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Received: 19 September 2019 Revised: 22 December 2019 Accepted: 31 January 2020

DOI: 10.1002/ptr.6646


The effects of Ginkgo biloba on metabolic syndrome: A review

Farhad Eisvand1 | Bibi Marjan Razavi1,2 | Hossein Hosseinzadeh1,3

Department of Pharmacodynamics and
Toxicology, School of Pharmacy, Mashhad Abstract
University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran The Ginkgo biloba (G. biloba), commonly known as ginkgo, brings considerable benefit
Targeted Drug Delivery Research Center,
to common medicine, including weight loss effects, as well as antidiabetic, antihyper-
Pharmaceutical Technology Institute, Mashhad
University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran tensive, and antilipidemic properties that could be effective in the treatment of
Pharmaceutical Research Center, Metabolic syndrome (MetS) associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease
Pharmaceutical Technology Institute, Mashhad
University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran events. Major compounds of G. biloba are terpene lactones (bilobalide and
ginkgolides A, B, and C) and flavone glycosides (isorhamnetin, quercetin, and
Hossein Hosseinzadeh, Pharmaceutical kaempferol). We evaluated the most relevant original articles to indicate the effects
Research Center, Pharmaceutical Technology of G. biloba on different components of MetS, including obesity, high blood pressure,
Institute, Mashhad University of Medical
Sciences, Mashhad, Iran. dyslipidemia, and hyperglycemia. Several electronic databases (Scopus, PubMed,
Email: Web of Science and Google Scholar) were searched and the articles that included
Ginkgo's effect on one or more of the criteria for MetS were selected. This review
indicated that G. biloba might be efficient in the improvement of MetS; however,
more studies especially clinical trials are needed to evaluate safety and efficacy of
G. biloba.

bilobalide, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, Ginkgo biloba, ginkgolides, metabolic syndrome

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N obesity (especially central body fatness), raised triglyceride (TG), and

hypertension (Alberti et al., 2009; Kaur, 2014). MetS has three or
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of interconnected detrimental more criteria as depicted in Figure 1 (Biesinger et al., 2016).
conditions leading to diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD) There exists a theory in pathophysiology indicating that a cascade of
(Alberti et al., 2009; P. L. Huang, 2009). These conditions include dys- reactions occurs as a result of imbalanced insulin and this, in turn, affects
glycemia, low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels, other organs (Casqueiro, Casqueiro, & Alves, 2012; Goossens, 2008).
Insulin resistance is known as the inability of insulin to inhibit liver glucose
Abbreviations: ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme; Adipo R1, lipid receptor R1; Akt, protein output and trigger glucose uptake in adipocytes and muscle cells. These
kinase B; BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure; CAT, catalase; CI, confidence interval;
CVD, cardiovascular disease; DVP-RI, digital volume pulse reflection index; DVP-SI, digital
factors finally lead to glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes mellitus
volume pulse stiffness index; eNOS, endothelial nitric oxide synthase; FPG, fasting plasma (T2DM) in susceptible people (Leroith, 2012; Reaven, 2011). Moreover,
glucose; FXR, farnesyl X receptor; G. biloba, Ginkgo biloba; GBE, Ginkgo biloba extract; GLUT4,
inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-6, or tumor necrosis
glucose transporter type 4; GPX, glutathione peroxidase; GSH, glutathione; HbA1c,
hemoglobin A1c; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HMG-CoA, 3-hydroxy- factor-α (TNF-α) that usually exist in MetS and obesity, are revealed to
3-methylglutaryl–coenzyme A; HOMA-IR, homeostatic model Assessment for insulin interfere with the receptors of insulin signaling pathway (Leroith, 2012).
resistance; hPXR, human pregnane X receptor; hs-CRP, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; IL,
interleukin; iNOS, inducible NO synthase; IR, insulin receptor; IRS-1, insulin receptor In both developed and developing countries, MetS is viewed as a
substrate 1; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LXR, liver X receptor; MD, mean major cause of morbidity and mortality (Tabeshpour, Razavi, &
difference; MDA, malondialdehyde; MetS, metabolic syndrome; NF-κB, nuclear factor kappa
beta; NO, nitric oxide; pAIx, peripheral augmentation index; PL, pancreatic lipase; PPAR,
Hosseinzadeh, 2017). The MetS outbreak around the world is within the
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor; PTP-1B, protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B; PXR, range of <10%–84% and depends on the characteristics of the target
pregnane X receptor; SOD, superoxide dismutase; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus; TC, total
population, such as gender, age, and race (Desroches & Lamarche, 2007;
cholesterol; TG, triglyceride; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor-alpha; VLDL, very low density
lipoprotein. Kolovou, Anagnostopoulou, Salpea, & Mikhailidis, 2007).

