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Plant life cycle

Plants are part of life. They are also considered as living beings,
which are part of the ecosystem in which we live, being the most valuable
and important when it comes to bringing balance to nature. Their life cycle is
very particular among living beings, since they are born, later grow, feed,
enter a cycle of reproduction and finally die, fulfilling throughout its life cycle
the function of giving life to other living beings.

Every plant that you have seen or that exists, the first thing that
has done is to be born. Being born is how the plant initiates the process of its
life or life cycle. But no plant originates by itself, but it is born from another
plant that comes to be the mother plant. In the mature fruits of the mother
plant are the seeds. Each seed, if it has the right conditions, will become a
new plant. There are plants like ferns that reproduce by spores that are a
kind of seeds. In the same way, every fern was born from one of the spores
of the mother fern. So, this plant become to be alive and being part of an

From the moment the seed has born and germinated, the plant
begins its growth. Plants grow throughout their lives. To grow plants need to
feed or nourish themselves. The process by which plants make their own
food is called photosynthesis. To perform photosynthesis the plants absorb
through their roots water with mineral salts that are in the soil. This mixture
called raw sap, ascends the stem of the plant and reaches the leaves. There,
chlorophyll captures sunlight, transforms carbon dioxide from air, water and
salts into essential plant foods which are sugars. As a waste of this process
the plant releases oxygen. One of the characteristics of plants is to grow
throughout their life, that is, while they are alive they continue to grow.

As we can know, every plant originates from another. This happens

because every plant has the capacity to give rise to other plants that are its
daughters and that in turn will have daughter plants. But the ability to
reproduce does not exist from the moment a plant is born but, from the
moment it has reached its final form and has reached maturity. Each species
of plant reaches maturity in a certain time, so there are species of herbs, for
example, that take a few weeks while certain species of trees can take some
years until the time comes when they can reproduce and form new baby
plants in the nature.

So, after its reproduction, death is the end of the life of a plant and
therefore it is also the last stage of its life cycle. Each species has its own life
time and then dies. When dying the plant dries or rots and its remains are
used by other living beings. When one plant dies others, usually of the same
and specie, occupy the empty place that left. Plants are living beings because
they fulfill the life cycle. Therefore plants are born, nourished to grow; when
they reach maturity they reproduce and after a while they die.

Therefore, plants are wonderful and unique beings that are born,
grow, reproduce and die, but in order to provide oxygen to purify the air to
the beings of the environment making them very special and valuable for
nature in general, where there is no other being equal to them with their
same function of life.
How to use technology in the field of education

At the global level, the internet and access to mobile devices has
meant a change to the use of technology. This change is also evident in the
field of education, where more and more things are done taking advantage of
the network and its possibilities. Therefore, incorporating technology into
education brings a number of benefits if it is used to improve the relationship
between students and teachers, sharing educational content, doing research,
and obtaining digital materials to support students.
In fact, the technology has long been assisting teachers and students
in their daily work, which encourage students to express themselves and
interact with other classmates, either in face-to-face or virtual courses, which
allows them to learn interactively and without depending on being in a
certain place. For example, today a language teacher can, through his laptop,
communicate with teachers and students native to the language that teaches
in real time, so that they can talk with their students, which makes the
learning experience somewhat enjoyable and global. In addition, the
students will be able to contact their teachers through this medium and
improve their communication for explanations, advice and even friendly
relations to make their educational learning more effective.
Likewise, as technology can be used to improve educational
relationships, the possibilities of the Internet are very broad and thanks to
the ease of sharing content. So, it is possible to take advantage of the
network to provide students with e-books and interactive to carry out their
activities and exercises without having to have the book on paper, which
reduces the production costs of books and also allows students to access
books that cannot be found in their country without having to move from
their homes. Therefore, the use of new technologies in education allows the
reduction of costs. No graphic material is required by teachers and
everything can be done through a program.
Apart from the use of the digital to share educational content to take
advantage of learning and saving money, teachers can allow students to
meet their knowledge interests by areas unknown to them, self-providing
new knowledge using new technologies. It has been the technological
development of the late twentieth and early twentieth centuries that has
generated what has been called the "Knowledge Society." In addition,
teachers can benefit greatly from technological advances to make their work
more attractive and to be more efficient. Many activities that are part of their
daily routine can be optimized with the help of applications and computer
devices, allowing them to spend more time on their own training, which in
the long run will not only benefit them but their students.
Research is an important use of the internet, which provides great
knowledge to the learner, even so, using this medium to obtain support
materials is of great advantage to students and teachers. Where you can
deliver a better quality training to students, since you can gather more
elements and show more looks on a certain subject. Therefore, the use of
technology in education is flexible and able to adapt in order to enable
students to follow different rhythms in their learning in which more
advanced students can have at their disposal additional content and those
who need a reinforcement, they can use support materials to reinforce what
they learn in class.
Using technology in the academic environment is not something new,
however the way in which technology is used has changed a lot over the
years, allowing greater flexibility, efficiency and use of educational resources
and offering a higher education Quality to students. So digital technology
improves the learning experience by attracting students, reaching multiple
learning styles and connecting students around the world, being a great tool
for academic space.

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