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(Reading, Writing and Grammar Tasks)


Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

A Pirate’s Life: A Daring Adventure

Pirates are legendary sailors known for their daring adventures on the high seas. While today's pirates still
roam the oceans, the most famous ones lived about 400 years ago. They were fearless and would attack other
ships, seizing treasures like gold, silver, jewels, and even clothes. Pirates were indeed a force to be reckoned

A pirate ship could easily be spotted by its flag - the Jolly Roger, which proudly displayed a skull and
crossbones. These ships were typically small and agile, perfect for chasing down larger vessels. Some pirate
crews boasted as many as 100 members, making for crowded quarters indeed! Often their targets were slower
merchant ships, that stood little chance against the swiftness and ferocity of the pirates.

However, even pirate had rules to abide by, known as the Pirate Code. One common rule was no fighting
among crewmates while on board the ship. Another intriguing aspect of pirate life was their eye patches.
Contrary to popular belief, these were not just for show. Pirates wore them so that one eye would be accustomed
to darkness, aiding in navigating the dimly lit areas below deck.

Life as a pirate was far from glamorous. It was fraught with danger and hardship. Conditions aboard the pirate
ships were harsh, with the crew enduring cold and wet environments. Injuries and sickness were commonplace.
Much of this suffering was due to the food they consumed. Fresh provisions were scarce, so pirates relied
heavily on salted meats that could withstand long voyages. Their diet also consisted of hard biscuits, bone
soups, and whatever else they could pilfer from their victims.

Despite the challenges, the charm of piracy attracted many individuals seeking adventure and riches on the
high seas. For some, it was a way to escape the confines of society and live by their own rules, although at a
great risk. With their sails billowing in the wind and their Jolly Roger flying high, they would set out on
another daring raid. Their hearts pounding with excitement as they approach their unsuspecting prey.

But piracy was not all about plunder and glory. It was also a test of survival, where only the strongest and most
cunning would thrive. Each day brought new challenges, from battling fierce storms to outwitting rival pirates.
Yet, amidst the dangers and hardship, there was a sense of camaraderie amongst the crew - a friendship bound
together by their shared quest for riches and adventure.

So, as the waves crashed against the hull and the stars twinkled overhead, the pirates sailed on, their spirits
undaunted. For to them, life was not just a journey—it was a swashbuckling adventure on the high seas.

Answer the following questions:

1. Why were pirates considered dangerous?


2. Why did pirates often get sick while at sea?


3. Give two reasons why other ships didn’t stand a chance against pirates.


4. What do you think the hardest thing about being a pirate would have been? Explain.


5. Based on the information given in the passage, complete the following sentences:

i. Jolly Rodger is the name of a ____________________________________________________________

ii. As per the Pirate Code, the pirates were ____________________________________________________
iii. Pirates used to salt their meat so that ______________________________________________________

6. Write the contextual meanings of the following words/phrases from the passage.

i. attacked ___________________________________________________________________________
ii. identified ___________________________________________________________________________
iii. on-board ___________________________________________________________________________
iv. conditions ___________________________________________________________________________
v. sense of camaraderie amongst the crew ____________________________________________________
vi. sails billowing in the wind ______________________________________________________________

Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

The Incredible World of Working Dogs

Dogs are known as man's best friend, but some of them are much more than just companions—they're working
dogs with important jobs to do. These special animals are trained to assist and protect people in various ways,
making life safer and easier for many.

One of the most well-known roles for working dogs is with law enforcement. These brave canines work
alongside police officers, helping them in their duties. Some are trained to sniff out drugs or explosives,
assisting in the detection of criminals or dangerous substances. Others are skilled in tracking and apprehending
suspects, using their keen sense of smell and agility to aid in investigations.

In times of disaster, search and rescue dogs are invaluable. These highly trained dogs are deployed to find
missing persons in the aftermath of emergencies such as floods, storms, or earthquakes. Their exceptional sense
of smell and ability to navigate difficult terrain make them essential members of search teams, often locating
individuals trapped beneath rubble or in remote locations.

Service dogs play a vital role in assisting people with disabilities. These remarkable animals undergo extensive
training to perform tasks that their owners may find challenging due to physical or sensory impairments. For
example, some service dogs act as guides for individuals with visual impairments, helping them navigate their
surroundings safely. Others serve as hearing dogs, alerting their owners to important sounds such as alarms or
approaching vehicles. Additionally, service dogs can provide support to individuals with mobility issues,
assisting with tasks like opening doors or retrieving items.