Phytotherapy Research. 2020;1–14. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1

FIGURE 1 Metabolic syndrome criteria


Herbal therapy plays a prominent role in medical treatment over the different components of MetS including hypertension, high blood glu-
world due to fewer side effects, cultural acceptability, efficacy, and safety cose, obesity, and dyslipidemia were described.
(Razavi & Hosseinzadeh, 2017; Tousian Shandiz, Razavi, & Hosseinzadeh, All electronic databases (Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science
2017). The effectiveness of medicinal herbs in the treatment of MetS has and Google Scholar) were searched thoroughly in an attempt to
been addressed in several studies. A few of these plants and their active identify in vivo, in vitro, and clinical studies on G. biloba and its com-
compounds include Nigella sativa (black seed) (Razavi & Hosseinzadeh, pounds with key words such as “G. biloba,” “ginkgolide,” “Metabolic
2014); Allium sativum (garlic) (Hosseini & Hosseinzadeh, 2015); Vitis vinif- disorder,” “Metabolic syndrome,” “Dyslipidemia,” “Hyperlipidemia,”
era (grape) (Akaberi & Hosseinzadeh, 2016); Rosmarinus officinalis (rose- “Obesity,” “Hypertension,” “Diabetes mellitus,” and “Hyperglyce-
mary) (Hassani, Shirani, & Hosseinzadeh, 2016); Berberis vulgaris mia.” Additionally, all the available articles on the effect of G. biloba
(barberry) (Tabeshpour, Imenshahidi, & Hosseinzadeh, 2017); Silybum and GBE on MetS were taken into account. Furthermore, the refer-
marianum (milk thistle) (Tajmohammadi, Razavi, & Hosseinzadeh, 2018); ence lists of the included articles were surveyed to identify addi-
Cinnamomum verum (cinnamon) (Mollazadeh & Hosseinzadeh, 2016); and tional studies. The flow chart of the search process is depicted in
rutin (Hosseinzadeh & Nassiri-Asl, 2014). Figure 2.
Ginkgo biloba (G. biloba: Syn.: Salisburia biloba, Salisburia adiantifolia)
has been known as a valuable herb for mankind more than 2000 years
and regarded as a “living fossil” (Singh, Kaur, Gopichand, Singh, & Ahuja, 1.1 | Botanical, chemical, and functional
2008). It has been used as traditional medicine and studies have indi- characteristics of G. biloba
cated its beneficial effects including anti-inflammatory, photoprotective,
hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, and antioxidant (Priyanka et al., The ginkgo tree is native to Japan, Korea, and China, distributed in
2017). The other features of the plant will be described in the following. several regions of America, Europe, the temperate areas of India,
In this review, the most related in vitro, animal, and clinical trials New Zealand, and Argentina (Belwal et al., 2019). It was introduced to
research projects concerning the role of G. biloba and GBE in cure of Europe around 1,730 and is usually planted as a medicinal plant

FIGURE 2 Flow chart of literature search showing the excluded and included studies

especially in Germany and France. The tree that exists in the Utrecht 1.5 | Therapeutic effects
botanical garden is among the first ones brought to Europe (Singh
et al., 2008). The GBE is produced from the leaves of G. biloba or maidenhair (Unger,
2013) tree which were used in ancient Chinese medicine especially for
the treatment of asthma and bronchitis around 5,000 years ago. In a
1.2 | Morphology few steps, the undesirable constituents are removed, while the effec-
tive ingredients are condensed (Yoshikawa, Naito, & Kondo, 1999).
Ginkgo is a gray-colored bark tree which can reach 30 m height with a Both the nuts and leaves of ginkgo have been used in traditional
diameter of 7 m. Young ginkgo trees are forked and have a pyramidal Chinese medicine for several centuries. The nuts are known to treat
shape. Stem dimorphism leads to long and short shoots. The female pulmonary diseases, such as cough and asthma, bladder inflammation,
tree has a wide crown and spread shape, while the male tree usually and alcohol abuse, while the leaves have usually been consumed to
has a thin column form and is faintly longer. Ginkgo is a dioecious treat skin infections and heart dysfunctions (Mahadevan & Park, 2008).
plant, meaning that male and female reproductive organs are located The useful effects of G. biloba on symptoms related to stroke,
on different trees. Young leaves are light green, whereas mature dementia, cerebrovascular disability, peripheral vascular disorders, and
leaves are dark green turning golden yellow during senescence in Alzheimer's diseases have been proved (Napryeyenko & Borzenko,
autumn (Huh & Staba, 1992). 2007; Sasaki et al., 2002) (Figure 4).
There is ample of experimental evidence that GBE has many
pharmacological effects. For instance, GBE was revealed to reduce
1.3 | Chemical constituents the risk of CVD. The other reported effects included prevention of
ischemia-induced oxidation (Akiba, Chiba, Mukaida, Tamura, & Sato,
The main constituents of G. biboba leaf extract include biflavonoids, 2004; L.-H. Fan, Wang, & Cheng, 2006), improvement in cerebral
flavonoids, terpenoids, polyprenols, and organic acids. Ginkgolides are blood flow (Mashayekh et al., 2011), hepatoprotective activity (Naik &
the primary terpenoids that exhibit the biological and pharmacological Panda, 2007; Shinozuka et al., 2002), and antagonization of the action
activities attributed to G. biloba preparations (Belwal et al., 2019). of platelet-activating factor by GBE (Cho et al., 2016).
Standard extract of G. biloba includes almost 6% terpene lactones
(2.8–3.4% ginkgolides A, B, and C and 2.6–3.2% bilobalide) and 24%
flavone glycosides (isorhamnetin, quercetin, and kaempferol) (Profile, 1.6 | Safety
2003; Unger, 2013) )Figure 3(.
Nature's Way Ginkgold is a dietary supplement manufactured The G. biloba is commercially formulated as tablets or capsules. The
by Nature's Way factory in the US and sold as a standardized European Pharmacopeia 6.1 has a monograph for GBE and the United
extract of G. biloba leaves (the G. biloba extract[GBE]761 Formula) States Pharmacopeia 32 has monographs for GBE and Ginkgo tablets
(Profile, 2003). A 27-step extraction procedure was required for and capsules (Dziwenka & Coppock, 2016). Acute toxicity studies on
GBE synthesis and one part of the extract is obtained by drying the standardized GBE showed lethal dose (LD50) values >10,000,
liquid extract for each 50 parts of raw ginkgo leaves (Mei 1,100, or 2,100 mg/kg in rats and 7,700, 1,100, or 1900 mg/kg in
et al., 2017). mice when administered by oral, intravenous, or intraperitoneal
routes, respectively (Mei et al., 2017).
The G. biloba is reported to be safe and well-tolerated in clinical stud-
1.4 | Pharmacokinetic ies; however, the extensive consumption of GBE in the elderly suffering
from some diseases such as, diabetes, rheumatism, or hypertension may
A study on the absorption of the radiolabeled GBE in rats reported result in interactions with simultaneously used drugs (Herrschaft et al.,
a minimum absorption of 60%. Since specific radioactivity in blood 2012; Ihl et al., 2011; McKenna, Jones, & Hughes, 2001). Moreover, the
peaked after 1.5 hr, the upper gastrointestinal tract was suspected ingestion of G. biloba supplements may prolong bleeding times in patients.
as a site of absorption. The pharmacokinetics of the GBE was char- Furthermore, the administration of GBE during pregnancy or breastfeeding
acteristic of a two-compartment model with first-order phase and a is contraindicated due to the lack of safety data (Mahady, 2001).
half-life of 4.5 hr. Oral administration of GBE (100 mg−1 kg−1 day−1
for 4 days) significantly increased liver CYP450 content in rats and
altered metabolism of steroids. However, it exerted no effect on 2 | P RO T E C T I V E E FF E C T O F G . B I L O B A ON
the urinary steroid profile in humans after the intake of 240 mg/ LIP I D P RO FILE T HR O UGH A D J UST I N G L OW-
day GBE for 28 days. Expired carbon14-carbon dioxides were D E N S I T Y L I P O P R O T E I N , H I G H - D E N S I TY
reported as 16% and 38% in 3 and 72 hr after oral treatment of rats LI P O P R O T E I N , A N D TG LE V E L S
with GBE. Furthermore, 29% were eliminated in feces and 21% in
the urine (Heinonen & Gaus, 2015; Ude, Schubert-Zsilavecz, & The key characteristics of dyslipidemia are TG levels, decreased levels
Wurglics, 2013). of HDL-C, and an enhancement in the levels of LDL-C. Moreover,

