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I dedicate this book to my wife Dora.
If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be able to succeed in affiliate

If you want to leave your job with schedulefrom 9before5,and

receiveyour monthly salaryin a couple of days, then this book is just for

Let's talk about affiliate marketing. It has nothing to do with network

marketing or spamming scams.Affiliate marketing is characterized by
paid advertising. Thisa real and legal way to make money online, no
matter where you are. The only thing you need is a network connection.

My name is Attila, originally from Canada. Thanks to the current

circumstances, I was able to connect my life with affiliate marketing in
2008. It all started when I went to Europe to launch my event planning
business. After 3 unsuccessful attempts, I lost a lot of money and had no
choice but to act. I tried to get out of the situation in order to survive.
Without knowing the language, I couldn’t get a job, and then I was faced
with a choice: either I return to Canada, or I urgently needed to come up
with another option. That's when I discovered affiliate marketing.. Since
thoseSince then I have never looked back.

The reason why I am so partial to it is because of the opportunity to earn

a month's salary in just a few days (sometimes it may only take 1 day if
you are actually great at affiliate marketing).
In addition to the income potential, you also have the freedom to work
from anywhere. All you need is a laptop or computer, a smartphone and
an Internet connection. Thanks to affiliate marketing, I was able to spend
more time with loved ones and travel, while earning decent money to
support myself and my family.
This is not a scam or network marketing. The principle of affiliate
marketing is to work with Google and Facebook ads and test and scale
different offers. You will have to determine where the cost of advertising
is less than the cost you receive for acquiring a customer (this is called
CPA). But we'll talk about this later.

Affiliate marketing is a godsend. It's not some kind of button-controlled

system, although that would be nice. You will have to work, so I suggest
you take this matter seriously right away. I'm not some ordinary person,
in other words, I didn't know anything about it. One day my friend
shared this information with me, and now I own multi-million dollar real
estate, luxury cars and freedom. I do what I want, when I want. All this
thanks to marketing and hard work. If I succeeded once, then you can
too. You must tune in and take decisive action..

This book will teach you everything you need to know about affiliate

Even if this is your first time hearing about affiliate marketing, this is a
step by step guidewill help you increase your income and start your
career as an affiliate marketer.



Introduction to Affiliate Marketing 1

What is affiliate marketing? 1

The most used abbreviations that should bename each
affiliate 2

drOther necessary tools 5

What is web host and domain? 5

What are landing pages? 5

What are offers? 6

What are banners? 6

What is monitoring and what is it for?intended? 12

What is a spy tool? 13

TOhow affiliate marketing works? 15

Earning models 17

Whyget started in affiliate marketing 19

Softwaresecurityrequired for start of work 28

Prioacquiring a domain and hosting 28

Editing Landing Pages Using Sublime Text 40

UsageFilezilla 50

Tracker setup 53

ReKlama and copywriting 65

Different types of advertising 70

Setting up the first affiliateI forgecampaign 75

Launching your first campaign 81

Campaign optimization 84

3recommendations for the first optimization strategy 89

Stbeginner's strategy 94

Recommended servicefor affiliate marketers 100

From Zero To Super Affiliate


What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is a process that allows you (the affiliate) to get paid
for promoting another company's products.

If you as an affiliate want to promote a product or service, then you need

to find the “product name” affiliate program and then sign up for it. You
will receive a special link that you can use to track people who click on it
(affiliate link), or you may receive a commission from purchases made by
other people.

In reality the process may be much more advanced, but we'll get to that
later. Now let's look at everything in order.

From Zero To Super Affiliate



A.M..Affiliate Manager-the person responsible for managing a network

of affiliate programs.

ROI.Return on Investment-a coefficient showing the profitability or

unprofitability of an investment.

CPC/PPC.Cost per click- This is what,how much you pay each time
someone clicks on your ad. Determined by the bet you place.

CPV/PPV Cost of 1 ad view-how much you pay for each impression

on your landing page or for each video view, which depends on your
bid.With indicatorCPVpayment is made for one impression,
unlikeCPMwhere payment is made for 1000 impressions.

CPM.Cost of 1000 ad views-how much do you pay when 1000 people

see your ad. Depends on the rate.

CTR. Click through rate-percentage of people who click on your ad.

CTR can be measured for an ad, keyword or goal, or for an entire

CR. Conversion rate- underconversion means when someone does

what you expect them to do.Eg, you want people to sign up for your
company newsletter. CR% refers to the possible number of people who

From Zero To Super Affiliate

signed up for the newsletter divided by the number of people who

actually signed up for the newsletter.

CPL/CPA.Cost per action-this metric reflects how much you pay

when someone signs up for something you're promoting, and is
determined by your bid.

CRO. Conversion optimization-that is, you make changes to your

campaign to increase your CR%. There are many CRO strategies that
can be used. For example, you could pause keywords that aren't
converting particularly well, or test two different landing pages to see
which is better..

EPC. Revenue per click-The average payout of an affiliate program is

usually calculated based on one hundred clicks.

CTA.Call to action-This is a phrase in the imperative mood that

persuades you to take the desired action. For example: “Register today”
or “Download now.”

LP.Landing page-a page that promotes your offer. When a visitor clicks
on your ad, they are taken to your landing page. So basically this is a page
where you encourage visitors to buy a certain product or take some

RON. Network launch-targeting all sites in network traffic to get traffic

at a better low price.

RTB.Real time trading-connecting offer (the area where advertising

can be shown) and demand (your advertising) in a real-time auction.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

When someone visits a website that could potentially display advertising,

the RTB platform can select the advertisement to display on the page in
real time. Affiliate marketers bid on impressions on sites where they want
their ads to appear, and the RTB platform hosting the auction selects the
winning ad based on the bid price.

