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How Reality Pace Openers Help You Connect to and Intrigue Women

Daniel Adebayo's picture

By: Daniel Adebayo

reality pace openers
Showing a girl that you get her and are not just another douche makes her see you
as a refreshing and attractive guy. Reality pace openers get this done within


1. Pacing Her Reality: Simply Explained

2. The Underlying Strategy

3. Examples of Reality Pacing

4. Recap

In today’s article, we’re going to discuss another powerful, versatile frame

control technique. This technique will allow you to set good frames in your
seductions – right from the start.

Even though techniques like this are more suited for intermediate and advanced
seducers, this type of frame control is simple and easy enough to pull off so
seducers at any level can use this technique and reap the benefits.

You’ll want to use this at the beginning of your interactions with women; it’s one
of my favorite ways to approach. Not only does this technique enable you to start
your interactions with great frames that are tailored specifically to help your
seductions proceed smoothly, but it is also a very low key and innocuous way to
approach women, just like situationally relevant openers.

Simply put, this is a powerful and risk-averse way to open.

Before we proceed, it’s important to note that while I’ll be sharing specific
examples of how you can use this technique to approach women, it’s crucial that you
understand the underlying principles first. Feel free to use the example openers
word for word – they've been tested in the field with great success.

But make sure also to take in the principles and understand the concepts that make
up this technique. Because once you’ve grasped them, you’ll truly see the power of
this technique and you’ll be able to create more examples to use in a variety of

Pacing Her Reality: Simply Explained

This technique is a form of pacing; it’s called reality pacing.

Like many other forms of pacing, the purpose is to present yourself as someone with
the type of astute empathetic understanding that women find attractive and
seductive. I’ve discussed pacing before as a tool for sexually persuasive purposes
like reframing objections. In those cases, you display this understanding with your
words, by responding to her objections or resistance by telling her something that
shows you understand her point of view and the inner workings of her mind. You want
to completely disarm her before you re-direct the frame in a way that suits your

Pacing is extremely attractive to women because deep down – they all want to feel

Women want to meet a guy who gets her. This yearning makes women passionate about
these men; and should she meet one, she'll feel connected to him because he can
understand her. This feeling of connection and being understood opens her up for
you to lead her, either toward stronger forms of compliance or to accept the frames
you set. By allowing her to feel understood you present yourself to her as an
authority figure.

Women tend to assume that a man who understands women can also figure out how to
give them the kind of pleasurable experiences that they dream about and will never

This is why guys with these qualities are interesting and often respected by women.
They’re bound to get women chasing them, too. All in all, pacing is a wonderfully
useful concept that brings many benefits to the seducers who understand how to
apply it.

Reality pacing is showing that empathetic understanding she finds attractive.

However, with a reality pace opener, you present yourself right from the beginning
as an insider, someone who understands her world. You want to draw out the feelings
and emotions from her experience – in this particular environment or the current
reality shared by you and all the other women around.

Think about it this way. If you are talking to someone who could discuss your
current thoughts, emotions, and feelings, wouldn't you find that person
interesting? On the off chance that you wouldn’t find a knowledgeable person with
intense levels of perception or probable Jedi-level mind reading skills
interesting, you’d at least find them somewhat intriguing. After all, meeting
somebody like this will suddenly snap you out of autopilot. And at the very least
you’d want to keep talking to this person – to satisfy your curiosity and figure
out what else they know. Right?

This is exactly the kind of effect reality pacing has on women!

reality pace openers

It snaps them out of autopilot and propels them into a state of curiosity and

They’ll engage with you and become immersed in their ensuing conversation with you.
If you do this right, you’ll be in a great place to take her feeling of curiosity
and steer it toward an engaging conversation, which builds rapport quickly and
gives her a sense of deep connection with you.

Plus, you will be to consistently reach the hook point with a very high percentage
of women you approach in almost any venue or situation where you’d like to meet
women. This is a necessary step in the journey toward mastering seduction. After
all, the theoretical master seducer is a man who can walk into any room or venue
with beautiful women present, pick one at random, and smoothly lead her emotionally
and logistically toward sexual intimacy. He can control and calibrate to different
variables as he proceeds with the seduction. Overall, reality pace openers are a
great way to improve your success rate.

