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Students' experiences with authentic learning tasks in Earth and Life Science encompass a range
of emotions and perceptions as students immerse themselves in authentic scenarios, such as pitching a
documentary or designing a virtual museum exhibit, mirroring real-life experiences. The table below
shows the summary of students’ experiences during the interview.

Authentic learning tasks have proven instrumental in enriching students' understanding of Earth
and Life Science while fostering personal growth, skill development, and future readiness. The
amalgamation of engaging activities, profound learning encounters, and supportive educator guidance has
rendered the learning journey both enriching and memorable for students. According to the responses
provided by students, social interaction and collaboration were highlighted by 49% of participants, while
applicability and future relevance were emphasized by 53%. Furthermore, personal growth and
confidence were underscored by 73% of respondents, with skill development garnering 80% agreement,
learning and understanding 100%, challenges and hard work 69%, and engagement and enjoyment 96%.
Incorporating authentic learning tasks into the teaching of Earth and Life Science has elicited
positive feedback from students, who have described their experiences as enjoyable, adventurous, and
educational. The diverse array of activities offered, ranging from website creation to vlogging and
conducting interviews, has injected excitement and lasting impressions into the learning process. Despite
the enjoyment, students have also acknowledged the inherent challenges and diligent effort required to
complete these tasks. Some initially struggled with activities like website creation or conducting
interviews due to a lack of familiarity or technical proficiency, necessitating perseverance and
collaborative efforts with peers and instructors to overcome hurdles.
Moreover, authentic learning tasks have significantly deepened students' understanding of Earth
and Life Science concepts. Through immersive experiences, students have gained valuable insights into
scientific phenomena such as algal blooms, cellular structures, geological formations, and ecological
dynamics. Hands-on activities, group discussions, and presentations have been instrumental in
augmenting comprehension and imbuing learning with greater significance.
Significantly, students have reported notable skill development across various domains, including
communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork. Activities such as reporting,
conducting interviews, and multimedia content creation have honed students' abilities to articulate ideas
effectively and collaborate productively with peers.
Furthermore, student engagement with these tasks has catalyzed personal growth and bolstered
confidence levels. Overcoming challenges, exploring new avenues of interest, and mastering unfamiliar
tasks have contributed to heightened self-assurance and expanded skill sets among students.
Many students have also recognized the tangible applicability of the skills and knowledge
acquired through authentic learning tasks. They perceive these experiences as valuable assets not only in
academic pursuits but also in future career endeavors and everyday life situations.
Lastly, collaboration with classmates has been indispensable in completing tasks such as
interviews, group projects, and reports. The spirit of teamwork has nurtured camaraderie, friendship, and
a sense of belonging, thereby fostering a conducive and supportive learning environment.
In summary, integrating authentic learning tasks into the Earth and Life Science curriculum has
proven highly beneficial for students. These tasks enhance understanding, foster personal growth, and
develop crucial skills for the future. By emphasizing hands-on experiences and real-world applications,
educators empower students to thrive academically and professionally. As a result, students emerge with
enhanced knowledge, skills, and confidence to navigate the complexities of the modern world effectively.


Motivated by the hands-on nature of the tasks, students made their studies meaningful and
relevant. This increased engagement leads to deeper learning and more devoted to the problem at hand.
They also became more motivated to tackle challenges with enthusiasm.
From the responses of the students, Twenty (20) students found tasks involving practical
applications of knowledge, such as creating websites, conducting interviews, and making vlogs, to be
engaging and motivating. Twelve (12) students said that the activities that allowed for exploration and
discovery, such as studying the history of the Earth, exploring museums, and conducting experiments,
were cited as engaging. Eight (8) students enjoyed tasks requiring creativity and expression, like drawing
comics and making films, resonated with students who enjoyed artistic pursuits. Twenty-five (25)
students were most engaged and motivated by tasks that were interactive, practical, and allowed for
personal expression, contributing to their enjoyment and learning experience in Earth and Life Science.