From Zero To Super Affiliate


What is a web host and domain?

A web host can be compared to a computer where people host their

websites. Imagine a house where all your things are stored,but instead of
things and furniture,you store computer files, How
onexample,HTML,documentation,Images,videos and much more, but
only on the web host.

A domain is a website address. For example,

First of all, to set up your site, you need purchase a domain. All domains
are unique, which means that (For example)does not

What are landing pages?

A landing page is a custom web page created keeping in mind the specific
interest of a specific target visitor.

Creating a custom landing page is necessary to effectively tailor the

customer's experience, as well as to provide them with the exact
information they need to make a purchase or take a specific action, such
as leaving their email, subscribing to something, etc..

From Zero To Super Affiliate

The point of a landing page is to enhance the overall user experience,

which will subsequently lead to increased sales/conversions.

What are offers?

Essentially, an offer is an agreement by a brand to pay an affiliate a

commission or a fixed CPA (cost of acquisition) for links to a product or

An offer can be a product or some action, for example, subscribing to a

brand’s newsletter or leaving a request to a call center to call a visitor.

In reality, there are a huge number of offers. One of the best resources for
viewing available offerings and verticals is

What are creatives?

Creatives are advertising materials that affiliates use to promote products

or services. In other words, mostly creatives are advertising images,
videos, texts. Some people mistake creatives for “banner ads,” even
though creatives have become so advanced that they can act as more than
just a banner and contain text, video, animation, or dynamic content.
They also can be interactive where each user can click, view, rotate and
see more details right on the page.

Example of banners:

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Display NetworkDisplay:

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Native advertising:

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From Zero To Super Affiliate

What is a tracker and what is it for??

Monitoring is the process of managing and tracking marketing activities.

A tracking program is used for this..

Using tracking software we can monitor everything related to the

effectiveness of our advertising activities.

The tracker allows you to track how profitable your advertising activities
are, how many conversions they generate, where visitors are coming
from, what devices they are using, and much more that is necessary for
successful optimization of advertising campaigns.

To make advertising profitable, you need to find the right approaches,

creative ideas, landing pages.

With the help of a tracker, you will be able to transform your

information into actionable ideas. You will be able to make the right
decisions based on real-time information, which will significantly reduce
the risk of losing your money.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

It is recommended to use RedTrack as it is the most popular and

affordable SAAS based market tracking solution. This way, you don't
have to pay extra for the web server or the system administrator to
manage the server. This amount is included in the minimum monthly
price. Without a tracker, you will not be able to do affiliate marketing
because you risk losing your capital.

Click here totry free trial RedTrack

Need more help with basic questions in affiliate marketing?

Click here, to join our premium community and get personalized help
from me and other affiliate marketers who make money online.

What is a spy tool?

Spy tools will allow you to spy on your competitors and see how they are
executing their advertising campaigns, from traffic sources to ads, landing
pages, offers and much more.

In corporate parlance, marketers refer to spy tools as “competitive

intelligence software.”.

With the spy tool, you can also find out which ads, landing pages, offers,
and combinations are performing best to get an idea of what you should
try out for yourself..

Knowing this information will make your job easier, no matter how
experienced you are.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

"Golden Nugget":One of the secrets to making affiliate marketing work

is to start by testing proven offers. This is why spy tools are so important.

We use AdPlexity to track Native, Push and Pop. This is a very powerful
tool used by top affiliate marketers today. It's available for 30% off with
this coupon right here.

For Facebook, we recommend Visto, a great tool that will allow you to
see the latest trends on Facebook. Shows your competitors' most
profitable campaigns, ads and landing pages.

To make money with affiliate marketing, you need to use a tracker such
asRedTrack, and a spy tool such asAdPlexityto find verified offers.

Want more surveillance tips??

Click here, to join our premium community and get personalized help
from me and other affiliate marketers who make money online.

How affiliate marketing works?

The working principle of affiliate marketing is that affiliate marketing

provides the opportunity to harness the potentials of different people for
a more effective marketing strategy and provides investors with a share of
the profits.

There are three different aspects required for affiliate marketing to work.:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

1.Seller/Product Creator/Advertiser
The seller can be a supplier, a sole proprietor, a product manufacturer, or
a large enterprise, and the product can be a tangible product (such as
gadgets or household goods) or a service (such as guitar lessons or some
kind of tutorial). Many CPA networks refer to product
creators/entrepreneurs as “advertisers.”

The merchant could also be an e-commerce provider that pays partners

to promote its products to reach new audiences and customers, or a SaaS
(Software as a Service) company that pays partners to collaborate on
selling its marketing software service, for example..

2.Partner or “publisher”
An affiliate can also be an individual or company that promotes a seller's
product or service to potential customers. If the customer ends up
purchasing the product, the affiliate earns a percentage of the revenue

CPA networks often refer to affiliates as “publishers” or “pubs.”

From Zero To Super Affiliate

Basically, affiliates have a specific audience that creates a specific niche or

personal brand, which helps the affiliate reach the right customers who
are most likely to take a specific action (such as purchasing).

Customer purchases contribute to affiliate marketing, even if they have
no idea about it. Affiliate marketers share these products with them on
websites, social networks, blogs, etc.

When purchasing a product, the seller and the affiliate marketer share the
profit. In most cases, the customer will not be aware that the purchase
was made through an affiliate link, but in any case, he will not pay more
because of this, since the affiliate profit share is included in the retail price
and the customer will receive the product, usually unaffected affiliate
marketing system.

