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As the second week of the National Learning Camp organized by the Department of Education
(DEPED) commenced, participants were ready for another enriching and inspiring journey of
advancing education excellence. The focus of this week was on deeper subject knowledge,
curriculum development, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement in schools.

Day 6: SLAC

The second week kicked off with subject-specific masterclasses led by renowned subject matter
experts. Educators were grouped according to their teaching disciplines, attending in-depth
sessions that explored advanced teaching methodologies, subject-specific assessments, and
ways to cater to students' unique learning needs. The participants gained deeper insights into
their subject areas and discovered innovative ways to make their lessons more engaging and

Curriculum development took center stage on this day. DEPED curriculum specialists led
workshops on aligning teaching materials with national standards and integrating 21st-century
skills into the curriculum.Teacher focused on enhancing assessment techniques. Participants
explored various formative and summative assessment strategies to gauge student learning
effectively. They learned how to create rubrics, design authentic assessments, and use
assessment data to drive instructional decision-making.

An esteemed education expert delivers a keynote speech on current trends and challenges in
education, inspiring teachers to approach the camp with an open mind. Teachers choose
workshops based on their interests and needs. They participate in team-building exercises to
establish a collaborative and supportive learning environment. Teachers showcase their
collaborative projects, sharing insights and solutions. This session encourages critical thinking
and the application of new knowledge
Day 7: Outdoor Learning Adventures

The second day was filled with outdoor learning adventures. Guided by seasoned educators and
outdoor specialists, the participants embarked on a nature hike to learn about the local flora
and fauna. They observed wildlife, identified plant species, and discussed environmental
conservation. The immersive experience allowed them to understand the interconnectedness of
nature and its relevance to their respective subjects.

On that same day , the focus shifted to survival skills and resilience. Experts in outdoor survival
techniques conducted workshops on building shelters, starting fires, and finding edible plants.
These activities not only honed their survival skills but also instilled a sense of resilience and
adaptability. Participants learned to overcome challenges and develop a growth mindset, which
they could later share with their students.

To reinforce today's learning, students were assigned a set of math problems that required
them to apply multiplication and division in different contexts. This assignment aimed to
reinforce their skills and encourage independent problem-solving

Today's Grade 4 math class was a rich blend of exploration, collaboration, and creativity.
Students not only deepened their understanding of multiplication and division but also
discovered the practical applications of these skills in various situations. Their enthusiasm and
active participation make teaching math an incredibly rewarding experience
8th day

To demonstrate the relevance of quadrilaterals in the real world, Mrs. Rowena A. Cabaling
engaged the students in a fun activity. He showed pictures of famous landmarks like the Taj
Mahal, the Eiffel Tower, and the Pyramids of Egypt, and asked the students to identify the
quadrilaterals present in these structures. The students eagerly pointed out squares, rectangles,
and other quadrilaterals in the architectural designs.

To challenge the students further, Mrs Joan J. adlaw presented a series of problem-solving
exercises related to quadrilaterals. He asked them to find the missing angles in given
quadrilaterals, calculate the perimeter and area of various shapes, and determine the conditions
for the existence of certain quadrilaterals. The class worked collaboratively, applying their
newfound knowledge to tackle the problems.

After break, we continued our exploration of the water cycle by engaging in a creative activity.
Each student received a blank piece of paper and art supplies. They were tasked with drawing a
creative representation of the water cycle, incorporating all the stages and showing their
understanding of how they connect.

As the students worked on their artwork, I moved around the classroom, engaging in one-on-
one discussions about the water cycle and clarifying any questions they had. This activity not
only encouraged artistic expression but also solidified their comprehension of the concept

Through a combination of hands-on activities, discussions, and interactive learning, students

gained a comprehensive understanding of the Science and Math. They learned how the different
parts work together to process food and nutrients, and they also explored the connection
between healthy habits and overall well-being and To reinforce today's learning, students were
assigned a set of math problems that required them to apply multiplication and division in
different contexts. This assignment aimed to reinforce their skills and encourage independent
Day 9

In the designated day, the participants gathered in the camp's testing venue, their faces
displaying a mix of determination and nervous anticipation. The test was administered under
strict examination conditions to ensure fairness and integrity. Each participant was provided
with the necessary materials and instructions before commencing the assessment.

The test encompassed various subject areas and topics covered in the NLC's workshops and
activities. It aimed to assess the participants' proficiency in subjects such as mathematics,
science, language arts, and social studies. The questions were designed to gauge the depth of
their understanding and the extent to which they could apply the knowledge in real-world

The room was filled with a hushed silence as I distributed the test papers. The students' focused
expressions demonstrated their readiness to tackle the challenges presented. The test
comprised a mix of multiple-choice questions, short-answer problems, and a few application-
based scenarios. This diverse format aimed to assess their understanding of the core concepts
and their ability to apply them to real-world situations.

As the minutes ticked by, I observed students diligently working through the questions. Some
students approached the test with confidence, while others took their time, ensuring accuracy
and careful consideration of their answers. I circulated the room to address any immediate
questions and provide reassurance.
10th Day
On this day, the participants delved into school improvement planning and evaluation. Master
Asteria B. Yucada guided us through the process of developing comprehensive school
improvement plans. The educators learned how to set SMART goals, identify key performance
indicators, and measure the impact of their initiatives on student achievement and well-being.
To prepare educators for the evolving educational landscape, day four was dedicated to
technology integration for blended learning. DEPED's tech experts demonstrated various
educational technology tools and platforms that could enrich classroom experiences and enable
remote learning. The educators experimented with interactive apps, digital resources, and
online collaboration tools to create dynamic learning environments.

SLAC members attended workshops tailored to their identified focus areas.

Workshops covered topics such as student engagement, technology integration, assessment
strategies, and differentiated instruction.In facilitated groups, participants brainstormed
actionable steps to implement their learnings from the workshops.Each group developed a
comprehensive action plan with specific goals, timelines, and responsible parties.

SLAC groups presented their action plans to the larger group, receiving feedback and
suggestions.Peers offered insights, alternative approaches, and resources to enhance the
proposed plans.

The penultimate day provided an opportunity for educators to showcase their newfound
knowledge and skills. They conducted mini-teaching demonstrations, integrating the best
practices they learned throughout the two weeks. Peers and facilitators provided constructive
feedback, further refining their teaching techniques. The day concluded with a reflective
session, where participants shared personal growth stories and expressed gratitude for the
learning journey.

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