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1935 constitution Slide 2

Slide 1 In 1932 with the efforts of the Filipino

independence mission led by Sergio Osmeña and
The 1935 constitution provided the legal basis
Manuel Roxas, the United States Congress passed the
of the Commonwealth Government which was
Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act, approved on January 17, 1933,
considered as transition government, before the
with the promise of granting Filipinos’ independence.
granting of the Philippine independence with American-
The bill called for the immediate establishment of a
inspired constitution.
Filipino constitutional Convention, subject to the
Slide 2 approval of the President of the United State, to
formulate a constitution for the commonwealth. It also
Salient features authorized the US to retain land or other property
- Bicameral legislature designated by the President of the US for military
- 4-year term for the president and vice purposes. On economic aspect, the bill established an
president with one re-election annual quota of fifty immigrants, it also allows the free
- Right to vote entry of American goods to the Philippines but provided
for quantitative limitations on the free-duty importation
Slide of the Philippine Product. The bill was opposed by the
Two acts of United States Congress were passed Senate President Manuel L. Quezon and consequently,
that may be considered to have qualities of rejected by the Philippine Senate.

- Organic Act of 1902 Slide 3

This act specified that legislative power would
be vested in a bicameral legislature composed of By 1934, another law, the Tydings-McDuffie Act,
the Philippine Commissions as the upper house and also known as the Philippine Independence Act, was
the Philippine Assembly as lower house. Key passed by the United States Congress that provided
provisions of the act included a bill of rights for authority and defined mechanisms for the
Filipinos and the appointment of two non-voting establishment of a formal constitution by a
Filipino Resident Commissioners of the Philippines constitutional convention. The members of the
as representative to the US House of convention were elected and held their first meeting on
Representatives. July 30, 1934, with Claro M. Recto elected as president.
- Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916 (Jones Law) Important provisions of the TYDINGS-MCDUFFIE
Modified the structure of the Philippine ACT
government through the removal of the
Philippine Commission, replacing it with a - A ten-year transition period under the
senate that served as the upper house and its Commonwealth of the Philippines preparatory to
members elected by the Filipino voters, the first the grant of independence on July 4, 1946
truly elected national legislature. It was also this - A graduated tariff on Philippine exports to America
Act that explicitly declared purpose of the beginning with the 6th year of commonwealth
United States to end their sovereignty over the - An annual quota of fifty Filipino migrants to
Philippines and recognize Philippine America
independence as soon as a stable government - Control of Philippine currency, coinage, foreign
can be established. trade, and foreign relations by America.
- Representation of the commonwealth in the United
States by a Filipino Resident Commissioner
- Representation of the United States President in
the Philippines by an American High Commissioner
Slide 4 currency and foreign relations, were now completely in
the hands of the Filipino people.
The constitution created the Commonwealth of
the Philippines, an administrative body that governed
the Philippines from 1935-1946. It is a transitional
administration to prepare the country toward its full
achievement of independence. It originally provided for
a unicameral National Assembly with a president and
vice president elected to a six-year term with no re-

Slide 5

It was amended in 1940 to have a bicameral

Congress composed of a Senate and a House of
Representatives, as well as the creation of an
independent electoral commission, and limited the
term of office of the president and vice president to
four years, with one re-election.

Slide 6

Rights to suffrage/ vote, were originally

afforded to male citizens of the Philippines who are
twenty-one years of age or over and are able to read
and write; this was later on extended to women within
two years after the adoption of the constitution.

Slide 7

The constitution of the Philippines was

approved by the delegates of the convention on
February 8, 1935. The signing of the 1935 Philippine
Constitution by the delegates was held on February 19,
1935, amid simple but impressive ceremonies. One
delegate signed the historic document in his blood. He
was Gregorio Perfecto, a delegate from manila.

On march 23, 1935, President Roosevelt

approved the Constitution of the Philippines. The news
approval was received by the Filipino people with the
great pride and joy. The Constitution “embodies the
ideals of liberty and democracy of the Filipino people.”

Slide 8

September 1945, the election was held, Quezon

won convincingly over his aging rivals, Emilio Aguinaldo
and Gregorio Aglipay. Osmeña won the vice-presidency.

November 15, 1935, the commonwealth was

inaugurated with Manuel Quezon and Sergio Osmeña as
its president and vice president, respectively. The
administration of government, with the exception of its

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