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Aikido is a Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba (often referred to by his title 'O
Sensei' or 'Great Teacher'). On a purely physical level it is an art involving some throws and joint
locks that are derived from Jujitsu and some throws and other techniques derived from Kenjutsu.
Aikido focuses not on punching or kicking opponents, but rather on using their own energy to
gain control of them or to throw them away from you. It is not a static art, but places great
emphasis on motion and the dynamics of movement. On the technical side, aikido is rooted in
several styles of jujitsu (from which modern judo is also derived), in particular daitoryu-(aiki)
jujitsu, as well as sword and spear fighting arts. Oversimplifying somewhat, we may say that
aikido takes the joint locks and throws from jujitsu and combines them with the body movements
of sword and spear fighting. However, we must also realize that many aikido techniques are the
result of Master Ueshiba's own innovation.

Blunt Weapons - One way to distinguish different kinds of martial arts weapons is by using the
two-group system, edged (bladed) and blunt weapons (non bladed). If the weapon doesn’t have a
cutting edge for slicing or a sharpened point for puncturing, chances are it’s a blunt weapon.
Blunt weapons cause damage by bludgeoning, clubbing or stunning. The father of all weapons is
the staff (aka guin, quarterstaff, pole, cudgel, bo and stick). Every culture has developed some
version of the staff, and it’s one of the four basic martial arts weapons. As such, it’s spawned
many other weapons. Common martial arts blunt weapons that aren’t practice replica weapons of
edged weapons include the bench, Buddha hand, club (nunchaku, three-sectional staff,
truncheon), crutch (tonfa, cane), fan, gold coin spade, hammer, hard nine-section whip and iron

Capoeira (pronounced Capo-wa-ra), a fun and exciting sport, is a Brazilian art form and self
defense; with strong aerobic and dance elements. It is a mixture of body and soul, fighting and
dancing, of musical instruments and voice, requiring the use of mental, physical and emotional
agility. The emphasis is not on how well you sing or perform but on how much energy you
commit to trying. It is a harmony of forces that gives you power, flexibility, endurance and self
discovery. Participants form a circle and 2 people at a time exhibit their skills in eluding and
striking their opponent. The blows are not landed. What results is a highly aerobic, and fun mock
fight with some very impressive moves. (The music is infectious also!) This is growing in
popularity as a fun alternative to aerobics.

Edged Weapons - Although classic martial arts weapons are traditionally placed into five
categories (see Martial Arts Weapons), there’s also a two-group system used to distinguish
weapons: blunt (non bladed) and edged (bladed). If the weapon has a sharpened edge for cutting,
slicing, slashing or a sharpened point for stabbing, thrusting or puncturing, it’s probably an edged
weapon. Common martial arts edged weapons include spears, maces, clubs, halberds, axes,
forks, farm tools, picks and the endless variety of daggers, knives and swords that exotically
paint the martial arts landscape. Although blunt weapons are effective, it’s the edged weapons
that historically have garnished the respect and awe of the masses. Practitioners of edged
weapons can slice, stab, cut, puncture and dice their opponents with blood-spewing efficiency,
and they can do so with more finesse and less effort than fighters with similarly sized and
weighted blunt weapons.

Jeet Kune Do is the complete body of technical (physical, scientific) and philosophical (mental,
social and spiritual) knowledge that was studied and taught by Bruce Lee during his lifetime. It is
concerned solely and exclusively with Bruce Lee's personal evolution and process of self
discovery through the Martial Art, as supported by written record (personal papers and library)
and oral recollections (by those students who spent time with and/or studied under him). Jeet
Kune Do should be considered as the "Root'' that was established by Bruce Lee, and NOT the
ultimate goal of any practitioner, as students are expected to modify, add, and delete all aspects
of Jeet Kune Do until they develop something that is uniquely their own (You the individual
become, through this process of self-discovery, your own best teacher).

