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Dark Deity Class Guide

a rough draft from normal playthrough experience
Cinnamonroll knight

Warrior Tree....................................................................................................................................3

Ranger Tree.....................................................................................................................................4

Cleric Tree.......................................................................................................................................6

Mage Tree........................................................................................................................................7

Rogue Tree.......................................................................................................................................8

Adapt Tree.......................................................................................................................................9

This is outdated and currently working on covering the newest patch, 1.6 changed allot and now

testing and giving my thoughts

Warrior Tree
Some great stuff here! They tank physical damage with good defense and HP no matter the class, even

barbarian with their great placement strats. On top of this, their Red Weapons got a massive buff in accuracy,

so it’s not a horrible option for early or mid-game.

 Tier 2 impressions

o Warrior and Knight are stable and get you what you need. When in doubt, pick one of these!

Green Weapon first, and if upgraded fast enough, will be all you need.

o Barbarian has paper thin okay defenses, not as great as Warrior or Knight, but have solid HP

and a Dex growth. Now that Shove provides EXP, you can safely level up your barbarians

without always putting them in a risky spot to be picked over.

o 1 Dragoon/Dragon Knight with Darmena’s Kiss, (the Crit/damage swap aspect), is the best

single target damage dealer, (Benji for higher damage, Helena for better Fort for enemy phase

retaliation). Nerfed crit strat to oblivion, now we can look at the unit as a very mobile

physical wall. Though not AS tanky as your other options, can be a good option still for units

like Helena who you need to cover between groups with Dragoon movement speed.

 Tier 3 combos

o Warrior/Champion is basic and good, Irving did well with this path on normal.

o Warrior/DK will have solid split stats to either be flexible damage types, or to funnel with

Aspect of Dreams, (Magic to Defenses).

 This is put into hyper drive with Knight/DK, as this aspect will feed into your

defense, thus Knight’s passive will boost your advance stats even more.

o Knight’s ability to transfer that Defense into advance stats makes it the safest option for any

tier 3 class to do well in.

o If offenses are not going well, can support as Knight/Sentinel to give allies good defense

boost, (great pick for Fenton)

Ranger Tree
Some good, some specific, and one that I just can’t get to work. Archery will puncture through tough enemies,

and Green knights will be great anti mages to pair with Warrior Tree units. Strider is an alright attempt at

Melee glass cannon, while the Strider… Exists. 3/5

 Archer/Sniper

o A straightforward, hits hard, and hits from 3 away! Enemies will still be able to counter with

range 2 weapons but makes them fairly safe during enemy phase. Even with low-speed

growth, Yellow Weapon’s 0 weight will mean you can still double late game units.

Recommended for Garrick. Run Yellow/Green weapons.

 Witch Hunter/Green Knight

o Your anti-mage. Going in this order will bless the unit with good fortitude, while still having

good strength and defense, and okay dexterity and speed. Can be speed screwed, and low

mastery will mean high defense units are harder to take down. Run Yellow/Green weapons.

 Strider/Blade Dancer

o The first half of the melee deviance that can hit hard and access to good speed growth. You

may not be able access the doubling right away, as your weapon switches to blades, which are

heavier than bows. But the half weight passive is phenomenal, and good dexterity can make

Red weapons work. Still, Green/Yellow weapons are recommended for stable hit rate, (red

can work early to mid-game, but falls off hard late game).

 Drifter/Outlaw

o These guys got a HUGE boost and are now a worth choice for the front lines! Tier 2 Blue +

passive = over 50% crit with a HUGE damage boost to boot, (about (2.3x)). They dodge fine,

but not like the thief line, so still be weary about sending them out alone.
Cleric Tree
Your healers + other stuff. Joking aside, these guys are capable fighters’ early game, while one can hold out as a

great fighter later on. Personally, building them as healers first, then secondary class later means they can keep the

characters who only damage or tank going, while being able to fall back on a wrong play or emergency crit to fill in

where you need it. 4/5

 Inquisitor

o Lincoln as this means he can Jagen until you get more units mid game. Solid growths, and can go

into Crusader or Paladin, depending on needs, (Paladin is better as it fills as backup tank, but

Inquisitor if you wanna hit things between heals). Hard to mess this up, highly recommend.

 Guardian

o Great choice for Vesta, will give good growths in defenses and able to keep the heals going and

going and going. Personally, like big burst heals, but this works with Paladin and can keep your

party going.

 Priest/Prophet

o This is your healbot, what I made Maren. The only reason this is better than Guardian/Paladin

healers is the range. 3 range heal can really help in a few maps that split your party, while giving

room for range 2 peeps to be behind front line and still being able to heal front or back line.

Priest/Paladin can be mobile with a good heal range 2, but at that point, might as well stick with

inquisitor or guardian for better defensive growths. Recommend at least 1 of these in your party.