FIGURE 3 The structure of various compounds in Ginkgo biloba

obesity and insulin resistance are associated with hyperlipidemia L; 95% confidence interval [CI] −0.90 to −0.33), TG (MD −0.32 mmol/
(Semenkovich, 2006). Additionally, increased secretion of VLDL from L; 95% CI −0.43 to −0.20), LDL-C (MD −0.32 mmol/L; 95% CI −0.48
liver cells causes insulin resistance resulting in hyperlipidemia to −0.16), and enhance HDL-C (MD 0.26 mmol/L; 95% CI 0.15 to
(Ginsberg, Zhang, & Hernandez-Ono, 2005). 0.37), compared to statins therapy alone (Y. Fan et al., 2018).
The GBE is revealed to have a multidirectional impact on the lipid As anticipated, a high-fat dietary intake significantly elevated
profile of rat metabolome through the exertion of regulatory effect on levels of plasma TG, whereas GBE treatment improved hyperglycemia
the profiles of polyunsaturated fatty acid, limitation in the absorption caused by high-fat diet. It was reported that GBE treatment did not
of cholesterol, and deactivation of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl– change levels of plasma TG, while phospholipids were slightly ele-
coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) (Zhang et al., 2009) )Table 1). vated at the higher dose of GBE 761(Drieu et al., 2000; Tanaka, Han,
A meta-analysis study indicated that adjuvant therapy with Zheng, & Okuda, 2004). In another study conducted on male rabbits,
G. biloba appears to ameliorate TC (mean difference [MD] −0.61 mmol/ G. biloba (10 mg−1 kg−1 day−1) treatment remarkably lowered plasma

FIGURE 4 The effects of Ginkgo biloba on various organs of the body. CVD: cardiovascular disease; CYP450: cytochrome P-450

