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Семестрова контрольна робота з англійської мови для учнів 6 класів,

які навчаються на сімейній формі навчання.


1. Complete the words in the sentences.

1. Luckily Andrew didn’t lose much b_____________ when he cut


2. Please don’t speak with your m_____________ full. It’s not very

3. I usually get a s_____________ ache if I eat too quickly.

4. Why don’t you go to the dentist if your t_____________ are hurting?

5. Dad can’t turn his n_____________ since the accident so he can’t see
what’s behind him.

6. Martin is very tall so he often hits his h_____________ in my house as

it’s so small.

2. Complete the sentences with suitable prepositions.

1. You can bring ___________ the missing book tomorrow.

2. I’ll need a few days to find ___________ the necessary information.

3. Shall I pick ___________ a cake on my way home from work?

4. This shirt is too small, I’m going to have to take it ___________ and
see if they have a bigger size.

5. Don’t worry! I’ll give you ___________ your sleeping bag when I get

6. Don’t forget to put everything ___________ exactly where you found



3. Complete the sentences with the verbs below in the correct form.
Use the past simple or present perfect.

not see | move | hurt | be | not pass | meet | eat | spend

1. Where ___________________________ you ___________________________ your

last holiday?

2. Lucy ___________________________ my best friend since we were at

primary school.

3. We ___________________________ to Madrid a year ago because of

Dad’s job.

4. I ___________________________ the new James Bond film yet.

5. Unfortunately, Paul ___________________________ his history exam last

6. ___________________________ you ever ___________________________

Chinese food?

7. When ___________________________ you ___________________________

Rafael Nadal?

8. I ___________________________ myself several times since I started


4. Complete the sentences with suitable pronouns.

1. Come in Jack and help _________________ to some cake!

2. I can’t believe I cut _________________ again while I was making a


3. Maria spends a lot of time by _________________. I hope she’s OK.

4. I hope you all enjoy _________________ this evening.

5. My brothers both hurt _________________ at yesterday’s football


6. Ben always does his homework by _________________.


5. You are going to hear five different people speaking. Choose the
best answer, a, b or c.

Speaker 1
Most of my friends spend their free time online or playing computer
games but I prefer to be outdoors with my camera. I love taking
pictures of trees and animals. I know it sounds crazy but I enjoy
being on my own so it’s the perfect hobby for me and I hope it’ll be
my job one day!

Speaker 2
The most difficult thing about learning English? Well, that’s easy to
answer. It’s not the grammar or vocabulary. No, it’s the spelling. We
have tests every week but I still make a lot of mistakes. I think it’s
because there aren’t any rules when it comes to pronunciation, so
you just have to learn it.

Speaker 3
My sister fell off her bicycle last week and she had to go to hospital
as they thought her leg was broken. Luckily, it wasn’t but she can’t
really walk at the moment. She’s always busy and doing things so
she doesn’t like being at home on the sofa all day, but at least she
can study.

Speaker 4
Our last camping trip almost ended badly! We didn’t take enough
food and water with us and we forgot to take the map. Luckily, I had
a compass, so I was able to get us back to the tent. By then it was
already dark and quite scary and we were really hungry!

Speaker 5
It’s just not fair! Every weekend I have to help Mum with housework
while my sister goes out with her friends. I usually do the dishes
after supper too. And what does Mia do? Well, she doesn’t do
anything. She just makes a mess or sometimes she’ll make Mum a
cup of tea, but that’s only when she wants something.

1. Speaker One enjoys __________

a) playing computer games.

b) being by himself.
c) spending time online.

2. Speaker Two finds English __________ the hardest.

a) vocabulary
b) grammar
c) spelling

3. Speaker Three’s sister __________

a) has a broken leg.

b) is in hospital.
c) is at home.

4. Speaker didn’t take __________ on his camping trip.

a) any food and water

b) a map
c) a compass
5. Speaker Five usually __________

a) does the dishes.

b) makes a mess.
c) does nothing to help.


6. Read the text from a website and answer the questions.

Teenagers and food around the world

Kyoko, 15, Japan

I love fast food like burgers and pizza and most of my friends are the
same. When we meet up at the weekends, we often go to the
shopping mall and have a burger and fries. My parents are more
traditional though and we still like to have fish, rice and vegetables
when we’re at home.

Brad, 16, USA

I do a lot of sport so I’m always hungry. I know it’s important to eat
healthily when you’re exercising so I try to have lots of fresh stuff
and pasta for energy but I like fast food too. What teenager doesn’t?!
I know a lot of people think we eat too much here in the States but I
don’t think that’s true.

Joanna, 14, England

I come from a big family and it’s a tradition in our house that we all
get together for Sunday lunch. My mum’s a brilliant cook and she
usually does a roast: chicken, beef or lamb. I’m a vegetarian though
so she has to do something different for me, but I love all the
delicious roast potatoes and fresh vegetables!

Giulia, 16, Italy

I love cooking, especially pasta dishes. Pasta is always much better
at home than in a restaurant. And it’s so easy and quick. My
favourite is spaghetti with olive oil and lots of pepper. It sounds
boring but it’s delicious.

Kai, 15, Germany

I grew up in Spain because my dad worked there for a few years and
that’s where he met my mum, so we don’t eat typical German food at
home. We have more fish than meat and more rice than potatoes.

1. Who doesn’t eat meat? _____________

2. Who has a balanced diet to keep fit? _____________

3. Who enjoys cooking simple food? _____________

4. Who has an unusual diet for their country _____________

5. Who likes similar food to their friends? _____________

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