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Maria Montessori’s method

Optimizing the first years of children with good learning methods is the best investment that a

teacher can make to guarantee their success in modern society. Through close observations,

Maria Montessori developed a teaching method that consisted in giving children the opportunity

to use freedom from their first years of development, so they would become an adult with the

ability to face life's problems. She was a valuable educator that was very concerned about

children education and all her theories were based on what she watched the little ones do on their

own without adult supervision. Maria Montessori’s methods serve as really effective means to

inspire future teachers to reform the methodology of education by providing a prepared

environment for children where each element has its reason to be in their development,

respecting the child as a worthy individual and being a good motivator in their learning process.

When an environment is well prepared, the child can get engaged in an interesting motivation.

A careful preparation of it can be an essential ingredient for the successful development of

children because the child relies completely on the environment for the sensorial impressions

through which he gains a sense of the world in which he lives. With the applying of materials

and exercises in the classroom we can allow that children have the maximum possible

opportunity to learn how to look after themselves and their environment. It is very interesting to

see how kids are attentive in their surroundings and sometimes they learn without any intention.

It is an useful and appropriate method at the time of being an effective and a good teacher.

Also, although the school environment that the teacher provides to students is very

important to help in their sensory learning, it is also relevant to provide real tools that work

effectively. Therefore, Montessori materials were scientifically designed in an experimental

context within the classroom, paying special attention to the interest of children according to the

evolutionary stage they are in and with the conviction that the manipulation of concrete objects

helps the development of knowledge. These materials allow children to research and explore

individually and independently. They enable repetition, which promotes concentration and good

memorization in language learning. In addition, they have the quality of isolating difficulties,

that is, each one introduces a single new concept, isolating it and leaving the other concepts

unchanged. Also, it is the same material that will show the child if he used it correctly. In this

way, children know that error is part of the learning process, they manage to establish a positive

attitude in front of them, and they take responsibility for their own learning, and develop self-

confidence. In this sense, Piaget (s.f) also confirmed:

Children are curious by nature and constantly strive to understand the world around them; to

motivate this curiosity, it is necessary to use the materials that arouse in the child the interest

and desire to learn, here lies the work of the teacher to present a variety of experiences to

students, generate situations in which curiosity is stimulated, the discovery of new situations,

creativity, innovation, experimentation and decision making.

Thus, the responsibility of teachers to provide wonderful sights, textures, sounds, smells,

tools, utensils and effective content is very interesting because they are part of an important

learning which will be for all children’s life. Therefore, it is also essential to know and analyze

what kind of students teachers have in the group for, and in which medium is the community in

which they operate, in order to choose the corresponding method and adapt the class to the

common interest of the students, always looking for train quality people and respecting the child

as a worthy individual.
Therefore, if a teacher is going to teach, he needs to know all he can about those he hopes to

educate. In this way, the teacher observes each child, their needs, abilities and interests and

offers opportunities for intelligent work, with a specific purpose in the service of self-care and

the small community that is the classroom. The ultimate goal of the guide is to intervene less and

less as the child develops. The guide allows them to act, love and think for themselves, helping

them and develop trust and inner discipline, likewise, as Pedagogical Constructivism refers to the

fact that the child will learn by building his own knowledge and that the teacher is only a

facilitator of knowledge and not a transmitter of concepts. Therefore, in the second language

teaching, observation allows the teacher to realize what the deficiencies and skills of their

students are in order to prepare activities that are effective to develop sense of belonging and

love for their own learning. Hence, it is very interesting to be a good motivator which use all the

methods to prepare children, being an influenced in their life for they get success.

In conclusion, Maria Montessori's method is a basic and very human methodology, which is

focused on the development of the child's abilities which seeks to educate children in a freeway,

without oppression or abuse. Thus, she wanted that the students get success in a difficult society

which demands many expectations of the new generations.


Montessori, M. (s.f). The Montessori Method. Recovered the August 25, 2019 from

Moreno, F. (2016, May 05). Constructivismo, el uso de materiales didácticos. Recovered the
August 25, 2019 from

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