Situationally relevant openers do this to a certain extent, too – by making witty

observations about the environment you’re both in, whether it’s a subway station,
coffee shop or even a nightclub. You present yourself as a fun, socially aware guy
she might find interesting and want to talk to – just by being observant and making
sure to calibrate your opener to her situation.

On the other hand, while a reality pace opener makes use of observation, it also
probes deeper. You want to convey that you understand how this environment affects
her on an emotional level. You do this by making some accurate assumptions or
educated guesses concerning her current thoughts and emotional state brought on by
the environment. You can even think of this as a meta form of cold reading.

This is important because the effects on her thoughts and emotions brought on by
the environment and venue make up the bulk of her current reality. This is
extremely important, so I’ll repeat it. Her current thoughts and emotions make up
the bulk of her current reality.

And you must frame this current reality in a way that is tailored specifically to
help you move the seduction forward. It’s the underlying strategy behind this

The Underlying Strategy

Now you should understand the principles behind reality pacing. It helps you
present yourself as an insider and an authority figure in her world, as a man who
deeply understands her current reality. There are many benefits you’ll get from
learning this technique – not to mention starting your seductions with strong frame
control and high odds of reaching the hook point.

We can start looking at the details of how to use this technique as well as showing
some examples. As we touched on in the last section, the underlying strategy behind
reality pace openers is to:

Convey your deep understanding of her current reality

Frame this reality to facilitate your seduction

To broaden your understanding of a woman’s current reality, it’s essential for you
to meet lots of women in a variety of situations. As you grow more experienced with
women, the more you’ll understand how each environment affects the women you meet
in different ways. Her current reality (which is the effect she gets from each
environment and certain variables that are a part of the environment) will vary,
and it’s important for you to be aware and calibrate accordingly.

I’ll now be giving a couple examples that seducers at any level can use. I'll use a
nightclub context because nightclubs offer the perfect atmosphere to combine
reality pace opener with contrasting techniques.

But it’s important to remember the importance of experience and calibration that
goes into structuring your reality pace openers. As long as you understand the
principles, as you practice and become more experienced, you’ll become much better
at structuring them.

Examples of Reality Pacing

reality pace openers

A common sticking point shared by many students of the game involves difficulties
when it comes to reaching the hook point in nighttime venues – especially in
So, let’s take a look at some examples of reality pace openers that you can use in
nightclubs. These will help you convey a deep understanding of a woman’s current
reality, framing her reality to facilitate a smooth night game pickup and boost
your odds of reaching the hook point in these venues.

When using reality pace openers in nightclubs, it’s crucial that you understand how
this environment affects women. I’ve been going out to nightclubs for about three
years now, and with the scads of women I’ve been able to meet and bed from these
venues, I’ve been able to learn a thing or two about the kinds of effects that are
almost guaranteed when an attractive woman goes clubbing at night.

Let me give you a glimpse of that current reality:

Nightclubs are what I call venues of “heightened stimulation.” Once an attractive

woman who’s spent time earlier picking out sexy outfits and applying her makeup
walks into a nightclub, she’s welcomed with loud, engaging music. The DJ plays
songs specifically to raise the energy level of the people inside. So her energy
level gets cranked up as the night progresses. At the very least she will notice
herself becoming somewhat stimulated from the music playing. The darkness of the
venue, which will only be lit by flashing neon lights, gives the venue a party
atmosphere. This can also energize her on an emotional level.

The freely flowing alcohol also adds to this sense of heightened stimulation, as
alcohol is a social lubricant. She might find herself giving out more approach
invitations or conducting herself in a more upbeat manner. It also means that
random men will be emboldened by liquid courage and will approach her often. These
approaches will serve to validate her outfit choice and boost her ego on some
level. However, most random men approaching her will not make much progress in
their attempted seductions. She may feel amused, annoyed, or somewhat disappointed
that these men obviously don’t get it.

