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Name: Anggong, Micko B.

Subject: Literatures of The Philippines

Year and Course: 1-BSE Date: January 10, 2023

Book Review of “Po-on”

by Francisco Sionil Jose

I. Introduction
The book “Po-on”. It is written by no other than Francisco Sionil Jose, and according
to The New York Times F. Sionil José was born in Rosales, Philippines on December 3,
1924. He was educated at the University of Santo Tomas. While working as a journalist in
Manila, he wrote short stories and eventually novels in his spare time. He is indeed an award-
winning filipino author who received a lots of recognition from his books and novels. This
book was originally published in the year 1984 and being republished in the year 1998 in
Solidaridad Publishing House, Inc. (Philippines). This book won in the 2001, National Artist
Award, and 2004, Pablo Neruda Centennial Award. The content of the book is divided into
two chapters, First is when they just live in the small village of Cabugaw, and in the second
chapter focusses on their lives when they escape from their miseries. The prose, character,
and settings of this novel is well executed.
II. Retell the story using your own perspective
After reading and understanding the story of the novel, there are three (3) things we
should consider to fully understand the story behind. First, is the time when did the story
happened, Second, the place where did the story happened, and Lastly, the political system
during that time. The time— time plays an important role in every decision and events.
During the time the story happened, it is Spanish colonial time where Spaniards are ruler of
the said country, so in Cabugaw. Spaniards are also the one who introduced to us the
Christianity where widely accepted by the Filipino people. And Spanish friars or priest plays
an important role here because they are the one who oppressed the Indios instead of
supporting their capabilities. This novel shows that even mostly the Spanish friars are not
good there are still some who cares, and that is Father Jose to Istak. Next is, the place where
did the story happened. The place where did the story happened is in Cabugaw of Cabugawan
in Ilokos. A rural place and the most prominent livelihood here is farming which is Istak
family’s occupation. The political system during this regime is a clear doomed kind of
governance, full of injustices especially for Filipinos like Istak. However, it is still not ethical
and just to kill a priest because of arguing, though we can’t control our anger but still it is not
appropriate to do so. The story continues with the whole family escaping like fugitives from
spanish tyranny. All of the events in this novel are fictitious.
III. Elements of Fiction

 Characters Istak Salvador -Main protagonist of the story

An-no Salvador -Younger brother of Istaquio
Ba-ac Salvador -Father of Istak
Mayang Salvador -Mother of Istak
Dalin. - Istak’s Lover
Fr. Jose - Istak’s Teacher, and mentor
Don Jacinto
Guardia Civil

 Plot
This story explores the life of “Istak” Salvador who works in the
parish run by a Spanish friar during the late nineteenth century in
Ilocos, in the Cordilleras. The friar or Father Jose is good to young
Istak and takes care of him like his own. Father Jose teaches him how
to pray, heal sickness, write and speak Spanish and Latin and how to
assist during the Holy Mass. Father Jose goes old and so he thinks that
Istak should be sent to Laoag seminary to become a priest. However,
this is during the Spanish colonization, discrimination towards
Filipinos are being are rampant, so was the discrimination towards
Istak—said he cannot enter the seminary because of his dark colored
skin and they are called “Indios”, and are not allowed to become
priests so Istak, has to go back to his family and help in his family’s
farm. Istak’s father begs the new priest to send his son to the seminary
and while they are arguing, Istak’s father kills the priest that leads
them all in miseries. The story continues with the whole family
escaping like fugitives from spanish tyranny. All of the events in this
novel are fictitious.

 Setting It is set in Ilokos in the 1880’s specifically in Cabugaw.

 Theme
The theme of this novel is a man’s tortured search for truth and faith,
the social reality in times of Spaniards Colonization, Oppression,
discrimination, and injustices.

 Point of View (POV)

 Conflict
The conflict started when Ba-ac ( Istak’s father) and the young Spanish
Friar had an argument and accidentally Ba-ac killed the priest, Then
the misery of his family started.
IV. Themes
Themes that can be seen in the novel are: Love, Oppression, and Injustices
Love, When Ba-ac picked up the leg and dropped it on Bit-tik’s plate. To his wife he
turned dourly. “Let him eat the best.”
In this scene we can see the unconditional love of a father to his children. A father’s
love to his children is an endlessly love.
Oppression, “All of you!” the priest said softly, “you were born to be like the
Carabao, to serve us. The little knowledge you got from us—it is dangerous. You will soon
imagine yourselves as Spaniards, and because you know it cannot be , you will soon be
thinking like those robbers who want the country for themselves, filibusters, rebel!. Do you
really think that the Indios are bright enough to understand the meaning of government or of
This scene where Ba-ac are kneeling to the young priest to gave them another year to
harvest because they have no place to go, However, the young priest don’t listen to him and
instead he want Ba-ac’s family to go away.
Injustices, Ba-ac said “We didn’t steal.” The young priest look at him, at the right
hand that was missing and said “I do no know Istak came from a family of thieves.
This is the social reality where still visible in our modern day, because there are
people who will judge you not knowing what is the truth just like in this case, Padre Jose
knew that Ba-ac’s family didn’t steal anything and it is because of drought the harvest lack.
But the young priest didn’t listen because he is ethnocentric kind of person.

V. Localization
The Story happened in the Municipality of Libungan. If I were given a chance to be
the protagonist of this story, To be Istak, I will still continue what Father Jose have thought
me despite of the humiliation and discrimination of my face, race and ethnicity. I will
continue my journey in the Seminar in Libungan Church. I will take this as an instrument to
put my family in a situation where they don’t need to sacrifice blood and sweat just for us to
have food in our table because we’re just a tenant family from its village in the plains of
Gumaga. The novel encompasses the story of Me— Micko Anggong and the injustices that
had befallen to My family. However, our miseries also mirrored the experiences of the early
Filipinos who are so called “Indios” I don’t accept that negative connotation. My Father—
Andres Anggong accidentally killed the young priest of our chapel which leads our family to
escape from the Municipality of Libungan and migrate at its neighboring municipality, the
Municipality of Midsayap. Here, we reconcile to our rich relatives which is Don Efren, who
help me to escape poverty. Although, my father accidentally killed the priest it is not
appropriate to punished all members of my family. In this social reality, justice should be
given equally and not just to those who are privilege.
Book review by: Anggong, Micko B. 1BSE
Mydans, S., (2022) The New York

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