TG and cholesterol, while it increased HDL-C, compared to the overweight rats fed on high-fat food diet. In related research con-
untreated group. Moreover, G. biloba was found to decrease MDA ducted on high-fat diet-fed rats for 8 week with a 2-week administra-
levels and increase GSH levels of aortic tissue (Hussein et al., 2017). tion of a 500 mg/kg of GBE, GBE treatment was revealed to reduce
The results of another experiment carried out on male rats gavaged both body weight gain and food/energy intake, in contrast to the
with ethanol 2.4 g/kg for 3 months and pretreated with a daily dose untreated rats. The food intake evaluation was calculated by the dif-
of GBE 48 or 96 mg/kg indicated that intake of ethanol caused a ference between the amount of meal offered and the residual volume
time-dependent rise in plasma LDL-C, TC, TG, and MDA levels, and after 24 hr. Since the environmental conditions have been similar,
reduced the ratio of HDL-C/TC. In this study, the ethanol group rats reducing food intake could be considered as GBE consumption. More-
received 2.4 g/kg (30%, v/v, 10 ml/kg) ethanol 1 hr after ingestion of over, a considerable increase was reported in lipid receptor R1 (Adipo
normal saline (10 ml/kg) and GBE groups received EGB 48 mg/kg and R1), insulin receptor (IR), IL-10 gene expressions, and protein kinase B
96 mg/kg 1 hr prior to administration of ethanol 2.4 g/kg. Prophylac- (Akt) phosphorylation which can stimulate insulin signaling cascade.
tic treatment with GBE (48 and 96 mg/kg) especially in high doses sig- On the other hand, TNF-α levels and NF-κB p65 phosphorylation
nificantly elevated HDL-C amount, and normalized peroxidation, as were obviously decreased. The adverse effects of the excessive con-
well as unusual lipid index in comparison with rats fed with ethanol sumption of high-fat diets may be reduced by the anti-inflammatory
(Yao et al., 2007). effect of GBE through the reduction of TNF-α retroperitoneal fat
Accordingly, it can be inferred that GBE has an adjusting effect depot levels (Hirata et al., 2015). All of the biflavones in G. biloba,
on LDL, HDL, and TG levels. Moreover, it can prevent oxidative dam- including ginkgetin, sciadopitysin, isoginkgetin, and bilobetin, dis-
age and metabolites of lipid peroxidation, such as MDA (Figure 5). played strong to medium inhibitory effects on pancreatic lipase
(PL) with the half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) range of
2.90 μM to >12.78 μM. These results provided further evidence on
3 | P R O T E C T I V E E F F E C T O F G. BIL O BA O N the effects of G. biloba on obesity, while inhibitory effects of G. biloba
O B E S I T Y TH R O U G H I N C R E A S E D E N E R G Y on PL could serve as lead compounds for the expansion of
CONSUMPTION AND DECREASED FOOD biflavonoid-type inhibitors for PL (Liu et al., 2018). In a study con-
INTA KE ducted by Banin et al. (2014), GBE was reported to decrease obesity
and food intake, while it preserved dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia in
High-fat foods contribute directly to obesity pathogenesis since it overweight rats fed on fatty foods. Furthermore, GBE increased insu-
changes central nervous system control of peripheral metabolism and lin sensitivity in contrast to rats gavaged with saline, while it repaired
food intake resulting in enhanced insulin resistance, body weight gain, insulin-induced Akt phosphorylation, decreased PTP-1B levels, and
and other metabolic disorders (Buettner, Schölmerich, & Bollheimer, increased IRS-1 in gastrocnemius muscle. Akt phosphorylation is a
2007; Jiang et al., 2005). It was anticipated that one-third of the necessary stage needed for GLUT4 translocation to the cytomem-
world's population will be obese in 2030 (Knaapen et al., 2013). brane and finally for the ability of tissue to glucose uptake. Addition-
The association of obesity with chronic diseases, such as insulin ally, PTP-1B was revealed to be associated with reduced IR tyrosine
resistance, Type2 diabetes, and subclinical inflammation, has caused phosphorylation and subsequently, insulin signaling defect (Banin
widespread concern over the prevalence of obesity (Federico et al., et al., 2014). The effect of ginkgolide Bon hepatic steatosis and body
2010).The GBE was found to successfully decrease body weight in weight in obese C57BL/6 male high-fat diet-fed mice, indicated that
TABLE 1 Summary of the effects of Ginkgo biloba in metabolic syndrome

