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Coordination and Response

The functions of the body are coordinated by nerve impulses and hormones.
(a) Compare these two types of coordination.

(b) A girl sees a vehicle travelling towards her at speed as she crosses a road. This triggers nerve
impulses and the release of adrenaline in her body. Describe the role of the nerve impulses and adrenaline
in helping her to react to this situation.
any six from:
eye receptors / retina / rods / cones ;
impulse + sensory neurones ;
via relay neurones ;
to motor neurones ;
to effector / muscle ;

adrenaline + from adrenal glands ;

travels in blood + to named specific target organ e.g. heart / lungs ;
heart beats faster ;
stimulates glycogen to be converted to glucose ;
more glucose / oxygen / blood + to muscles ;
air passageways increase in diameter ;
blood diverted AW + to muscles ;
pupils dilate ;

Which letter shows: a. The cornea: P b. The choroid: S

F - Imitating Neurotransmitters: Some pain-relieving drugs may imitate the structure or function of
neurotransmitters that normally transmit pain signals. By mimicking these neurotransmitters, these drugs can
bind to the receptors on the postsynaptic neuron, effectively fooling the synapse into transmitting a different
signal or blocking the transmission of pain signals.

- Blocking Neurotransmitter Action: Other drugs may block the action of neurotransmitters involved in
transmitting pain signals. These drugs might bind to the receptors on the postsynaptic neuron but not activate
them, preventing the normal pain signals from being transmitted across the synapse.
d) When the myelin sheath is damaged, nerve impulses slow or even stop, causing neurological problems.

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