of Dryden's "Absalom and Achitophel" is taken from:
(1) English History
(2) Plutarch's Lives
(3) Dutch Legends
(4) The Bible
RPSC AP 2016

95. The Spectator by Addison and Steel was published in the…………. decade of the
Eighteenth century
(1) first
(2) second
(3) third
(4) fourth
RPSC AP 2016

96. "Know then thyself, presume not God to scan. The proper study of mankind is Man".
Where do these lines occur?
(1) "The Rape of the Lock"
(2) "An Essay on Criticism"
(3) "An Essay on Man"
(4) "Windsor Forest"
RPSC AP 2016

97. Who is Thomas Gray referring to in his lines."Nor second He, that rode sublime, upon the
seraph wings of Ecstasy"
from "The Progress of Poesy":
(1) Shakespeare
(2) Milton
(3) Spenser
(4) Donne
RPSC AP 2016

98. Goldsmith's She Stoops to Conquer owes its origin to –

(1) Farquar's Beaux Stratagem
(2) Congreve's The Way of the World
(3) Sheridan's The Rivals
(4) Steel's The Tender Husband

RPSC AP 2016

99. What do the novels Pamela Clarissa Shamela and Lady Susan share with each other?
(1) They are all picaresque novels
(2) They are all travelogues
(3) They are all dramatic monologues
(4) They are all epistolary
RPSC AP 2016

100. In which play of William Congreve do the characters Millamant and Mirabel appear?
(1) The Old Bachelor
(2) Love for Love
(3) The Way of the World
(4) The Double Dealer
RPSC AP 2016

101. Which of the following is NOT an elegy

(1) "Lycidas"
(2) "Thyrsis"
(3) "Endymion"
(4) In Memorium
RPSC AP 2016

102. "The still sad music of humanity". In which poem of William Wordsworth does this line
(1) "Ode on the Intimations of Immortality"
(2) "Ode to Duty"
(3) "Lines Written a few miles above Tintern Abbey"
(4) The Solitary Reaper"
RPSC AP 2016

103"Adonais" by P.B. Shelley is an elegy on the death of

(1) Byron
(2) Keats
(3) Leigh Hunt
(4) Robert Southey
RPSC AP 2016

104. William Blake's Songs of Innocence contains short lyrics embodying his views on-
(1) the contemporary life of London
(2) the pleasures of the Garden of Eden
(3) the original state of human society
(4) the hard life of children
RPSC AP 2016

105. Which of the following is NOT a Gothic novel?

(1) Clara Reeve's The English Baron
(2) Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice
(3) Mathew Gregory's The Italian
(4) Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
RPSC AP 2016

106. Which poem of John Keats has the thease of a fatal, magical love luring a man to his
(1) "The Eve of St. Agnes
(2) "La Belle Dame Sans Merci"
(3) "Ode to Payche"
(4) "Ode on a Grecian Um"
RPSC AP 2016

107. In S.T. Coleridge’s poem " The rime of the Ancient Mariner", acurse falls on the ship
because :
(1) all the sailors hate the innocent mariner
(2) all the sors hate the Albatross
(3) the mariner shoots one of the sailors
(4)the mariner shoots an Albatross
RPSC AP 2016

108. Which one of the following poets is attacked by Byron in his poem "The Vision of
Judgement" 7
(1) William Blake
(2) Robert Southey
(3) P.B. Shelley
(4) John Keats
RPSC AP 2016

109. Jane Austen's novels are characterised by:

(1) an element of chance
(2) philosophic reflections
(3) social propaganda
(4) perfect picture of provincial life
RPSC AP 2016

110. In the title "The Essays of Elia", the name Ella stands for
(1)John Carlyle
(2) Walter Scott
(3) Charles Lamb
(4) William Hazlitt
RPSC AP 2016

111. From which poem of Robert Browning have these lines been taken - "So, one day more
am I deified. Who knows but the world may end to night"?
(1)"Porphyria's Lover"
(2)"The Last Ride Together"
(3)"Andrea Del Sarto"
(4) "The Grammarian's Funeral"
RPSC AP 2016

112. "Theirs not to make reply. Theirs not to reason why. Theirs but to do or die". These lines
are from Tennyson
(1) "In Memorium AHH"
(2) "Locksley Hall Sixty Years after"
(3) "Ullyses"
(4) "The Charge of the Light Brigade"
RPSC AP 2016

113. For what does Tennyson use the extended metaphor of "crossing the bar" in his poem by
the same title?
(1) setting forth in the unknown world
(2) travelling serenely from life through death
(3) defying conventions and leaning towards Pandeism
(4)commenting on the ill-advised' pro- conception of human kind
RPSC AP 2016

114. "this strange disease of modern life, with its sick harry and divined aim", Mathew Arnold
speaks of this malaise
in his poem-
(1) "The Scholar Gypsy"
(2) "Dover Beach"
(3) "Thyriss"
(4) "Suns from the Grande Chartreuse"
RPSC AP 2016

115. The narrative of Thomas Hardy's

The Return of the Native begins on the evening of
(1) May Dance Day
(2) Guy Fawke's Nigh
(3) The Skimmington Ride
(4) Maumbury Rings
RPSC AP 2016

116. The pioneering classic of outdoor literature

Travels with a Donkey in Cevennes is the work of -
(1) George Moore
(2)George Gissing

(3)Rudyard Kipling
(4) R.L. Stevenson
RPSC AP 2016

117. Whose essay does Walter Pater re-work for the conclusion of his book The Renaissance
Studies in Ant and Poetry?
(1) S.T. Coleridge
(2) Dante Gabriel Rossetti
(3) Johann Winckelmann
(4)William Morris
RPSC AP 2016

118. Match the opening lines with their text

(A) Now what I want is facts (P) Oliver Twist
(B) it was the best of times (Q) Hard Times
was the worst of times
(C) Among other public buildings (R) David Copperfield
there is one a work house
(D) Whether I shall turn out to be (S) A Tale of Two Cities
the hero of my own life these pages
must show

(1) A B C D P Q R S
(2) A B C D S R P Q
(3) A B C D Q S P R
(4) A B C D R P Q S
RPSC AP 2016

119.The continued popularity of Oscar Wilde's plays depends on :

(1) The polish and scintillating wit of his dialogue
(2) A sentimental portrayal of the elite of his times
(3) A realistic portrayal of the middle class
(4) The slapstick mode of humour
RPSC AP 2016

120.In which novel two young girls leave Miss Pikerton's Academy and one of them throws out
of the coach window Johnson's "Dictionary", her farewell gift?
(1) Jude the Obscure
(2) Yeast
(3) Vanity Fair
(4) Foul Play
RPSC AP 2016

121. Between which two 'dark places' does Joseph Conrad in his Heart of Darkness create a
(1) Poland and London:
(2) Africa and Costaguana
(3) London and Africa
(4) Costaguana and Geneva
RPSC AP 2016

122. In Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell's novel the location is and its protagonist is
(1) Eurasia Big Brother
(2) Airstrip One: Winston Smith
(3) Ministry of Truth Doublethink
(4) Eustasia: Emmanuel Goldstein
RPSC AP 2016

123. In which novel does Aldous Huxley satirise the idea of progress by creating a fantasy of
the future world?
(1) Point Counter Point
(2) Eveless in Gaza
(3) Antic Hay
(4) Brave New World
RPSC AP 2016

124. DH Lawrence wrote a sequel to his 1915 novel. The Rainbow entitled which continues
with the lives of the sister
(1) Sons and Lovers Morel
(2)Women in Love Brangwen
(3) Lady Chatterley's Lover Mellor
(4) John Thomas and Lady Jane Cresswell
RPSC AP 2016

125. Major Scobie is a character in which novel by Graham Green?

(1) The End of an Affair
(2) The Quiet American
(3) The Power and The Glory
(4) The Heart of the Matter
RPSC AP 2016

126. In which of her works does Virginia Woolf invent the fictional character of Shakespeare's
sister naming he………
(1) Three Guineas Roxana
(2) Flush A Biography Dorothy
(3) The Waves Rhoda
(4) A Room of One's Own Judith
RPSC AP 2016

127. Harold Pinter in The Birthday Party makes Petey remark as Stanley is being taken away
(1) "You're dead, you can't live, you can't think, you can't love. You're dead".
(2) "Don't let them tell you what to do. I've lived that line all my damn life. Never more
than now".
(3) "Let's finish and go. Let' get it over and go. Get the thing done."
(4) "Play up. play up and play the game!"
RPSC AP 2016

128. "Tomorrow, when I wake, or think I do, what shall I say of today?" These lines are from.
(1) T.S. Eliot's "The Love Song of Alfred Prufork"
(2) Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse
(3) Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot
(4) Wilfred Owen's "Anthem for Doomed Youth"
RPSC AP 2016

129. Yeats' poem "The Second Coming" prophesises the coming of:
(1) God
(2) Jesus Christ
(3) The Holy Spirit
(4) A new Destructive God
RPSC AP 2016

130. In Bernard Shaw's St Joan the independence of Joan is seen in opposition to the forces of
(1) organised society
(2) materialist ideas
(3) puritanical thinking
(4) anarchy
RPSC AP 2016

British literature
Set paper (2012)

Rajasthan SET 2012

131. Who explicates the moral of the poem - The Rape of the Lock' ?
(1) Belinda (2) Clarissa
(3) Miss Fermour (4) Arabella
Rajasthan SET 2012

132. The social and intellectual life in the 18th Century revolved around
(1) The Tea Club (2) The Coffee House
(3) The Royal Court (4) The Taverns
Rajasthan SET 2012

133. The literature which emulated Ovid. Horace and Virgil is also known as
(1) Metaphysical (2) Romantic
(3) Pre Raphaelite (4)Augustan
Rajasthan SET 2012

134. The character Tony Lumpkin features in the play

(1)She Stoops to Conquer (2) The Rivals
(3) The Viggar's Opera (4) The Country Wife
Rajasthan SET 2012

135. Which of the following is central to Pride and Prejudice?

(1) Depiction of the metaphysical and grand experiences of life
(2) Gelling the two - Darcy and Elizabeth - Married despite myriad obslacles in life
(3) Throwing light on the darker aspects of the couples' lives
(4)Radienting the couple's major weaknesses - especially Darcy's pride and Elizabeth's
Rajasthan SET 2012

136. Whose novels among the following gave the British Historical Novel its established status
(1) Waller Scott (2) Anthony Trollope
(3) W. M. Thaekeray (4) Charles Dickens
Rajasthan SET 2012

137. Tales from Shakespeare - adapted Shakespeare's plays into stories were authored by
(1) Dorothy and William Wordsworth
(2) B Mary and Charles Lamb
(3) Sara Hutchinson and ST. Coleridge
(4) Mary and PB. Shelley
Rajasthan SET 2012

138. Who among the following does NOT belong to the 'Lake Poets'?
(1) Coleridge (2) Southey
(3)PN Byron (4) Wordsworth
Rajasthan SET 2012

139. Which Romantic Poet preferred articulating rustic life and language as a major subject for
(1) Blake (2) Gray
(3) Burns (4) Wordsworth
Rajasthan SET 2012

140. The message of the poem 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' is love and reverence for
(1) The whole mankind (2) All God's creatures
(3) God and his Angels (4) Men living and dead
Rajasthan SET 2012

141. Which city became the perceived centre of Western civilization by the middle of the 19th
(1) Paris (2) London
(3) Amsterdam (4) New York
Rajasthan SET 2012

142. Ruskin's 'Unto This Last' gives us the definition of the

(1) Real sense of Political Economy
(2) Problems of the 19th Century Industrialized England
(3) Adverse impact of Darwin's scientific discoveries
(4) Theory of fiscal inflation and price – indexing
Rajasthan SET 2012

143. Becky sharp is a character in the novel

(1) Tom Jones (2) Vanity Fair
(3) Sense and Sensibility (4) Adam Bede
Rajasthan SET 2012

144. Which best describes the general feeling expressed in the literature during the last decades
of the Victorian era?
(1) Studied Melancholy and aestheticism
(2) Sincere earnestness and Protestant Zeal
(3) Raucous celebration blended with self-congratulatory safistication
(4) Paranoid introspection and cryplic dissent
Rajasthan SET 2012

145. The work which takes up the theme of split personality is

(1) The Way of all Flesh
(2) Frankenstein
(3) Dr. Jakyll and Mr. Hyde
(4) Sons and Lovers
Rajasthan SET 2012

146. '1914' is a sequence of five war sonnets written by

(1) Wilfred owen (2) Sassoon
(3) Rupert Brooke (4) Robert Graves
Rajasthan SET 2012

147. The novel The Sword of Honour is written by

(1) Evelyn Waugh (2) Graham Green
(3) Kinsley Amis (4) James Joyce
Rajasthan SET 2012

148. The Scene related to the seduction of the stenographer by the clerk in the waste land
occurs in
(1) 'The Five Sermon' (2) 'The Burial of the Dead'
(3) 'A Game of Chess' (4) 'What the Thunder Said'
Rajasthan SET 2012

149. Who among the following wrote under the pen-name 'Alpha of the Plough’?
(1) Robert Lynd (2) G. K. Chesterton
(3) A. G Gardiner (4) H. Belloc
Rajasthan SET 2012

150. Who among the following was NOT a member of the Bloomsbury Circle?
(1) Virginia Woolf (2) Leonard Woolf
(3)Clive Bell (4) D. H. Lawrenco
Rajasthan SET 2012

151. Match List-I with List-II and select the right answer by using the codes given below the
List-1 List-II

(A) Arthur Miller. (1) Chamber Music

(B) James Joyce (2) Burnt Norton
(C) W. B. Yeats (3) All My Sons
(D) T. S. Eliot (4) The Tower


(A) (B) (C) (D)

(1) 3 2 4 1
(2) 3 1 4 2
(3) 4 2 1 3
(4) 2 2 1 4
Rajasthan SET 2012

152.Which among the following is a novel by Galsworthy?