Earning models

Affiliates can receive payment in a variety of ways. The client does not
even need to buy the product; sometimes it is enough to take a certain
action, for example, fill out a contact form or register on a certain

From Zero To Super Affiliate

There are 3 main types of affiliate payments:

1.Payment per sale(PPS)

This is the simplest affiliate marketing scheme. Once the consumer makes
a purchase, the seller credits the partner with a certain percentage of the
cost of the product.

Basically, with this type of affiliate payout, the buyer must purchase the
product, otherwise the affiliate will not receive the reward.

2.Payment per lead(PPL)

With this system, the partner earns when converting leads. This means
that the consumer must complete certain actions on the merchant's

This action can be as simple as signing up for a newsletter, trying a

product, filling out a contact form, downloading a file or software..

3.Pay per click(PPC)

This scheme aims to increase the merchant's web traffic. This means that
the affiliate needs to redirect visitors from the affiliate platform to the
merchant's website.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

Pay per click means that partners receive a commission for each click on
the site.

How to get started in affiliate marketing

1.Join usto the affiliate network

At the beginning of your journey as an affiliate, you need to find a good
affiliate network or program. There are a lot of great affiliate networks to
choose from. The choice of network may depend on your niche and the
product or service you intend to promote.

The best affiliate networks we work with are:

● financial offers for lead generation

● Nutra offers (direct advertiser)

From Zero To Super Affiliate

● Offers on the topic of health and beauty

● dating site offers

● mobile content offers

● E-commerce offers

These networks have existed for quite a long time. Payment always
arrives on time. These sites employ the best representatives who really
know their business.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

Affiliate networks can be found by simply searching Google, or you can

ask other affiliates on affiliate marketing forums. The easiest way is to go
to and familiarize yourself with affiliate networks:

Once you register with the affiliate network, you will be required to
complete an interview over the phone or video chat. This is a must,
especially if you are a beginner. Don't be scared! This is standard

Once your account is approved, you will be able to view different

products for potential promotion. You will find out what the payments
are and their type: PPS, PPC, PPL and the like.

Strong recommendation: Talk to your affiliate manager after you sign up

and tell him your niche, the way you are going to promote it, etc. The

From Zero To Super Affiliate

manager will help you decide on the offer, namely which offer is most
suitable for you and your traffic.

As mentioned earlier, having a provenoffer simply necessary, and

smartaffiliatesonly verified ones are testedoffers,don't spendI'm at ittime
and money wasted.

2.Find the specific brand, product or service you are

looking to partner with, niche or vertical in the affiliate
marketing industry
Currently, there are a large number of affiliate programs on any topic.
You can promote anything.

You need to decide what exactly you want to promote. These

recommendations will help you make a decision.

● Try what you like

If you are just at the beginning of your journey, then I

recommend starting by promoting a product or service that you
like. If you have an interest in the product/service you are going
to sell, this will help you with creating a more effective marketing

● Try something you already have experience with.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

This is a HUGE plus if you already have experience with the

product or service you intend to sell, or experience in this topic.

Consider if you have tested this product or service, then people

can get your honest opinion about it. This will increase the level
of trust in everything you say..

But you also have the right to promote something you haven't
interacted with. You just need to do proper research on what you
are promoting..

● Try a niche theme

If you cover many topics at once, you will have a much harder
time turning your visitors into financial gain. This is why it is
much better and easier to sell niche products.

3.Attract clients
The most important step is to attract customers, make sales and make
money. So you need to decide how you are going to generate traffic.

There are 3 most common ways to drive traffic for your affiliate offers:

● SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

This basically means that you need to build your website and
rank it highly in Google.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

In this case, it is very important to have a niche for your site that
has enough search traffic and not too much competition.

So, if you can get your website to rank for relevant keywords for
your niche, then you may be able to earn some income from
affiliate products/services on your website.

You'll need to do your research and learn about search engine

optimization, but keep in mind that it may take months or even
years before you get converting traffic and volume.

Want to learn more about how to set up your campaigns using other
Click here, to join our premium community and get help directly from
me and other affiliate marketers who make money online.

Become a content creator/influencer

If you are used to regularly creating some kind of content on social

networks, such as YouTube or Instagram, you can become an influencer
and recommend affiliate products or services to your subscribers.

With this simple method you can earn some income, especially if you
already have an audience with whom you share your opinions.

Many YouTubers use Amazon or eBay to make money through affiliate

programs. They leave their affiliate links in the description under their
videos, for example, to the equipment they use for filming or the like.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

But there are also many other ways to contribute besides Youtube, such
as creating a blog or posting comments on forums, writing guest posts on
large blogs, etc..

Buying traffic (Running paid advertising is what I have been doing for
many years. This is my secret to success).

Buying traffic is the fastest way to get traffic. But it is worth considering
that you need to learn how to run campaigns on different platforms,
otherwise you will lose money.

By choosing this strategy, you won't need an entire website. At first, you
can just use a 1-page website (landing page). With it, you will be able to
send pre-sale visitors to the user of the product you are promoting.

You can purchase traffic on different websites, platforms, social

networks, the most popular of which are:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

And there are also many other traffic sources from which you can
purchase traffic. Here are just a few examples to give you a general idea.

From Zero To Super Affiliate



Purchasing a domain and hosting

First, you need to buy the domain and hosting on which you will host
your landing pages before purchasing traffic.