To become a working dog, rigorous training is essential. These dogs must learn to remain focused and obedient
in various environments and situations. A true service dog is not only one that is highly skilled but also well-
behaved, capable of accompanying its handler anywhere with confidence and reliability.

The bond between working dogs and their handlers is truly special. Through dedication and teamwork, these
canine companions make a profound difference in the lives of those they serve. Whether it's protecting
communities, aiding in rescue efforts, or providing essential support to individuals with disabilities, working
dogs exemplify the incredible capabilities and unwavering loyalty of our four-legged friends.

Answer the following questions:

1. What are some examples of jobs that working dogs might have?

2. Why are search and rescue dogs important during times of disaster?


3. How do service dogs assist individuals with disabilities?


4. How do search and rescue dogs use their senses to help find missing persons?


5. What training do working dogs receive? Why is this training necessary?


6. In your opinion, why is the bond between working dogs and their handlers important?


7. Write the contextual meanings of the following words/phrases from the passage.

i. Companion: _______________________________________________________________________
ii. Agility: ___________________________________________________________________________
iii. Invaluable: ________________________________________________________________________
iv. Rigorous: _________________________________________________________________________
v. Aiding: ___________________________________________________________________________
vi. Essential: _________________________________________________________________________

TASK: 1 Story/Narrative (Complete the story)

Imagine that you wake up one day and find out that you have superpowers. Write a story about what will
happen to you. Which type of superpowers would you have? What would you do with it? Would you want to
keep those powers forever?

Follow the criteria carefully.

Parts of a Narrative:
- Time and Setting
- Characters
- Conflict / Climax
- Resolution / Ending
Format and parts
Relevance to the topic
Paragraphing (block format)
Spelling and Grammar

TASK 2: Story/Narrative (Topics only)

Please write a Narrative on the following topics.

1. Write a story about a magical adventure in a mysterious forest.

2. Write a story of a brave astronaut's journey to explore a distant planet.

3. Imagine you discovered a hidden treasure map. Write about the exciting quest to find the treasure.

4. Write a story about a group of friends who embark on a thrilling quest to save their town from a mischievous

5. Write a story about a talking animal who goes on an adventure to find its lost family.

6. Describe a day at a magical school where students learn to cast spells and ride flying broomsticks.
TASK 3 Recount writing (Diary entry)

1. Write a recount of your favorite family vacation or trip. Describe the places you visited, the activities you
did, and the most memorable moments.

2. Imagine you had a special day with a superhero. Write a diary entry recounting your adventure, including
the superhero's powers, the challenges you faced together, and how you felt throughout the day.

3. Recall a recent school event, such as a field trip or a sports day. Write a recount detailing the preparations,
the activities, and your thoughts and feelings during the event.

4. Write about a time when you faced a challenge or overcame a fear. Write a diary entry recounting the
experience, including how you felt before, during, and after overcoming the obstacle.

Remember to use a first-person point of view and include the date of your adventure at the beginning of your
diary entry.

Parts of a Recount Writing (Structure)

When & where did it happen?
Who was involved?
Main Body
What activity took place?
What did you learn from the experience?
What do you feel about the experience?
Use sequencing (transition)words
The sequence of events must be in chronological order
Past tense
Written in 1st person
Paragraphing (block format)
Spelling and Grammar
TASK 4: Instructional / Procedural Writing

1. How to make a delicious fruit smoothie at home.

2. How to create a homemade greeting card for a special occasion.

3. Instructions for making a healthy and tasty snack, such as fruit kebabs or veggie wraps.

4. How to perform a simple science experiment using household materials.

5. Step-by-step guide for crafting a DIY bookmark with colorful paper and decorations.

Parts of a Procedural / Instructional Text

Title (Purpose)
Materials / Ingredients
Use transition words
Should be written in steps/points
Steps must be in chronological order

Task 5: Report Writing

Write a report based on the text given in the box below. Make sure to follow the taught criteria.

Parts of a Report
- Fact 1
- Fact 2
Must contain all the parts (Format)
Support facts with evidence
Use appropriate vocabulary
Report Writing Task 1:

Imagine a dazzling underwater city teeming with colorful fish, swaying sea fans, and bumpy
corals. This isn't a scene from a cartoon; it's the real world of a coral reef! Coral reefs are like
underwater rainforests, bursting with life and playing an important role in keeping our oceans

Even though they cover less than 1% of the ocean floor, about the size of a big island, coral reefs
are like giant apartment buildings for ocean creatures! Scientists estimate that a quarter of all
living things in the ocean, that's 25 out of every 100, call coral reefs home. This makes them the
most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth - even more crowded with life than a bustling city park! One
famous coral reef, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, is a superstar in the ocean world. It provides
a comfortable home for over 1,500 different kinds of fish and 400 different types of coral, making
it a truly unique underwater metropolis.

