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Bovine anatomy superficial

muscles and their functions

• Frontalis (38)-raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead skin/elevates and retracts
• Orbicularis (39)-blinking ,squinting ,forceful closing of eyelids
• Zygomatic Auricularis (42)-facial muscle of external ear ;action ,draws
pinna of ear upward and forward.
• Parotidoauricularis (41)-depresses auricular cartilage
• Zygomaticus (36)-Retract angle of the mouth
• Buccinator (33)-retract food from vestibule to occlusal surface
• Masseter (37)-close /elevates mandible
• Malaris (34)-the cutaneous muscles which depresses the lower eyelid.
• Orbicularis oris (35)-closes and protrudes lips
• Caninus m.(31 and 32)-It elevates angle of mouth medially.
• Lavetor nasolabialism m.(30)-contributes to facial expression and
movement of the mouth and upper lip
• Trapezius (45)-elevates ,depresses, rotates ,adducts scapula
• Brachiocephalicus (46a,b)-moves front led forward, brings front leg in
toward other leg (adduction)bends the head and neck to the same
side as muscle contraction (lateral flexion)
• Omotransversarius (47)-pulls the neck to the side when the limb is
fixed ;pulls the limb forward when the neck is fixed.
• Sternocephalicus (48a,b)-both sides together; pull the head and neck side only :pulls the head and neck to that side.
• Cranial superficial pectoral (49)-pulls the front limb toward the
centreline of the body ;advances the front limb .
• Deep caudal pectoral (50)-pulls the limb towards the centreline of the
body; pulls the shoulder blade, and therefore the limb ,backward
.when the limb is advanced forward and set firmly on the ground ,the
subclavius pulls the body forward.
• Latissimus dorsi (53)-flexes the shoulder joint ,pulling the humerus up
and back ;pulls the body forward when the front limb is advanced and
set firmly on the ground .
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• Serratus ventralis (52)-neck portion :pulls the upper end of the
shoulder blade forward ;lifts the neck ;bends the neck to one side
.chest portion :pulls the upper end of the shoulder blade backwards
and downwards ,which can rotate the shoulder blade ,advancing the
shoulder joint. The chest portion on both sides of the body forms an
interrupted sling ,between the upper ends of both shoulder blades
,which supports the body .both sides together raise the chest.
• Intercostal muscles –the external intercostal muscles are responsible
for forced and quiet inhalation .they raise the ribs and expand the
chest cavity, and originate from ribs one through 11,with insertion
from ribs two to 12 .the internal intercostal muscles are responsible
for forced exhalation .
• Internal abdominal oblique (53)-compresses the abdomen and
supports its contents ;assists in bending the spine to one side.
• External abdominal oblique (54)-compresses the abdomen ;flexes the
trunk (primarily at the lumbar vertebrae);one side only bends the
trunk towards that side.
• Transversus abdominis –to stabilize the lumber spine and pelvis
(before movement of the lower and upper limbs occur)/has a corset
like effect narrowing and flattering the abdomen .
• Rectus abdominis –flexes the trunk ,primarily in the lumber region
;compresses the abdomen .
• Deltoideus (58)-abducts ;flexes and medially rotates ;extend and
laterally rotates limb
• Triceps brachii (59)-extenstion of the forelimb
• Branchialis (60)-flexes forelimb
• Ulnaris (66)-flexes and adducts limb
• Radials (61)-flexes and adducts limbs
• Biceps femoris (72)-flexes knee joint ,laterally rotates knee joint
,extend hip joint
• Medial gluteal (73)-the anterior part acting alone helps to flex and
internally rotates the hip the posterior part acting alone helps to
extend and externally rotate the hip, and the anterior and posterior
parts working together to abduct the hip and stabilize the pelvis in
the coronary plane
• Tensor fasciae latae (74)-the tensor fasciae latae works in synergy
with the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles to abduct and
medially rotate the femur .the TFL is a hip abductor muscle
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• Vastus lateralis (75)-Extension of the leg at the knee(tibia)
• Semitendinosus (77)-extension of the thigh at the hip ,flexion of the
leg at the knee ,internal rotation of the knee when is flexed
• Fibularis (78)-eversion and plantarflexion/dorsiflexion
• Gastrocnemius (84)-its function is plantar flexing the foot at the ankle
joint and flexing the limb at the knee joint

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