effects Compound Study protocol Results References

Hypolipidemic GBE (40 mg/kg) In vivo, rats (p.o single dose) #TC, #LDL, "HDL, "activity of LPLand HL, (Zhang et al., 2009)
effects GBE 761(50 and 100 mg/kg) In vivo, rats (p.o for 10 days) "PUFAs, #SI, "phospholipids, improved (Drieu et al., 2000)
response to oxidative damage
GBE (48 and 96 mg/kg) In vivo, rats (p.o for 90 days) prophylactic "HDL-C, #TG, #LDL, #MDA (Yao et al., 2007)
GBE (10 mg−1 kg−1 day−1) In vivo, rabbits (p.o for 6 weeks) #TC, #TG, "HDL-C, #MDA, "GSH (Hussein, Assad, & Rabeea, 2017)
A variety of doses Human patients #TG, #TC, #LDL-C, "HDL-C (Y. Fan, Jin, Man, & Gong, 2018)
Antiobesity GBE (500 mg/kg) In vivo, rats (p.o for 14 days) #food/energy intake, #BW, "adipo R1 and (Hirata et al., 2015)
effects IL-10 gene expressions, "IR and Akt
phosphorylation, #NF-κB p65
phosphorylation, #TNF-α levels
GBE (500 mg/kg) In vivo, rats (p.o for 14 days) #food/energy intake, "insulin sensitivity, (Banin et al., 2014)
"Akt phosphorylation, "IRS-1, #PTP-1B
levels in gastrocnemius muscle
Ginkgolide B 0.1% (w/w) or 0.1 g/100 g In vivo, C57BL/6 mice (p.o for 7 weeks) "mRNA expression of PXR (Luo et al., 2017)
Ginkgolide C (3–100 μM) In vitro, HepG2 hepatocytes #lipid accumulation, "mRNA expression of (W.-C. Huang, Chen, Liu, Wu, & Liou,
ATL, "lipolysis 2018)
Isoginkgetin, bilobetin, ginkgetin and In vitro, pancreatic lipase Inhibit pancreatic lipase (Liu et al., 2018)
sciadopitysin (2.90 μM to 12.78 μM)
Hypotensive GBE (0.05%–0.5%) In vivo, rats (p.o for 30 days) #SBP, "endothelial intracellular Ca2+ level (Kubota et al., 2006a)
effects GBE(0.5%) In vivo, rats (p.o for 24 days) #SBP (Kubota et al., 2006b)
GBE 761 (60 and 120 mg/kg) In vivo, rats (p.o for 3 weeks) #BP, Antithrombotic, Antioxidant effects, (Sasaki et al., 2002)
"expression of eNOS, mRNA
GBE 761 (100 mg−1 kg−1 day−1) In vivo, rats (p.o for 12 weeks) #BP, "mRNA eNOS expression, "protein (Abdel-Zaher, Farghaly, El-Refaiy, &
expressions of iNOS, TNF-α, IL-6 and Abd-Eldayem, 2017)
IL-1β in the kidney, #MDA, #nitrite levels,
GBE (0.03 to 3 mg/ml) terpenoids (0.1 to In vitro, rat aorta ring strips Vasorelaxation (Nishida & Satoh, 2004)
100 μmol/L) flavonoids (0.1 to 100 μmol/
Gibidyl forte® Human, healthy(p.o for 6 weeks) Dilate forearm blood vessels without (Mehlsen, Drabaek, Wiinberg, &
changing blood pressure Winther, 2002)
GBE(60 mg/day) Human, healthy(p.o single dose) #BP (Keheyan, Dunn, & Hall, 2011)
GBE (240 mg/day) Human, elderly men and women Not reduce BP (Brinkley et al., 2010)

TABLE 1 (Continued)

effects Compound Study protocol Results References
Antidiabetic GBE 761 (50 mg−1 kg−1 day−1) or bilobalide In vivo, rats (p.o for 15 days) "glucose uptake, "glycogen content (Rapin, Yoa, Bouvier, & Drieu, 1997)
effects (2 mg−1 kg−1 day−1)
GBE (100, 200 and 300 mg/kg) In vivo, rats (p.o for 30 days) #FBG, "SOD, GSH-Px and CAT activity, (Cheng, Liang, & Li, 2012)
"GSH "insulin expression "insulin
sensitivity "glucose consumption
Ginkgolide B (5 mg−1 kg−1 day−1) In vivo, rats (p.o for 8 weeks) Vasorelaxation "SOD and eNOS activities, (G. G. Wang, Chen, Li, Lu, & Zhao,
"H2S production, #MDA, "mRNA, 2015)
expression of GPX1, "protein expressions
of CBS and CGL
Bilobalide (10, 20 & 50 μM) In vitro, 3 T3-L1 preadipocytes #NF-κB/JNK activation, #adipokine (Priyanka et al., 2017)
secretion, "Adiponectin
GBE (10 mg/L) In vitro, hepatocyte L-02 cells Prevent hepatic insulin resistance "IRS-2 (Zhou, Meng, Qian, & Yang, 2011)
expression, #SRBEP1c expression
Green tea GBE Human, T2DM patients (p.o for 9 and #HbA1c (Lasaite, Spadiene, Savickiene, Skesters,
18 months) & Silova, 2014)
GBE(120 mg/day) Human, T2DM patients(p.o for 90 days) #HbA1c, #FBG, #plasma insulin, levels, (Aziz et al., 2018)
#BMI, #waist circumference, #VAI
GBE(120 mg/day) Human, normal glucose-tolerant individuals #SBP, "FI, "C-peptide (Kudolo, 2000)
(p.o for 90 days)
GBE(120 mg/day) Human, non-insulin-dependent diabetes "C-peptide, #plasma insulin levels, (Kudolo, 2001)
mellitus (NIDDM) (p.o for 90 days) "pancreatic β-cell function

Abbreviations: ", increase; #, decrease; ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme; Akt, protein kinase B; ATL, adipose triglyceride lipase; BP, blood pressure; BW, body weight; CAT, catalase; CBS, cystathionine β
synthetase; CGL, cystathionine γ lyase; eNOS, endothelial NO synthase; FBG, fasting blood glucose; FI, fasting insulin; FPG, fasting plasma glucose; GPX1, glutathione peroxidase 1; GSH, glutathione; GSH-Px,
glutathione peroxidase; HbA1c, hemoglobin A1c; HL, hepatic lipase; IL-10, interleukin- 10; IR, insulin receptor; IRS-1, increased insulin receptor substrate 1; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LPL,
lipoprotein lipase; MDA, malondialdehyde; PL, pancreatic lipase; p.o., per os (orally); PPARγ, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ; PTP-1B, protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B; PUFAs, polyunsaturated fatty
acids; PXR, pregnane X receptor; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SI, saturation index; SOD, superoxide dismutase; SREBP, Sterol regulatory element-binding protein; TC, total cholesterol; TG, triglyceride; TNF-α,
tumor necrosis factor; VAI, visceral adiposity index.

