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Wisdom Local Mine Around Village After Pray Day Raya Eid Fitri According to
Jean Baudrilla's Perspective

Septia Eka Putri 1 , Hafzah Umilia 2 , Rini Febriani 3 , Ira Ramadhani 4 , Reza Nugraha 5 ,
Mahatir Maksum 6 , Nadya Fillta 7
Sociology Religion, University Islam Sjech Country m Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi.

Abstract. The aim of this research is to describe the form of the Mining tradition (Searching
for THR) around the village after Idul Fitri prayers, and to describe the local wisdom values
contained in the Mining tradition (Searching for THR). This research is qualitative research
which aims to determine the form of mining traditions and describe the local wisdom values
contained in mining traditions. Not only that, this research also explains what factors support
it and also finds out what local mining wisdom (looking for THR) is. The theory used as a
tool for analysis is Jean Baundrillad's theory. This research uses interactive analysis
techniques which include data collection, data reduction, presentation and conclusions.

Keywords: People in the village, Local Wisdom

1. Introduction
West Sumatra is the birthplace of the Minangkabau people whose traditional territory
is itself is wider than the administrative area Sumatra province West today. West Sumatra
has natural beauty, beaches, hills, mountains, cultural riches, traditions and local wisdom.
Next, the West Sumatra area is in the Regency Sijunjung has local wisdom which is called
the activity of children going around the village looking for THR during Eid al-Fitr called
Local wisdom is a socio-cultural structure in the form of knowledge and norms local
community regulations and skills to fulfill the needs for coexistence passed down from
generation to generation (Hidayati, 2016: 40). Local wisdom mine This is activities that
done children in by visiting every resident's house in the area where he lives stay in touch
And hope get allowance day kingdom. Wisdom local mine

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around village after the Eid al-Fitr prayer where Implementation of local mining wisdom is
usually carried out on the first to second day of Idul Fitri.
Manambang local wisdom is local wisdom that is still preserved in several areas in
Minangkabau, including Sijunjung Regency. This local wisdom is known by various
names, such as "Mining" , "Marabana" , or "Mambang" . The meaning or purpose of
local mining wisdom This is a symbol of unity and oneness between village residents.
Apart from that, this local wisdom is a form of gratitude for the blessings that Allah SWT
has given, as well as a form of concern and solidarity towards others.
The local wisdom of the community in mining on Idul Fitri shows an attitude of
mutual cooperation and solidarity between people. People help and support each other in
seeking additional income to meet their needs during the holidays. This shows that the
values togetherness and help is still highly respected in Indonesian culture. People seeking
THR (Holiday Allowance) on Eid al-Fitr is a practice carried out by the community to help
and support each other in preparing for their needs during the holidays.
Creativity, people often show creativity in seeking THR by utilizing the potential and
resources around them. And Togetherness, People often work together in searching THR
by the way provide moral support and motivation to each other. They can also work
together in groups to achieve common goals in preparing for Eid needs.
With the local wisdom of the community in seeking THR on Eid al-Fitr, this shows
that the values of togetherness, solidarity and creativity are still highly respected in the
culture of the Minangkabau people. This also shows that people are aware of the
importance of helping and supporting each other.

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Local wisdom that has been taught from generation to generation is a culture that
should be maintained. Each region has culture as its characteristic and there is local
wisdom contained in it. Manambang local wisdom is also a means of preserving local
culture and wisdom. Where the main aim is to reconnect relations between village
residents who may not have seen each other for a year. This local wisdom is also a means
to share happiness and joy on Eid al-Fitr.

2. Method
Based on the background description above, this research was conducted in Jorong
Mangkudu Kodok, Nagari Limo Koto, Koto VII District, Sijunjung Regency. With the
subject of local wisdom, looking for THR around the village or what is known as
"manambang". This research focuses on the value of local wisdom in mining using Jean
Baudrillad's Hyperality perspective .
This research utilizes research with a literature system. Literature research is the
process of searching and researching literature by reading books, journals and other library
publications related to research topics produce writing related to a particular topic or
problem (Waruwu, 2023: 2898).
In this research, researchers used qualitative descriptive analysis techniques, which is
a research process to understand human or social phenomena by creating a clear picture
comprehensive and complex and can be presented in words, reporting detailed views
obtained from informants, so it is carried out in the natural environment (Fadli, 2021: 35).