The bumpy and colorful structures created by coral polyps, the tiny animals that build the reefs,
offer countless nooks and crannies for all sorts of sea creatures to hide, play, and raise their
young. Fish of all shapes and sizes dart between the coral branches, while shy creatures like
seahorses and crabs use the reef's maze-like structure to stay safe from predators. It's like a giant
underwater playground where everyone has a special place to live!

These underwater giants aren't just beautiful; they're also super helpful to the coastlines near
them. The strong structures of the coral reefs absorb the energy of crashing waves, preventing
them from reaching the shore and causing erosion. Imagine coral reefs as natural breakwaters,
much like the walls built around harbors to protect boats from strong waves. According to the
World Wildlife Fund, a well-developed coral reef can reduce the impact of waves by up to 97%,
making them like super shields for our shorelines!

Unfortunately, these amazing underwater cities are in danger. Pollution from things like trash and
chemicals that wash into the ocean can harm the coral and the creatures that live there.
Overfishing, when too many fish are caught, disrupts the delicate balance in the reef. Changes in
the climate, especially rising water temperatures, can cause coral bleaching. This happens when
the coral gets stressed and pushes out colorful algae living inside it, making the coral turn white
and sick. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) tells us that nearly 75%
of the world's coral reefs are threatened by these dangers.

Coral reefs are vital to the health of our oceans and the amazing creatures that live there. By
reducing pollution, fishing responsibly, and taking steps to slow down climate change, we can
help protect these underwater treasures. Just like we wouldn't want our cities to be dirty or
unsafe, we need to take care of our coral reefs so they can thrive for generations to come.
Report Writing Task 2:

The Whimsical World of Dr. Seuss

Have you ever met a Cat in the Hat or maybe a green Grinch who stole Christmas? These silly
characters come from the wacky and wonderful world created by Dr. Seuss! Dr. Seuss, whose
real name was Theodor Seuss Geisel, was a famous children's book author who filled his stories
with silly rhymes and unforgettable creatures.

Dr. Seuss wasn't always writing books for kids. During his lifetime, he wrote and drew over 60
books! That's a whole lot of stories! His books became so popular that they were translated into
more than 20 different languages, like Spanish and French. This means kids all over the world
could enjoy his silly stories! Dr. Seuss's books have sold over 650 million copies, making him one
of the most popular children's book writers ever!

But what makes Dr. Seuss really special are his silly rhymes and wacky characters. When you
read a Dr. Seuss book, the words bounce and wiggle on the page. He might use words that don't
even sound like real words, but somehow they all fit together perfectly and make you want to
giggle! Dr. Seuss also created some of the most memorable characters in children's literature.
Who can forget the mischievous Cat in the Hat, who turns a rainy day into a whirlwind of fun? Or
Horton the Elephant, who hears a tiny Who living on a speck of dust and tries to save their world!

Dr. Seuss's books aren't all just fun and games though. Sometimes, they have hidden messages
inside. For example, in "The Lorax," Dr. Seuss tells a story about a grumpy creature called the
Lorax who warns everyone about the dangers of chopping down all the Truffula Trees. This is a
clever way to teach kids about taking care of our environment! In other stories, like "Horton Hears
a Who!" Dr. Seuss reminds us to be kind and accepting of everyone, no matter how small they
may seem. And books like "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" encourage readers to be brave and
adventurous and chase their dreams!

So, the next time you curl up with a Dr. Seuss book, remember that you're not just reading a silly
story. You're entering a world of imagination, silliness, and sometimes even hidden messages
that can teach you important things about the world around you. Dr. Seuss's books are like
magical portals that take you on fantastical journeys and leave you with a smile on your face!
Task 6: Informal / Friendly Letter

Parts of an Informal Letter

Salutation / Greeting
Main Body
Signing off and Signatures
Must follow the format
Paragraphing (block format)
Use appropriate vocabulary
Relevance to the given topic
Spelling and Grammar

1. Write a letter to a friend about a fun trip you recently took or a special event you attended. Share the details
and why you enjoyed it!

2. Write a letter to a friend recommending a new and interesting book you read recently. Explain why you
think they would like it too!