There are a large selection of places where you can purchase domains and
hosting plans, but for an example let's

To get started, visit the websitenamecheap.comand select the virtual

hosting option:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

Then decide on your hosting plan:

I recommend getting Stellar Plus, this plan is optional. You can start with
the cheapest one and upgrade later if necessary.

Then you should find a domain name for yourself and connect it to your
hosting plan:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

The next step is to confirm the order. You must select a payment method
and complete the purchase:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

And that is all. If you purchased your domain and hosting at the same
time, it will automatically connect to your hosting account, so no further
action is required.

If you have already purchased a domain or purchased it separately, you

should connect your domain to your hosting account manually.

To do this, log into your account and go to the Domain List tab, select
your domain and click the MANAGE control button:

Then scroll down to the Nameservers section and select Namecheap Web
Hosting DNS and then click the save button:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

And that's it, your domain name is now connected to your hosting plan.

*Attention! If you purchased hosting and domain at the same time, this
additional step is not required.

Competitive market analysis or spy tools

As noted above, spy tools are quite important and useful, mainly because
knowing which offers and advertisements work best in a certain niche is
simply necessary. It’s also important to be able to create your own ads
based on them.

But not only that, you can also spy on the best performing landing pages
(which again I stress is very important) and create your own landing
pages based on the working pages.

You can easily find the best landing pages using Adplexity.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

When you log into Adplexity, you will see an interface similar to this.
You will be automatically shown a large number of advertisements.

Next, you can set the date filter - last 7 days, for example:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

You should sort your ads based on the principle of received most traffic.
You can set this value in the upper right corner:

Adplexity will then serve you the top performing ad that generated the
most traffic in the last 7 days:

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When you click on advertisements, you can see the countries where the
advertisement is shown, device types and of course the landing page and

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To display the landing page, click on the red Show More button:

Then follow the links to see the landing page and offer:

Landing Page Example:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

What does the offer look like?:

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If you like the landing page, you can easily download it. Return to the
landing page in the links section and click on the green download button:

To search for an offer, you can go to the repository and find it, as shown
earlier in the “Join an affiliate network” section..

This way, you can easily load the landing page and change the outgoing
links to your own. Additionally, you will be able to upload the landing
page to your website.

Do you want to perform competitive analysis as quickly as possible??

Click here, to join our premium community, read weekly spy sessions
and get the best landing pages from top WH&BH campaigns!

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Editing landing pages by usingSublime Text

You can open the source code of the landing page and edit it using
software such as Notepad++.

Or inSublime Text:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

Sublime text -my favorite software, but you can choose any editor you

To change outgoing links to your own and edit your landing page, click
on the index.html of your landing page and open it in the editor. (I'm
using Sublime text)

You will see something like the following screen:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

To change the title, you need to find something like this in your code:

Then you should just rewrite it. If you have any difficulties finding it,
then you need to open your landing page in the browser and copy the

From Zero To Super Affiliate

Then you need to go back to Sublime Editor, press CTRL+F and paste
the title into the search field:

And it will find and highlight the text you are looking for.

Then look for outgoing links in the code.

The easiest way is to open the search window again and find<a href=and
you will be able to find the necessary links.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

Double-check that the link you need to replace is the correct one. This
can be done by opening the landing page in a browser and simply
hovering over the links. The correct outgoing link will appear in the
lower left corner, which you will need to replace:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

As you already understood in my case, this link is correct.

With Sublime text you can easily quickly replace all outgoing links. All
you need to do is select the link, then click on the FIND button in the
top menu, and then REPLACE (or just press CTRL+H).

From Zero To Super Affiliate

Then simply place your link in the REPLACE field and click “Replace

You can change the image in your landing page folder. Copy the name of
the image you want to replace:

And paste it into the search field inSublime Text:

Copy the new image to the same folder where the previous image was
located “main.jpg” and name it something you can remember. I called
him “main2.jpg”.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

After that, go to again Sublime Text,and change the name


In your browser, open the landing page and replace the old image with
the new one:

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This way any image can be replaced on the landing page.

You should always change your landing page slightly to make it feel like
yours. So change the title to something very similar to the original, and
don't forget to change the image as well.

You should also pay attention to clickjacking

Clickjacking is basically malicious script codes hidden on landing pages

that are aimed at stealing your traffic. When a visitor clicks on anything
on your landing page, click stealing software will redirect the visitor to
another page automatically.

In the source code of the landing page, you may encounter these
malicious codes between tags<script> </script>. But in most cases, these
malicious codes are hidden. They are written by experienced

From Zero To Super Affiliate

programmers. If you're not sure what you're looking for, you probably
won't find them.

That's why I always hire Banners&Landersto scrape landing pages.They

are professionals and do their job quickly and cheaply! Therefore, I
recommend working with them.

Once your landing page is ready, the next step is to upload it to your
website. The easiest way is to use software such as FileZilla.

Need help with landing pages, coding and things like that?
Click here, to join our premium community and get help directly from
me and other affiliate marketers who are already making money online.


FileZilla -one of the most popular FTP client solutions, the main goal of
which is to make it easier to upload files to your web hosting.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

This makes loading landing pages, images, videos or other things as easy
as using total commander on your computer.

Moreover, you also have the option to edit the files without manually
uploading and then you can re-upload them back.

After installation, open FileZilla, in the top menu click on FILE and

Go to the new site, name it, add a link to the hostname, e.g.:
http://www.mywebsite.comorIP-address, for
example:''Set the login type to NORMAL and insert
your FTP username and password. For users who have CPane with their
hosting, the same login details can work for FTP access as well.

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In this way you can connectFileZillato your virtual dedicated server.

