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November 2022 Recalls

1- Trauma with separation of acromioclavicular joint in x. ray:
injury to Acromioclavicular& Coracoclvicular ligament
2- Fracture Surgical neck of humerous& loss of sensation over deltoid,,
which muscle affected: Teres Minor
3- Loss of Forearm flexion and hand abduction : Brachioradialis
4- Medial border of Snuffbox: EPL
5- Median N injury: Thumb opposition
6- one of Hypothenar muscle (abducter digitiminimi)
7- Weak hand grip,can only flex little& ring finger, hand of benediction:??Radial or median
8- Wrist drop: Radial N
9- Guyon's canal: Fracture of Hamat
1- Fascia Iliaca Nerve Block: ??? Femoral / lateral cutaneus Nerve of thigh
2- # neck of femour & greater trochanter pulled supieror,by,which mls : Gluteal medius
3- Repeated lateral patellar dislocation: W Mls need physiotherapy : Vastas medialis
4- Patient sustained gluteal stab wound&pt can't flex the knee, which nerve injury
???? 1- Tibial N 2- Sural 3- Saphenous
5- Popletial fossa upper lateral border: Biceps femoral
6- Heal injury , Which nerve to be Blocked: Tebial N
7- Tear is commonly associated with a fracture of the lateral malleolus
???? 1- Deltoid ligament 2- Anterior talofebular ligament
8- Tebialis Anterior injury: Loss of dirsiflexion and inversion
1- Thyroid ithmus cutted during Tracheostomy which Tracheal ring divided:
2,3,4 tracheal ring
2- Pt had tumor on the anteriolateral tongue,, lymph drainage:
???? 1-Jugulodigastric Node 2- Submental 3- Subomohyoid
3- Underwent Parotid surgery then Cannot move face while shaving;
which Fascial branch is afftected ???? 1- Buccal 2- Cervical
4- Tongue posterior sensation: Glossopharengeal
5- Ear lobule Nerve Block : Great auricular nerve
1- Post RTA; difficult expiration , Normal CT; Which affected:
???? Abdominal mls, Diaphragm, Costal mls
2- MI, Bradycardia: RCA
3- Mitral Auscultation: Lt 5th ICS
4- HR: 40: AVN
5- I,AVL,V5,6: LCX
6- Esophageal cancer WITH heart failure which Heart chamber:
???? 1- LA 2- LV 3- RV
7-NG tube insertion & face dificulty in the chest, which part
???? 1-Lt main bronchus 2-Rt main bronchus 3-Lt atrium
4- Superior venae cava question
1- Small bowel mesentery is placed in in the left upper quadrant
2- indirect inguinal hernia is Lateral to epigastric vessel
3- Retroperitoneal injury: Doudenum will be affected
4- Terminal ilium dysfunction: ?? Cecum distention / ilium distention ??
5- Gall bladder pain referred to back : Phrenic N
6- Pancreas exocrine: Trypsinogen
7- Upper duodenum at which level : ????
8- Ureter level : T2
9- Spleen injury : Which rib: T10
10- Cauda equina: S234
11- SMA supply: Jejunum
12- Gallbladder blood supply: Cystic artery
13- Esophageal foreign body lodge at gatroesophygeal junction :T 10
14- SMA thrombosis,, which part of intestine affect ????
1- Expresive Aphasia: Frontal lobe
2- Cerebral Artery question (aphasia, RT facial palsy&Rt hemiplegia) >>MCR
3- scenario of Brain stem infarction : which Cranial N is spared :(constricted pupil)
???V, VII , accessory(oculomoter n)????
4- Patient with vision affection in both temporal area: Optic Chiasma
5- Patient with Rt nasal part affection and Lt Temporal part affection in vision :
Rt optic Tract injury
6- Loss of vision in one side : Opthalmic artery oclusion
7- Diplopia , Squint: Occulomotor N (eye deviated inferiolaterally)
8- Patient e’ trochlear N lesion:??? 1- his eye will direct toward his nose 2- iris kept hi
9- Gag reflex; Glossopharengeal N
10- Hoarseness of Voice & uvula deviated: ??? 1- RLN 2- Vagus
11- Loss of taste from posterior tong: Glossopharyngial
12- Old patient with intension tremer,, which part affected ??? Substancia nigra?
1- influenza : Haemagglutin
2- HIV: CD4
3- HIV: Pneumocystitis Jevercii
4- N meningitis: IgA protease
5- Legionella: water supply
6- Salmonellae: Fecooral wash hand
7- Giemsa stain : Malaria
8- Cellulitis: Staph aureus
9- Catheter infection: Staph epidermis
10- C diff: Cefuroxime
11- N meningitis: Chocolate Agar
12- Diarrhea , Cns manifestations: Campylobacter
13- Measls: child: when can be back to school: 4 days after appearance of rash
14- Malaria Question
15- IVDU IE: Staph aureus
1- BP control: occurred mainly by Arterioles
2- in early diastole : S3 is due to large amount of blood striking a very compliant LV
3- S2 is in which phase: ISOvolemic relaxation
4- in athletes which will be high than normal persons: SV
5- Starling law: ++ inotropic  Up and Left
6- HR: 40-60: AVN
7- Lead 2 in Einthoven triangle: Positive electrode is on left leg and negative electrode on right arm
8- Atropine MOA: competitive antagonist of (muscarinic acetylcholine receptor types M1, M2, M3, M4,M5).
It is classified as an anticholinergic drug (Parasympatholytic)
9- Adrenaline MOA: Non-selective adrenergic agonist e’ potent β1 , Moderate α1 , β2 activity
10- Na nitropruside MOA: broken down in the circulation to release nitric oxide (NO),
leads to increased production of intracellular cGMP,
results in vascular smooth muscle relaxation and vessel dilation.
1- Volume of air breathed out after maximum inspection: Vital Capacity
2- FRC: 2 Liter
3- in Asthma: release of Histamine
4- in COPD: what will increase : ??? 1- FRC 2- TV
5- gas law: ??? 1- Boyles 2- Henry
6- O2 Curve shift to Right: Type II RF
7- Control of Expiration:???1- Ventral 2- Dorsal 3- Apneustic 4- pneumotaxic 5- pyramidal
8- Control of Respiration: Cranial N 9/ Cranial N 10
9- Pulmonary Embolism : J receptors