(1) Justice (2) Strife
(3) Joy (4) Fraternity
Rajasthan SET 2012

153. Which of the following is NOT anthoned by John Arden ?

(1) The Happy Heaven (2) Wet Fish
(3) Exiles (4) The Royal Pardon
Rajasthan SET 2012

154. Who is the author of 1990 Booker Award Winning Novel 'Possession A Romance'?
(1) Doris Lessing (2) Iris Murdoch
(3) Muriel Spark (4) A. S. Byatt
Rajasthan SET 2012

155.Anthony Powell worked as the editor of

(1) Times Literary Supplement (2) Punch
(3) The Saturday Review (4) The Encounter
Rajasthan SET 2012

156. The Strings are false is the unfinished autobiography of

(1) Angus Wilson (2) C. P. Snow
(3) Stephen Spender (4) Louis MacNeice
Rajasthan SET 2012

157. 'Epiphany' is an aesthetic term brought into literary criticism by

(1) James Joyce (2) William James
(3) Henry James (4) D. H. Lawrence
Rajasthan SET 2012

158. The book 'Symbolist movement in Literature by G. S. Fraser (1902) was dedicated to
(1)Ezra Pound (2) Robert Bridges
(3) Edgar Allen Poe (4) W. B. Yeats
Rajasthan SET 2012

159. Identify James Frazer's book on ancient mythology which influenced the writing of Eliot's
The Waste Land
(1) Anatomy of Criticism (2)The Golden Bough
(3) Studies in the History of Oriental Religion (4) The Archeology of Knowledge
Rajasthan SET 2012

160. Match the following correctly

List-I List-II
(A) E. M. Forster (1) Passage to America
(B) Nirad C. Chaudhari (2) Passage to England
(C) Santha Rama Rau (3) Rough Passage
(D) R. Parathasarathy (4) A Passage to India


(A) (B) (C) (D)

(1) (4) (2) (1) (3)

(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)
(3) (3) (2) (1) (4)
(4) (2) (3) (4) (1)
Rajasthan SET 2012

161. E. E. Cumming's first book recording the personal experiences in a French Concentration
camp in World War I is
(1) No Thanks (2) Tulips and Chimneys
(3) Tom (4) The Enormous Room
Rajasthan SET 2012

162. Idea's Mirrour (1594) is a collection of sonnets by

(1)Michael Drayton (2) Sammuel Daniel
(3) Robert Southwell (4) Thomas Kyd
Rajasthan SET 2012

163. The following text appeared in different centuries Arrange them in chronological order

(A) Pleasures Reconciled to Virtue

(B) The Fourie Queen
(C) Canterbury Tales
(D) Edward Ⅱ

(A) (B) (C) (D)

(1) 4 2 3 1
(2) 1 2 3 4
(3) 3 4 1 2
(4) 3 2 4 1
Rajasthan SET 2012

164. Which of the following Sixteenth Century works of English Literature was translated into
the English language after its first publication in Latin?
(1) Marlowe's Doctor Faustus
(2) Shakespeare's King Lear
(3) Shakespeare's Sonnets
(4)Thomas More's Utopia
Rajasthan SET 2012

165. The author of Shoemaker's Holiday is

(1) Thomas Kyd (2) Samuel Daniel
(3)Thomas Dekke (4) Webster
Rajasthan SET 2012

166. The brightest, the wisest and the meanest of mankind' was said about which Elizabethan
writer ?
(1) Ben Jonson (2) Robert Greene
(2)Francis Bacon (4) Thomas Wyatt
Rajasthan SET 2012

167. Which of the following is written on the theme of 'Love is Blind'

(1) Tempest
(2) A Midsummer Night's Dream.
(3)The Merchant of Venice
(4) Taming of the Shrew
Rajasthan SET 2012

168. Which of the following themes or subjects was not common in the works of Cavalier Poets
(1) Courtly ideals of good life
(2)Carpe diem
(3) Loyalty to the king
(4) Pious devotion to religious virtues
Rajasthan SET 2012

169. Disagreement between Dryden and Shadwell led to the writing of

(1) The Dunciad (2) Lycidas
(3) Maclacknoe (4) Annus Mirabili's
Rajasthan SET 2012

170. "We live in a damned wicked world the lesser we talk about it, the better" This statement
occurs in
(1) The Rivals (2) She stoops to conquer
(3) The School for Scandal (4) The Way of the World
Rajasthan SET 2012

171. Which one of the following was written by Robert Burton ?

(1) New Atlantis (2) The Anatomy of Melancholy
(3) Aeropagitica (4) Essay on Man
Rajasthan SET 2012

172. Which of the following plays is based on a Moghul ruler ?

(1) The Indian Emperor (2) Aurangzebe
(3) Emperor's Crown (4) All for Love
Rajasthan SET 2012

173. What is the title of Milton's blank-verse epic which assimilates and critiques the epic
tradition ?
(1)L'Allegro (2) Lycidas
(3)Paradise Lost (4) The Divine Comedy

Rajasthan SET 2012

174. Where did Alexander Pope borrow the supernatural Machinery from, in The Rape of the
Lock ?
(1) Religio Medici (2) Paradise Lost
(3)Le Comte de Gabalis (4)Don Quixote
Rajasthan SET 2012

175. Which novel is generally regarded as the progenitor of the stream of consciousness
(1) Tristram Shandy (2) Joseph Andrews
(3) Vanity Fair (4) Middlemarch

Rajasthan SET 2012

British literature


Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

176. "The Prince of poets in his tyme". These words about Edmund Spenser are
(1) inscribed on a monument set up by Lady Anne Clifford
(2) inscribed on a monument set up by Chaucer
(3) inscribed on a monument set up by William Shakespeare
(4) inscribed on a monument set up by Ponsonby
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

177. The known facts of Chaucer's life are well summarised in -

(1) The Regement of Princes
(2) Troilus and Criseyde
(3) The Book of the Duchess
(4) The Riverside Chaucer
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

178. Who is referred to as 'dead shepherd' in Shakespeare's As You Like It?

(1)Christopher Marlowe (2) John Lyly
(3) Edmund Spenser (4) Clement Marot
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

179. John Donne's unfinished satirical epic is -

(1) Songs and Sonnets
(2) The Progress of the Soul
(3) Pseudo-Martyr
(4) A Nocturnall upon S. Lucies Day
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

180. Milton wrote English "like a dead language". Who said this?
(1) T.S. Elot (2) John Donne
(3) FR Leavis (4) William Wordsworth
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

181. Who does not belong to the Restoration Period?

(1) Dryden (2) Rochester
(3) Bunyan (4) William Blake
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

182. Verses to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady is an

(1) Elegy by Alexander Pope

(2) Elegy by P.B. Shelley
(3) Elegy by Thomas Gray
(4) Elegy by Tennyson
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

183. Hazlitt called him "the poet not of nature but of art". Who does the statement refer to ?
(1) John Dryden (2) Alexander Pope
(3) Charles Lamb (4) Richard Steele
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

184. A Tale of a Tub is a celebrated satire on -

(1) Corruption in politics and society
(2) Corruption in religion and learning
(3) Corruption in clubs and institutions
(4) Corruption in society
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

185. Which of the following novels subverts the conventions of novel writing through its innovative techniques ?
(1) Tristram Shandy (2) Humphry Clinker
(3) Pamella (4) The Vicar of Wakefield
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

186. She Stoops to Conquer's sub-title is -

(1) The Relapse (2) The Mistakes of a Night
(3) The Rehearsal (4) She Wou'd if She Cou'd
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

187. Who established the form of Historical Novel ?

(1) Robert Falcon Scott (2) Geoffrey Scott
(3) Michael Scott (4) Sir Walter Scott
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

188. Where do the pilgrims meet in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales ?

(1) Canterbury (2) Bath
(3) Tabard Inn (4)The Church
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

189. The Fall of Robespierre is a play written by

(1) Byron in collaboration with Southly
(2) Southly in collaboration with Coleridge
(3) Coleridge in collaboration with Byron
(4) Wordsworth in collaboration with John Keats
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

190. Sordello is -
(1) a narrative poem (2) an epic

(3) a metaphysical poem (4) an idyll

Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

191. Coleridge's Wallenstein is a fine tribute to -

(1) Wordsworth (2) Schiller
(3) Goethe (4) Hume
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

192. Which work of George Eliot has a parallel in Wordsworth's life?

(1) Adam Bede (2) Silas Marner
(3) The Mill on the Floss (4) Middlemarch
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

193. Which poetry is strongly pictorial ?

(1) Modern Poetry (2) Pre-Raphaelite Poetry
(3) Romantic Poetry (4) Victorian Poetry
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

194. The sub-title of Hardy's novel Under the Greenwood Tree is -

(1) A nural painting of the Dutch school
(2) A rural painting of the Wessex school
(3) A rural painting of Bath
(4) A rural painting of London
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

195."No man is a match for a woman except with a poker and a pair of hobnailed boots... These lines occur in Shaw's
(1) Arms and the Man
(2) Major Barbara
(4) Man and Superman
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

196. "I write plays with the deliberate purpose to convert the nation to my opinions." Who said this?
(1) William Shakespeare
(2) John Osborne
(3) Henrik Ibsen
(4)G.B. Shaw
Directions for Que. No.197-198:

Match List I with List II and choose the correct answer using the codes given below:

197. List I List II

(A) Back to Methuselah (i)John Galsworthy

(B) Escape (ii) Oscar Wilde
(C) A Woman of No (iii) Somerset Maugham
(D) The Constant Wife (iv) GB. Shaw


(A) (B) (C) (D)

(1) (ⅰ) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)

(3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)

(4) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)


Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

198. List I List II

(A) The Earth Compels (i) Dylan Thomas
(B) Transitional Poem (ii) Louis Mac Neice
(C) 18 Poems (iii) C. Day Lewis

Codes :
(A) (B) (C)
(1) (ⅰ) (iii) (ii)
(2) (ⅲ) (ⅰ) (ⅱ)
(3) (ⅱ) (ⅰ) (ⅲ)
(4) (ii) (iii) (i)
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

199. Who is the protagonist in John Osborne's Look Back in Anger?

(1) Jimmy Porter (2) Nora
(3) Luther (4) Martin
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

200.Who wrote Human Bondage ?