FIGURE 5 Pharmacological effects of Ginkgo biloba and its related mechanisms

ginkgolide B (orally, 0.1% [w/w] daily for 7 weeks) activated hPXR in a health challenge, which can cause major complications such as
dose-dependent activity, although it did not alter PPARα, PPARβ, chronic heart failure, stroke, and acute coronary syndromes (Sliwa,
PPARγ, farnesyl X receptor (FXR), as well as liver X receptor (LXR)α, Stewart, & Gersh, 2011). The mechanisms of pathophysiology in this
and LXRβ trans-activities. Furthermore, ginkgolide B decreased levels disorder include such factors as inflammation, renin-angiotensin sys-
of plasma TG and body weight, and improved hepatic steatosis. This tem, autoimmune vascular dysfunction, and oxidative stress (Konta
investigation reported that ginkgolide B enhanced the mRNA expres- et al., 2014; Mykkänen et al., 2014). It has been claimed that the
sion of pregnane X receptor (PXR) genes in diet-induced obesity in MetS is present in up to one third of high-blood pressure patients.
mouse liver (Luo et al., 2017). In an in vitro study conducted on Blood pressure levels are related to insulin resistance and visceral
HepG2 liver cells, 3–100 μM ginkgolide C significantly reduced obesity, which are the main pathophysiological characteristics under-
lipid accumulation in HepG2 cells in 1 day. Moreover, ginkgolide C lying the MetS (Yanai et al., 2008). However, some of the patients
increased the hormone-sensitive lipase phosphorylation level and the with hypertension have turned to traditional medicine (J. Wang &
expression of adipose TG lipase to elevate the TG decomposition. The Xiong, 2012) for an improvement in clinical outcome regarding blood
current study indicated that ginkgolide C increased lipolysis and pressure (BP) reduction and uncontrolled BP-associated symptoms,
decreased lipid accumulation through the SIRT1–AMPK cascade in including fatigue, headache, and dizziness, with low side effects
fatty liver induced by oleic acid (W.-C. Huang et al., 2018). (Mansoor, 2001).
Based on available evidence, anti-obesity mechanisms of GBE The G. biloba hypotensive effects have been reported in several
increases energy expenditure and decreases food intake. On the other animal models. In a study on the effects of daily long-term oral use of
hand, it increases the sensitivity of different cells (e.g., muscle cells GBE on BP (containing 0.05%–0.5% ginkgo for 1 month), the G. biloba
and adipocytes) to insulin resulting in energy consumption. significantly decreased systolic BP in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Furthermore, this treatment significantly elevated acetylcholine-
induced maximal relaxation and diminished the EC50 value (Kubota
4 | P R O T E C T I V E E F F E C T O F G. BIL O BA O N et al., 2006b).
HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE THROUGH Another study conducted on hypertensive Dahl rats revealed
E N H A NC E D E X P R E S S I O N O F E N D O T H E L I A L that the GBE diet did not alter the heart rate; however, it signifi-
NOS mRNA cantly reduced systolic BP. The rats were given an 8.0% NaCl plus
0.5% GBE diet or an 8.0% NaCl diet for 24 days (Kubota et al.,
Hypertension is a chronic disease (Lopez-Carreras, Fernandez- 2006a). Thereafter, terpenoids (bilobalide, ginkgolides A, B, and C)
Vallinas, Miguel, & Aleixandre, 2014) and a major worldwide public- (0.1 to 100 μmol/L), GBE (0.03 to 3 mg/ml), and flavonoids

(quercetin and rutin) (0.1 to 100 μmol/L) were separately tested 5 | P RO T E C T I V E E FF E C T O F G . B I L O B A ON