1- Hormone released from Hypothalamus: ??? Dopamine
2- Hormone released from Pisterior pituitary: Antiduretic Hormone
3- administration of Cortisone will increase the release of : ??? Cortisol
4- Adrenaline working on Alpha, Beta receptors
5- in Addison scenario: will find Hyperkalemia
6- Exocrine Pancreas: Trypsinogen
7- Glucagon acts by ??? 1- Glycogenolysis 2- Glyconeogenesis ??
8- Type I DM pathophysiology : No insulin
9- in Graves: symptoms due to ???? 1- High T3 2- High T4 ??
10- in Hyperthyroidism; Decrease Peripheral Vascular resistance
11- PTH effect on Kidney: ++ Ca resorption
12- Old female with fracture; This fracture is due to ???? Vit D deficiency??
13- Glycogen is stored in Liver
1- Arteriolar Vasoconstriction: ++GFR
2- Pregnant , glucosuria; Glucose is reabsproed in which Part ???1- PCT 2- DCL
3- Bendroflumethiazide is working on DCT
4- Osmolality question
5- in Acute Hyperkalemia:
???? 1- Acidosis 2- Alkalosis 3- H ions go out 4- HCO3 go out
6- Low Anion gap: Hypoalbuminemia
7- Vomiting : Metabolic alkalosis
8- Hypocalcemia scenario:

1- Pepsi oven is secreted by Chief cells
2- Intrinsic factor works on Terminal ilium
3- Decrease gastric emptying : CCK
4- Constipation due to iliocecal Valve dysfunction is due to
???? 1- Distention in Ilium 2- Distention in Ceccum
5- Bile secretion is controlled by CCK
6- Bile acid component: ???? 1- Colic acid 2- bilirubin
7- Bilirubin question

Basic Cellular:
1- Mitochondria: ATP production
2- Protein destruction: Lysosome
3- in Positive Feedback: Release of Oxytocin
4- in Nephrotic patient: ++ Capillary Hydrostatic Pressure
5- Coronary VC by 50% Will affect what by 16 fold ???? 1- Flow 2- Resistance
6- Depolarization in AP : Open Na channel
7- in Botulism case ; how affect conduction : Neuromuscular junction
8- Ca question: ???? 1- Sarcplasmic reticulum 2- Troponin

Evidence based medicine

1- Case report
2- Cohort study
3- Cross over study
4- meta analysis
5- blinding
6- Outlier bias
7- Ood Ratio definition
8- interviewer blind

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