(1) Somerset Maugham (2) JB. Priestley
(3) Mackenzi (4) Fitzerald
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

201. Huxley's Brave New World deals with -

(1) the courageous emerging world and the influence of science
(2) the life in future free from disease
(3) the life in future free from war
(4) the life in future devoid of emotions and spirituality
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

202. In which poem, evening is compared to "a patient etherized upon a table" ?
(1) The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
(2) Journey of the Magi
(3) The Waste Land
(4) Four Quartets
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

203. In Lord Jim, Joseph Conrad has used the technique of

(1)Oblique narrative
(2) Episodic narrative
(3) Oblique satire
(4) Both oblique and episodic narrative
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

204. "A cynic is a person who knows the price of everything and the valu of nothing." Who wrote this?
(1) George Bernard Shaw (2) Oscar Wilde
(3) HG Wells (4) DH Lawrence
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

205. Who used the phrase "Stream of Consciousness" in his book Principles of Psychology?
(1) William James (2) D.H. Lawrence
(3) James Joyce (4) Sigmund Freud
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

206. Which of the following novels contains the elements of autobiography?

(1) The White Peacock
(2) Sons and Lovers
(3) Rainbow
(4) The Time MachineF
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

207. Who used the device of Inscape ?

(1) G.M. Hopkins and T.S. Eliot
(2)Only G.M. Hopkins
(3) G.M. Hopkins and Ezra Pound
(4) Robert Browning and G.M. Hopkins
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

208. Who among the following is also called a neo-romanticist?

(1) W.H. Auden (2) Ezra Pound
(3) TS Eliot (4) Dylan Thomas
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

209. Kurtz, a villain, figures in -

(1) Lord Jim (2) Heart of Darkness
(3) The Secret Agent (4) The Portrait of a Lady
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

210. Who is the author of the world famous Sherlock Holmes stories ?
(1) James Chase
(2) Sherlock Holmes
(3) Both James Chase and Sherlock Holmes
(4) Arthur Conan Doyle
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

211. "They wholly mistake the nature of criticism who think, its business is principally to find fault. Criticism as it was
first instituted by Aristotle was meant to be a standard of judging well." Who said this?
(1) Alexander Pope (2) Ben Jonson
(3) John Dryden (4) Samuel Johnson
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

212. Which of the following is a famous rhetorical question?

(1) Aren't all humans mortal?
(2) If Winter comes, can spring be far behind ?
(3) Isn't life an interlude between birth and death?
(4) Don't we reap what we sow ?
Rajasthan SET PAPER III-2014

British literature

Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

213. Which of the following is a "novel without a hero" ?

(1) Vanity Fair (2) Great Expectations
(3) Mill on the Floss (4) Wuthering Heights
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

214. Who employs supernatural machinery in one of his poems ?

(1) Cowper (2) Collins
(3) Gray (4) Pope
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

215. My Days and Dreams is an autobiography of

(1) Joseph Conrad (2) Kipling
(3) H.G. Wells (4) Mary Arnold
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

216. In which play of G.B. Shaw, a Professor changes the life of a flower girl?
(1)Pygmalion (2) Candida
(3) Widower's House (4) The Apple Cart
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

217. "They say my verse is sad: no wonder,

Its narrow measure spans
Tears of eternity and sorrow,
Not mine, but man's"
These lines are written by
(1) A.E. Housman (2) Arnold Bennett
(3)G.K. Chesterton (4) W.B. Yeats
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

218. Sesame and Lilies is written by -

(1)Firdausi (2) Shakespeare
(3) Carlyle (4) John Ruskin.
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

219. Hopkins' "Carrion Comfort" is a -

(1) Love sonnet (2) Nature sonnet
(3) Reflective sonnet (4) Mystic sonnet
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

220. W.H. Auden was the leader of the -

(1)Oxford poets (2) Romantic poets
(3) Pre-Raphaelite poets (4) Victorian poets
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

221. "He absorbed all his age had to offer him".Who said the above line about W.B. Yeats ?
(1)L.A. Richards (2) David Daiches
(3) F.R. Leavis (4) T.S. Eliot
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

222. Leopald Bloom and Molly are characters in -

(1) D.H. Lawrence's The White Peacock
(2) J. Conrad's Nostromo
(3) Aldous Huxley's Brave New World
(4)James Joyce's Ulysses
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

223. "Laugh where we must, be candid where we can

But vindicate the ways of God to Man."
These lines occur in
(1)The Essay on Man (2) The Essay on Citicism
(3) Dunciad (4) Windsor Forest
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

224. In Gulliver's Travels, Yahoos symbolise

(1) a man's yearning for freedom
(2) the unjustified ways of God to Man
(3) the English imperialistic attitude
(4) the low level to which humanity may degenerate into when the restraints of reason and society are removed
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

225. Where was the Irish National Theatre founded?

(1) New York (2) London
(3) Dublin (4) Scotland
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

226. "Forster is a novelist difficult to assess, he can be easily overestimated or underestimated". Who wrote this ?
(1)Walter Allen (2) E. Albert
(3) Diana Neil (4) Fredrick Karl
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

227. The First Comedy written about 1550 by Nicholas Udall is

(1)Roister Doister (2) Four P's
(3) Gorbodue (4) Everyman
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

228. Shakespeare's narrative poem is:

(1)Venus and Adonis (2) Hero and Leander
(3) Romeo and Juliet (4) Cymbeline
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

229. Which of the following is not true about Spenser's Faery Queene ?
(1) The Faery Queene is a fragment
(2) It is one of the longest poems
(3) Prince Arthur is the central figure.
(4) The underlying theme of the poem was explained in the poet's prefatory letter to his friend Red Cross Knight.
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

230. Tottel's Miscellany is a collection of

(1)Songs and Sonnets
(2) Prose and poetry
(3) Essays
(4) Essays and short stories.
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

231. The major works of Christopher Marlowe are

(1)Tamburlaine, Dr. Faustus, The Jew of Malta and Edward II
(2) Tughlaq, Dr. Faustus, The Jew of Malta and Edward II
(3) Tamburlaine, Dr. Harrington, The Jew of Malta and Edward II
(4) Tamburlaine, Dr. Faustus, The Jew of Arabs, Edward II
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

232. Lycidas is an elegy written in the memory of

(1)Edward King (2) King Charles
(3) Queen Elizabeth (4) John Milton
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

233. But at my back I always hear

Time's winged chariot hurrying near.
"These lines seem to me the very roof and crown of the Metaphysical love lyric, at once fantastic and passionate". B
Who said this?
(1)Prof. Grierson (2) Prof. Dustoor
(3) John Dryden (4) George Herbert
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

234. The work The Monarch of Wit is about

(1) John Dryden (2) T.S. Eliot
(3)John Donne (4) Cowley

235. "Circulating Libraries" were popular during :

(1) the sixteenth century
(2) the seventeenth century
(3) the eighteenth century
(4) the nineteenth century
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

236. Comedy of Manners was influenced by

(1) Elizabethan Comedy and Tragedy
(2) French dramatist Moliere and Spanish dramatist Caldero
(3) French dramatist Madarin and Spanish dramatist Hugo
(4) John Webster's tragedies
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

237. Dryden is best known for two artificial lyrics

(1) Religio Laici and Alexander's Feast
(2) The Hind and the Panther and St. Cecilia's Day
(3) St. Cecilia's Day and Alexander's Feast
(4) St. Cecilia's Day and Religio Laici
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

238. James Thomson wrote

(1) Seasons and Castle of Indolence
(2) Night Piece on Death and The Ballad of Charity
(3) A Tale of a Tub and Gulliver's Travels
(4) The Grave and Night Piece on Death
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

239.In The Battle of the Books, the battle is fought in

(1) St. Stephen's Library
(2) St. Jame's Library
(3) St. Joseph's Library
(4) St. Paul's Library
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

240. Samuel Johnson's Lives of the poets contains -

(1) Fifty three sketches in ten volumes
(2) Fifty two sketches in ten volumes
(3) Fifty four sketches in ten volumes
(4) Fifty five sketches in ten volumes
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

241. Which of the following is not true about Oliver Goldsmith ?

(1) He wrote two admirable poems - Traveller and Deserted Village
(2) He wrote a novel - Vicar of Wakefield
(3) He wrote two comedies - Good-natured Man and She Stoops to Conquer
(4)He wrote a famous essay - Chemist's Shop
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

242. Which poem anticipates the thought of "The Waste Land" ?

(1) Gerontion (2) Hippopotamus
(3) Hollow Men (4) Dans le Restaurant
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

243. The Castle of Perseverance is a

(1) Morality Play (2) Interlude
(3) Miracle Play (4) Tragi-comedy
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

244. Blank verse was used for the first time for dramatic purposes in -
(1) Ralph Roister Doister (2) Gorbodue
(3) Jocasta (4) Spanish Tragedy
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

245. Sidney's Arcadia is a -

(1) Tragedy (2) Masque
(3) Satire (4) Romance
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

In questions 246 to 247, match the lists by using the codes given below them.
246. List – I List-II
(A) The Rights of Man (i)Blake
(B) The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (ii) Burke
(C) Political Justice (iii) Paine
(D) Amrica (iv) Godwin

(A) (B) (C) (D)

(1) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)

(2) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(3) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
(4) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

247 List – I List - II

(A) Spiritualism (i) Keats
(B) Intellectualism (ii) Shelley
(C) Sensuousness (iii) Coleridge
(D) Supernaturalism (iv) Wordsworth
(A) (B) (C) (D)

(1) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)

(2) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(3) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
(4) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

248 List – I List - II

(A) Coleridge (i)1772-1834

(B) Wordsworth (ii)1788-1824
(C) Shelley (iii)1770-1850
(D) Keats (iv)1792-1822
(E) Byron (v)1795-1821


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

(1) (1) (iii) (ii) (iv) (v)

(2) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i) (v)
(3) (iii) (i) (iv) (v) (ii)
(4) (i) (ⅲ) (ⅳ) (ⅴ) (ⅱ)
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

249 List-1 List-II

(A) Jacob's Room (1) Joseph Conrad
(B) Spring Rays (ii) George Moore
(C) The Shadow Line (iii) Virginia Woolf

(A) (B) (C)

(1) (ⅱ) (ⅲ) (ⅰ)

(1) (ⅲ) (ⅱ) (ⅰ)
(2) (ii) (i) (iii)
(3) (i) (iii) (ii)
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

250. List-1 List - II

(A) The Rock (i) T.S. Eliot
(B) The Poet's Tongue (ii) Dylan Thomas
(C) The Map of Love (iii) WH Auden

(A) (B) (C)

(1) (ⅲ) (ⅱ) (ⅰ)
(2) (ⅲ) (ⅰ) (ⅱ)
(3) (i) (ii) (iii)
(4) (ⅰ) (iii) (ii)
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

251. "After his arrival, the way was prepared, the path was made straight for Shakespeare" Swinburne wrote these lines
for -
(1)Christopher Marlowe (2) George Peele
(3) Robert Greene (4) Thomas Kyd
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

252. The line I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be' occurs in
(1) Gerontion
(2) The Waste Land
(3) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
(4) The Hollow Men
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

253. Life of Samuel Johnson is written by

(1) Addison (2) Goldsmith
(3) Gibbon (4)Boswell
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

254. "In spite of his transcendental genius Keats never was, nor ever will be, a popular poet" said Shelley. Why did
Shelley comment so ?
(1) Keats' poetry does not reflect maturity
(2) Keats died young
(3) Keats wrote only odes
(4)Keats' poetry is devoid of the revolutionary spirit
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

255. "I describe not men but manners, not an individual but the species". Who said the above lines?
(1)Addison (2) Dickens
(3) Fielding✓ (4) Swift
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

256. Romanticism was "liberalism in literature". Who said this?

(1) Victor Hugo (2) William Wordsworth
(3) Walter Pater (4) Southly
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

258. The error of evaluating a poem by the emotional effects upon the reader
is known as -
(1) Intentional fallacy (2) Pathetic fallacy
(3)Affective fallacy (4) Logical fallacy
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

259. Which of the following arrangements of Rudyard Kipling's work is in the correct chronological sequence ?
(1) Debits and Credits - Soldiers Three - The Jungle Book - Kim
(2) Kim - Debits and Credits - Soldiers Three - The Jungle Book
(3) The Jungle Book - Kim - Debits and Credits - Soldiers Three
(4) Soldiers Three The Jungle Book Kim - Debits and Credits
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

260. Rudyard Kipling's The White Man's Burden deals with -

(1) The Belgian Colonial expansion in the Congo
(2) The American imperial mission in the Philippines
(3) The British Imperial Presence in Nigeria
(4) The British Colonial entry into Afghanistan
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

261. "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of good fortune must be in want of a wife."
In which novel does this sentence occur?
(1) Dickens' Hard Times
(2) Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice
(3) Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights
(4) George Eliot's Adam Bede
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

262. "God made the country and man made the town". Who wrote this line?
(1) William Wordsworth (2) Cowper
(3) Blake (4) Thompson
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014

263. "God is in His Heaven

All is right with the world!"
In which poem of Robert Browning do these lines occur?
(1) Grammarian's Funeral (2) Rabbi Ben Ezra
(3) Prospice (4) Pippa Passes
Rajasthan SET PAPER Paper II-2014



British literature

264. Arrange the following authors in order of their emergence on the literary scene
A James Thomson
B Horace Walpole
C William Collins
D Thomas Gray

(1) BDAC
(2) ABCD
(3) BACD
(4) DCBA
265. Identify the essayist whose essays show a marked sympathy for street children:
(1) Addison (2)Lamb
(3) Bacon (4) Huxley
266. "Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world".
This was asserted by
(1) Shelley (2) Coleridge
(3). Arnold (4) Eliot
267. In the Romantic period, which author developed a new novelistic language to express the
working of the mind in a
(1) William Blake (2) George Byron
(3) Walter Scott (4) Jane Austen
268. Elizabeth Barrett Browning's poem 'The C Gamma*y of the Children' is concerned with
the issue of
(1) colonial rule (2) child labour
(3) women's rights (4) Victorian orthodox views

