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​There are several main types of advertising, including:

1. Print advertising - This includes ads in newspapers, magazines, flyers, brochures, etc.

2. Broadcast advertising - TV and radio commercials.

3. Out-of-home (OOH) advertising - Billboard, transit, and other outdoor ads.

4. Digital advertising - Online ads such as banner ads, video ads, social media ads, search engine ads, etc.

5. Direct mail advertising - Promotional materials sent directly to consumers through the mail.

6. Sponsorship advertising - Brands sponsoring events, teams, or influencers.

7. Product placement - Featuring products in TV shows, movies, video games, etc.

8. Mobile advertising - Ads on mobile devices and apps.

9. Content marketing - Informative content like blog posts, videos, etc. that promote a brand.

10. Guerrilla marketing - Unconventional, creative, and low-cost marketing tactics in public spaces.

The type of advertising used often depends on the target audience, marketing budget, and advertising goals of
the brand or business.

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