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Subject Code: BIDTK158/258 Subject Name: Innovation and Design Thinking University: VTU

Module 2 Part 2

Visvesvaraya Technological University

Belagavi, Karnataka
Subject Code: BIDTK158 / BIDTK258
Name of the Subject: Innovation and Design Thinking
Study Material Prepared By: Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam

Module 1: PROCESS OF DESIGN: Understanding Design thinking, Shared model in team-based
design – Theory and practice in Design thinking – Explore presentation designers across globe –
MVP or Prototyping.
Module 2: Tools for Design Thinking: Real-Time design interaction capture and analysis – Enabling
efficient collaboration in digital space – Empathy for design – Collaboration in distributed Design
Module 3: Design Thinking in IT: Design Thinking to Business Process modelling – Agile in Virtual
collaboration environment – Scenario based Prototyping
Module 4: DT for strategic innovations, Growth, Change, Storytelling representation, Strategic
Foresight, Sense Making, Maintenance, Relevance, Value redefinition, Extreme Competition,
experience design, Standardization, Humanization, Creative Culture, Rapid prototyping, Strategy and
Organization, Business Model design.

For More Explanation watch Video classes:
Class Videos On ‘Scientific Foundations of Health’ ‘Biology for
Engineers’, ‘Universal Human Values’, ‘Research Methodology’,
‘Engineering Chemistry’ are Available in YouTube Channel

Consolidated By: Dr. Prasad P., Please do subscribe to YouTube channel @MyIntuition4865 1
Subject Code: BIDTK158/258 Subject Name: Innovation and Design Thinking University: VTU
Module 2 Part 2

Module 2
Part 2

Real-Time Design Interaction Capture and Analysis

 Process of collecting and analyzing data on user interactions with a design in real-time.
 Includes tracking clicks, scrolls, hover actions, and collecting user feedback.

Common Examples Tools and Technologies

 Heatmap and Click Tracking Software: Tracks user interactions, creates visual representations
like heatmaps and click maps.
 User Testing Platforms: Allows designers to conduct remote or in-person user testing and
gather real-time feedback.
 Session Replay Software: Records user interactions for designers to watch and analyze in real-
 Eye-Tracking Technology: Uses devices to track users' eye movement, providing insights into
where users focus and engage.

The Purpose of Real-Time Design Interaction Capture and Analysis is to inform and improve the
design process based on real-time user behavior and feedback.

Efficient Collaboration in Digital Space:

 Creating a digital environment for seamless team collaboration and idea sharing.

Ways to Enable Collaboration:

 Project Management Software: Platforms like Trello, Asana, and organize tasks,
set deadlines, and assign team members.
 Design Collaboration Software: Tools like InVision, Figma, and Adobe XD enable real-time
collaboration on design projects.
 Video Conferencing Tools: Platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams facilitate
real-time communication and collaboration, especially for remote teams.
 Encouraging Open Communication: Foster an open and inclusive environment for team
members to freely share ideas, questions, and feedback.
 Establishing Clear Protocols: Define communication, file-sharing, and project management
protocols for effective and efficient collaboration.

Consolidated By: Dr. Prasad P., Please do subscribe to YouTube channel @MyIntuition4865 2
Subject Code: BIDTK158/258 Subject Name: Innovation and Design Thinking University: VTU
Module 2 Part 2

Benefits: Enhanced teamwork, real-time collaboration, and streamlined project management.

Considerations: Find the right combination of tools and strategies that align with your team's needs.

Empathy for Design

 Understanding and considering users' needs, wants, and experiences in the design process.

Application of Empathy for Design:

 User Research: Conducting interviews, surveys, and observations to understand users' needs,
wants, and pain points.
 User Testing: Testing the product or service with users to gather feedback and identify areas
for improvement.
 User-Centered Design: Adopting a user-centered design approach that prioritizes users' needs
throughout the design process.
 Empathy Mapping: Creating empathy maps to comprehend users' needs, wants, pain points,
and goals.

Benefits of Empathy for Design:

 Effective Products: Creation of products and services that are more effective and user-friendly.
 Meeting User Needs: Design solutions that genuinely meet the needs of the target audience.

Methods for Implementation: Incorporate user feedback, conduct usability testing, and embrace
user-centered approaches.

Tools for Implementation: Utilize empathy maps, co-creation workshops, and design sprints to
involve users in the design process.

Collaboration in Distributed Design

 Working together on a design project with team members located in different physical

Tools and Methods for Collaboration:

Consolidated By: Dr. Prasad P., Please do subscribe to YouTube channel @MyIntuition4865 3
Subject Code: BIDTK158/258 Subject Name: Innovation and Design Thinking University: VTU
Module 2 Part 2
 Video Conferencing: Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet enable real-time communication for
remote teams.
 Project Management Tools: Trello, Asana, and Basecamp help organize tasks, set deadlines,
and track progress.
 Cloud-Based Design Tools: InVision, Figma, and Adobe XD facilitate real-time collaboration
on design projects.
 File Sharing: Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive allow sharing and collaboration on design
documents and assets.
 Communication Tools: Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Chat enable real-time
communication and collaboration.
 Time Management Tools: World Time Buddy, Calendly, and help schedule
meetings and coordinate across different time zones.

Benefits of Collaboration in Distributed Design:

 Real-Time Collaboration: Enables seamless collaboration despite team members being in
different locations.
 Efficient Project Management: Facilitates organized task management, deadlines, and progress
 Global Accessibility: Allows teams to work together regardless of geographical barriers.

Challenges and Solutions:

 Communication Barriers: Use effective communication tools to bridge gaps.
 Time Zone Differences: Utilize time management tools to schedule meetings and coordinate
across different time zones.

Consolidated By: Dr. Prasad P., Please do subscribe to YouTube channel @MyIntuition4865 4

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