The left side shows the files on your computer, and the right side shows
the files on the server.:

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To load the landing page, you need to copy the folder from your
computer to the public_html directory of your servers.

Let's say your landing page folder is called''lp'', and the domain
is'''', so after loading when landing page should load.

Tracker setup

The most important thing is to track your campaigns correctly. For

campaigns to be profitable, you need to find the right approaches,
creatives, landing pages, etc..

As I already said, I use the program RedTrack, as it is the best

monitoring software!

From Zero To Super Affiliate

To set up Redtrack you need to add your landing page, the affiliate
network you are using, an offer to further promote it, and the traffic
source from which you are buying traffic.

Recommendations on how to upload a landing page to a hosting server

have already been presented above. Let's try adding this landing page to

Adding a landing page

Log in to your Redtrack account and in the top menu click on Landers
and then on the blue +New button:

Next step, name your landing page and place the URL or your landing
page in the URL field. Like for example:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

Click on the SAVE button. Do you see? It's simple!

Next, you need to add the affiliate network from which the offer for your
promotion comes.

In the top menu, click on Offer sources and the + New button:

Addition affiliate program networks

From Zero To Super Affiliate

Redtrack makes it easy to add your affiliate network with many built-in

You will find the most popular affiliate network in your templates. You
need to find the one you are working with and click on the ADD

If you can’t find the affiliate network you are working with, add it
manually by clicking on the Create custom button:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

Next, add the offer you want to promote.

Adding an offer

Select again from the top menuOffersand click on the button+New:

This is where you will add the offers you are promoting..

Enter the name of the offer, select its source (the affiliate network you
added in the previous step), you can set the payout amount you earn per
sale/lead and add a link to your offer in the URL field.

From Zero To Super Affiliate


affiliate manager in the affiliate network which Sub ID to use to
send the CLICK ID!!!

Click IDit's basically a so-called token that is mandatory to monitor your

visits and conversions.

Each time a user clicks on your ad, a unique click ID is generated and
passed as a parameter.

You should always add the click ID parameter to your offer URL like

“?”symbol separates the main part of the link from the tracking

“&”symbol separates tracking parameters from each other.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

So, for example, if the affiliate manager tells you that you need to send the
clickID via the parameter “data2”,then you need to adddata2={clickid}to
your offer link. It should look something like this:

The next step is to add a traffic source where you are going to buy traffic.

Adding a traffic source

So go to the Traffic sources tab in the top menu and click on the

As in the previous section we already talked about how to add an affiliate

network, we also have a bunch of built-in templates for traffic sources:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

Again, you need to find your own traffic source and click on the ADD
button. The addition will happen automatically. Moreover, it will
automatically populate other tokens/macros needed to pass the data
from the traffic source to the monitoring software:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

Monitoring tokens are necessary in order to be able to monitor

everything necessary, e.g.{creative_number}will display creative data so
you can see which creatives are performing best and which ones are just
wasting your money.

But as I said, if you use Redtrack, the pre-made templates will

automatically populate the monitoring markers for you.

Last but not least, you need to create your Redtrack campaign, which
will provide you with the URL you need to promote your traffic source.

Creating a Redtrack Campaign

On the dashboard, clickCampaigns (Campaigns) and click on+New:

Now you need to give your campaign a name and select a traffic source:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

Then you need to select the landing page and offers from the drop-down
list, and then click on the SAVE button.:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

When testing multiple landing pages (which you will be doing) or offers,
you can add more by clicking on the + Lander or + Offer button:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

Once you save your campaign, your final URL that will be needed for
promotion will appear in the Click URL field. Just copy it:

Would you like to know more aboutRedtrack?

ClickHere,tojoin our premium community and get tips, guides, tutorials
and more!

Advertising and copywriting

Advertising is very important in affiliate marketing. If your ads aren't

particularly effective, they won't engage anyone, no one will click on
them, and then your landing pages, offers, and entire funnel won't

Luckily, we affiliate marketers can use a tracker to monitor how our ads
are performing, what's profitable and what's not. This is a big advantage
in affiliate marketing.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

Just think about television advertising, for example....

Thousands of dollars can be wasted on TV advertising if you don't know

how it works. You won't be able to track it or measure ROI (Return on
Investment). It's really difficult.

With internet marketing you can accurately track and see:

- how many times your ad was shown (impressions)

- how many people clicked on your ad (clicks)
- Which advertising is profitable and which is not, and other data.

3 main goals for achieving good advertising

1.She must attract attention

The most important thing is to make your ad attractive so that people
want to click on it.

Look at these 2 examples.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

The first advertisement attracts more attention than the second because
the first. In the case of the first, people will think: “God, what’s that in his
ears?!” They will be curious about what it is and will click on this ad..

2.It must be current

The point is to get as many clicks as possible. Your advertising should be
relevant to the topic and offer. Since every click costs money, it won’t be
profitable for you to have everyone click on your ad..

For example, if your ad is about the latest gossip about some popular
personality, but you are promoting a life insurance offer, you will get a
high percentage of clicks, however, your offer is not relevant, so the ad
will be ineffective. People will click on it, but you'll just be wasting your

Therefore, you should be targeting clicks from people who are

potentially interested in your offer..

From Zero To Super Affiliate

3.Your advertising must convert the offer

For example:

As you may have noticed, the person in the image is in motion. That's a
good thing, because he looks pretty weird, which makes you wonder why
he needs that dropper. A definite plus is also bright colors, which will
attract more attention, and the most important thing is relevance.

Do you want to prepare an offer with the right approach, but are you short
of ideas?
Click here, join our premium community and get help directly from me
and other affiliate marketers who are already making money online.

