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The Circulatory System

When you have found a word, click on the letters to

highlight them. Then cross the word off in the word bank.

r b l o o d i o e l a w p e
c l o y i e b x q e j h t z
i o e g m o f y a u c i n q
r o d y o x y g e n a t e d
c d w i r y m e p j p e x k
u v o d k g h n l o i b g a
l e p a n e m t a t l l s r
a s x p f n r l s j l o e t
t s o g q a v n m h a o k e
i e p c e t i z a w r d u r
o l u h c e u r b a i c h i
n s m b v d o n u v e e l e
i d p l a t e l e t s l f s
r e d b l o o d c e l l s i

circulation oxygenated platelet arteries

heart deoxygenated white blood cell capillaries

blood vessels pump red blood cell veins

blood plasma oxygen

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The Circulatory System

1. Which 3 things make up the circulatory system?

The heart The lungs

The brain The blood

The stomach The blood vessels

2. The blood becomes oxygenated when it gets oxygen from:

the lungs
heart vessels

3. Complete the sentences by filling in the missing words.

If you need to, use the word bank to help you.

The three blood vessels are the arteries, capillaries and

. The arteries carry blood away
from the heart and veins carry blood towards
the heart.

The blood cells have the important job of carrying

oxygen through your body.

If you linked up all of the body’s blood vessels, they would measure
over 60,000 miles!

Word Bank
deoxygenated oxygenated veins red

Science | Animals Including Humans | The Circulatory System visit

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