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Beginning (level 1-10): slowest progression

If able to connect to facebook and receive prairie do so
Level fire and wind dragons to level 4
Buy Earth Dragon and Habitat
If Prairie was not available breed Earth with Smoke/Bee until Tribal results
* Place all Salamanders, Lavas, and Dusts that may result in Earth Habitats
Once Tribal is finally bred follow instructions as if Tribal=Prairie
Once Prairie/Tribal is available breed based on this table, it will result in the highest possible
gold income until the next element is reached

Type Available Breed Spot 1 Breed Spot 2 Possible Money Where to put
Earner each

Earth Earth Bee Salamander(250) Earth

Lava(240) Earth

Water Earth Bee Salamander(250) Earth

Lava(240) Earth

Plant Plant Salamander Orange(420) Plant

Sunflower(340) Earth
Tree(270) Earth

Metal Metal Tree Venom(315) Plant

Cyborg(325) Plant
Minotaur(285) Earth
Armored(295) Earth

Energy Energy Cyborg Golden Crow(535) Metal

Honey(340) Plant
Tesla(355) Energy
UV(365) Energy

Void Void UV Aurora(615) Void

Shard(395) Void
Witch(420) Energy
Doom(430) Energy

Level Prairie as high as possible/skills may wait because waste of money at this point
Buy as many Earth Habitats as possible and upgrade to level 2 no further, fill with basic earth
dragons level 4, as time goes on replace basic earths with Lava, Salamander, Tree, Minotaur
and level these to level 7
Only buy one Wind and one Fire total
Wind and Fire habitats should be upgraded to level 5 once money from redoing campaign
matches results in about 15000 per battle for vip this is around match 35
Place Fire, Smoke, Bee in Fire Habitat
Place Wind, Prairie, Tribal in Wind Habitat
Until level 5 fire and wind habitats are possible us level 2 to hold Fire, Smoke and Wind, Bee
keeping the Prairie and Tribal in Earth Habitats which you should have lots of

Purchase sour cone only and keep farming sour cone continuously
*If continuous farming of sour cone is not possible because of short turnover time, upgrade
farms and farm Dragonlantic Berries

1.Prairie (Earth, Wind, Fire) level max 20
2.Any level max 10
3.Any level max 10

Middle(level 10-20):Should go by pretty quickly

Continue breeding according to the table
You shouldn’t be selling any dragons unless there are no possible dragons with lower income
I personally wanted one of every dragon so during this time I was trying to breed all the possible
dragons I could which resulted in lots of dragons being sold, however if the table is followed
very few dragons would need to be sold
Dragons should all be at least level 7 by now, take a break from feeding prairie to level any
dragons below 7 to 7 even if later down the line they will be sold
Also if you have dragons you know you will never get rid of (ie if you are doing one of every
dragon) level these dragons to level 10

Habitats:Preparation for the purge

In order to better prepare for endgame conditions I would advise buying no more than:
1 Fire
1 Wind
2 Water
3 Plant
5 Metal
Amount of Earth Habitats does not matter because this is set by the level cap
By level 20 you should at least have your fire, wind and 2(no more) ground habitats to level 5
while everything else is level 2
Legendary Habitats should only be purchase if you have a legendary dragon, even then I would
only really recommend it if you are able to have two legendary dragons just because legendary
habitats can only hold 2 dragons max
For purposes of progression I would not recommend trying for a legendary dragon until later on

Time to start making some real progress
The sooner this is started the faster you will be able to progress
Begin by upgrading a single farm
begin planting a single sweetroot
This process should be started once habitat limit is hit

Prairie level max 20
Any level 15
Any level 15
Once Prairie reaches 20 use remaining food on secondary battle dragons
If food still remains save it

Purge(20-25):Time to sell

During this time period it is important to get ready for the soon to come void element
Breed in this order
Energy and Plant=Honey level to 15 will be important in next phase
Energy and Metal=until UV level to 15 also will be important in next phase however no rush on
leveling the UV to level 15
Once UV is bred I would recommend
Energy with any Epics one may have available
Orange for example would result in:

Finally time to upgrade habitats and start selling excess Earth habitats that are left over
Best way I found to upgrade all habitats was to wait until I grew a level, and increased the total
number of habitats available then buy an energy habitat which I would put anything with energy
element in it. In short you will now be moving all your dragons into the best possible habitat they
can live in.
A perfect set-up would look like
Fire Habitat Ground Habitat Water Habitat Plant Habitat
Fire Earth Clownfish Plant
Smoke Lava Boiling Orange
Bee Salamander Ice Melon