using rat aorta ring strips (isolated aorta). A vasorelaxant effect was HI GH GLUC OSE L EV EL THROU GH
observed in all the constituents of GBE but the percentage contri- ELEVATION OF GLUCOSE UPTAKE AND
bution of GBE-induced vasodilation is complicated (Nishida & Satoh, C O N S U M P T I O N , A S W E LL A S I N S U LI N
2004). In another study performed on rats with damaged kidney, SENS ITIVI TY
the hypotensive and renoprotective effects of GBE 761 were
reported through the inhibition of renal NO overproduction, as well Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a worldwide complicated disease with a
as reduction in TNF-α and IL-6 levels in kidney tissues (Abdel-Zaher global outbreak of 366 million people in 2011 and is anticipated to
et al., 2017). rise to 552 million by 2030 (Whiting, Guariguata, Weil, & Shaw,
In addition, the results of an experiment on stroke-prone spon- 2011). The DM is a metabolic disorder with several etiologies, includ-
taneously hypertensive rats signified that GBE 761 (orally, 60 and ing chronic high glucose level, as well as abnormalities of protein, lipid,
120 mg/kg daily for 21 days) reduced BP and mediated strong anti- and carbohydrate metabolism resulting from deficient insulin action,
thrombotic and antioxidant effects. Moreover, these results indi- insulin secretion, or both (Nayak & Roberts, 2006).
cated that urinary NO metabolites and nitrite/nitrate were visibly Several in vivo studies denoted the antidiabetic effect of GBE.
elevated after GBE 761 treatment. Furthermore, the mRNA expres- Accordingly, the oral administration of GBE 761 significantly elevated
sion of endothelial NOS (eNOS) in the GBE 761 group (120 mg/kg) the levels of muscle and liver glycogen, and moderately decreased the
was notably greater, compared to the control group (Sasaki suppression of glucose usage in streptozotocin-induced T2DM rats.
et al., 2002). Rats received oral administration of GBE 761 (50 mg−1 kg−1 day−1)
In a clinical study on the effect of GBE (Gibidyl Forte containing for 15 days. The GBE 761 effects might be attributed to its free radi-
2.4 mg terpen lactones and 9.6 mg ginkgoflavon glucoside per tablet) cal scavenging activity against streptozotocin cytotoxic function
on forearm hemodynamics in 16 healthy people (orally, for 6 weeks) (Rapin et al., 1997). Additionally, the antidiabetic effect of GBE as an
indicated that oral treatment with GBE could cause vasodilation in adjuvant therapy to metformin was studied in a clinical investigation.
forearm blood vessels and increase regional blood flow without alter- In a randomized, multicenter, and double-blinded study in 60 T2DM
ation in the BP level (Mehlsen et al., 2002). subjects, the patients were randomly assigned into two groups (GBE
In another clinical pilot investigation, the cardiovascular risk fac- 120 mg/day or placebo [starch] 120 mg/day) for 3 months. The GBE
tors and homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance was revealed to markedly reduce FPG, insulin levels, blood HbA1c,
(HOMA-IR) were assessed in patients with MetS treated with waist circumference, BMI, and visceral adiposity index (Aziz
G. biloba (240 mg/day) for 60 days. The results demonstrated that et al., 2018).
G. biloba decreased IL-6, hs-CRP, HOMA-IR, and reduced CVD total Furthermore, in a clinical study, 56 T2DM patients were randomly
mortality risk (Siegel, Ermilov, Knes, & Rodríguez, 2014). received GBE, placebo capsules, or green tea dry extract for
In a randomized controlled crossover trial study, reflection index 18 months (in the first 9 months patients used two capsule per day,
(DVP-RI), stiffness index (DVP-SI), and peripheral augmentation and in the second 9 months, three capsules per day). GBE capsules
index (pAIx) were measured by monitoring the digital volume pulse. contain 80 mg of standardized dry extract of G. biloba leaves. The
The radial pulse wave was recorded at the baseline, as well as GBE was revealed to stimulate insulin secretion and decrease HbA1c
120, 240, and 360 min after administration of GBE (240 mg/day). It level among the GBE group. Additionally, the perceptions of stress
was denote that DVP-SI was slightly higher 120 min after GBE treat- levels were significantly reduced after 9 months (p = .038) and
ment, compared to control group, while such factors as heart rate 18 months (p = .030). In all three groups, the psychological well-being
and blood pressure were not affected by GBE exposure (Keheyan and quality of life significantly improved after using GBE for
et al., 2011). However, in another study G. biloba did not decrease 18 months (p = .019) (Lasaite et al., 2014).
BP or the hypertension occurrence among the elderly. Three thou- In another study, diabetes was induced by the injection of
sand and sixty nine people (mean age 79 years and 54% male) that streptozotocin (60 mg/kg b.w.) intraperitoneally in male rats. The
participated in this clinical trial were hypertensive (54%), pre- administration of GBE (100, 200, and 300 mg/kg) for 1 month
hypertensive (28%), and normotensive (17%). It should be consid- enhanced the CAT, SOD, GPX activity, and GSH level in the pancreas
ered that the age of the population could be an important factor in and liver of diabetic rats. Furthermore, the reduction of blood glucose
the lack of GBE hypotensive effects. Indeed, it is possible that was revealed to be dose- and time-dependent (Cheng et al., 2012).
enhanced aortic hardness may decrease the antihypertensive effects It was suggested that bilobalide protected lipid cells from oxygen
of GBE (Brinkley et al., 2010). deficiency-induced insulin resistance and inflammation by improving
According to these studies, NO decreases blood pressure by secretion of adiponectin, reducing inflammatory adipokine secretion,
dilating blood vessels and GBE hypotensive effect can be due to inhibiting serine phosphorylation of IRS-1 receptors of insulin signal-
enhancement of eNOS expression and NO production. Further- ing cascade, and lowering NF-κB/JNK activation (Priyanka
more, Ginkgo enhanced the elevation of the endothelial intracellular et al., 2017).
Ca2+ level and endothelium-dependent vasodilation that led to The results of a research on male Sprague–Dawley rats signified
hypotension. that ginkgolide B(orally, 5 mg−1 kg−1 day−1 for 8 weeks) improved