 Acolyte/Phantom

o This is the exception to the role rule and are incredible when you get them into late game. Damage

mitigation, vamp, and great Mag/Dex/Spd will mean these guys can dodge tank, heal, and deal

great damage with a Yellow Weapon. Faust makes a great choice for this, as he can get through

the rougher early game Acolytes have, (stars close to 2nd promotion), and get straight into

Phantom. Will have low HP, so high accuracy attacks are something to be weary of.
Mage Tree

These guys Kaboom, Boom-Heal, Tank, or utility teleport with a side of boom. You need good

arcane/fire damage, this is how you get it. 4/5

 Arcanist/Wizard

o Will have Monroe ~60 mastery end game, (meaning great HP/accuracy/power), and hits

like a freight train. Can’t tank, so keep them from being targeted too much, (but can take

an unexpected hit or two), but if protected will annihilate anything in their way.

Red/Yellow recommend.

 Battlemage/Aegis

o Another buffed class that is your tank that deals magic damage. Solid damage. Also has

great defend and fortitude, meaning can usually tank whatever. Turns Sloane’s horrid

base defense growths into a fantastic wall that will destroy.

 Magician/Illusionist

o Utility from phase boost. Confusing to use initially, as you can control how far you phase

depending on how far your magic is from the target. For example, moving next to a target

of teleport will move the target exactly opposite side of your mage, (left of mage to right

of mage, up from mage to down from mage, etc.), but if there is a space between a

Magician and target, it will go opposite with that space of difference. Still an okay

growth in magic, and with their boost to allies hit/dodge, will be one of the better support

units that can deal good magic damage. Alden’s personal passive means he will not suffer

from horrid luck of leveling, so is a great candidate for this path. With the buff to getting

EXP for phasing, this is fantastic path to take.

 Conjurer/Pyromancer – A healtank magic dealing god amongst mortals, you wake great havoc in

your way as you unleash buffed red weapon to kill everything. Highly recommend of Alden!

Rogue Tree

Ranging from good to phenomenal, the power tree of Dark Deity lies within here. Why everyone loves

their Cia is having a great rogue from the beginning till the endgame that doesn’t let you down. This is

how you get to the dex and spd needed to dodge tank. Yellow is low weight and helps with dodge, red for

hitting hard. One of the few classes that doesn’t NEED green to hit hard, (red is awesome early game on

rogues), but recommend at least Yellow for endgame, if not a Green. 5/5

 Stalker/Assassin – Solid, keeps the good growths of rogue and puts more rogue in your rogue,

while also giving boosts for fielding more Rogue Tree units for crazy shenanigans. Without

planning a whole party of Assassins, is good.

 Thief – Utility disarm, makes it easier to take down a single target, and this makes your disarm

range respectable to keep out of trouble. Now that you gain exp of disarming, highly recommend

a disarm bot when you are not overwhelmed with enemies and can mitigate some of the bigger

numbers you might struggle with until your tanks are fully tuned in mid-game.

 Duelist – What makes dodge tanking consistent and great and makes for a great lead into

Trickster to range attack on top of being able to dodge for days, or Gladiator for solid stat

growths. Be careful of unit placement, as passive that makes dodging reliable is making sure no

unit is touching a side of the duelist, (corners are fine). Not sure if the nerf did much to them, but

oh well!

 Raider/Slayer – Changed, and now suffers greatly from being unable to dodge reliably. Now is a

class that I would not highly recommend, as even with good formations, cant take a couple of hits

without crumpling like a bed of daisy during an easter egg hunt.

Adapt Tree

The other best class tree in this game. ¾ tested builds are good to phenomenal. Not fielding these units

HURT. Good Yellow Weapon candidates. 5/5

o Gale/Windrunner – With all the procs, has a crazy chance to not have any of its damage

abilities proccing. With great dex/spd/str, and good hp/def will mean these guys can

dodge tank eventually and do it will. Reverie/Windrunner can vamp/dodge tank, while

still dealing good damage. Recommend either, good for if you are unsure what to make

your adept, used Yellow Weapons. With the bugs fixed, this class is solid!

o Blaze/Firelord – Untested, will research in other playthroughs

o Surge/Thunderlord – Slow burn, goes from okay to amazing once you get to

Thunderlord. A little bit of babying for Elias but will storm the wake of your enemies

with Yellows for mid to end game, (which is when you need one the most). Bonus points

for being one of the coolest final classes.

o Reverie/Astral Seeker – Clink-clank, you’re a tank. Great defensive growths, vamp, and

can deal great damage. Reverie makes early game SO much more manageable, especially

with low health units and needing to cover other flanks that your numbers cannot do at

this time. Astral Seeker keeps the momentum, while also having crushing weapons, (rare

damage type outside of your Cleric Tree), with arcane on top means you can hit allot of

armor types hard. Give more chance to heal up. Recommend for Bianca to at least start in

Reverie to help your early game. With the update, is even better.

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