269. Which of the following does not match correctly?

(1) Oliver Twist — Charles Dickens
(2) Adam Bede — George Eliot
(3) Wuthering Heights —Charlotte Bronte
(4) Vanity Fair —William Thackeray

270. Choose the option that would fit into the blanks:
Man for the field and woman for the ----:
Man for the sword and for the ---- she
Man with the head and woman with the ----:
Man to command and woman to ----:
(1) home; kitchen; soul; permit
(2) city; sceptre; hand; agree

(3) school; spear; foot; free

(4) hearth; needle; heart; obey
271. Charles Dickens's Hard Times. centrally deals with
(1) moral problems
(2) religious and church issues
(3) political turmoil
(4)social and industrial problems
272. Who is the exponent of the 'Life force' theory?
(1) Galsworthy (2) Ibsen
(3) Brecht (4)Shaw
273. Match List 1 with list 2 and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the
List 1 List 2
A. Bernard Shaw 1.Fern Hill
B. W.B. Yeats. 2.The Whitsun Weddings
C Dylan Thomas 3.Arms and the Man
D Philip Larkin 4.When You are Old and Grey

Codes :

(1) 3 1 2 4
(2) 2 4 1 3
(3) 3 4 1 2
(4) 1 3 2 4

274. Choose the option that states the chronological order of the publication of the novels

(1) Sons and Lovers - The Rainbow - Women in Love - Lady Chatterley's Lover
(2) The Rainbow - Women in Love Lady Chatterley's Lover - Sons and Lovers
(3) Women in Love - Lady Chatterley's Lover - Sons and Lovers - The Rainbow
(4) Sons and Lovers - Women in Love - The Rainbow - Lady Chatterley's Lover
275. Which of the following novels explores the basic human relationships across three
(1) Sons and Lovers
(2) The Longest Journey
(3) Ulysses
(4) The Rainbow
276. The line "only through time/Time is conquered" occurs in Eliot's
(1) Gerontion
(2) The Wasteland
(3) Ash Wednesday
(4) Burnt Norton
277. Which of the following novels offers alternative endings?

(1) Lord of the Flies

(2) The Power and the Glory
(3) The French Lieutenant's Woman
(4) Lucky Jim
278. Ted Hughes's Birthday Letters
(1) is a collection of letters the poet received on his birthday
(2) explores the complex history of England.
(3) describes his relationship with Sylvia Plath
(4) is a collection of letters the poet wrote on his children's birthdays

279. Which of the following is not correct?

(1) 1958 - Harold Pinter - The Birthday Party
(2) 1960 - Harold Pinter - The Caretaker
(3) 1964 Harold Pinter The Homecoming
(4) 1985 Harold Pinter - gets the Nobel Prize

280. Which of the following pieces of travel writing is by William Dalrymple ?

(1) India Unbound
(2) In Xanadu: A Quest
(3) The Grand Tour
(4) Great Indian Railway Bazar

281. The novel The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie is set in

(1) London (2) Oxford
(3) Edinburgh (4) Glasgow

282. The doctrine of empiricism is best described by which of the following?

(1) There is no God
(2) All sensory experiences are illusory
(3) All knowledge is derived from experience.
(4) Political power influences human perceptions.

283. The Spenserian stanza has

(1) six lines rhymed abbcca
(2) seven lines rhymed abcabcc
(3) eight lines rhymed ababcbcc
(4) nine lines rhymed ababbcbcc

284. An allegory can be described as

(1) a conceit
(2) an extended metaphor
(3) an epigram
(4) a transferred epithet

285. A rhetorical question

(1) is a question without any purpose.

(2) is asked not to elicit information but to achieve a stylistic effect.

(3) is a rhetorical device used to elicit information on some specified point.
(4) a method of seeking the truth by way of questions and answers.

286. Which was not among the new genres promoted by poets such as Jonson, Donne and
Herbert ?
(1) The Petrarchan sonnet
(2) The familiar essay
(3) The letter
(4) The travelogue

287. Gray's 'Progress of Poesy' is an example of

(1) Horatian ode
(2) Pindaric ode
(3) Irregular ode
(4) Regular ode

288. 'The General Prologue' to The Canterbury Tales describes the meeting of the pilgrims in
(1) the Westminster Abbey
(2) the Tabard Inn
(3) the Hyde Park
(4) the Inns of Court

289. In which of the following poems does the author celebrate his own wedding?
(1) Prothalamion
(2) Amoretti
(3) Epithalamion
(4) Annus Mirabilis

290. "Cut is the branch that might have grown full straight And burned is Apollo's laurel bough.
That sometimes grew within this learned man."
These lines occur in
(1) King Lear
(2) Doctor Faustus
(3) The Jew of Malta
(4) Paradise Lost

291. Which of the following plays contains a play (The Mouse-Trap) within it?
(1) The Duchess of Malfi
(2) Pygmalion
(3) a Midsummer Night's Dream
(4) Hamlet

292. Who among the following was looked upon as a close approximation of the Renaissance
ideal of the gentleman ?
(1) Edmund Spenser
(2) John Donne
(3) John Milton:
(4) Philip Sidney

293. Lovewit is a character in

(1) The Way of the World
(2) Volpone
(3) School for Scandal
(4) The Alchemist

294. Religio Medici was written by

(1) Sir Thomas Browne
(2) Robert Browning
(3) John Milton
(4) Jonathan Swift

295. Who said of Milton's Lycidas' that "the diction is harsh, the rhymes uncertain, and the
numbers unpleasing" ?
(1) C.S. Lewis
(2) William Wordsworth
(3) Samuel Johnson
(4) Charles Lamb

296. Dryden's All for Love was written in imitation of Shakespeare's

(1) Antony and Cleopatra
(2) Romeo and Juliet
(3) The Merchant of Venice
(4) Twelfth Night

297. T.S Eliot, in his essay 'The Metaphysical Poets' argues that most of the Metaphysical poets
(1) digressed from the main current of English poetry
(2) were in the mainstream of English poetry
(3) successfully achieved a dissociation of sensibility
(4) wrote poetry which was never analytic

298. Sir Roger de Coverley was first introduced as a character in The Spectator by
(1) Joseph Addison
(2) Sir Andrew Freeport
(3) Lord Rochester
(4) Richard Steele

299. The Earl of Shaftesbury sought to exclude James from the throne and supplant him with
the Duke of Monmouth.

This is recorded in the famous poem called

(1) Absalom and Achitophel
(2) Mac Flecknoe
(3) Religio Larci
(4) Astrea Redux
300. What was the name of the group of intellectual women who established literary clubs
under the leadership of
Elizabeth Vesey and Elizabeth Montagu?
(1) The Behnites
(2) deg The Blustockings
(3) The Pre-Raphaelites
(4) The Tattlers

301. Who among the following is the odd one out?

(1) Moll Flanders
(2) Colonel Jacque
(3) Gulliver's Travels
(4) Robinson Crusoe

302. Which of the following pairs is incorrect?

(1) James Boswell - The Life of Samuel Johnson
(2) Samuel Johnson - The Vanity of Human Wishes
(3)Henry Fielding - The Fable of Bees
(4) Jane Austen - Sense and Sensibility

303. The Gothic Novel is associated with

(1) Henry Fielding
(2) Horace Walpole
(3) Laurence Sterne
(4) T.G. Smollett

304. "When nature prompted and no law denied Promiscuous use of concubine and bride; Then
Israel's monarch after
Heaven's own bean, His vigorous warmth did variously impart To wives and slaves."
From which poem are these lines taken?
(1) Absalom and Achitophel: A Poem
(2) Mac Flecknoe
(3) A Song for St. Cecilia's Day
(4) Alexander's Feast

NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )


305. Which of the following poems is written by Oliver Goldsmith?

(1) A Deserted Village (2) A Deserted Villa
(3) The Deserted Village (4) A Deserted City
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

306. Robert Burns was born inm

(1) Scotland (2) England
(3) Ireland (4) America
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

307. Who among the following characters personifies necessity in P. B. Shelley's Prometheus
(1) Prometheus (3) Jove
(2) Demogorgon (4) Jeus
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

308. Who among the following, after watching the per- formance of William Shakespeare's
play. A Mid Summer Night's
Dream, observed that "it is the most insipid, ridiculous play that I ever saw in my life."
(1) John Evelyn (2) Samuel Pepys
(3) John Dryden (4) Robert Greene
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

309. Name the playwright who wrote the play Epiccene, or the Silent Woman?
(1) William Congreve (2) Thomas Kyd
(3) Ben Jonson (4) Thomas Farquhar
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

310. Choose from the following options the correct combination of playwrights who
contributed to the movement called
"Kitchen Sink Drama".
(1) John Osborne, Arnold Wesker, Shelagh Delaney and John Arden
(2) John Osborne, Arnold Wesker, Harold Pinter and Shelagh Delaney
(3) John Osborne, Arnold Wesker, Antonin Arraud and John Arden
(4) John Osborne, Harold Pinter, Shelagh Delaney and John Arden
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

311. The theological treatise Ecclesiastical Polity was written by –

(1) Richard Hakluyt (2) Francis Bacon
(3) Raphael Holinshed (4) Richard Hooker
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

312. Who wrote the popular instruction manual for fishermen titled The Contpleat Angler, or
The Contemplative Man's
(1) Isaac Walton (2) Jeremy Taylor
(3) Richard Baxter (4) Thomas Hobbes

NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

313. What did Matthew Arnold imply by the term "Hebraism" in his Culture and Anarchy?
(1) Moral education (2) Intellectual autonomy
(3) Rational outlook (4) Pragmatic attitude
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

314. The journal Scrutiny was founded in 1932 by

(1) I. A. Richards (2) F. R. Leavis
(3) Cleanth Brooks (4) John Crowe Ranson
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

315. Samuel Pepys' claim to fame rests on his

(1) Biography (2) Autobiography
(3) Diary (4) Speculative Fiction
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

316. Dr Primrose is a character in

(1) Nicholas Nickleby (2) Adam Bede
(3) The Vicar of Wakefield (4) Joseph Andrews
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

317. "So the baby was carried in a small deal box, under 3an ancient woman's shawl, to the
churchyard that night, and
buried by lantern-light, at the cost of a shilling, and a pint of beer to the sexton, in that
shab- by comer of God's
allotment where He lets the nettles grow, and where all unbaptized infants, notorious
drunkard. suicides and others
of the conjecturally damned are laid."
From which novel is this excerpt taken?
(1) Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
(2) Tess by Thomas Hardy
(3) Great Expectation by Charles Dickens
(4) Mill on the Floss by George Eliot
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

318. Which of the following plays of William Shakespeare was translated into Bengali and
directed by Girish Chandra Ghosh.
(1) The Tempest (2) Hamlet
(4) King Lear (3) Macbeth
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

319. Which of the following works of Browning are pure dramas?

A. Strafford
B. The Last Ride Together
C. A Blot in the 'Scutcheon
D. Pippa Passes

E. Porphyria 's Lover

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A and C (2) B and E
(3) C and D (4) B and C
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

320. Which of the following are plays written by Harold Pinter?

A. Family Voices
B. A Moon for the Misbegotten
C. The Room
D. No Man's Land
E. Krapp's Last Tape
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, B and E (2) B, C and D
(3) A, C and D (4) C. D and E
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

321.. Name the dramas which fall within the category of the Theatre of the Absurd.
A. The Birthday Party
B. Endgame
C. Mrs. Warren's Profession
D. The Rhinoceros
E. Riders to the Sea
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, B and E (2) B, C and D
(3) A, B and D (4) C, D and E
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

322.. Which of the playwrights have been correctly matched with their works?
A. William Wycherly- The Rivals
B. Ben Jonson - Volpone, or the Fox
C. William Congreve - The Country Wife
D. Aphra Behn - The Dutch Lover
E. Richard Sheridan - A School for Scandal
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) C, D and E (2) B, C and D
(3) A, C and E (4) B, D and E
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

323. Choose the plays written by Lord Byron

A. Sardanapalus
B. Hellas
C. Cain
D. The Tiro Foscari: A Historical Tragedy
E. The Cenci
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, B and C (2) B, C and E

(3) A,B and D (4) A, C and D

NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

324. John Bunyan authored the following:

A. The Pilgrim's Progress
B. Grace Abounding
C. Short View
D. The Holy War
E. Thoughts on Education
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, B and C (2) A, C and D
(3) A, D and E (4) A, B and D
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

325. Which of the following works have been authored by Thomas De Quincey?
A. Confessions of An English Opium Eater
B. The French Revolution
C. Hudibras
D. Autobiography
E. Suspiria De Profoundis
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, B and C (2) A, C and D
(3) A, D and E (4) A, B and D
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

