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• This area is the private property of the University of Alberta and

includes the land in the Quad and all adjacent and ancillary buildings
on Campus. This is not public property.

• Any person present in this area for any purpose must comply with
University policies and procedures and the law.

• Overnight presence in this area is strictly prohibited, as is erecting

camping, living, or sleeping structures or equipment.

• Any entry, use of or presence in this area for purposes of protest,

demonstration or encampment requires advance written approval of
the University duly coordinated through its policies and procedures,
failing which such activity and presence is strictly prohibited.

• No authorization has been sought or exists for any demonstration,

protest or encampment of any kind to occur in this area. If you are
present and doing so in this area, then:

o You are hereby notified that you are trespassing, in contravention

of the Alberta Trespass to Premises Act and/or the Petty Trespass
Act, the offence of which carries penalties including fines up to
$10,000 (1st offence) or $25,000 (2nd offence) and/or imprisonment
for a term up to 6 months.

o Your entry and presence in this area is prohibited and you are
directed to leave the area immediately.

o If you are a student or employee of the University, you may also

be subject to other consequences including discipline in
accordance with University policies and procedures.


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