3. Results and Discussion

Local wisdom is all forms of rules derived from good values that are believed to be
implemented and always maintained over a period of time. time Which reasonable long
(in hereditary) For group person in

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a certain environment or area that has become their place of residence (Putri, 2017: 206).
Local wisdom can be interpreted as an effort to understand humans by using reason
(cognition) to carry out an action and behave towards something, a motorcycle taxi, or an
event that is taking place in a certain space.
The definition above is arranged etymologically, where wisdom is defined as an ability
owned somebody in use sense he thought in carry out an action or behave as a result of
assessing something, an object or an event that is happening. As a term, wisdom is often
interpreted as wisdom or prudence (Diem, 2012: 300). Local means local. So local wisdom
can generally be understood to mean that local wisdom is an identity or personality of a
nation's culture so that it becomes its own character or characteristic in its society.
Local wisdom is also part of a culture that has been passed down from generation to
generation, so it cannot be separated from society, because local wisdom for them must be
preserved and developed as a cultural heritage of the Indonesian people whose society is
very diverse ( multicultural). Local wisdom is closely related to traditional culture in an
area. Local traditions that span across society are accepted and truly useful for
strengthening social cohesion, strengthening identity, solving common problems, and
advancing culture (Fadhil, et al, 2019: 342).
Local wisdom also focuses on various cultural riches that are born and develop in A
society which is known, believed, as well as recognized as important foundations that can
strengthen social cohesion in society (Maria, 2013: 1). Quaritch Wales defines local
wisdom or local genius as: (1) cultural personality, (2) a group of cultural owners, and (3)
life knowledge born from cultural personality. Local wisdom aims to increase welfare and
realize peace (Sibarani, 2013: 22)

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Like the local wisdom of mining around the village after Eid al-Fitr prayers There is in
Sijunjung Regency. Reporting from the page, in the Minang language the
word "mining" is used as an activity to seek sustenance, for example from the word mining
by becoming a public transport driver, namely in order to receive payment as a service. But
on Eid al-Fitr, the word "mining" Also used as a term for visiting activities small children
aged 7-12 years where they also accept THR at every house visited (Damar S, 2022: 3).
According to the Minangkabau-Indonesian Dictionary, the word "kaliliang" has the
same meaning as kelililing. So the meaning of "manambang Kaliliang" is generally known
by the Minang people in Sijunjung Regency as an activity of going around the village from
house to house carried out by children during Eid al-Fitr in groups, but can only be carried
out when Eid al-Fitr is over. It is a time that children really look forward to (Rusmali et al,
1985: 134).
Quoted from the news, usually, after performing Eid prayers and
enjoying ketupat curry with rendang at their respective homes, after that they agree
together and start mining through people's houses. They, in groups of 3-5 people, will go to
the houses of the people around their neighborhood to stay in touch and then will get
Money Eid. Money Which done given usually shared equally, around Rp. 2,000- Rp.
10,000 per child, the amount depends on the host .
In this activity, you don't see how much nominal money you have given, but the
feeling of happiness of receiving new money is what we have been waiting for (Putri WS,
2021: 13). This activity is also a moment for the host to share the good fortune they have
obtained with fellow Muslims. Activities This is a paradise for children because by mining
Kaliliang they can easily earn money. This activity is also a source of happiness for home
owners visited by children.

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This unique tradition is only carried out during Eid al-Fitr Of course, this is the
momentum that the children have been waiting for. On the first day of Eid until the second
day, all the people open their houses to the children who are mining, even until the
evening, unless the house is uninhabited. The whole community is enthusiastic and don't
mind if their house is visited by other people and they think that if the house is crowded
with visitors, the more respected the family will be in society, they will even offer each
other their house for the children to visit (Sari & Hudaidah, 2021: 177).
This local wisdom of mining can be seen using a perspective hyperreality Jean
Baudrillad. The term hyperreality is formed from two words, namely " hyper " and "
reality ". Hyper means beyond or more. Meanwhile, reality is defined as all circumstances,
situations or objects that are considered to actually exist in the world (Masut, et al. 2023:
307 ). Hyperreality is also referred to as contemporary culture, according to Jean
Buardrillard, contemporary culture emerged because it was caused by major advances in
technology (Suhardi & Nurhaliza, 2022: 66 ).
The local wisdom of mining that is carried out nowadays has changed from the past
when children used to come to stay in touch with the hope of getting THR. Usually THR
money is given directly in the form of banknotes, but now THR money is given in small
envelopes with various colors and pictures or known as "angpao". Angpao comes from the
Hokkien language, ang means red and pao means package or envelope (Tazkiyah, 2022:
Not only that, some hosts do not give THR in the form of money, they are replaced by
giving plastic gifts or paper bags , which is becoming a trend (Yani, 2023: 24). Usually
filled with snacks, candy, chocolate and milk boxes and so on (Pasaribu, 2022: 132). This
happens along with the development of a newer or modern culture. Condition as pictured
in on is something condition culture contemporary, according to etymology

