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In my opinion, the Montessori method is the ideal or best way to educate elementary students.

According to what I've read, this is the most popular in preschools, kindergartens, and lower primary
schools. Montessori education understands that children learn in a variety of ways and caters to all of
them. Because in this technique, the instructor creates an ideal classroom environment with a variety of
activities from which the students can choose to learn or where students have the flexibility and
resources to seek answers to their own problems. The prepared environment allows the kid to focus
himself or herself on engaging and freely selected tasks, resulting in long periods of concentration that
should not be disturbed. Children may live peacefully with others in the little society they belong to in
the classroom because freedom develops within defined boundaries. Internal fulfillment encourages a
child's curiosity and interest, resulting in joyful learning that lasts a lifetime. Children work with carefully
prepared materials that provide them with the keys to explore their environment and build fundamental
cognitive capacities. The resources are intended to help the student discover mistakes on his or her own
and take responsibility for his or her own learning. As a future instructor, this is an awesome idea. As a
future educator, we should create a classroom environment that is filled with activities that the students
will like. Because kids have the freedom to choose the activities they wish to participate in, they are able
to improve their talents. Students can study at their own pace, developing their skills once they are
ready. Students are active participants in selecting what their learning emphasis will be, guided by the
instructor. On the other hand, as their instructor, we provide our assistance. Teachers also encourage
their pupils to use materials or specially produced learning tools. This allows them to try new things and
improve their abilities. We must train children in the goals they wish to achieve while they are still young
in order to allow them to discover their talents. Using this strategy, children will be self-sufficient. This
strategy will require you to be a lifelong learner who inspires a passion for learning in your pupils as
their future instructors. Outstanding individuals are able to embrace creativity and freedom while
accepting failure and learning from their mistakes. As their future teacher, my opinion on this is that I
should observe, guide, supervise, and assess children while they learn in the classroom environment.
Because, despite the fact that they have the freedom to choose what they want to do, we, as
instructors, have no way of guiding them. I do not agree with that, because we still need to give them
information or guide them down the right path. It's difficult to create and maintain a secure, clean,
exciting classroom where all children feel protected and respected. Yes, a safe and clean environment is
essential in every classroom because, in the middle of this epidemic, we must prioritize the protection of
our pupils. Finally, the last thing is to set a positive example for kids by instilling values such as honesty,
responsibility, understanding, patience, respect, love, and kindness in them. This attitude will serve
them well throughout their lives and guarantee that they treat everyone with respect. On the other
hand, teaching children respect at a young age ensures that they accept everyone for who they are.

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