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There are several different types of advertising that you can choose from.
Different traffic can specialize in different types of advertisements.

So, let's look at the most popular types of advertising..


Text ads are most popular on Google ads, Bing ads and Yahoo.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

The effectiveness of text advertising will depend on how much you

understand copywriting.


Graphic advertisements are banners that you often come across on the

They come in different sizes, the most popular being:

- 720 x 90 (Leaderboards)

From Zero To Super Affiliate

- 300 x 250 (Medium Rectangles)

- 120 x 600 (Skyscrapers)

*RECOMMENDATION:When launching a banner ad, start with the

most popular size and test it, then if you see potential in it, add more
banner sizes to scale the ad.

You can also use animated banners. They often work better than static
images. (But it’s worth noting that not every traffic source supports
animated banners)


From Zero To Super Affiliate

Native advertising includes an image and text. In this type of advertising,

you need to optimize the text, image and headline.

Native and social advertising are featured both in the Facebook news feed
and at the bottom of popular websites.

Native advertising is found on popular news sites.


You cannot use creative with pop-up ads. Instead, what is needed is a
truly good landing page. Essentially, you're using your landing page to
grab attention..

From Zero To Super Affiliate

How mobile pop-up advertising works:

Go to the site and click on a link (often in order to download something
or watch a video)

A new tab opens in your browser and takes you to a new page, OR you
stay on that page and the new tab loads under the original site.

From Zero To Super Affiliate



In this section, you will learn how to launch your first affiliate campaign
step by step and start making decent money.

The first two steps are to select the traffic source on which you will
advertise, as well as selecting the offer to promote.

Let's consider traffic sources.

Selecting a traffic source

There are hundreds of traffic sources. My strong recommendation: try to

master one traffic source at a time.

All sources have their pros and cons. To start, you should do your
research and choose one source.

Try not to overdo your selection. Choose any one and act.

First, you need to choose a proven traffic source that is popular and
recommended by partners. Mainly because if your campaign does not
turn out to be profitable, then the reason for this is a bad traffic source or
your campaign.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

If you find out that this has been proven by other affiliates, then you can
rest assured that your campaign or offer sucks.

I recommend starting withPush, NativeorFacebook.

- Press Zeropark
- Take examples from Taboola,Outbrain

Selection of offers

When looking for offers to promote, it is important to select offers that

have been tested by other affiliates, especially this condition is mandatory
if you are a beginner specialist.

There are thousands of offers in a variety of niches, so there is no need to

spend all your savings testing random offers that you think will be

This is why spy tools are so important.

In addition, when choosing offers, you need to select at least 2-3 offers to
start with and split test (test them and compare). This is easily done using
Redtrack, as already presented in the “Monitoring Software” section:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

If you have an offer(s), you need to grab affiliate links from the affiliate
network and add them to Redtrack, as already shown in the “Setup
Redtrack” section..

From Zero To Super Affiliate

Ask your affiliate manager where you should send the clickID parameter
to ensure you are tracking clicks correctly.

ExploreHowVyour competitors are running campaigns

It's time to go back to Adplexity and track how competitors are running
their advertising campaigns and take some ideas from there. Find out
what creatives they use, check their landing pages, and so on.

You can also use Adplexity to find new affiliates working with the same
offer by clicking on the BY ADVERTISER tab in the top menu and
pasting your offer link into the search field:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

You should also contact your affiliate manager and ask them for
recommendations. They know which offers work best at certain times, in
which countries, etc. So don't be shy about asking him for help, after all,
it's his job to help you succeed.

In addition, you can separate test offers, as it happens that one can
convert better than another, even if it is the same offer just from a
different network.


The next step is to think over and write down a couple of hypotheses,
headlines and advertising texts for your offer. Search the Internet for
photos that you will use in advertising and create your landing pages.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

When tracking ads in Adplexity, you need to collect and save the best ads,
and then use Photoshop or any other similar software to create your own
creatives based on the best ones you saved earlier.

The more you do this kind of thing, the better. You will become the best
at creating amazing creatives.

Targetse pages

The easiest way to find great landing pages in Adplexity is to load the
landing page and change the texts and images to suit your angle/offer as
introduced in the “Editing Landing Pages” section.

Moreover, try to minimize the landing page as loading time plays an

important role, so for better loading speed you need to optimize the page.

You can compress images using free tools, which means the image size
will be reduced, which will significantly affect the loading and make it
faster, while the image quality will remain the same as the original.

Behindlaunching your first campaign

When launching your first campaign, start with a small budget, such as
$10-$15. Make sure the flow is working correctly so you can monitor the
data coming into Redtrack.

When you set your initial bids, you can start with a recommended traffic
source. I usually start with a higher bid so I attract higher quality traffic.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

Also, remember to always create separate campaigns for different device

types. You shouldn't target mobile and desktop in the same campaign, as
the rates are different and you may end up paying too much for mobile
traffic, for example.

The same applies to geotargeting (GEO). If you're tasked with targeting

multiple countries, create separate campaigns for each. It's always worth
remembering that rates vary.

Once your campaign is launched, approved and you start receiving

traffic, double check that everything is working in your stream and your
tracker is receiving data correctly.

This can be easily checked, so go to Redtrack by selecting your campaign

and clicking on the reports icon to see the reports:

Then access the submenu. Check if you can see all the data from the
traffic source through dynamic variables:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

This is really important, otherwise, if sub ids don’t work for some reason,
we won’t be able to properly optimize our campaigns.

Need help setting up and launching your first campaign?