acetylcholine vasorelaxation and phenylephrine vasoconstriction. In OR CID

addition, it restored SOD and eNOS activities, as well as H2S pro- Farhad Eisvand
duction, and decreased MDA level. Moreover, ginkgolide B Bibi Marjan Razavi
enhanced lessened nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate Hossein Hosseinzadeh
oxidase subunits and GPX1 protein expression, as well as the
expression of cystathionine β-synthetase and cystathionine γ-lyase RE FE RE NCE S
protein (G. G. Wang et al., 2015). Abdel-Zaher, A. O., Farghaly, H. S. M., El-Refaiy, A. E. M., & Abd-
Kudolo suggested that a 90 day-administration of GBE (120 mg, Eldayem, A. M. (2017). Protective effect of the standardized extract of
Ginkgo biloba (EGb761) against hypertension with
single-dose, orally) enhanced the function of pancreatic β-cell. This
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effect was time-and dose-dependent. Diminution of blood glucose underlying mechanisms. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 95, 944–955.
can be attributed to either enhanced plasma insulin level in diabetic
rats, increasing blood glucose transport to peripheral tissue or the Akaberi, M., & Hosseinzadeh, H. (2016). Grapes (Vitis vinifera) as a poten-
tial candidate for the therapy of the metabolic syndrome. Phytotherapy
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islets (Kudolo, 2000, 2001). Akiba, S., Chiba, M., Mukaida, Y., Tamura, A., & Sato, T. (2004). The leaf
It is suggested that GBE enhanced sensitivity to insulin principally extract of Ginkgo biloba L. suppresses oxidized LDL-stimulated fibro-
by increasing transcription of IR substrate 2 and inhibiting insulin nectin production through an antioxidant action in rat mesangial cells.
British Journal of Pharmacology, 142(3), 419–424.
resistance (Zhou et al., 2011).
Accordingly, it could be concluded that the use of GBE not only
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increases glucose uptake and consumption, and insulin sensitivity but Donato, K. A., … Smith, S. C. (2009). Harmonizing the metabolic syn-
also decreases FPG and HbA1c. In addition, GBE elevates the GSH drome. Circulation, 120(16), 1640–1645.
level in the liver and pancreas and prevents oxidative stress. Aziz, T. A., Hussain, S. A., Mahwi, T. O., Ahmed, Z. A., Rahman, H. S., &
Rasedee, A. (2018). The efficacy and safety of Ginkgo biloba extract as
an adjuvant in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients ineffectively managed
with metformin: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.
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The use of medicinal plant products and supplements has dramatically
Clemente, A. P. G., Dornellas, A. P. S., … Telles, M. M. (2014). Benefi-
increased during last decades. Some herbs are currently applied for cial effects of Ginkgo biloba extract on insulin signaling cascade, dys-
the treatment of diabetes and CVD. In the light of abundant evidence, lipidemia, and body adiposity of diet-induced obese rats. Brazilian
the health benefits of plants are ascribed to their bioactive constitu- Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 47, 780–788.
Belwal, T., Giri, L., Bahukhandi, A., Tariq, M., Kewlani, P., Bhatt, I. D., &
ents, such as polyphenols, terpenoids, and alkaloids exerting several
Rawal, R. S. (2019). Chapter 3.19—Ginkgo biloba. In S. M. Nabavi &
physiological effects on human body. in vitro and in vivo studies dem- A. S. Silva (Eds.), Nonvitamin and nonmineral nutritional supplements
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Badger, R., & Jalili, T. (2016). A combination of isolated phytochemicals
G. biloba regulates fatty acid profile by lowering the levels of LDL and
and botanical extracts lowers diastolic blood pressure in a randomized
TG and increasing the levels of HDL in blood. The GBE also decreases controlled trial of hypertensive subjects. European Journal of Clinical
BP through increasing the expression of eNOS. Furthermore, it Nutrition, 70(1), 10–16.
reduces blood glucose by increasing glucose consumption and insulin Brinkley, T. E., Lovato, J. F., Arnold, A. M., Furberg, C. D., Kuller, L. H.,
Burke, G. L., … Williamson, J. D. (2010). Effect of Ginkgo biloba on
blood pressure and incidence of hypertension in elderly men and
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women. American Journal of Hypertension, 23(5), 528–533. https://doi.
able articles. However, only articles written in English were reviewed, org/10.1038/ajh.2010.14
and articles in other languages (especially Chinese) were excluded that Buettner, R., Schölmerich, J., & Bollheimer, L. C. (2007). High-fat diets:
this elimination imposed a limitation on the current study. Modeling the metabolic disorders of human obesity in rodents. Obe-
sity, 15(4), 798–808.
It is suggested that further studies be conducted to demonstrate
Casqueiro, J., Casqueiro, J., & Alves, C. (2012). Infections in patients with
the mechanism of action of GBE at the molecular and cellular levels. diabetes mellitus: A review of pathogenesis. Indian J Endocrinol Metab,
Furthermore, small sample size was a limitation to reach a valid con- 16(Suppl1), S27.
clusion. Accordingly, the conduction of studies with larger sample size Cheng, D., Liang, B., & Li, Y. (2012). Antihyperglycemic effect of Ginkgo
biloba extract in streptozotocin-induced diabetes in rats. BioMed
would produce more reliable results. Furthermore, due to the limited
Research International, 2013, 162724.
studies performed on G. biloba compounds in isolation and their Cho, K. S., Lee, I. M., Sim, S., Lee, E. J., Gonzales, E. L., Ryu, J. H., …
effects on MetS, it is suggested that these compounds be separated Han, S.-H. (2016). Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761 ®) inhibits
and used in in vivo and in vitro studies. glutamate-induced up-regulation of tissue plasminogen activator
through inhibition of c-Fos translocation in rat primary cortical
neurons. Phytotherapy Research, 30(1), 58–65.
CONF LICT OF IN TE RE ST 1002/ptr.5500
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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