Wind Habitat Ground Habitat Water Habitat Plant Habitat

Wind Prairie Cloud Seed
Dust Snow Elemental Candy
Tribal Mud Water Agave

Plant Habitat Metal Habitat Metal Habitat Metal Habitat

Sunflower Metal War Razor
Tree Toronado Venom Cyborg
Leaf Minotaur Armored Mercury

Metal Habitat Metal Habitat Energy Habitat Energy Habitat

Rust Coral Energy Eel
Regal UV Plasma Honey
Black Armor Tesla Geiger Rainbow

Energy Habitat Energy Habitat Energy Habitat Energy Habitat

Meteor Geyser Ironcast Tiger
Brick Clay Emerald Golden Crow
Lightning Ruby Banana Witch

Void Habitat Void Habitat Void Habitat Void Habitat

Void Nightshade Doom Magnet
Lumino Mist Jaws Blueflame
Rain Shard Prickly Aurora

Void Habitat Void Habitat Void Habitat

Radiant Swamp Jelly
Toxic Alien Phoenix
Storm Dracula Raganrock

It is easiest and fastest to move anything from a fire habitat out, however if you followed the
previous instructions of only having one fire and one wind habitat all should be good
1. If not start by upgrading a single fire habitat to level five and move the 3 dragons who go in it
2. Next do the same for wind
For Earth Habitat it gets a bit tricky, but the best thing to do would be to upgrade two to level 5
3. the problem with earth habitats is that you probably have been breeding earth dragons like
crazy up until this point which means the majority of your dragons are earth
● This means that you’re going to have to sell some dragons, good news though, you don’t have
to sell anything yet, just keep waiting for the habitat cap to increase with every level increase
and buy a new energy habitat
4. Water Habitats should only be relevant if you are trying to have every dragon otherwise they are
very detrimental to gold income, even if you are getting every dragon you should only have two
water habitats which should now be upgraded to level 5
5. Plant Habitats if you don’t have four by now purchase until you have 4 and then upgrade to level
6. Metal Habitats buy until you have 5, not necessary to upgrade to level 5 yet since minotaur and
Armored are still throughout your plentiful earth habitats
At this point in your journey I would recommend that all money be used on upgrading habitats
and buying energy habitats, If it is possible use 800,000 to buy a single sweetroot every two

Prairie Level 20
Any Dragon level 15 if common/uncommon 20 if epic
Any Dragon level 15 if common/uncommon 20 if epic

Once level 25 is reached:The Real Fun Begins (Skip to here if you somehow already have a
dragon with the void element like radiant for example)
Right before turning level 25 save up enough gold to buy void dragon and its habitat
After the Void has hatched level it to 15 Breed void with the honey from earlier that should also
be level 15
Breed the honey and void until a doom or Toxic is produced
At this point you decide between breeding more 4 Toxic which help speed up gameplay in the
long run or breeding a certain set of epics which will have the same effect however you will
need to breed 6 epics instead of the 4 toxic, but if you are trying to get every dragon it makes
sense to take the epic route which can be made by following this breeding setup
UV+Void until Aurora for better gold or Doom+Metal for speedier breeding
Water+Honey until Banana
Water+Doom until Jelly
Shard+Plant until Alien
Plant+UV until Golden Crow
Earth+Prickly until Swamp
Once all these have been bred return to UV+Void in order to increase income

At this point it is important to make the decision between an excess of void habitats and energy
habitats, I personally choose energy because of the decrease in price compared to void,
however in the long run void may be better, it really just depends on how often you log into the
game. I would say as a rule of thumb if you log in more frequently than every 5 hours go energy
but if you only log in once or twice a day go an even split between void and energy
Again you don’t necessarily need to sell all of the previously purchased earth habitats yet,
however at this point it becomes advantageous to sell earth habitats as long as they are
immediately replaced with an energy or void habitat, or you could just limit yourself to only
buying a new habitat whenever you level up. Rule of thumb for selling and not selling would be
how much cash you have left over buying food

At this point it is extremely necessary to make sure every farm is upgraded to level 3, before
spending money on literally anything else buy sweetroot, you won’t be able to buy a full set of
sweetroot at first, so find out how much you can buy in a day and buy it. You may be “stuck” for
a few days while everything evens out but spending all your money on food is the best option at
this point. The only exception would be buying a habitat necessary for the final collection, like
for example you only have 2 plant habitats but need 3. Other than that use all your money on

Now on to the important part where to spend all this food. If you haven’t gotten toxic from
breeding yet you can use any food you get from the farms in order to level up the lowest level
dragon you plan on keeping, if multiple dragons are at the lowest level give food to the one that
makes the most gold (ie at this point they should all be level 10 so find your highest gold
producer and level it to level 11, next find the new highest gold producing level 10 dragon and
raise that to level 11, continue this process until all dragons are level 15 or until toxic is born)
When Toxic is born every morsel of food should go to it, only exception is when a new dragon is
born level said dragon to match the lowest level of your remaining dragons only if you are going
to keep it though, otherwise any dragon that you know you will eventually get rid of leave at
level 7.

