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Guide to
Getting consistent high-quality
images in Midjourney is tough...

Because it’s a very powerful tool.

And it listens to YOU.

So if you’re prompts don’t make sense.

The image won’t make sense.


What you really need is some structure.

Having structure will help...

Generate high-quality images.


Let‘s dive in.

First we‘ll take a look at (2) prompts.

One that‘s completely random.


One that‘s structured.

Here‘s the prompts we‘ll use:

Without Structure: insane photo of a foggy fall

landscape and a rock climber scaling a mountain --s

With Structure: insane rock climber scaling a mountain,

beautiful Norge landscape, vibrant fall colors, Leica
M10-R, moderate depth of field, foggy morning,
cinematic lighting --s 225
Prompt: insane photo of a foggy fall landscape and a rock climber scaling a
mountain --s 225
Cool...but...It’s definitely Ai.

The landscape is nice...but it falls flat.

Prompt: insane rock climber scaling a mountain, beautiful Norge landscape, vibrant fall
colors, Leica M10-R, moderate depth of field, asymmetrical compostion, foggy morning,
cinematic lighting --s 225
Much better.

We’ve added direction, sharpness, definition,

depth, and texture.
Notice the difference?

A few details = big changes.

But why?

Let’s keep going...

Unstructured. Structured.
Unstructed Prompt Details.
Unstructured Prompt: insane photo of a foggy fall
landscape and a rock climber scaling a mountain --s

Prompt Details Included:

Medium (Photography): Insane photo.

Environment: Foggy fall landscape.
Subject: Rock Climber.
Details/Action: Scaling a mountain.

What it doesn’t have:

Photography (Medium) Elements.

Composition Direction.
Lighting Direction.

But why is that important?...

If you don‘t include certain elements...

Midjourney will fill in the blanks.

And you lose control of the output.


Let’s look at restructuring this prompt.

Here’s my typical prompt structure:

[Subject], [Action/Details], [Environment/Setting],

[Medium Details], [Composition], [Time of
Day/Lighting] --[Parameters]

Because I have structure...

Now I can just fill in the blanks.

Strucuted Prompt Details.
Structured Prompt: insane rock climber scaling a
mountain, beautiful Norge landscape, vibrant fall colors,
Leica M10-R, moderate depth of field, asymmetrical
compostion, foggy morning, cinematic lighting --s 225

Prompt Details Included:

Subject: Insane Rock Climber.

Details/Action: Scaling a mountain.

Environment/Setting: Beautiful Norge landscape,

vibrant fall colors, foggy.

Medium Details: Leica M10-R, moderate DOF.

Composition: Asymmetrical composition.

Lighting/TOD: Cinematic lighting, morning.

Let’s break it down further.

Prompt Elements:
Structured Prompt: insane rock climber scaling a mountain,
beautiful Norge landscape, vibrant fall colors, Leica M10-R,
moderate depth of field, asymmetrical composition, foggy
morning, cinematic lighting --s 225

Prompt Details included:

Insane Rock Climber: Details of the character.

Scaling a Mountain: Creates the action.
Beautiful Norge Landscape: Sets the environment.
Vibrant Fall Colors: Adds the color scheme.
Foggy: Sets the mood.
Leica M10-R: Adds clarity + sharpness.
Moderate DOF: Slightly blurs the background.
Asymmetrical Composition: Positions the subject off-center.
Cinematic Lighting: Adds a dramatic feel.
Morning: Directs time of day.
Prompt Elements in Action.
Foggy Morning
Cinematic Lighting

Beautiful Norge

Rock Climber
Scaling a Mountain
Asymmetrical Compostion
Leica M10-R
Moderate DOF

Vibrant Fall Colors.

Now you might say...

“But, Rory...”

You added some really technical elements.

And that’s true.


It’s because I used a structure to help.

But how can YOU do this?

Let’s take a look.

If you want consistent output.

Tell Midjourney a consistent story.

Set the scene.

Describe the details.
Be direct.

Clear Direct Prompt = Clear Direct Output.

Ambiguous Prompt = Ambiguous Output.

Prompt Details.
Use these elements as general guidance:

Subject: person, animal, character, location, object,


Action/Details: Walking, running, sitting, playing, etc.

Environment: indoors, outdoors, underwater, etc.

Medium + Elements: photo (camera/lens/etc),

painting (oil/water color/etc).

Composition: Symmetrical, asymmetrical, leading

lines, etc.

Lighting/TOD: soft, ambient, overcast, morning,

neon, studio lights, etc

Color: vibrant, muted, bright, black and white,

pastel, etc.
Prompt Length.
Short prompts rely heavily on Midjourney’s default
style and creative liberty.

More descriptive prompts give you a more unique



If prompts are super long, MJ won't calculate every


Concentrate on the main concepts you want to

Prompt Length + Details Tips.
01. Don't use long sentences.
02. Use strong keywords.
03. Separate keywords by commas.
04. Use powerful language. ("enormous" vs "big")
05. Focus on one subject. (Multiple will confuse MJ)
06. Tell Midjourney a "story."
But wait...there’s more...
Bonus Tip:

That structure is good for getting started.


If you really want to highlight a specific

element of the prompt...

Put it first in the structure.

But why?
MJ weights terms at the beginning of the

MORE than terms at the end.

For example...

If you want to focus on the “fall colors” or

“cinematic lighting”...

(Or just want more of that element).

Put it first.

Let’s take a look.

Fall Colors.
Prompt: vibrant fall colors, insane rock climber scaling a mountain, beautiful Norge
landscape, Leica M10-R, moderate depth of field, foggy morning, cinematic lighting --s
Prompt: beautiful Norge landscape, insane rock climber scaling a mountain, vibrant fall
colors, Leica M10-R, moderate depth of field, foggy morning, cinematic lighting --s 225
Foggy Morning.
Prompt: foggy morning, insane rock climber scaling a mountain, beautiful Norge
landscape, vibrant fall colors, Leica M10-R, moderate depth of field, cinematic lighting --s
Cinematic Lighting.
Prompt: cinematic lighting, insane rock climber scaling a mountain, beautiful Norge
landscape, vibrant fall colors, Leica M10-R, moderate depth of field, asymmetrical
compostion, foggy morning --s 225
Colors First. Landscape First.

Beautiful Norge Landscape:

Vibrant Fall Colors:
Focused heavily environment.
Focused heavily on fall color.
Subject is pushed back in the image.

Fog First. Lighting First.

Foggy Morning Cinematic Lighting.

Fog is more pronounced. Focused heavily on scene lighting.
Quick Thoughts.
My goal is to give you control.

Control of your output means...

Less time tinkering...Less frustration.

This example was for more (photography) look and


But this structure will work for most (mediums).

This will help you save time.

And get better at prompting overall.

Until next time...
That's it.
Thanks for reading another carousel.

@Rory Flynn

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