Click here, join our premium community and get help directly from me
and other affiliate marketers who are already making money online.

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Campaign optimization

Campaign optimization is the secret to making them profitable.

If suddenly your campaign is not making money (most likely not at the
very beginning), remove from your campaign what is causing you to lose

This is why you must understand and keep in mind that there
isHUGEthe difference between losing money and buying data.

When starting your first campaign, the most important thing is to

acquire data that you can use to optimize the campaign, aka, make it

Therefore, if the correct data is coming into your tracker and you know
what you are doing with it, then you will be considered a data buyer.

Don't forget to use a tracker, otherwise you will just lose money. If it
doesn't work, you can only guess about possible problems and you won't
know how to fix them. It's like throwing everything at the wall to see
what sticks.

A huge mistake newbies often make is to launch campaigns and if those

campaigns don't immediately generate profits, they stop them and move
on. This means money was lost and wasted because they don't even try to
optimize anything and make it work.

First of all, you need to optimize your campaign to make a profit until
your budget runs out.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

What you really need to understand is that profitable campaigns are

created, not found.

When optimizing, the goal is to test different parts of the campaign. With
each test, you will learn more and more about your audience and make
your campaign more profitable.

You need to run your campaign until you have enough data to optimize.
The first place to start is by split testing your landing page.

You take 2 landing pages and purchase 1000 landing page visits. Since
you are split testing two landing pages in the tracker, this tells you that
you have 500 visitors on LP1 and 500 on LP2.

You need to check the reports for both landing pages. To do this, select
your campaign and click on the reports icon in Redtrack:

Next you need to group by landing page:

From Zero To Super Affiliate

You'll see the data for both landing pages so you can compare them.

For example, if LP1 received 15 conversions and LP2 received 9

conversions, then it is quite obvious that LP1 is in the lead.

But, as I already said, it is necessary to have enough data, for example, if

LP1 received 3 conversions, LP2 - 4 conversions, then this is an
insignificant difference. In this scenario, you will have to run both
campaigns for another 24 hours and then evaluate whether you still have
any meaningful data.

Don't lose sight of LP CTR (Landing Page Click Through Rate).

From Zero To Super Affiliate

In this example, we tested 5 different landing pages. If we check the LP

CTR, then definitely LP2 is the winner with 17.52% CTR.

But let's imagine that the CTR of LP1 is 18% and the CTR of LP2 is
17%, then this would not be a significant difference, so in this case I
would run both for another day or even two.

The other issue is that out of these 5 landing pages, the best CTR is
17.52% which is NOT that good. This number is not appropriate, so I
would get rid of all landing devices except the “best” option and add
more time to track if there is an opportunity to improve this CTR.

After finding a profitable combination of conversion and click-through

rate, you can create a very similar variable to your landing page, for
example, keep the same text and everything else, but change the images,
or vice versa, add LP variables to the flow for another split test, and track,
can you improve the LP.

From Zero To Super Affiliate



#1Test only one variable to begin with

If you are a beginner and have just started your first campaign, then I
recommend focusing on testing ONLY 1 variable.

There are many variables, and if you try to check them all at once, you
won't know which one made the change.

Firstly, you should start by testing only your offers, and when there is an
offer among them that is most suitable for you, start testing the landing
page, etc.

Try to make this as clear and simple as possible. Once you become
proficient, you will be able to perform multiple operations at once.

#2Make sure you have accurate information

When running split tests, whether it's an offer, a lander, or anything else,
make sure you're optimizing and changing material based on accurate

Therefore, you need to have enough information before making any

decision. As mentioned earlier, if the information doesn't show any

From Zero To Super Affiliate

significant differences, then that means you don't have enough

information yet and you need to test more.

#3Determine what has the biggest impact

You need to figure out what has the biggest impact and focus on that.

When testing your landing pages, it's likely that the title and subtitle will
vary at least more than the color of the CTA (action button). Therefore,
you should focus on testing the headlines on your landing page. You can
even split the test into the same landing page but with a different title. In
reality, the number of tests you can do depends on your budget. The
larger the budget, the more tests you can perform.

For example, if your budget is small, like $100-$150 per month, and you
get 100-150 clicks for it, you won't be able to run the test properly.

Therefore, in this case, you should find a cheaper traffic source or

increase your budget.

3 Variables Beginners Need to Pay Attention to

● Offerson split testing

● Split testingtarget pagesAnits

● Testingadvertising

From Zero To Super Affiliate

This again depends on your budget. There are so many products you can
test, but these 3 are the most important elements of any new campaign
you should test.

Perhaps you can only test 2-3 proposals, which is good and much better
than blindly sticking to one specific proposal.

Remember: I've mentioned many times before in this guide that spying
tools and communicating with your affiliate manager and other affiliates
on forums are very important, precisely because you will want to test
proven offers. Offers that have already been.

Additional optimization variables you can test:

● offers;

● hypotheses;

● advertisements;

● landing pages;

● site/placement identifiers;

● countries;

● devices;

● dayparting;

● offer prices.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

There are actually more, but these are the most common ones that you
should focus on in the future.

You will need to figure out for yourself which elements are most
important to your campaign, what has the biggest impact.

So the steps you need to take are::

● Come up with a plan for what you are going to do in split testing;

● Create different variations of your landing pages and ads;

● Split test offer, landing pages and advertising with Redtrack

Want to learn more tips on how to optimize your ads, landing pages, and
offer pages??
Click here, to join our premium community and get personalized help
from me and other affiliate marketers who make money online.