Jiu Jitsu is formed from two ideograms Ju the various meanings of which are suppleness,
flexibility, pliancy, gentleness and Jitsu meaning technique or art. So Ju Jitsu means the art of
suppleness or flexibility. As most Ju Jitsuka (a student of Jiu Jitsu) know there is nothing
"gentle" about the martial art. What Ju is conveying is that JuJitsu does not use strength against
strength, it uses the opponent's strength and force of attack as a weapon against him, thus
enabling a stronger or bigger attacker to be subdued. Jiu Jitsu is one of the most complete martial
arts there is. It incorporates unarmed strikes, joint locks, chokes and throws.

Karate is a generic term for the various kick/punch arts which originated in Okinawa and Japan.
Karate is a Japanese word that translates into English as, “empty hand.” It is a martial art of
unarmed self-defense in which directed blows of the hands or feet are delivered with special
shouts from a poised stance. Karate is related to judo but stresses striking techniques, through
kicks and punches, rather than wrestling or throwing an opponent. Karate as a means of
self-defense has the oldest history, going back hundreds of years. It is only in recent years that
the techniques which have been handed down were scientifically studied and the principles
evolved for making the most effective use of the various moves of the body.
The major traditional styles of karate are Shotokan, Shito Ryu, Goju Ryu, and Wado Ryu. Each
of these styles is taught by several international organizations. Besides these 4 main styles there
is a wide variety of other styles, system and family forms of karate. All of them trace their origin
back to the island of Okinawa, formerly also known as the Ryukyu Islands, and the martial art
developed there. Shotokan karate is an art, a sport, and the basis for a method of self defense.
Kata - People often ask, “What is Kata?” The typical answer is “form.” A more detailed
(however brief) answer by some is “a set of prearranged moves designed in a set pattern, fighting
several opponents in different directions.” Both of these answers are correct, however, not
complete. Although many people know the definition, very few understand the purpose or
essence of kata. I will attempt to summarize the core or essential qualities as best that I can. Kata
is a "method of training" in a particular martial art. It is one element of many that leads to an end
result. It in itself is not the end result. It consists of selected waza (techniques) of the ryu. To put
it candidly, the purpose of a martial (military) art is to fight. In order to fight (and win) we need
to utilize effective techniques that will work in combat. When the martial arts were used on the
battlefield, this meant life or death to the warrior. This can be the case today as well. In short, the
ultimate aim or result of practicing kata is to become skilled in effective techniques that would
save our life if need be. To that end, kata is selected (not all) waza, which is performed in a set
sequence, and in the case of karate, a set pattern, to help train martial art students to defend

Kendo is a Japanese style of fencing derived during the Meiji period in Japan (1868-1912), from
the two-handed sword fighting techniques of the samurai. Today kendo, which means "way of
the sword", is practiced with shinai (bamboo swords), and fighters wear protective equipment
covering the target areas: the head, wrists, and abdomen. The bogu (protective gear) consists of a
men (face mask), a do (breastplate), kote (fencing gloves), and the tare, a kind of apron to protect
the stomach and hips. Under the protective gear, kendoka (students of kendo) wear a hakama, or
wide split skirt, reaching the ankles. The weapon used in Kendo is the shinai, or bamboo sword.
The shinai is approximately four feet in length and is made of four carefully formed bamboo
slats bound together to form a hollow cylinder. A cord runs along the length of the shinai. To
make a valid cut a player must strike his opponent with the side opposite the cord. In addition the
point must be struck with the top third of the shinai.