Authentic learning tasks simulate real-world situations, such as pitching projects to stakeholders
or creating multimedia content for public education. This provides students with practical experience and
helps them understand the relevance and applicability of their learning to real-life contexts.
In the students responses, they expressed various aspects of authentic learning tasks that they
found engaging and motivating. A notable theme was the exploration of geological formations and the
study of evolution, which captivated the interest of two students. Moreover, the task of creating news
reports emerged as a motivating endeavor for two other students, who appreciated the opportunity to hone
their writing and research skills. Social interaction and exploration were also highlighted, with two
students finding fulfillment in interacting with others and exploring new places as part of their learning
Interviewing emerged as a particularly motivating activity for two students, they recognized its
role in improving their English and communication skills. Four students have also expressed enthusiasm
for vlogging and other activities like creating comics and reports. Creating websites stood out as a
motivating task for four students, despite initial challenges, as it facilitated learning and skill
development. Similarly, tasks related to film production, such as creating vlogs and shooting films, were
mentioned as engaging and motivating by four students.
Engaging in activities related to exploring nature and its preservation resonated with three
students, highlighting the significance of environmental themes in authentic learning tasks. Specific
activities like making root beer were mentioned as motivating for one student, as they provided an
opportunity to fulfill a long-standing desire. Similarly, the task of creating a digital museum was engaging
for two students, offering a platform for practical application of theoretical knowledge.
Timely submission of tasks was cited as a source of motivation by one student, who appreciated
the discipline instilled by adhering to deadlines. Engaging in tasks like science reporting and vlogging
motivated six students, as they recognized the real-world applications of communication and interviewing
skills. Activities related to agriculture were deemed motivating by two students, underscoring the
importance of agricultural knowledge in community contexts.
Creating websites for museums was engaging for two students, as it allowed them to apply
theoretical knowledge practically. Confidence building emerged as a key outcome of tasks like reporting
and interviewing, mentioned by four students who found these activities instrumental in honing their
public speaking and interaction skills. Lastly, several students, totaling ten, emphasized the importance of
applying theoretical knowledge to real-world situations through activities like making comics, blogs, and

Given the authentic learning tasks, students were challenged to think critically as they analyze
complex information, conduct research, and synthesize knowledge from different disciplines. They must
creatively solve problems, consider diverse perspectives, and evaluate the significance of scientific
concepts in various contexts.
The authentic learning tasks challenged students' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities,
as evidenced by their responses. For example, one student mentioned feeling challenged by the task of
creating a blog about algae blooms, where they had to devise solutions to complex environmental issues.
Another highlighted the difficulty of making root beer due to the precise mixing requirements, which
required careful problem-solving skills to ensure a successful outcome. These challenges prompted
students to think deeply and systematically, contributing to the development of their critical thinking
In terms of skills and competencies developed, students cited a variety of areas where they saw
improvement. Many mentioned enhancements in critical thinking, indicating their ability to analyze
information and make informed decisions. Additionally, teamwork and communication skills were
frequently mentioned, as students collaborated on projects and communicated effectively with peers.
Technical skills, such as video editing and website design, were also mentioned, indicating students'
growth in these areas.


Through authentic learning tasks, students develop a sense of ownership and autonomy as they
engage in meaningful projects that align with their interests and goals. This intrinsic motivation drives
their learning and encourages them to delve deeper into the subject matter, resulting in a more
comprehensive understanding of the topic.
The impact of authentic learning tasks on students' motivation and interest in learning Earth and
Life Science is profound and multifaceted. One student remarked, "It learns me more about how the
world works," indicating a heightened sense of curiosity and engagement fostered by these tasks. The
interactive nature of authentic learning, as highlighted by another student who stated, "Science is so fun
especially if you can understand well," underscores how hands-on experiences stimulate interest and
Students frequently express appreciation for the relevance and applicability of authentic tasks to
their lives. One student noted, "Authentic learning tasks made me realize that science is an interesting
subject," indicating a newfound appreciation for the subject matter. Another student emphasized the
impact of real-world applications, stating, "Pursuing Earth and Life Science studies can't just help you
improve your confidence, interest, and motivation but it helps us to learn more about science."
Collaborative opportunities within authentic tasks also play a pivotal role in motivating students.
A student shared, "The collaborative nature of many authentic learning activities promotes peer
interaction and social learning," highlighting the importance of teamwork in fostering engagement.
Additionally, the sense of accomplishment derived from completing authentic tasks serves as a powerful
motivator. As one student reflected, "The success and sense of accomplishment... reinforces their belief in
their capabilities and encourages them to tackle more challenging tasks."
Generally, students' responses demonstrate that authentic learning tasks effectively enhance
motivation and interest in Earth and Life Science by fostering curiosity, relevance, collaboration, and a
sense of accomplishment.

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