From Zero To Super Affiliate


To begin with, every newbie must understand that there is NO secret

affiliate marketing formula or any secret special tool that will make you

Sure, there are tools and stuff that will make your job a lot easier, like spy
tools, but don't waste your time looking for the secret formula that will
make you money.

You have to work hard and test everything for yourself.

Choosing the right offers

Many new affiliates get stuck choosing offers to start with. So they go to
an affiliate network and see that there are hundreds of offers to choose
from and basically get information overload.

In this case, they will probably choose the most popular offer on the
network, because they feel that if it is so popular that many partners will
work with it, and most likely for a good reason... for profit.

This is partly true, but on the other hand, this is a completely wrong
strategy, especially if you are a beginner and do not yet have a lot of
capital to invest.

From Zero To Super Affiliate

Because those large veteran affiliates who run these "hottest" offers, some
of them make $10,000 a DAY or even more, so they have plenty of funds
to invest. Frankly, there is no way for a newbie to compete with them.

Another common mistake newbies make is choosing offers that pay a

higher amount.

So their logic is: “Why should I choose an offer that pays $3 per lead
while another one pays $60...”

They think that the higher the offer payout, the more money you make.
This may seem logical since you are a beginner, but it is actually not true.

The reality is that you can make huge profits every day, even with an offer
that pays $0.80 per lead.

Paying out the offer is definitely not the most important thing. For
example, if a low payout offer converts well, you can make a lot of money
and get cheaper clicks. So no matter how high an offer's payout is, if it
doesn't convert, you won't earn anything.

Accordingly, you should not focus so much on paying out the offer.
Focus on split testing and learning about affiliate marketing rather than
trying to make money.

With a low payout offer, you will be able to benefit from the split test
much more than with a high payout.

For example, let's say the payout is $60 and your budget is $300, and
from that budget you get 5 conversions to get your money back. But the

From Zero To Super Affiliate

problem is how many split tests could you do with this? Or how much
information do you have with those 5 conversions? Definitely not

But let's say your offer payout is only $1 and your budget is again $300,
and from that budget you got your money back, which means you got
300 conversions. Now that's a lot better than 5 conversions with a higher
offer payout, and with 300 conversions you definitely have enough
information to make the campaign profitable and there's a lot to learn as

Therefore, you should start with LOW payout offers because you can get
a lot more exposure for your money!

Examples of such offers:

● sweepstakes;

● simple lead offer gene;

● installation of applications;

● games;

● dating, etc.

No idea about which offer is best to launch?

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Click here, to join our premium community and get personalized help
from me and other affiliate marketers who are already making money

Which countries should beginners focus on??

Well, there is no right answer to which GEO you should target.

Additionally, there are some offers that are specifically designed for a
specific GEO, for example, there are many lead generation offers such as
Auto Insurance in the USA.

However, what I can tell you, and you should keep this in mind, is that
the large 10K+/per day affiliates are competing for countries like the US,
Canada, UK, Australia, etc.

So there is a lot of competition in these GEOS and again you cannot

compete with them as a beginner.

But, fortunately, in other GEOs there is also a large volume and not so
much competition. For example, Latin American GEOs and Southeast
Asia are ideal starting points for new affiliate marketers, so I highly
recommend them.

Many lazy affiliates, especially new ones, don't want to work in

international or non-English speaking GEOs because there is significantly
more work...translating ads, translating landing pages, etc.

But in reality it is not that difficult, there are professionals who will do it
for you, at a low price!

From Zero To Super Affiliate

My favorite translation service Transey.They have been translating all

my landing pages, ads for many years now and I am very happy with

Focus on vertical and traffic source

Again, many new affiliates get stuck because there are too many options.

You need to limit yourself and focus on only one traffic source and
vertical at a time. For beginners, I always recommend starting with
mobile devices.

Mobile phone is cheaper and ideal for learning.

Another important thing is vertical.

Remember, I already mentioned how important it is to go with a vertical

that has been tested by others and you know works.

You may think that there will be a lot of competition, which is partly
true, but at least you know that the offer works because it is tested.

This way, if a proven offer doesn't work, you'll know for sure that the
problem is with your ads/landing pages, not the offer, and you can
optimize it.

Most new affiliates bounce between different traffic sources and different
verticals when they “lose” money on their first campaigns. And this is the
MAIN mistake...

From Zero To Super Affiliate

Why? Because when you spend xxx amount but are in ROI, and move to
another offer or traffic source, then you really lose that money, so don't
do it!

Instead, stick with a proven offer for at least a month to learn, optimize,
and try to squeeze as much profit out of it as possible. This way you will
learn many more skills.


● Choose offers with low payouts;

● Target less information-saturated countries(Latin America,

Africa, Southeast Asia);

● Stick to one traffic source and vertical until you master it;

● Make your plans and launch your campaign.

From Zero To Super Affiliate


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iAmAffiliate- #1 Forum for Experienced Affiliate

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Adcombo- the best COD network in the world. They

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TopOffers-the best network for offer dating.

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communication with product owners.

Clickdealer- recommended CPA network for dating, E-

commerce, sweepstakes, Nutra, mobile subscriptions,
gambling, app downloads

Verve Direct- this network is recommended if you want

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Adplexity- the best tool for spying on mobile advertising!

It is necessary to have a tool through which you can easily
load landing pages.

Taboola- an affordable and worthy alternative to native

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friendly interface.

Outbrainis a transport platform that provides a large

amount of high-quality traffic. Their easy-to-navigate app is
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MGID- their new native advertising format will definitely

help you increase your profits!

From Zero To Super Affiliate

Vistois a free spy tool that helps partners gain insight into
the latest trends in the market.


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