326. Which of the following works have been written by Thomas Carlyle?
A. Of Heroes and Hero-Worship
B. The French Revolution
C. Of Human Bondage
D. The Hour and the Mall
E. Hudibras
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A and B (2) A and C
(3) A and D (4) A and E
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

327. Identify the correct pairs:

A. Gabriel Garcia Marquez- The Feast of the Goat
B. Jorge Luis Borges - The Autumn of the Patriarch
C. Salman Rushdie - The Enchantress of Florence
D. EL Doctorow – Ragtime
E. A S. Byatt - Possession
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, B and C (2) A, B and E
(3) B, C and D (4) C, D and E
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

328. Match List I with List II

List- I List-II
A. Come what come. may, Time and the hour I. Othello
runs through the roughest day
B. When sorrows come, they come not single II. King Lear
Spies But in battalions!
C. I am a man more sinned against than sinning. III. Macbeth
D. But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve For IV. Hamlet
daws to peck at: I am not what I am
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) A-IV B-III, C- H. D-I
(2) A-II, B-III, C-1, D-IV
(3) A-III B- IV, C-II, D-I
(4) A- I B-II, C-IV, D-III
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

329. Match List I with List II

List-1 List-II
A. You can't eat the orange and throw the peel away ⅰ. Man and Superman
a man is not a piece of fruit.
B. Liberty means responsibility. That is why most II. A Doll's House
men dread it.
C. Nobody thinks, nobody cares. No beliefs, no III. Death of a Salesman
convictions and no enthusiasm. Just another
Sunday evening.
D. Our home has been nothing but a playroom IV. Look Back in Anger
I have been your doll- wife, just as at home
I was papa's doll- child; and here the children
have been my dolls.
Choose the correct answer from the options giver below:
(1) A - I B-III, C - II D-I
(2) A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
(3) A-I, B- IV, C-II, D-III
(4) A-III, B-I, C-IV, D-II
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

330. Match List I with List II

List-I List-II
A. "Negative Capability" I. Matthew Arnold
B. "Sweetness and light" II. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
C. "Esemplastic” III. T. S. Eliot
D. "Dissociation of Sensibility" IV. John Keats
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A -II, B-IV, C-I, D-III
(2) A -II, B-I, C-IV. D-III

(3) A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I

(4) A-IV, B-I, C-II, D-III
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

331. Choose the correct chronological sequence in which the following texts were written.
A. Lycidas B. Hero and Leander
C. Masque of Comus D. Paradise Lost
E. The Waste Land

(1) A, B, D, E, C (2) B,C,A,D,E

(3) B.A, E, C, D (4) B, E, D, C,A
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

332. Arrange the following poets in accordance with their years of birth.
A. Rudyard Kipling B. Robert Browning
C. John Masefield D. A. E. Housman
E. John Donne

(1) E, A, B, D, C (2) E, B, A, C, D
(3) E. B, A, D, C (4) A, D, B, C, E
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

333. Find the chronological order of publication of Charles Dickens's novels:

A. Oliver Twist B. Dombey and Sons
C. Pickwick Papers D. Bleak House
E. David Copperfield
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) A, D, C, B. E (2) D, E, B, C. A
(3) B. D. C. A. E (4) C, A, B, D, E
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

334. Arrange the works in the chronological order of the staging/publication of the following
A. A Woman Killed with Kindnesses
B. John Bull's Other Island
C. The Double Dealer
D. The Shoemaker's Holiday
E. The Conscious Lovers
Choose the correct answers from the options given below:
(1) B, D, C, A and E (2) D, A, C, E and B
(3) C, D,A, B and E (4) E, B, D, C,and A
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

335. Arrange the works in chronological sequence:

A. The Theatre of Revolt by Robert Brustein
B. The Theater of the Absurd by Martin Esslin
C. The Playwright as Thinker by Eric Bentley
D. Modern American Drama by C. W. E. Bigsby
E. Modern Drama in Theory and Practice by L N. Sryan
Choose the correct answers from the options given below:
(1) A. D, C, D and E (2) E, C, D,A and B
(3) B, D, A, E and C (4) C, B, A, E and D
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

336. What does the word "assonance" mean?

(1) repetition of identical or similar consonants
(2) repetition of identical or similar vowels
(3) repetition of identical or similar phrases
(4) repetition of identical or similar clauses
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )

337. If rhythm, 'preciousness', and style are alien to the novel. in which genre are they
distinctive fea- tures?
(1) Drama (2) Poetry
(3) Prose (4) Non-fiction
NET Dec. 2022 Held on March 23 ( Shift I )
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

338. What needs my Shakespeare for his honoured bones The labour of an age in piled stones?
Or that his hallowed reliques should be hid Under a star-pointing pyramid?
These lines are written by
(1) Ben Jonson (2) John Milton
(3) Robert Browning (4) William Wordsworth
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)
339. Who among the following praised Chaucer's translation of Roman de la rose?
(1) Eustache Deschamps (2) Boccaccio
(3) Jean de Meun (4) Guillaume de Lorris
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

340. For The Unfallen is a book of poems written by

(1) Ted Hughes (2) Sylvia Plath
(3) Geoffrey Hill (4) A.E. Housman
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

341."The Princess: A Medley" by Tennyson is

(1) a lyric (2) an elegy
(3) a narrative poem (4) a dramatic monologue
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

342. Which of the following works is NOT written by P.B. Shelley?

(1) The Mask of Anarchy (2) Queen Mab: A Philosophical Poem
(3) The Vision of Judgement (4)The Revolt of Islam
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

343. Who among the following has composed the lyri- cal drama Hellas?
(1) Lord Byron (2) P.B. Shelley
(3) William Wordsworth (4) John Keats
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

344. Name the playwright who composed the play A Woman Killed with Kindness.
(1) Francis Beaumont (2) Beaumont and Fletcher
(3) Thomas Kyd (4) Thomas Heywood
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

345. Name the celebrated actor who played the leading role in the first production of John
Osborne's The Entertainer
(1) Peter Brook (2) Laurence Olivier
(3) Al Pacino (4) Robert De Niro
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

346. "I recognize that its heroine is a little prig and its B hero a pompous ass, but I do not care."
About which novel of
Jane Austen is this statement made by Somerset Maugham?
(1) Pride and Prejudice (2) Northanger Abbey
(3) Sense and Sensibility (4) Mansfield Park
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

347. In which year was R.L. Stevenson's Treasure Island published?

(1) 1893 (2) 1886
(3) 1883 (4) 1896
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

348. Jonathan Bate's The Song of the Earth was pub- lished in
(1) 2001 (2) 1991
(3) 2000 (4) 1999
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

349. Which one of the following is false about V.S. Naipaul?

(1) He was awarded the Noble Prize in Literature in 2001.
(2) He won the Booker Prize for his novel A House for Mr. Biswas.
(3) He contributed his stories to the Trinidad Guardian.
(4) He won the Somerset Maugham Award for his Miguel Street.
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

350. The pamphlet The Power of Love (1643) proclaim- Bing the importance of brotherhood as
a means of
achieving a radical change in social relationships was written by
(1) George Saintsbury (2) William Walwyn
(3) F.R. Leavis (4) Gerrard Winstanley
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

351. "I shall be ambitious to have it said of me, that I have brought Philosophy out of Closets
and Libraries, Schools and Colleges, to dwell in Clubs and Assemblies, at Tea-Tables, and in
Coffee- Houses."
To whom do you attribute this famous statement?
(1) Dr Samuel Johnson
(2) Joseph Addison
(3) Richard Steele
(4) Alexander Pope
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

352. Dr. Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language was published in …………….
(1) 1751 (2) 1753
(3) 1755 (4) 1757
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

353. An Essay on the Principles of Human Action was written by

(1) Charles Lamb (2) Jean Jacques Rousseau
(3) William Godwin (4) William Hazlitt
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

354. Which of the following is false about Frederick Douglass?

(1) Douglass's autobiography belongs to the tradition of fugitive-slave narrative popular
in the North before
the Civil War.
(2) He provides a first-person account for his life spent in slavery.
(3) He was famous as an orator, dedicated to a black liberation movement.
(4) He wrote Up From Slavery.
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

355. "A Valediction Forbidding Mourning" is written by

A. John Donne B. John Milton
C. Adrienne Rich D. Sylvia Plath
E. Robert Frost
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A and C only. (2) A and B only.
(3) D and E only. (4) B and C only.
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

356. Which of the following two poems are linked with each other in terms of form? B
A. "The Last Ride Together"
B. "Ulysses"
C. "Upon Appleton House: To My Lord Fairfax"
D. "To Penshurst"
E. "The Waste Land"
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A and E only. (2) A and B only
(3) A and D only. (4) C and D only.
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

357. Which of the following poems are written by B Alexander Pope?

A. The Dunciad B. Moral Essays
C. Grongar Hill D. Cooper's Hill
E. Absalom and Achitophel
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A and C only. (2) B and E only.
(3) A and B only. (4) C and D only.
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

358. Which of the following are the plays written by Robert Greene?
A. The Famous Chronicle of King Edward the First
B. Alphonsus
C. A Moon for the Misbegotten
D. The Old Wives' Tale
E. King of Aragon
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) B and D only. (2) A and E only.
(3) B and E only. (4) C and E only.
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

359. Which of the following two plays were written by W. B. Yeats?

A. The Land of Heart's Desire
B. Time and the Conways
C. The Silver Tassie
D. The Countess Cathleen
E. The Plough and the Stars
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) C and D only. (2) A and D only.
(3) A and E only. (4) B and E only.
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

360. Which of the following works have NOT been written by Thomas Carlyle?
A. Of Heroes and Hero-Worship
B. The French Revolution
C. Of Human Bondage
D. The Hour and the Man
E. Hudibras
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A and B only (2) A and C only
(3) A and D only. (4) A and E only.
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

361. Which of the following works have NOT been authored by John Stuart Mill?
A. Subjection of Women
B. Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform
C. Past and Present
D. Explorations
E. On Liberty
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A and B only. (2) A and E only.
(3) C and D only. (4) B and E only.
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

362. Which of the following are written by George Peele?

A. The Famous Chronicle of King Edward the First
B. A Moon for the Misbegotten
C. The Arraignment of Paris
D. The Scottish Historie of James the Fourth E. The Old Wives' Tale
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) B, C and D only. (2) A, C and E only.
(3) A C and D only (4) C. D and E only.
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

363. Match List I with List II

List I List I
A. Blood 1. Phlegmatic
B. Yellow Bile II. Sanguine
C.Phlegm III. Melancholy
D. Black bile IV. Choleric
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV
(2) A-II, B-IV, C-I, D-III
(3) A-IV, B- III, C-II, D-I
(4) A-III, B-I, C-II, D-IV
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

364. Match List I with List II

List I List II
A. Some are born great, others achieve greatness. 1. The Tempest
B. Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, II. The Comedy of Errors
And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.
C. III deeds is doubled with an evil word. III. A Midsummer Night's Dream
D. We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and IV. Twelfth Night
our little life is rounded with a sleep.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
(2) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV
(3) A-III, B- IV, C-I, D-II
(4) A-II, B-III, C-I, D-IV
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

365.. Choose the correct chronological sequence in which the following texts were published.
A. The Tower
B. The Hind and the Panther
C. The Wild Swans at Coole
D. Mac Flecknoe
E. The Whitsun Weddings
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, B, D, E, C
(3) B, A, C, D, E
(2) B, C, A, E, D
(4) D, B, C. A. E
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

366. Arrange the following poets in accordance with their years of birth.
A. George Herbert
B. Edmund Spenser
C. Philip Sidney
D. John Donne
E. Oliver Goldsmith
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, B, D, C, E
(2) B, C, D, A, E
(3) E, B, A, D, C
(4) A, D, E, B, C
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

367. Find the chronological order of publication of the given works:

A. Darwin's Origin of Species
B. Macaulay's Essay on Milton
C. Stevenson's Treasure Island
D. Browning's Pauline

E. Amold Bennet's Old Wives Tale

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, B, C, D, E
(2) B, D, A, C, E
(3) C, D, A, B, E
(4) D, E, A, C, B
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

368. Find the chronological order of the writers in Bterms of their years of birth:
A. Jane Austen
B. Henry Fielding
C. James M. Barrie
D.Richard Doddridge Blackmore
E. William Makepeace Thackeray
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, B, C, D, E
(2) B, A, E, D, C
(3) C, D, A, B, E
(4) D, B, A, E, C
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

369. Find the chronological order of the writers in B terms of the period they belonged to:
A. Richard Steele
B. Charles Lamb
C. John Dryden
D. Francis Bacon
E. Matthew Arnold
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, B, C, D, E
(2) B, D, E, C, A
(3) C, B, D, A, E
(4) D, C, A, B, E
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

370. Find the chronological order of publication of B Charles Dickens's novels:

A. Oliver Twist
B. Dombey and Sons
C. Pickwick Papers
D. Bleak House
E. David Copperfield
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, D, C, B. E (2) D, E, B, C, A
(3) B, D, C, A, E (4) C, A, B, D, E
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

371. Find the chronological order of publication of the B given works:

A. Boswell's Life of Johnson
B. Hobbes's Leviathan
C. Pepys's Diary
D. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress
E. Locke's Human Understanding
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) B, C, D, E, A
(2) A, C, D, E, B
(3) C, D, A, B, E
(4) D, E, A, C, B
NET Dec 2022 Held on 1 March 2023 ( Shift II)

372. Given below are two statements:

Statement I: "Anagenesis" is the final part of the drama just after the climax in which there is
resolu- tion for any
conflicts left in the plot.
Statement II: "Anagenesis" is the turning point of the play where audience observes
unpredictable change in the play.
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options
given below:
(1) Both Statement I and Statement II are true.
(2) Both Statement I and Statement II are false.
(3) Statement I is true but Statement II is false.
(4) Statement I is false but Statement II is true.

NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

373. Which of the following is not true about "Lyrical

(1) It is a manifesto of romantic poetry
(2) It turns English poetry away from the social and intellectual sophistication of the
seventeenth and
the eighteenth-century poetry
(3) It takes poetry out of the confines of reason and intel- lect to the unravished and
unspoilt beauties of nature
(4) It is very particular about the form and structure of a poem
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

374. J. Hillis Miller, one of the leading exponents of deconstruction, makes a deconstructionist
reading of which of
the following poems of P.B Shelley?
(1)"The triumph of life" (2) "Ode to the west wind"
(3) "Revolt of Islam" (4)"The witch of atlas"
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

375. The Deserted Village by Oliver goldsmith

(1) Critiques the rural institutions
(2) Voices revolt of the individual man against insti- tutions
(3) Reflects upon different views on the human soul
(4) Advocates urbanism over rural backwardness
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

376. A. L. Tennyson in the following lines:

"Yet I doubt not through the ages one increasing pur- pose runs. And the thoughts of men
are widen'd with the process
of the suns"
(1) Reflects upon upon secularism
(2) Reflects upon evolutionary faith
(3) Reflects upon utilitarianism
(4) Reflects upon materialism
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

377. Philip Sidney's Arcadia was influenced by

(1) The Spanish romance of Montemayor
(2) The Italian paintings of Veronese
(3) The Arthurian legends
(4) The metaphysical poetry
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

378. Who among the following has authored the Revenger's Tragedie?
(1) Cyril Tourneur
(2) John Webster
(3) John Fletcher
(4) Thomas Heywood
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

379. Besides being a playwright, who among the following has translated Homer?
(1) Ben Johnson
(2) Thomas Dekker
(3) Thomas Heywood
(4) George Chapman
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

380. Who among the following in the article. "Fleshly school of poetry". Attacked the pre-
Raphaelites, especially
D.G. Rossetti?
(1) Robert browning
(2) William Holeman Hunt
(3) Robert Buchanan
(4) Christina Rossetti
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

381.Which among the following is an incomplete poem by P.B. Shelley?

(1) "The triumph of life"
(2) "Ode to the west-wind"
(3) "Queen Mab"
(4) "The daemon of the world"
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

382. Who among the following attached himself to the Earl of Nottingham's theatrical
(1) William Shakespeare
(2) Christopher Marlowe
(3) George Peele
(4) Ben Johnson
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

383. Under the Net (1954) is written by

(1) John Fowles (2) Iris Murdoch
(3) Edmund goose (4) William cooper
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

384. Who among the following is not a recipient of the Nobel prize for literature?
(1) Winston Churchill (2) T.S. Eliot
(3) W.H. Auden (4) Madam Curie
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

385. The "ancient and modern quarrel" in western lit- erary criticism appears during
(1) 100 BC
(2) Fifth century CE
(3) Sixteenth century CE
(4) Twentieth century CE
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

386. In which year Miles Coverdale translated The old testament of The Bible?
(1) 1533 (2) 1534
(3) 1535 (4) 1536
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

387. Who is the author of the poem "House of fame"?

(1) William Langland (2) Geoffrey Chaucer
(3) Thomas Moore (4) Philip Sidney
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

388. The heroic couplet is a pair of

(1) Twelve-syllable lines that rhyme
(2) Ten-syllable lines that rhyme
(3) Eight-syllable lines that do not rhyme
(4) Eight-syllable lines that rhyme
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

389. The book Women Beware Women was published in the year
(1) 1612 (2) 1620
(3) 1621 (4) 1622
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

390. Who is the author of a Literature of Their Own?

(1) Sandra gilbert and Susan Gubar
(2) Elaine Showalter
(3) Virginia Woolf
(4) Sylvia Plath
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

391. Who said, "there is, there can be and there ought to be the difference between the language
of prose and
metrical composition"?
(1) John Dryden
(2) William Wordsworth
(3) ST. Coleridge
(4) T.S Eliot
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

392. Who said, "there is, there can be and there ought to be the difference between the language
of prose and
metrical composition"?
(1) John Dryden (2) William Wordsworth
(3) S.T. Coleridge (4) T.S Eliot
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

393.Stuart hall belongs to schools of cultural studies.

(1) Oxford (2) Cambridge
(3) Birmingham (4) American
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

394. Which writer does not belong to the angry young men movement?
(1) John Osborne (2) Kingsley Amis
(3) Seamus Heaney (4) Philip Larkin
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

395. Should poets' bicycle-pump the human heart or squash it flat? Man's love is of man's life a
thing apart: Girls
aren't like that The above lines are written by:
(1) Philip Larkin (2) Kingsley Amis
(3) Donald Davie (4) John Wain
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

396. Which of these are not forms of flash fiction?

(A) Drabble (B) Postcard fiction
(C) Novelette (D) Short story
(E) Nano fiction
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
(1) A and E only (2) A, B and E only
(3) D and E only (4) C, D and E only
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

397. Identify the poems termed as "pastoral elegies":

(A) Lycidas
(B) In memory of W.B. Yeats
(C) Adonais
(D) Thyrsis
(E) In memoriam
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
(1) A, B and C only (2) B, C and E only
(3) A, C and D only (4) C, D and E only
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

398. Which of these are correct combination of the works by Doris Lessing and their respective
(A) The Golden Notebook- ling to Rohonda
(B) The Good Terrorist deals with Johar travel- -- is about a doomed love affair
(C) Shikasta - is about a planet, which is cut off due to the advanced influence of
(D) Alfred and Emily-explores the life of her parents
(E) The Grass is Singing -draws from her experi-ences in Africa
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) B, A and D only (2) A, Band E only
(3) C, D and E only (4) C, D and E only
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

399. Identify the correct combination among the fol- lowing:

(A) Spondee: It consists of three stressed syllables
(B) Pyrrhic: It consists of two unstressed syllables
(C) Amphimacer: It is a metrical foot of three syllables
(D) Choriambus: It is a foot of verse consisting of two stressed syllables enclosing two
unstressed syllables
(E) Trochaic: It has a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed one.
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
(1) A, Band C only (2) B, C and E only
(3) B, C and D only (4) C, D and E only
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

400. Which among the following is true about the Tractarian Movement?
(A) It was widespread across the world
(B) The other leaders of the movement were Paul Newman and R.H. Fronde
(C) The movement began with a sermon by John Keble in 1833
(D) Pusey gave the movement cohesion, fame and a name
(E) The ideal of the Christian church was praised by oxford convocation
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
(1) A, Band C only (2) A, C and E only
(3) C, D and E only (4) B, C and D only
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

401. Consumerism is a major theme in which of the following works?

(A) Loyalties
(B) Saint Joan of Stockyards
(C) Death of a Salesman
(D) Candida
(E) Waiting for Godot
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
(1) A and B only (2) D and A only
(3) B and C only (4) A and E only
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

402.Which among the following are true about Harold printer?

(A) Harold printer was born in the year 1925
(B) He was influenced by Samuel Beckett and the theatre of the absurd.
(C) The Caretaker and The Alchemist are his famous plays
(D) Stanley is a character in The Birthday Party
(E) Betrayal is a story of a married couple
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, D and E only (2) B, D and E only
(3) B, C and D only (4) A, C and D only
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

403. Match List I with List II

List I List II
(A) Donald Davie (1) Against Romanticism
(B) Philip Larkin (II) Hurry on down
(C) Kingsley Amis (III) The Shires
(D) John Wain (IV) The North Ship
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (A)-(IV), (B)-(1), (C)-(II), (D)-(III)
(2) (A)_(1). (B)-(III), (C)-(IV), (D)-(II)
(3) (A)-(II), (B)-(I), (C)-(III), (D)-(IV)
(4) (A)-(III), (B)-(IV), (C)-(I), (D)-(Ⅱ)
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

404. Match List I with List II:

List I List II
(A) "Willing to wound, and yet afraid to strike." (1) Irony
(B) "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single (2) Simile
man in possession of good fortune must be in want
of a wife."
(C) "Thou still unravished bride of quietness. Thou foster (3) Antithesis
child of silence and slow time."
(D) "And ice, mast-high, come floating by, as green as (4) Assonance
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (A)-(11), (B)-(III), (C)-(1), (D)-(IV)
(2) (A)-(III), (B)-(1), (C)-(IV), (D)-(11)
(3) (A)-(III). (B)-(11), (C)-(IV), (D)-(1)
(4) (A)-(1), (B)-(IV), (C)-(11), (D)-(III)
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

405. Match List I with List II

List I List II
(A) Malcolm Bradbury (1) Masters
(B) David lodge (II) Lucky Jim
(C) Kingsley Amis (III) The history Man
(D) CP snow (IV) Changing Places
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (A)-(1), (B)-(II), (C)-(III), (D)-(IV)
(2) (A)-(III), (B)-(IV), (C)-(II), (D)-(I)
(3) (A)-(II), (B)-(III), (C)-(IV), (D)-(I)
(4) (A)-(IV), (B)-(III), (C)-(1), (D)-(II)
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

406. Match List I with List II:

List I List II
(A)"Faces along the bar/cling to their average day." (1) Wilfred Owen

(B) "The awful daring of a moments surrender." (II) T.S. Eliot

(C) "Bent double, like old beggars under sacks." (III) Allen Ginsberg
(D) "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed (IV) W.H. AUden
by madness."
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (A)-(IV), (B)-(II), (C)-(1), (D)-(III)
(2) (A)-(III), (B)-(I), (C)-(IV). (D)-(II)
(3) (A)-(1), (B)-(IV), (C)-(II), (D)-(III)
(4) (A)-(II), (B)-(IV), (C)-(1), (D)-(III)
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

407. Match List I with List II:

List I List II
(A) Hamlet (I) 1606
(B) Macbeth (II) 1599
(C) Julius Caesar (III) 1604
(D) Othello (IV) 1600
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (A)-(III),(B)-(IV),(C)-(II),(D)-(I)
(2)(A)-(I), (B)-(II), (C)-(IV), (D)-(III)
(3) (A)-(II), (B)-(I), (C)-(III), (D)-(IV)
(4) (A)-(Ⅳ),(B)-(Ⅰ),(C)-(Ⅱ),(D)-(Ⅲ)
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

408.Match List I with List II:

List I List II
(A) To the light house (1) 1913
(B) Sons and Lovers (II) 1927
(C) Finnegans Wake (III) 1939
(D) The Waste Land (IV) 1922
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (A)-(Ⅰ), (B)-(II), (C)-(IV), (D)-(III)
(2) (A)-(IV), (B)-(II), (C)-(Ⅰ), (D)-(III)
(3) (A)-(III), (B)-(IV), (C)-(I), (D)-(II)
(4) (A)-(II), (B)-(Ⅰ), (C)-(III), (D)-(IV)
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

409. Match List I with List II:

List I List II
(A) O. Henry (I) The last suttee
(B) Rudyard Kipling (II) Beauty
(C) Oscar Wilde (III) At Verona
(D) Ralph waldo Emerson (IV) Hard to forget
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (A)-(III), (B)-(1), (C)-(IV), (D)-(II)
(2) (A) - (II) (B)-(IV), (C)-(III), (D)-(1)

(3) (A)-(IV), (B)-(1), (C)-(III). (D)-(II)

(4) (A)-(Ⅰ),(B)-(Ⅲ) (C)-(Ⅱ), (D)-(Ⅳ)
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

410.Identify the correct combinations:

(A) Dadaism - Tristan tzara
(B) Super realism - Guillanne Apollinaire
(C) Surrealism - Filipo Marinetti
(D) Futurism - Andre Breto
(E) Nihilism - Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (A), (C) and (E) (2) (A), (B) and (E)
(3) (B), (C) and (D) (4) (C), (D) and (E)
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

411.Who among the following were poet laureates of England?