Toxic level max 60 Skills should all be level six (burnout, Infection, Pay It Forward)
Prairie level max 20
Any Dragon level max 15

One annoying part of this game is the temple system. Essentially in order to have a level 30
dragon one must first have 3 level 15s of the same type, for toxic I will assume that you already
were able to achieve this just by leveling up the dragons you plan to keep. Then in order to have
a level 40 dragon one must have 4 level 20s of the same type, heres where breeding actually
has a use besides providing an increase in income.

When you're toxic reaches level 30, the best possible combination of epics to level to level 20 in
order to unlock the next level of the temples would be
Theoretically the fastest way to do this would be to just breed 3 more toxics, however if you are
trying to complete the dragon codex I would use the following combination, breeding steps have
been placed under breeding for this section

Once all these dragons have been bred it is time to raise each one to level 20 which will raise
the level cap to 40, then use all your food to train your toxic until it is level 40 then you basically
have to rinse and repeat however now you need 5 of each type. The best way to accomplish
this would be using this set of epics, however you could just have easily bred 4 extra toxics
instead, which decreases the amount of food need to spend leaving more food for your toxic.
Golden Crow
Once all of these dragons have been raised to level 30 it is time for the final stretch
Use all food you get until Toxic reaches level 60

Endgame:Finally able to quit this addicting game

This is a look at what the best possible setup would look like

(50 level 3 habitats-X Boss habitats-Y Legendary Habitats)*3+2Y=# of dragons
Since there are only 6 available ingame legendaries I don’t believe anyone needs more than 3
legendary habitats but even then it is still a negative because they would fill up at only 30000

You should easily be able to support constant sweetroot, may even have moved on to just doing
spring cherry

Toxic level 60 maxed skills
Rust level 60 maxed skills
Storm level 60 maxed skills
Start with rust and put up stone shield
Next use storms a brewin which will ensure that the opposing team does basically no damage
Use Toxic Burnout skill to knock stone shield or vengeful sword the have set up
Rust uses restoration
Storm Uses stun
Toxic uses Burnout
After Toxic reaches level 60 it would be helpful to level another two dragons to level 60, one at a
time though because it is more efficient that way
So in order for the Temples to be unlocked most efficiently one should use this order to grow
epics to level 30
Golden Crow
Black Armor
Blue Flame

Once all of these dragons are level 30 every temple should be able to be upgraded to level 4
allowing for any dragon to reach level 60

I would say once you have a team of level 60s there is not much of a point to playing the game
anymore, I would almost argue that once you beat Heroic and get the steampunk dragon the
game is over, but I’m sure by the time anyone reaches that Gameloft will have expanded the

Final Words:
While all of this information should help you progress through the game the quickest, one bit of
information left out was the use of a legendary as opposed to toxic. Toxic was chosen for its
attack power, I personally use Phoenix as my main because its attack power is the only one
higher than Toxic’s at 70 compared to 69. However using a Legendary as opposed to toxic has
multiple advantages and only one real disadvantage which is that breeding legendaries is hard.
The advantages to using a legendary are mainly that you do not have to level up other dragons
in order to break the level limits because the temple of legends only requires one legendary
dragon. Secondly unlike toxic Legendaries are at the hands of low health, with their insanely
high stats plus their skill which basically is compounding damage legendaries are the obvious
choice for tackling the campaign. This guide could have been so much shorter if it were based
around legendaries but I understand that not everyone has had luck with legendaries. If you
were curious as to how to beat the game with a legendary basically all you have to do is feed
the legendary all your food, while maintaining as many high end habitats (energy and void) with
dragons that have both those types.
Theoretically the best gold mining island would be one completely covered in void habitats each
of which is full of Aurora’s. In my mind 3 auroras would have a higher gold output, however
maybe into the upper levels legendaries might produce more gold, I haven’t been able to look
into it.

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