3. Write a letter to a friend introducing your new pet and telling them all about its personality and funny antics.

4. Inviting a friend to a future event: Are you planning a birthday party, a sleepover, or a visit to a museum?
Write a letter to a friend inviting them to join the fun and tell them all about it!
Task 1: Types of sentences

There are four main types of sentences classified by their purpose:

1. Declarative Sentences: These sentences make a statement and end with a period (.). They are used to
inform the reader about something.
Example: Coral reefs are vital ecosystems for marine life.
2. Interrogative Sentences: These sentences ask a question and end with a question mark (?). They are used
to seek information from the reader.
Example: What can we do to protect coral reefs?
3. Imperative Sentences: These sentences give a command or instruction and often end with a period (.) or
an exclamation mark (!). They are used to tell someone to do something.
Example: Let's reduce pollution to help coral reefs.
4. Exclamatory Sentences: These sentences express strong emotions or surprise and end with an
exclamation mark (!). They are used to show excitement, anger, sadness, or other strong feelings.
Example: Coral reefs are so beautiful!

Read each sentence and add the correct punctuation mark. Then, label it: imperative, declarative,
interrogative or exclamatory.

1. The Nile River is the longest river in Africa _______________

2. Where does the Nile River begin _______________

3. Close your textbook and listen carefully _______________

4. Wow, the pyramids are enormous _______________

5. Many different animals live in the rainforest _______________

6. Can you name some rainforest animals _______________

7. Please don't litter in the park _______________

8. How amazing is the natural world _______________

9. Recycling helps to protect our planet _______________

10. Would you like to learn more about recycling _______________

Task 2: Direct / Indirect Speech.

Convert the following Indirect speech sentences into Direct Speech:

1. Sarah said she loved spending time with her grandparents.

2. The teacher told the class they would have a spelling test tomorrow.
3. My friend asked if I wanted to play catch after school.
4. John told his mom he had finished his homework already.
5. The librarian announced story time would begin in 10 minutes.
6. The baker said they were all out of chocolate croissants.
7. The students wondered if they could borrow a pencil.

Convert the following Direct speech sentences into Indirect Speech:

8. "Can I please borrow a pencil?" the student asked.

9. The baker exclaimed, "We're all out of chocolate croissants!"
10. Sarah declared, "I love spending time with my grandparents!"
11. John beamed, "Mom, I finished my homework already!"
12. The teacher announced, "Attention class, there will be a spelling test tomorrow."
13. My friend called out, "Hey, do you want to play catch after school?"
14. "Story time will begin in 10 minutes," the librarian informed everyone.
Task 3: Verb Tenses
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in the brackets. Choose from past, present, or future

1. The mail carrier usually (deliver) ______________ our mail in the afternoon, but today she (deliver)

______________ it much earlier!

2. We (plant) ______________ a bean seed yesterday. I wonder if it (sprout) ______________ by


3. My brother (read) ______________ comics every day. He has already (read) ______________ all the

ones we have at home!

4. Rain (fall) ______________ from clouds. Did you know it (freeze) ______________ into hail before it

reaches the ground?

5. We (go) ______________ to the beach next week. We (pack) ______________ our swimsuits today.

6. The chef (smile) ______________ as she (place) ______________ the cake on the table. It looks


7. My friend (write) ______________ me a letter last week. I (reply) ______________ it today.

8. Birds (fly) ______________ south for the winter. They (return) ______________ north in the coming


9. We (practice) ______________ our play every day after school. The performance (take place)

______________ next Friday.

10. The artist (paint) ______________ a beautiful picture. She (paint) ____________________________

for many years.

Task 4: Collective Nouns

Match the Collective Nouns in Column 1 with the appropriate Noun in Column 2.

Collective Nouns Nouns

Flock Ants, Bees
Herd People, Players
School Lion
Pack Musicians
Colony People
Pride Ships
Bunch Cows, Sheep, Deer
Bouquet Musicians
Team Singers
Class Fish
Crew Wolves, Dogs
Audience Flowers
Band Grapes, Bananas
Orchestra Students
Fleet Birds
Choir Sailors
Task 5: Homonyms

A homonym is like a word chameleon! It can look and sound exactly the same as another word, but they have
different meanings. Imagine you have two cool costumes that look identical, but one lets you fly like a bird
(bat) and the other lets you hit a ball (bat). That's kind of how homonyms work!