Krav Maga A practical and tactical system which teaches how to prevent, deal and overcome all
kinds of violence and attacks. KM prepares the trainees in the subjects of self-defense, self
protection, fighting and combat skills, as well as skills to defend others, all in unique and
comprehensive teachings and ways. Krav-Maga was developed in Israel, under realistic demands
and conditions. Founded and formed by Imi Lichtenfeld (Sde-Or) and continues to advance and
be modified by Eyal Yanilov, assisted by the top instructors of IKMF. Krav-Maga is a horizontal
system with a unique and logical approach. It is easy to learn and retain, performed naturally and
intuitively, and practically be used under stressful conditions. An essential part of KM is its
teaching process, methodology and ways of training. Krav-Maga contains special approaches,
tactics, techniques, subjects, drills and training methods for the different sectors: Civilians of all
ages, men and women, young and old; Law-enforcement officers; Military personnel and units;
Correction service officers and wardens; Security officers; As well as: Close protection officers;
Undercover agents; Antiterrorists groups; Air-marshals; Special and commando units.
Kung Fu - An extremely disciplined, powerful martial art where strength is built in low stances
and powerful blocks. Some Kung Fu blocks are so powerful that they can break the arm of
someone ASIATECH College PE 4 – Martial Arts Module - Topics and Activities for the whole
Semester By: Reynaldo R. Cascaro, MA Page 33 who is punching you. Kunf Fu has many
systems like Hung-Gar, WuShu, Wing Chun, and others. Kung Fu is for the patient, and mentally
and physically strong person. It was the basis for many later forms of martial arts. Over the
years, kung fu developed into different styles such as Wing Chun, Drunken boxing and styles
based on animal movements like the crane or snake.
The original style of Kung Fu is Shaolin Kempo or the "5 Animal Styles'' (yes, it does have a
name). It has evolved over 5,000 years and is currently practiced by the Shaolin Monks in the
Shaolin Temple of China's Fujian Province. The dojo, United Studios of Self Defense, USSD,
teaches this style of Kung Fu blended with "street reality" (to make it a more practical modern
self defense system) in the countries of the United States, Canada, and Ireland. The founder and
Grandmaster of USSD is 10 degree Don (black belt) Professor Charles Mattara.
Muay Thai, also referred to as Thai Boxing, is the oldest known form of kickboxing and is the
primary building block of all other forms of kickboxing. Muay Thai is the national sport of
Thailand and is one of the most popular sports in the world today. The history of Kickboxing in
Thailand however, is clouded at best. When the Burmese army sacked and razed Ayutthaya to the
ground the archives of Thai history were lost, and along with them much of the early history of
Muay Thai. The first great interest in Muay Thai as a sport is documented to have come around
the year of 1584 under the rule of King Naresuan. The King himself was well trained in the art of
Muay Thai and so were his soldiers. Soon the art spread to the public and new fighting
techniques began to evolve. Matches were held in every town and village on a daily basis. The
sport of Muay Thai made its way to Europe sometime around the 17th century where it was
embraced with open arms. The sport was modified, primarily to outlaw the use of knees and
elbows, and given the name Savate.

Tae Kwon Do is the world's most widely practiced martial art. Tae Kwon Do is a Korean
fighting art that looks very similar to Japanese karate. It is an Olympic sport, an artistic
discipline, a system of self-defense, and a way of life. Tae Kwon Do is an artistic discipline. The
techniques are done with graceful and powerful movements. Students continuously strive to
improve the artistic presentation of each technique. The art of Tae Kwon Do develops posture,
graceful movement, excellent coordination, and attention to detail. We believe that everyone can
benefit from exposure to this artistic discipline.

Projectile Weapons - One of the five major martial arts weapon categories (see subcategory
Martial Arts Weapons) are the projectile weapons. They are also sometimes known as hidden
weapons because of how they would often be concealed on a person before being thrown. The
most well-known projectile is the knife, whether it was used in entertainment, sport or combat.
The Japanese projectile shuriken (ninja-throwing stars) also has received a lot of notoriety in the
West because of its popularity in film and television in the 1980s. A weakness of projectile
weapons is that if the thrower misses the target, he is now weaponless. Generally, warriors
carried a backup edged or blunt weapon to use after throwing their projectile. However, some
practitioners would attach the projectile to a chain or rope in order to retract it after it was
thrown. This is a martial arts weaponry skill in itself. Commonly used martial arts projectile
weapons include darts, flying locust stones, bow and arrows, sleeve swords, wolf-teeth hammers,
nine-section whip, double-flying claws, dragon-head stick, flying weights, meteor balls, rope
javelins or rope darts, and throwing axes.

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