(A) Alfred Austin (B) Robert bridges
(C) Watts-Dunton (D) Oscar Wilde
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (A) and (C) only (2) (A) and (D) only
(3) (B) and (C) and (D) (4) (A) (B) and (C) only
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

412. Given below are two statements:

Statement I: According to W.H. Auden. The Importance of Being Earnest is the purest example
in English literature of a 'verbal opera'.
Statement II: Oscar Wilde possessed profound insight into the range of the arts that in a
combined form make theatre performance possible.
In the light of the above statement choose the cor- rect answer from the options given
(1) Both statement I and statement II are true
(2) Both statement I and statement II are false
(3) Statement I is true but statement II is false
(4) Statement I is false but statement II is true
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

413. Given below are two statements:

Statement I: " he who discovers no god whatever, how shall he discover heroes the visible
temples of God" is a statement by Thomas Carlyle.
Statement II: "It is not that men are ill fed, but that they have no pleasure in the work by which
they make their bread, and therefore look to wealth as the only means of pleasure" is a
statement made by john Ruskin.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given
(1) Both statement I and statement II are true
(2) Both statement I and statement II are false

(3) Statement I is true but statement II is false

(4) Statement I is false but statement II is true
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

413."It caught to be the first endeavour of a writer to dis- tinguish nature from custom, or that
which is estab- lished because it is right from that which is right only because it is established;
that he may neither violate essential principles by a desire of novelty, nor debar himself from
the attainment of beauties within his view by a needless fear of breaking rules which no lit-
erary dictator had authority to enact".
The above passage considered to be the death- knell of the neo-classical criticism is
attributed to
(1) John Dryden (2) Alexander pope
(3) Samuel Johnson (4)Joseph Addison
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

414. Who among the following was a major advocate of oral history?
(1) Sylvia Plath (2) Esther greenwood
(3) Paul Thompson (4) Carolyn Steedman
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

415. Hudibras of Samuel butler reflects on the revolt against:

(1) Puritanism (2) Hellenism
(3) Humanism (4) Anglicanism
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

416. Who among the following is the author of The Steele Glass?
(1) The earl of surrey (2) Thomas Sackville
(3) George Gascoigne (4) Edmund Spenser
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

417. Sir David Lyndsay's A Satire of the Three Estates is

(1) Political and religious (2) Political and secular
(3) Political and secular (4) Political and religious
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

418. Who among the following has used lines from the Shakespearean play Othello to critique
racism in one of
His poems?
(1) Edward Braithwaite
(2) Franz Fanon
(3) Derek Alton Walcott
(4) Ngugi wa Thiong'o
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

419. The "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" is written in:

(1) Quatrains of ten syllable lines
(2) Octave and sestet
(3) Heroic couplet
(4) Alexandrines
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

420. Who among the following is exclusively associated with diary writing in English?
(1) Samuel Pepys (2) Samuel Johnson
(3) Ben Johnson (4) Samuel Richardson
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

421. Abt Vogler is authored by

(1) Matthew Arnold (2) Robert Browning
(3) A. L. Tennyson (4) None of the above
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

422. The predominant emotion running through the poem "Cristina" by Robert Browning is that
(1) Sadness (2) Aggression
(3) Love (4) None of the above
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

423. Which one is correctly matched?

(1) Heathcliff- Mansfield Park
(2) Maggie Tulliver - The Mill on the Floss
(3) Josiah Bounderby - Wuthering Height
(4) Fanny price - Hard Times
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

424. Who among the following is associated with the 3/5 term 'Intentional fallacy' in literary
(1) W.K. Wimsatt (2) Rolland Barthes
(3) I Hillis miller (4) John Keats
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

425. Which of the following works is set in the back- drop of the religious persecution in
(1) The Power and the Glory
(2) For Whom the Bell Tolls
(3) In Our time
(4) All of the above
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

426. Who among the following coined the term 'The B movement'?
(1) F.W. Bateson (2) F.R. Leavis
(3) J.D. Scott (4) I.A. Richards
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

427. Dev Virahsawmy's Toufann is an adaptation of Shakespeare's play_

(1) Hamlet (2) Macbeth
(3) The Twelfth Night (4) The Tempest
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

428. "Inane gaudiness" is a phrase used in connection with neo-classicism by __

(1) William Wordsworth (2) S.T. Coleridge
(3) Matthew Arnold (4) T.S. Eliot
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

429. Which of the following are novels of Irvine Welsh?

(A) The Acid House
(B) Trainspotting
(C) Beside the Ocean of Time
(D) Filth
(E) Maris Belfrage
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) B, D and E only (2) A, B and C only
(3) B. C and D only (4) A, B and D only
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

430. Identify the correct ones among the following:

(A) The dramatic monologue ensures the reciprocal dialogue of the narrator.
(B) The nineteenth century poets fully exploited the poetic form of dramatic monologue
(C) The poetry of experience by Robert langbaum outlines a discussion on dramatic
(D) The linguistic pragmatics make the narcissistic speaker of dramatic monologue speak
(E) The speaker and the listener in the dramatic monologues of Robert browning share
the same
pedestal of communication.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, B and C only (2) B, C and D only
(3) C. D and E only (4) B. D and E only
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

431. Which of the following statement hold true with respect to Alexander pope's Essay on
(A) It is "an inquiry into the nature and value of poet- ry".
(B) It presents "a series of generalizations about good taste".
(C) It explores the challenges of impartial and just criticism.
(D) It underlines the traits of "the good critic".
(E) It critically reflects on Plato's rejection of poetry.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A and B only (2) B and C only
(3) A. B. C and E only (4) B, C and D only
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

432. Which of the following statements are true in the Bcontext of henry fielding's Tom Jones
(A) Tom Jones is comic and moralistic.
(B) Tom and Jones are the main characters of Tom Jones
(C) Tom is caught poaching in neighbor's game pre-serve.
(D) The history of Tom Jones is the full title of Tom Jones.
(E) All of the above
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) E only (2) A, C and D only
(3) A, B, C and D only (4) B, C and D only
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

433. The concept of "eugenics" finds its illustration predominantly in the writings of:
(A) John Osborne (B) George Bernard Shaw
(C) Eugene O'Neil (D) Harold Pinter
(E) Arthur miller
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A and B only (2) A and C only
(3) B and C only (4) D and E only
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

434. Which of the following are correct:

(A) Roddy Doyle - The Barrytown Trilogy
(B) Abraham stoker - Confessions of an Irish Rebel
(C) C. S. Lewis -The Chronicles of Narmia
(D) Brendan Behan – Dracula
(E) Eoin colfer - Artemis Fowl
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, C and E only (2) A, B and D only
(3) A, C and D only (4) C, D and E only
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

435. Which among the following are true about the fig- ures of speech?
(A) Figures based on sound – Paronomasia
(B) Figures based on construction – Zeugma
(C) Figures based on imagination - Irony
(D) Figures based on association – Chiasmus
(E) Figures based on indirectness – Euphemism
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, B and E only (2) A, B and C only
(3) B, C and D only (4) C, D and E only
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

436. Which of the following authors have been correctly matched with their works?
(A) Malcom Bradbury - The History of Man
(B) William Golding - Rites of Passage
(C) Seamus Heaney - Darkness Visible
(D) Brian Friel - Dancing at Lughnasa
(E) Molly Keane -The Norman Conquests
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, B and E only (2) B, C and E only
(3) C, D and E only (4) A, B and D only
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

437. Match List I with List II

List-I List-II
(A) Doll Common I. Twelfth Night
(B) Malvolio II. The Alchemist
(C) Mortimer III. The Duchess of Malfi
(D) Bosola IV. Edward II
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A-1, B-IV, C-111, D-II
(2) A-II, B-1, C-IV, D-111
(3) A-IV, B-111, C-II, D-1
(4) A-III, B-IV, C-1, D-II
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

438. Match List I with List II

List-I List-II
(A) "The Lion's Skin" I. Washington Irving
(B) "The Man who liked Dickens" II. W. Somerset Maugham
(C) "Rip Van Winkle" III. Stephen Crane
(D) "The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky" IV. Evelyn Waugh
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

439. Match List I with List II

List-I List-II

(A) Stephen Spender I. Cargoes

(B) W.H. Auden II. Consider
(C) John Masefield III. Adlestrop
(D) Edward Thomas IV. The pylons
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV
(2) A-IV, B-II, C-I, D-III
(3) A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III
(4) A-III, B-IV, C-I, D-II
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

440. Match List I with List II

List- I List-II
(A) "There is no art to find mind's construction I. Hamlet
in the face"
(B) "Time out of joint" II. Richard III
(C) "The better part of valour is discretion" III. Macbeth
(D) "My kingdom for a horse". IV. Twelfth Night
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A-I, B-IV, C-III, D-II
(2) A-III, B-I, C-IV, D-II
(3) A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
(4) A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

441. Who among the following refers to "high serious- B ness" as a quality of a great poet and
quotes john Milton
to prove the same?
(A) T. S Eliot (B) Ezra pound
(C) Matthew Arnold (D) I. A. Richards
(E) G. M. Hopkins
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A and B only
(2) B and C only
(3) D and E only
(4) C only
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

442. Given below are two statements:

Statement I: The theatre was at a greater popularity in eighteenth century England.
Statement II: Theatre had court patronage in and around London.
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) Both statement I and Statement II are true
(2) Both statement I and Statement II are false
(3) Statement I is true, but statement II is false
(4) Statement I is false, but statement II is true

NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

443. Given below are two statements:

Statement I: Dr. Johnson had an inclination toward the tory political ideology.
Statement II: Dr. Johnson strongly believed in tran- scendental scepticism.
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below
(1) Both statement I and Statement II are true
(2) Both statement I and Statement II are false
(3) Statement I is true, but statement II is false
(4) Statement I is false, but statement II is true
NET 2022 ( Dec 201, June 2022 Merged Hold on 13.10.22 ( Morning Shift)

444. In the above passage, Walter Horalio pater's state- ment, 'imaginative prose should be
special' implies.
(1) Abstract language
(2) Environmental crisis
(3) Intellectual complexities
(4) Metaphorical functions

NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

445. How did the 'sport with Tess' end?

(1) She was hanged.
(2) She was expelled from Wintoncester.
(3) The tormentor married her.
(4) She died an untimely death.
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

446. Who are the two speechless gazers'?

(1) Reverend James Clare and Mrs. Brooks
(2) 'Liza?Lu and Angel Clare
(3) Tess's two parents
(4) Parson Tringham and Mrs. d'Urberville
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

447. his insubstantial pageant' refers to:

(1) the shutdown of Globe theatre.
(2) a non real performance.
(3) the destroyed mother earth.
(4) enactment with support structure.
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

448. 'We are such stuff as dreams are made on' means:
(1)Human life is full of imaginary colours.
(1)Our life is a text of what happened.
(3) We are a bundle of past reality.
(4) There is no substance to human life.
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

449. Who among the following compared 'the mind in creation' to 'a fading coal"?
(1) Wordsworth (2) Coleridge
(3) Shelley (4) Keats
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

450. Who is the author of the essay "Lear, Tolstoy and the Fool"?
(1) Aldous Huxley (2) George Orwell
(3) Virginia Woolf (4) Somerset Maugham
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

451. Which of the following poems by Robert B Browning contains the lines, "Our interest's on
the dangerous edge of things. The honest thief, the tender murderer, / The superstitious
(1) "A Death in the Desert"
(2) "Count Gismond"
(3) "Bishop Blougram's Apology"
(4)"Love Among the Ruins"
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

452. Who among the following edited The Cornhill Magazine?

(1) Charles Dickens
(2) Lewis Carroll do Ho
(3) William Makepeace Thackeray
(4) Anthony Trollope
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

453. Which of the following novels has its epl Btaken from the Katha Upanishad?
(1) The Island of Doctor Moreau by H. G. Wells
(2) The Razor's Edge by Somerset Maugham
(3) Point Counter Point by Aldous Huxley
(4) A Room with a View by E. M. Forster
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

454. Erich Auerbach's Mimesis (1946) ends with a chapter on:

(1) Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse
(2) Wyndham Lewis's The Apes of God.
(3) James Joyce's Ulysses
(4)George Eliot's Middlemarch.
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

455. Which two works in the following list are written by Aphra Behn?
A. Rover
B. Oroonoko
C. Soldier's Fortune
D. The Princess of Cleve
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A and B only (2) B and C only
(3) B and D only (4)A and C only
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

456. Which of the following poems contains John 3 Donne's famous conceit bringing a parallel
between lovers and the hands of a compass?
(1) "Negative Love"
(2) "Lovers Infiniteness"
(3) "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning"
(4) "A Valediction: Of Weeping"
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

