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Television continues to be a significant part of our lives, thanks to the foreign-made programs that

contribute to the richness of television by offering varied content that can educate, entertain, and
connect people globally , but it often argued that the dominance of foreign content may overshadow
local productions, traditions, and values. I don’t agree with them and i will share my opinion on why
it’s benifical.

Firstly,Foreign-made programs introduce viewers to different cultures, customs, and traditions from
around the world. For instance, watching a Korean drama may teach viewers about Korean etiquette
and family values, promoting understanding and appreciation for diverse ways of life.

Secondly, foreign programs can stimulate domestic competition, encouraging local companies to
innovate and improve their offerings. Take, for instance, the automotive industry: the introduction of
foreign cars with advanced safety features and fuel efficiency can prompt domestic manufacturers to
adopt similar technologies, ultimately benefiting consumers with better products.

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