As we discussed earlier, when using this technique, it’s very important to convey
this understanding of her current reality. Additionally, it’s crucial that you
frame this reality in a useful way.

By structuring your reality pace openers and using this strategy, you immediately
set good frames in your interactions while your deep observations will engage her
on an emotional level. In my examples below I will be taking the above snippets of
how the nightclub environment affects the girls in the venue, and I’ll filter them
through the underlying strategy of reality pacing.

Me: “Hey, I just noticed something about this venue...” (starting with a bit of
curiosity bait)

Her: “Oh, what’s that?”

Me: “This place has a real party atmosphere; I like it. Flashing neon lights, the
DJ playing your favorite songs. Really makes you want to party. You get so
energized that you feel this desire to keep these good vibes going.”

Her: “Yes, I love this place! It’s so exciting. Is this your first time here?”

This example paces her current reality by conveying an understanding of how a

nightclub can stimulate her energy levels. Also, by talking to women about positive
and stimulating emotions in a calibrated way, you allow her to associate you with
these emotions.

reality pace openers

This is an example of framing her reality in a way that facilitates the seduction –
by allowing her to associate you with positive emotions brought on by the
environment. The more you talk about these emotions, the more she thinks about them
and feels them as she talks to you. Finally, because you’re there as she’s thinking
and feeling these emotions, you become strongly associated with what she’s feeling
in the moment. What’s more – there’s an implicit opportunity for her to fulfill her
“desire to keep the good vibes going” by continuing her interaction with you.

Here’s another example of a reality pace opener you can use in nightclubs.

Me: “How’s your night going?” (Feel free to start things with a pre-opener)

Her: “Good! How’s yours?”

Me: “Not bad. You’ve probably met a number of guys tonight already, maybe pretty

Her: “Yeah, a bunch of guys have come to talk to me tonight.”

Me: “Most of those conversations were probably boring chit chat or weirdly hitting
on you. I think it’s so much better if you can find yourself in a good conversation
with someone – you know, interesting. Exploring the possibility of a real

Her: “Yeah! Me too! It’s so important to feel a connection. Most guys have no idea
how to even have a conversation.”

This example paces her current reality by conveying an understanding of how

frequently women meet men in nightclubs who are dull, uninteresting, and have no
idea how to game them.

This shows that you understand her experiences from her interactions with guys on a
deeper level, compared to most of the men she’s already met tonight. Additionally,
those other guys are framed as clueless competitors, while you are framed as an
insider who not only knows what she has to deal with on a nightly basis – but also
as someone who can give her the opportunity to enjoy a great conversation and the
ensuing emotional connection brought on by these conversations.

And by continuing her conversation with you, she can pounce on this opportunity.

In this article, we took a careful look at reality pacing. We broke down the
technique down into its underlying principles and the basic strategy behind reality
pacing. I also gave a couple of examples of reality pace openers for nightclub

While you can use these examples freely in nightclubs, remember that these openers
are personal gambits that I created and like to use in these scenarios. It’s key
that you understand how the principles of reality pacing merge with the underlying
strategy for using this technique.

These examples as well as the glimpse of a woman’s “nightclub reality” should serve
as an inspiration for you to learn these concepts and create your own openers. Once
you’ve internalized the principles and the strategy behind reality pacing, you’ll
be able to use this technique in any situation. I’ve used them with great success
in day game, night game, and even social circle situations. By becoming well-versed
in these principles, you’ll even be able to freestyle reality pace openers on the
spot right before you approach a new woman! I personally love doing this when I
meet new women because it’s remarkably effective.

As long as you understand what we discussed in this article and practice the
strategy as you go out and meet women, this technique will quickly become second
nature for you.

If you have any questions or have ideas for reality pace openers in situations
you’ve encountered, head down to the comments section and tells us about them!


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Photo of Daniel Adebayo
Daniel Adebayo

Daniel Adebayo made the far trek from sunny Nigeria to frosty Canada for school.
There, he leverages a strong drive for success as he applies himself to both his
university studies and romantic pursuits.


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