457. Arrange the following essays in the chronological order of publication.

A. T. S. Eliot, "The Function of Criticism"
B. Edgar Allan Poe, "The Philosophy of Composition"
C. Henry James, "The Art of Fiction"
D. Virginia Woolf, "Modern Fiction"
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
(1) C, B, A, D (2) C, B, D, A
(3) B, C, D, A (4) B, C, A, D
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

458. Arrange the following journals in the chronologi- cal order in which they started
A. The Tatler B. The Examiner
C. The Review D. The Spectator
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
(1) A, D, C, B
(2) B, A, D, C
(3) C, A, B, D
(4) C, A, D, B

NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

459. Given below are two statements

Statement I: In Waiting for Godot, it is Vladimir who questions the Boy who comes from
Godot towards the end of
the twoActs.
Statement II: In Waiting for Godot, it is Estragon who says, "Nothing happens, nobody comes,
nobody goes, it's awful."
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given
(1) Both Statement I and Statement II are true
(2) Both Statement I and Statement II are false
(3) Statement I is true but Statement II is false
(4) Statement I is false but Statement II is true
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

460. What was poor Yorick in Hamlet?

(1) Jester (2) Actor
(3) Soldier gils (4) Gravediggermo
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

461. Which of the following words refers to a sound that is associated with a particular
(1) phoneme (2) phonic substance
(3) phonestheme (4) phonemoid
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

462. Who among the following Dickens characters Bappears as a ghost?

(1) Daniel Quilp (2) Dora Spenlow
(3) Esther Summerson (4) Jacob Marley
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

463. Virginia Woolf's Orlando opens in 1588 and Orlando, a sixteen?year?old boy, writes a
poem Bcalled:
(1) "The Evergreen Tree" (2) "The Poison Tree".
(3)"The Oak Tree". (4) "The Magic Tree".
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

464. What 19th century philosophical term of Russian B origin did Friedrich Nietzsche use to
describe the disintegration oftraditional morality in western society?
(1) absolutism (2) cynicism
(3)hniilism (4) anarchism
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

465. Which among the following are the works of George Gissing?
A. New Grub Street B. Agnes Grey
C. The Odd Women D. Mary Barton
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A and C only
(2) B and D only
(3) A and B only
(4) C and D only
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

466. Which of the following are novels by Ian B McEwan?

A. Atonement
B. The Man with Two Left Feet
C. The Child in Time
D. The Rachel Papers
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A and C only
(2) B and D only
(3) C and D only
(4) D and A only
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

467. Match List I with List II

List-I List-II
A. Sean O'Casey I. I'm Talking About Jerusalem
B. Dylan Thomas II. The Winslow Boy
C. Terence Rattigan III. Juno and the Paycock
D. Arnold Wesker IV. In the Shadow of the GlenE. J.M. Synge Under Milk
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A?II, B?I, C?III, D?V, E?IV
(2) A?V, B?IV, C?II, D?I, E?III
(3) A?III, B?V, C?II, D?I, E?IV
(4) A?IV, B?II, C?III, D?V, E?I
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

468. Match List I with List II up

List-I List-II
A. "Courage!" he said, and pointed toward the land... I. G.M.Hopkins
B. I am poor brother Lippo, by your leave! II. Alfred Tennyson
C. I caught this morning morning's minion III. D.G. Rossetti
D. Look in my face; my name is Mighthavebeen... IV. Matthew Arnold
E. The sea is calm tonight... V. Robert Browning
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A?II, B?III, C?I, D?V, E?IV
(2) A?IV, B?V, C?I, D?III, E?II
(3) A?III, B?IV, C?V, D?I, E?II
(4) A?II, B?V, C?I, D?III, E?IV
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

469. Match List I with List II

List- I (Character) List- II (Novel)
A. Winston Smith. I. Sons and Lovers
B. Paul Morel II. Ulysses
C. Whiskey priest III. Nineteen Eighty?four
D. Leopold Bloom IV. Decline and Fall
E. Paul Pennyfeather V. The Power and the Glory
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A?III, B?I, C?V, D?II, E?IV
(2) A?I, B?V, C?II, D?III, E?IV
(3) A?IV, B?III, C?V, D?II, E?I
(4) A?V, B?I, C?IV, D?II, E?III
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

470. Which of the following are features of the "Theatre 3 of the Absurd'?
A. emphasis on the central role of God in the universe
B. presentation of futile actions devoid of any goal
C. portrayal of situations that point to the meaning- fulness of life
D. lacking in conflicts and dramatic tensions
E. presenting players in a stasis or drift without defi- nite roles
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, C and E only (2) B, D and E only
(3) A, B and D only (4) B, C and D only
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

471. Arrange the following periodicals in the chronological order in which they started
A. The Spectator B. The Tatler
C. The Rambler D. The Critical Review
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, B, C, D

(2) B, A, C, D
(3) B, C, D, A
(4) A, D, B, C
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

472. Which of these does the book How to read Donald Duck identify as an important element
in its analysis ofimperialist
ideology in the Walt Disney comic- book?
(1) impoverished royalty
(2) noble savage
(3) scientific magic
(4) heartless civilization
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

473. Charles Lamb used the pseudonym Elia for writing in which of the following periodicals?
(1) London Magazine
(2) The Edinburg Review
(3) The Quarterly Review
(4) Athenaeum
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

474. In "Mr Bennett and Mrs Brown" Virginia Woolf:

(1) responds to E.M Forster's remarks on character in fiction
(2) criticises book buying preferences of the educated English class.
(3) analyses the state of modern fiction by contrasting two generations of writers.
(4) presents modernity as a stable and coherent proj- ect uniting all artists.
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

475. In "Politics and the English Language" which two of the following 'tricks' are mentioned
by George Orwell
as 'badhabits' of English use?
A. obsolete words.
B. pretentious diction
C. dying metaphors
D. false modifiers
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A and B only (2)B and C only
(3) B and D only (4)C and D only
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

476. Match List I with List II

List- I(Essay) List-II(Essayist)
A. "The Tory Fox?Hunter" Ⅰ Francis Bacon

B. "What I Believe" II. Joseph Addison

C. "The Death of the Moth III. E.M.Forster
D. "Of Ambition IV. Virginia Woolf
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A -I, B-III, C-IV, D-II
(2) A-III, B-IV, C-II, D-I
(3) A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
(4) A-IV, B-I, C-II, D-III
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

477. Arrange the following characters in their chronological sequence of appearance:

A. Mirabell
B. Shylock
C. Jimmy Porter
D. Sir Epicure Mammon
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
(1) D, B, A, C
(2) B, D, A, C
(3) D, B, C, A
(4) B, D, C, A
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

478. Which two of the following concepts are deployed in the work of Frederic Jameson?
A. Pastiche B. Hyperreal
C. Schizophrenia D. Habitus
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A and B only (2) C and D only
(3) B and D only (4) A and C only
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

479. Arrange the following plays in their chronological sequence:

A. Sergeant Musgrave's Dance
B. The Playboy of the Western World
C. Look Back in Anger
D. Man and Superman
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
(1)D, B, A, C (2) B, D, A, C
(3) D, B, C, A (4) B, D, C, A
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

480. What might the speaker mean when he addresses 'Time' in a Shakespearean sonnet and
declares that
"I will be true, despite thy scythe and thee "?
A. Time preserves human life.
B. With time comes change.

C. Time creates opportunities.

D. Time removes human life.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A and B only
(2) C and D only
(3) B and D only
(4) A and C. only
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

481. Which two of the following stage directions are from Harold Pinter's The Birthday Party?
A. The living?room of a house on a seaside town.
B. A garbage pail on the ground next to the porch steps.
C. A light shows from upstairs bedroom, lower floor windows being dark.
D. He hangs the drum around his neck, taps it gently with the sticks, then marches round
the table,
beating it regularly.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A and D only
(2) C and D only
(3) B and C only
(4) A and C only
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 (First Shift)

482. Arrange the following lines of poetry in their chronological sequence:

A. "An aged man is but a paltry thing."
B. "The world is too much with us."
C. "Daddy, I have had to kill you."
D. "After great pain, a formal feeling comes ?"
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
(1) B, D, A, C
(2) D, B, A, C
(3) D, B, C, A
(4) B, D, C, A

NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 ( Second Shift)

483. The whole description is an example of:

(1) aporia. (2) image
(3) analogy.. (4) sarcasm
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 ( Second Shift)

484. What is the 'system' of which Dombey and Sonwere the centre?
(1) The British political system
(2) The country's commerc
(3) The family business

(4) The workings of nature

NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 ( Second Shift)

485. ‘Is man no more than this?' means:

(1) Man is far more than what he seems to be.
(2) Man is not as well endowed as some other ani- mals.
(3) Accomodated man is well endowed.
(4) As an animal, man is a superior animal.
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 ( Second Shift)

486. Which one of the following best captures what Shakespeare means?
(1) Man just uses what animals possess.
(2) Animals' attributes are external.
(3) Man can accommodate same properties.
(4) Animals unlike man are more complex.
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 ( Second Shift)

487. In "The Life of Cowley" which two of the follow- ing criticisms were made by Samuel
Johnson against a group
of writers he termed the 'meta- physical poets"?
(A) They made an inappropriate combination of wit and imagination.
(B) Instead of writing poetry, they only wrote verses.
(C) They neither copied nature nor life.
(D) They never tried to be singular in their thoughts.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A and B only (2) B and C only
(3) B and D only (4) C and D only
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 ( Second Shift)

488. In "The Function of Criticism at the Present Time" what is proposed by Matthew Arnold
as the essence of criticism?
(1) affirmation (2) judiciousness
(3)disinterestedness (4) cohesiveness
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 ( Second Shift)

489. How does T. S. Eliot sum up the peculiar quality of Marvell's "Horatian Ode"?
(1) 'telescoping of images and multiplied associations'
(2) 'a tough reasonableness beneath a slight lyric grace' (
(3) 'a contrast of ideas, different in degree but the same in principle'
(4) 'heterogeneity of materials compelled into unity'
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 ( Second Shift)

490. Usage in "You have hissed the mystery lectures." is an example of:
(1) error of lexical choice. (2) inadvertent mistake.
(3) spoonerism. (4) metathesis.
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 ( Second Shift)

491. Which character in Hamlet utters the line: "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark"?
(1) Marcellus (2) Bernardo
(3) Ghost (4)Horatio
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 ( Second Shift)

492. Who wrote the essay "My First Acquaintance with Poets"?
(1) Charles Lamb (2) William Hazlitt
(3) Thomas De Quincey (4) John Ruskin
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 ( Second Shift)

493. Who wrote a postmodern reworking of Charles Dickens's Great Expectations without
altering the original title?
(1) Shirley Jackson (2) Kathy Acker
(3) Angela Carter (4) Peter Carey
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 ( Second Shift)

494. In which book of Paradise Lost does Milton refer to "Agra and Lahore of Great Mogul"?
(1) Book III (3) Book VII
(2) Book IV (4) Book XI
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 ( Second Shift)

496. Which two among the following condemned the transportation of 50000 slaves into
England in 1771?
(A) Samuel Johnson (B) Alexander Pope
(C) Horace Walpole (D) Thomas Gray
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A and B only (2) B and D only
(3) B and C only (4) A and C only
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 ( Second Shift)

497. Which two are the works of Ted Hughes?

(A) Wildtrack (B) Wodwo
(C) Lupercal (D) Jack Straw's Castle
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A and B only (2) A and C only
(3) B and C only (4)B and D only
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 ( Second Shift)

498. Arrange the following journals in the chronologiccal order of publication.

(A) Longman's Magazine
(B) Cornhill Magazine
(C) Blackwood's Magazine
(D) Bentley's Miscellany
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
(1) C, B, A, D (2) C, D, B, A
(3) B, C, D, A (4) B, C, A, D
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 ( Second Shift)

499. Arrange the following poems by W. B. Yeats in the chronological order of publication.
(A) "The Wild Swans at Coole"
(B) "The Second Coming"
(C) "Among School Children"
(D) "Adam's Curse"
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
(1) A, C, D, B (2) D, A, B, C
(3) C, A, B, D (4) C, A, D, B
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 ( Second Shift)

500. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as
Reason R Assertion
A statements: The implied reader shifts attention from the real reading individual to a
disembodied dimen- sion of reception, intricately interwoven into the text.
Reason R: The 'Dear Reader,' invoked in the realist novels, is a fictional representation of the
distant reader. In light of the above statements,
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
(1) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
(2) Both A and R are correct but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(3) A is correct but R is not correct
(4) A is not correct but R is correct
NET 2021 ( Dec 2020, June 2021 Merged Hold on 1.12.2021 ( Second Shift)

NET 2021 Dec2020 and June 2021 Merged — Till Q. No. 41 (Second Shift) Page No. 120

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