Here are some examples of homonyms:

 Bat: This can be the flying creature or the sports equipment used for hitting a ball.
 Right: This can mean "correct" or the opposite side of "left."
 Fair: This can mean "just" or a traveling carnival.
 Light: This can mean without weight or to turn on a lamp.
 Bark: This can be the sound a dog makes or the rough outer layer of a tree

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate homonym word. A hint is given in the

1. I threw away my old _____________ (sports equipment) in the trash because I wanted a new one to
_____________ (hit) the ball harder.
2. We wrote a funny story about a pirate who lost his precious _____________ (valuable items) and then
ended up finding a hidden _____________ (chest) full of socks!
3. Be careful not to _____________ (rip) your new jeans while you're playing outside. Did you see Sarah
_____________ (cry) when she tripped and fell?
4. We need a bright _____________ (illumination) to see in the dark. My friend baked a delicious cake with
a moist and _____________ (not heavy) sponge.
5. Dad told a joke about a judge who was very _____________ (just) and loved going to the county
_____________ (carnival) every year.
6. The postman delivered a letter with my new _____________ (location) written on it. The School Head
_____________ (speak to) the audience at the start of the event.
7. The chef carefully _____________ (matched) the delicious chicken with a side of steamed vegetables.
My socks always seem to disappear in the laundry, so finding a matching _____________ (two) is a
8. The loud _____________ (musical group) played all our favorite songs at the concert. We used a colorful
rubber _____________ (elastic ring) to hold all our school supplies together.
9. The scientist studied the tiny _____________ (biological units) in a microscope. My phone has a low
_____________ (battery power) signal, so I need to find a charger soon.
10. The detective followed a trail of _____________ (footmarks) to find the missing puppy. Let's make some
colorful hand _____________ (impressions) on construction paper!
Task 6: Synonyms and Antonyms

Fill in the blank with the correct synonym. A hint is given in the bracket.

1. Feeling __________(jittery) about the upcoming test, I took a few deep breaths to calm down.
2. The __________(enormous) waves crashed against the shore, leaving a cool mist in the air.
3. The soldiers built a __________ (strong) fortress that could withstand the incoming attack.
4. The lost puppy looked sad and __________(hopeless) as it searched for its owner.
5. The aroma of freshly baked cookies filled the room with a __________(pleasant) scent.
6. The __________(happy) music playing in the background lifted everyone's spirits.
7. My grandma told us __________(interesting) stories about her childhood adventures.
8. The movie had a __________ (thrilling) plot that kept us on the edge of our seats.
9. The __________(brave) firefighter bravely entered the burning building to save a cat.
10. We planted a variety of __________(vibrant) flowers in our garden.
11. The __________(smart) fox outsmarted the hungry wolf in the traditional folktale.
12. The __________(calm) sound of rain falling on the window helped me fall asleep quickly.
13. My friend offered a __________(useful) suggestion that made solving the puzzle much easier.

Fill in the blank with the correct synonym and antonym words.

1. I am glad this movie had a ___________ ending, unlike the one I watched last week. It was so _________
I almost cried. conclusion.
2. During the winter, the days are ___________ and the nights are ___________.
3. I prefer to wear ___________ clothes in the summer, but in the winter, I wear ___________ jackets and
sweaters to stay warm.
4. The classroom was quite ___________ at lunchtime, so the teacher rang the bell to make us ___________.
5. My grandma has ___________ hair, but my aunt has ___________ hair that reaches her waist.
6. The giant ate a ___________ meal, leaving only ___________ crumbs behind.
7. The ___________ sunny day made us want to go for a picnic, while the ___________ rainy day made us
stay indoors.
8. My brother is ___________ and loves making new friends, whereas I'm a bit more ___________ .
9. The ___________ runner zoomed past the finish line first, leaving the ___________ runners far behind.
10. The ___________ dog shook itself off, leaving muddy paw prints all over the ___________ floor.
11. I like to read___________ books that make me laugh, but I also enjoy reading __________ stories that
give me a little thrill.
Task 7: Similes and Metaphor

Simile or Metaphor? Write simile (S) or metaphor (M) for each sentence

1. Her eyes are like stars in the night sky. _______________

2. Jack was a caterpillar, wiggling everywhere. _______________
3. Simon was as cute as a small kitten. _______________
4. His teeth were train tracks, so straight. _______________
5. Ava was a machine at the gym. _______________
6. Sally was as strong as an ox in the wild. _______________
7. Her new car was as fast as a cheetah. _______________

For each sentence, write S if it is a simile and M if it is a metaphor.

CHALLENGE: If it is a simile, rewrite it as a metaphor, or vice versa.

1. ________ Life is a rollercoaster.

2. ___________ You are a candle in the darkness.
3. ___________ Sam’s room is a pigsty.
4. ___________ The grass field is as green as an emerald.
5. ___________ The confetti fell down like raindrops at the party.
6. ___________ The teacher was as busy as a bee in her classroom.
7. ___________ The pitcher threw the ball as fast as lightning.
8. ___________ The snow is as white as a tub of vanilla ice cream.
9. ___________ The boy is a fish.

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