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that is, say "contemporary" originate from two say that is co Which own meaning
together And
tempo means time.
In the 18th century, with the modernization movement which was marked by the
emergence of the British Industrial Revolution and the discovery of technology and other
sciences that rolled out on a large scale (Hanani, 2011: 115). Baudrillard developed a
theory that attempted to understand the nature and effects of mass communication.
According to him, mass media symbolizes a new era, old forms of production and
consumption have given way to a new universe of communication, a world built from
models or simulations.
The cultural value of local wisdom in mining has begun to shift due to the
development of technology (Istanto, 2000: 38). We can see that nowadays people tend to
be more interested in and apply new values which are considered more modern and
abandon old values in their area (Widiatmaka, 2022 : 143). Values wisdom local mining
This need held and preserved so that it can be known by future generations (Niman, 2019:
Contemporary itself means being current or feeling the situation of the time passed
(Vinsensius, et al, 2023: 306). Where people follow the ongoing popular culture, as they
see from social media in the form of advertisements for angpao products, paper bags .
Previously, THR was only given in the form of money, now it is given in the form of red
packets and can also be replaced with paper. bag (paper bag). This happens because giving
gifts is considered more contemporary or aesthetic ,
Popular culture is mass culture that is consumed by the general public until people
practice their culture (Prakrti, 2023: 58). This culture is better known because of the
influence of mass media and various other factors, popular culture This is important and
interesting because that is the reality of society and the way people consume this culture.
Popular culture itself involves everyday issues such as fashion, lifestyle that can be
experienced by society or a certain group of people (Shamad, 2023: 220-221).

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Baudrillard said that advertising is a human hope carried out as if manifested briefly
and over a certain period of time through reality that is produced, reproduced, and even
manipulated. As advertisements that appear on social media are more effective than any
popular philosophy in making people gain their self-image and meaning in life
(Meitikasari, 2021: 186). The facts shown through advertisements serve as guidance in
various matters; lifestyle, fashion style, healthy food, even technology (Iskandar, 2010:
Contemporary culture this is what causes it changes in the local wisdom of mining that
exists among the people of Sijunjung Regency. Local mining wisdom is now starting to
fade. The fading of this habit can be seen from the small number of children visiting or
mining in people's homes.

4. Conclusion
From the explanation above, we can draw the conclusion that the local wisdom of
mining during Eid al-Fitr is carried out on the first and second days, which is still carried
out in Sijunjung Regency to this day. However, local wisdom in mining has changed over
time. This can be seen where in the past THR money was given directly in the form of
banknotes starting with a nominal value of Rp. 2000- Rp. 10,000 per person.
Apart from that, Manambang gives the host the opportunity to share good fortune with
fellow Muslims. Apart from being a source of happiness for homeowners who are visited
by children, this mining activity is a paradise for children because they can easily mine
Kaliliang to get THR. No one left their house for meetings until evening.
However, at the present time, when viewed using Jean Baudrilla's perspective, namely
hyperality, wisdom local mining Already influenced by contemporary culture or popular
culture . This change can be seen from the provision of THR money Already packed in
form red packets various type color And the variant.

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Then giving THR Also in replace with giving gift use

papers bag ( paper bag).
Snacks, cocktails, cartons of milk and candy are usually placed in small paper bags.
Popular culture influences these changes. The influence of mass media, such as advertising
media, and other factors, make this culture better known. Just as advertising on social
media is more effective than popular philosophy in helping people identify themselves and
find meaning in their lives.
Popular culture is important and interesting because of the shape of society's reality
and the way people consume this culture. Not only that, nowadays children who carry out
the mining tradition are no longer as popular as before. The fading of local wisdom can be
seen from the number of children who visit people's homes.
Fashion, enjoyed by certain individuals or groups of people, and other everyday issues
are part of popular culture. According to Baudrillard, advertising is human hope that is
presented as if it can be realized within a certain period of time.
This contemporary culture has made a change regarding the local wisdom of mining
that exists among the people in Sijunjung district. However, this local wisdom is now
starting to fade due to the small number of children visiting or visiting people's homes.
Manambang's local wisdom also creates togetherness during holidays. People often
work together in seeking THR by providing moral support and motivation to each other.
They can also work together in groups and communities to achieve common goals in
preparing for Eid al-Fitr needs.

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